The storm of energy in the Yuanxia Palace


The deep-sea dragon lizards scattered all over the Yuanxia Palace, eroded by filth, struggled to stand up.

They were all eroded and weak, but they still supported their bodies and staggered forward.

Like a pilgrim devout disciple, he went in the direction of the whirlpool.


"This is?"

"Abyssal dragon lizard? How could it be so much?

Qingmeng, who was guarding Ruoling's side, was shocked.

Looking at the deep-sea dragon lizard gathered from all sides, she gritted her teeth, clenched Kagura Bell's magic wand, and was about to chant.

But at this moment, a woman wearing a blue and white witch costume walked out.

"Wait a minute, they're not malicious!"

Ah Sui walked up to the dragon lizards and was thinking of explaining.

But he found that the cat-eared girl had put down her magic wand.

"You say, she is your king?"

"You just felt her presence, so you came to worship."

"Stay by her side, you won't... Suffering? I see.

As soon as these words came out, Ah Sui couldn't help but be surprised: "You can actually communicate with them?"

"Of course!"

Qingmeng smiled: "I can communicate with all animals, and dragon lizards are also among them."

"So it is."

Ah Qi's expression stretched a lot.

It was also the first time she had met the second person besides herself who could communicate with the dragon lizard.

Therefore, she invisibly had some good feelings for Qingmeng.

Of course, she actually recognized Qingmeng as the person who had collapsed the passage some time ago and prevented her and the dragon lizards from going to the ground.

But how to say, the deep-sea dragon lizards have always had the idea of counterattacking the ground.

The invasion of the filthy power of the Void Realm was just a catalyst that pushed the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard.

At that time, she originally planned to take the dragon lizard to fight and counterattack Haiqi Island.

Therefore, now Ah Sui feels that he is the party that loses money, and he does not dare to say too much.

On Qingmeng's side, she also felt guilty for crashing the passage and preventing the deep-sea dragon lizard from escaping.

Both sides felt that they were the party that was at a loss, so they tacitly chose not to talk about the collapse of the passage at this time.

Qingmeng allowed Ah Sui and the dragon lizard to come to the Origin Realm to receive shelter, but they were not allowed to get too close to Ruo Ling.


Among the white-gold origin realms.

Tens of thousands of deep-sea dragon lizards are like humble dogs, facing Ruoling, crawling on the ground, swearing their admiration and reverence.

The slight suction sucked away the filthy power in the bodies of the dragon lizards and Ah Qi.

The gentle power of the Origin, circulating, soothes their tired souls from being polluted for a long time.

They are like pilgrimages, crawling in the realm, enjoying the peace brought by the spirit.

I don't know how long it took.

The storm dispersed.

The realm convergence of the origin.

In the white-gold brilliance, Ruo Ling opened his eyes.

At this time, she no longer has the edge she used to have, and she has an ordinary that is just the most simple avenue.

This kind of ordinariness is not vulgar, but she stands there, as if she is integrated into this space of heaven and earth, making people subconsciously ignore her existence.

But if you look closely, you will find that in her pair of golden pupils, the brilliance flows, as if there is a universe flowing in her pupils.

The moment she opened her eyes, tens of thousands of deep-sea dragon lizards sensed the king's awakening, lowered their heads one after another, and let out a burst of chirping.

"This is... Abyssal dragon lizard?

Ruo Ling was stunned, she understood the meaning of these deep-sea dragon lizards.

"Wang... Is it?

Ruo Ling smiled dumbly.

Although one lives in the deep sea and the other lives in the rock formation, in the final analysis, they are actually creatures from the elemental world, and they are both dragon lizards.

The dragon lizard clan worships the strong.

And to her current level, even the Elemental Seven Dragon King came, and she was only crushed.

In other words, in the eyes of these deep-sea dragon lizards, she has long been beyond the existence of the elemental Seven Dragon Kings and is their god.


Above a wide mountaintop.

The gods with white-gold brilliance around cast their gaze at the Ten Thousand Deep Sea Dragon Lizards.

"The border is already unstable, and the filthy power of the Void Realm will continue to pour here in the future."

"I am both the god of the dragon lizard clan and the god of man."

"Since you bow down to me, will you follow me and leave here with me?"

Tens of thousands of deep-sea dragon lizards roared one after another, swearing surrender to the gods.

Ruo Ling smiled and looked at Ah Qiu again.

"What about you? Would you like to come with me out of here and go to the ground? "


Ah Sui fell silent, she was the leader of the Deep Sea Dragon Lizard before Ruo Ling's arrival.

For her, the deep-sea dragon lizard is her family, and where the deep-sea dragon lizard is there, it is home.

But with the arrival of Ruoling, the fanatical belief from the bloodline made countless deep-sea dragon lizards swear to Ruoling and were willing to follow Ruoling and leave.

And she, now, does not know what to do.

After she was silent for a long time, she asked Ruo Ling, "If you are a god, can you please tell me where I came from and where I should go?"

Ruo Ling smiled: "When you asked this question, you actually already had the answer in your heart, didn't you?"

"I have a noble bloodline, and after sensing my existence, the deep-sea dragon lizard will worship and submit to me out of instinct, but you don't have such an instinct..." "So, you are not the so-called deep-sea dragon lizard

that evolved into a human form."

"I saw a record in the ancient books of Haiji Island that after Orobas became the god of the White Night Country, he separated the three powers of the White Night Country."

"These three powers are the line of the land official, the divine messenger family, and the coral palace."

"Among them, the Divine Envoy clan has the ability to communicate with the deep-sea dragon lizard, and it is said that the last divine envoy was attacked by the deep-sea dragon lizard when he was a child, and his whereabouts are unknown."

"If I'm not mistaken, you have carried a token since you were a child, and that token is the token of the Divine Messenger family."

"So... Do you understand? You originally belonged to Kaijima.

As soon as these words came out, Ah Sui fell silent.

Seeing that she fell silent, Ruo Ling continued to speak.

"I know it's hard for you to accept this for a while, but I don't have time to wait for you anymore."

"Now that humans and the deep-sea dragon lizard no longer need to fight, regardless of your origin, when you get to the ground, you and the dragon lizard are still family, right?"


Ah Yu was silent for a long time.

To be honest, it was hard for her to accept such a thing until now, but the dragon lizards had to get out of here.

Ruo Ling is about to leave, so even if you are entangled, you should still think about it slowly when you get to the ground.

She bowed to Ruo Ling: "Thank you..."

On this day

, he went to the palace.

The gods made promises to many deep-sea dragon lizards, made a contract to take them out of this dangerous place, and gave them shelter and a wider ocean.

And they must also keep their promises and live in peace with mankind.

On this day

, the white-gold light illuminated the Yuanxia Palace.

The huge red true dragon appeared, and she used her divine power to take all the deep-sea dragon lizards of the Yuanxia Palace into the air and fly to the ground.


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