The night passed quickly.

The sun is breaking and the golden sun is shining on the sea.

The day of the decisive battle has come.

On this day, the coastline was filled with countless people.

The battle of the gods is not only rare, but also determines the fate of the two countries.

They were all people who came to watch the battle at night.

Inazuma and Liyue face each other across the sea, and now, on the sea where the two countries meet, a purple-clothed woman floats above the sea.

She is the god of Inazuma, Raiden Shogun.

The sea breeze blows, and the purple clothes float.

General Raiden opened his eyes, purple light flashed in his eyes, and Lei Movie took control of his body.

Her gaze looked over the coastline.

She saw a lot of people.

Of these, at least half are people from the Haiji Island.

She also saw that Kujo Kora, the shogunate general she trusted the most, was now standing in front of the side of Kaijima.

Behind Kujo Kora, there were a large number of samurai wearing shogunate military uniforms.

"The eternity I pursue is to maintain Inazuma's long-term peace."

"Is the eternity I am pursuing really correct?"

"If that's right, then why did Inazuma become the way she is today?"

"If I did what was right, why would my people abandon me?"

That night, she didn't know how many times she had asked herself such a question.

The essence of the god is love, and although she acts paranoidly, she is not a tyrant.

A small number of people are dissatisfied, and she can be regarded as the foolishness of a small number of people.

But when most of the people abandoned her, she couldn't help but fall into doubts and confusion about herself.

But no matter how much she asked herself, she still couldn't get an answer.

The sea breeze brushes your cheeks.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the distractions in her consciousness.

She stopped thinking about those things, because the person who could give her the answers to these questions had already come.

The purple light in her pupils dimmed, and her consciousness returned to the consciousness space of the Pure Land, and the puppet general controlled her body instead.


Over the raging sea,

the blonde girl with dragon horns levitated in front of Raiden General.

She smiled at the general: "The first time we met, now, it should be the puppet general, right?"

The general glanced at Ruo Ling: "No need to greet.

"This body is the guardian of the eternal law."

"Since the people of Inazuma believe that you can bring them a better future than eternity."

"Then defeat this body and prove that your will is higher than the eternity that this body guards!"


Ruo Ling smiled and nodded, but before that, please allow me to do something.

As soon as Ruo Ling raised his hand, the ice elemental force circulated in his hand, turning into an ice bomb.

With a flick of her finger, the ice bullet shot into the sea, and in an instant, the hundred miles of sea were frozen.

"Well, so you don't have to worry that the shock wave of your and my war will cause a tsunami and harm the people on the shore."

The contradictions and conflicts between the two gods are no longer possible to resolve them in words.

So, meaningless conversations are simply not necessary.

Now, only by fighting a battle and crushing the other party with their own will can they convince the other party.

"Thunder drum. Break the army! Without

any hesitation, Ruo Ling held his sword in one hand, turned into a thunderbolt and stabbed towards the general.

Whether it is a Lei movie or a general, they are all martial artists who pursue the ultimate.

At their level, every move is unimaginably terrifying.

And at this time, Ruo Ling, although he is in the form of a dragon man, is small.

In the face of a small enemy, if you still use a wide range of attacks, it is really stupid.

After all, using a large-scale attack to hit a single, small-volume enemy will only disperse the power meaninglessly.

Therefore, in the face of Ruo Ling's assault, the general's raised hand was a knife.

Don't look at it is just a slash, but this knife is the ultimate of the thunder and lightning general's martial art, and a large amount of thunder element power is compressed on the blade.

If you are wiped by this knife, even the mountains will be cut off in an instant.

This sword slashed at Ruo Ling's sword of abundance, splitting the stab of the sword of abundance.

Ruo Ling was already in the process of advancing at high speed, and was slashed on the sword by the general's sword.

The huge force caused the Feng Feng Long Sword to be slashed to the side, and at the same time, it also brought her to the right in the high-speed rush state.

The general is worthy of being a martial artist with extremely rich combat experience, and she keenly grasped this moment.

I saw her hands raised, a roundabout, turned the beak knife around, and then cut Ruo Ling's neck from left to right.

It was only a brief exchange.

In a state where you can't adjust your body shape, if it's someone else, I'm afraid you will definitely be beheaded on the spot with a knife!

The purple light flashes and the electric light jumps.

Just as this knife went to Ruo Ling's neck.


A bang sounded!

Ruo Ling's dragon tail was wrapped in golden brilliance, and a flick of the tail hit the beak knife.

Relying on the powerful rock element force attachment and the strong defensive power given by the heart of the rock god, she carried the general's beak knife with her tail.

Then, she stomped her foot in mid-air, stepped on a huge gas explosion, and forcibly stopped her figure.

Then he turned around sharply, slashed a sword horizontally, and slashed at the general's waist.

But alas, the so-called inch is strong.

The beak knife in the general's hand was as tall as a human, and she easily blocked Ruo Ling's slash with one hand.

But Ruo Ling is not discouraged.

Seeing that she was no match for the general in the sword competition, she threw the sword of abundance back into space on the spot.

Then, his golden-glowing hands stretched forward and assumed the posture of Wing Chun.

With a sharp stomp, Ruo Ling's body surged with golden light, and once again rushed towards the general at high speed.

Almost instantly, she came to the general.

And the general had already prepared, holding the beak knife high in his hand, and the thunder light continued to explode on the knife.

After seeing the super defense of Ruo Ling's tail, she strengthened her strength again, and the beak knife in her hand fell like heavenly thunder, slashing down at Ruo Ling's head.



Just listen to the hum of a metal crash!

The huge thunder elemental force entrained on the beak knife burst out in front of the Raiden General, causing a huge explosion!

However, in the thunder light in the sky, Ruo Ling smiled slightly.

She actually raised the arm of her left hand and abruptly carried down the general's heavenly thunder slash!

"Why is that?"

Even the puppet general, who had no feelings, was deeply surprised at this time.

Fang Cai's slash, the power of it, she knows best.

Even if it is the super defensive power given by the rock element power and the heart of the rock god, in the face of this knife, even if the spirit does not have a broken arm, there should at least be a deep bone wound on the hand, and it is impossible to be as unharmed as it is now.

"Is this really just something that the Rock Elemental Force can do?"

The general already sensed that something was wrong.

But now, she couldn't afford to think too much, because Ruo Ling's attack had already come!

In the battle of the strong, the turning point of victory and defeat is often in an instant.

At the moment when he blocked the general's slash with his arm, Ruo Ling rushed forward and crashed directly into the general's arms.

At this time, the beak knife, which was originally an inch long and an inch strong, because the length was too long, could not be flexibly flipped in such close combat, but became a burden.

I saw Ruoling's left hand raised high to catch the slash of the beak knife, while his right hand clenched his fist, and a punch slammed into the general's abdomen!

This blow used the resonant impact of the rock elemental force.

A huge force hit the general's body, causing the general to fly upside down.

But in reality, this is what the general wants.

As mentioned before, the beak knife is too long, and it is not flexible in the face of close combat, and if Ruoling continues to fight closely, then she will have quite a headache.

But Ruoling directly blasted her away with a punch, just right, she could also fly out backwards with the impact of this punch and distance herself from Ruoling.

However, at the moment when she flew out backwards, Ruo Ling attacked again!

Her left hand, which originally held the beak knife, reached out lightning-fast at this time, directly grabbed the general's left arm, and jerked it back!

The two opposing forces made the general's left arm instantly straighten.

It was at this moment that Ruo Ling's right hand suddenly appeared with golden light!

I saw that her right arm was bent and raised, and she actually used the elbow of her right arm to smash down hard against the general's left elbow joint!

With Ruo Ling's current strength, the rock element resonance impact is how powerful?

How terrifying is it to be pulled straight and suddenly smashed on the joint by others?

The moment Ruoling's elbow hit the joints of the general's arm, the general's arm was dislocated.

Subsequently, a powerful resonance impact erupted, directly smashing the joints of his arm to smithereens, and there was no possibility of taking it back.

But even so, Ruo Ling's attack was not over.

After she smashed the joint of the general's left arm with her right elbow, her right hand also fell downwards and fell under the general's left arm.

And she is still with her left hand to straighten the general's already scrapped left arm.

The right hand instantly clenched into a fist, with a strong rock element force, and slammed into the general's left armpit!


With a loud bang, the shock wave swept in all directions, shattering countless clouds.

An elbow blow shattered the general's left arm joint, and this hegemonic punch shattered the general's left shoulder joint directly from under the armpit!

After only two rounds of fighting, the general had already broken an arm with Ruo Ling's bare hands!

In other words, the general is a puppet, if it is another opponent of flesh and blood, then the punch that only hit the left armpit is enough to smash his heart.


PS: Still haven't recovered well, today is a chapter, please forgive me.

But this chapter is also quite long, hahaha.

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