"Escape! Do your best to escape!

With a shout, the faces of several foolish executives changed slightly.

Although I don't know what happened, for the Doctor to make such a gaffe, things must be very serious.

Therefore, without saying a word, they immediately ran from different directions, with all their might, desperately!

The executive officers of the fools, who were originally arrogant and imposing, became outlaws in an instant, and the rapid transformation was really beyond everyone's expectations.

"Yo, this is leaving?"

On the vast ice field, Ruo Ling's weak body gradually straightened.

The cold wind danced, and a fierce "healthy" smile gradually appeared on her face.

"It's a pity, it's late!"

She stretched out her hand, and the white-gold origin power circulated in her hand.

"Divine Skill. Vientiane stops! With

a wave of her hand, the power of origin bloomed!


The reason why everything in the world can live endlessly is because the origin of the Great Avenue is constantly flowing.

And now, Ruo Ling directly controlled the origin in this area with his own power, allowing it to stop circulating.

One space, at this moment, seemed to freeze, and everything was like an eternal oasis in the desert, falling into stagnation.

Inside the space, everything is pressed the pause button.

Several of the Fools Executive maintained their fleeing posture and could no longer move.

"It's all coming, it's a pity!"

"At least let me give you some gifts before leaving."

The executive officers of the Winter Kingdom, each of them is a famous existence.

But now, they stand like statues on the ice field.

"Okay, that's the end of the fun."

A blonde dragon-horned girl dressed in a god costume smiles and steps on the ice, walking in a static world and walking among the "statues" of the executive officers of the fools.

With each step, the pale color on her face would disappear by a point, and the blush of her flesh would increase by a point.

With each step, her momentum doubled.

When she walked among several foolish executives, where did she still have half of the weakness she had before?

The unimaginable momentum, like a storm, swept in all directions, making the spectators of the distant coastline, whether ordinary people or people with the eyes of God, tremble, and instinctively couldn't help but want to kneel and worship.

The strong momentum soared into the sky, and at this time, she announced the birth of [Origin] to the world.

Although several foolish executive officers were physically still, their consciousness was still there.

As the closest existence to Ruo Ling, at this moment, the breath of the origin was like an ocean wave, constantly lapping on their bodies.

This is the difference in the level of life.

It's like a worm seeing a real dragon, which is an instinctive suppression from the bloodline and life level.

No matter how advanced the life is, in front of the origin, it will instinctively feel as deep as the abyss, and will instinctively feel powerless and fearful!

This is, suppression from the source!

"Since you have already made a move on me, it would be too naïve to want to leave so easily."

"Since you're here, let's clean you up."

Ruo Ling at this moment was unprecedentedly powerful, and although her words were relaxed, they carried a huge sense of oppression.

She walked gently in a small world of stillness.

She came to the side of the executive officer [captain], and slammed a punch under the left rib of the captain, causing the captain's left rib to dent, and after flying upside down for more than ten meters, she was frozen by the static space.

Her footsteps took another step, and the sound of her footsteps, like a countdown to death, made the hearts of the remaining people tremble violently every time they sounded.

This time, she came to the side of the executive [servant] and kicked the servant in the flank.

This kick directly kicked the servant's body into a U-shape, and after flying out more than ten meters upside down, it was frozen again.

She flashed in front of the executive officer [skirmishers], hung the golden hook upside down, kicked the skirmishers' right shoulder, and the huge force poured down, causing the skirmishers' legs to directly deform, and the whole person was inserted in the ice.

Later, she came to the executive officer [Gongzi].

A punch slammed into Gongzi's chest, directly blasted it out more than ten meters away, and was frozen again.

Finally, she came to the doctor's side again.

Her hand reached out like lightning, directly grabbed the doctor's head, used a huge force, and slammed into the ice!

But because of the stagnation of space, the ice surface did not collapse.

She grabbed the Doctor's head again and lifted it up.

"Where is Fang Cai's arrogance?"

Ruo Ling and the Doctor looked at each other, but saw calm in the Doctor's eyes.

"Huh, kind of interesting."

"You are the one who shouted in fear and fled, and you are the calmest now."

Ruo Ling's gaze swept the doctor's heart, but he still barely maintained his composure.

Seeing him like this, Ruo Ling's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought for a moment.

"So it is, I see."

She looked at the doctor: "You are so fearless because you have 'slices', right?" "

The doctor is a scholar and researcher who has the ability to [slice] himself from different periods.

By slices, he can observe himself at different times.

Slices are alive, and now the doctor still does not know how many slices exist in the world.

That is, there are many PhDs in the world now.

"After determining that you can't escape, you gave up the hope and instinct to survive, and here you died, it was only a slice of death, anyway, there are still many slices of you in the world, right?"

Ruo Ling stared at the doctor, and the golden eyes seemed to be able to see through the doctor's heart, making the doctor's instinctive heart palpitate and uneasy.

"Indeed, it's just a dead slice, and the damage to you is not great."

"But... You don't think I'm going to be helpless with you.

Ruo Ling tilted his head and showed a cruel smile to the doctor he was carrying.

"You fools have been pestering me like mosquitoes, spying in the dark, and trying to suck my blood from time to time."

"Since you and your Empress have already made a move against me, then the hostile position has been determined, and I will teach you and your Empress a profound lesson."

She threw the doctor with her hand, and the doctor who was thrown out was frozen in mid-air and failed to land.

"So, here we go!"

She stretched out her hand, and there was a faint golden light in her hand.

For some reason, when he saw this slender palm glowing with golden light, the doctor's heart subconsciously tightened, and instinctive fear surged again.

He wanted to shout to stop, but he couldn't speak, so he could only watch Ruo Ling's hand press on his body.

"Divine Skill. Return to the source! "

The mysterious power radiates and circulates in the doctor's body.

And the Doctor finally understood the horror of Ruo Ling at this time.

He does have a lot of slices scattered around the world.

But... Slices, after all, are "cut" from him, and are inextricably linked to him.

Even if they are numerous, even if they are scattered, even if they can exist in the world at the same time.

But... The [roots] that make up them are the same, and they were all born into the world from the roots of this individual named Doctor.

What Ruo Ling had to do was to use the power of the Origin to follow the root of the doctor in front of him and find the connection between him and the other slices.

Then, transform the [Root] of the Doctor into the original Origin Power, the root is destroyed, and the other slices will all be destroyed!

At this moment, feeling the flow of the power of the origin, the doctor's eyes finally showed fear, this was the first time he really came into contact with death.

This maiden goddess in front of him really has the ability to completely erase him from the world!

But Ruo Ling had no mercy for his expression.

"To your slices, say goodbye at the end!"

When the words fell, Ruoling's hand shook!

Subsequently, the slices of the doctors scattered all over the world, at this moment, all perished!


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