"What's wrong? Sister?

Ruo Ling, who received Nasida's communication, asked.

Nasida: "Sister Ruoling, I need your help. "

Help?" Ruo Ling's brows frowned slightly: "What's going on, is something happening to Xu Ya?"

"Well, now Meru's situation is somewhat special."

Nasida opened her mouth and told Ruo Ling about Meru's current situation.

A moment later, Ruo Ling, who had listened to what had happened, fell into deep thought.

Meru has something called the Void.

You can understand that the Void is a supercomputer and a huge server running on the power of the Heart of the Grass God.

And every resident of Meru wears a Void Terminal, which can be connected to the Void, through which the Ordinance can coordinate all the wisdom that the Meru people have learned, and even manipulate the human brain.

In the game, in order to cooperate with the Doctor in creating gods, the people of the Meru Shrine used the Void Terminal to trap the entire people of Meru City in the reincarnation of the flower god's birthday sacrifice.

According to the game, when people are sleeping, the brain's thinking will be very active.

In order to create gods, the Decree Institute privately used the void, forcibly took away the dreams of the people, and used the brains of the people as mining machines to generate computing power and carry out huge calculations.

As a result, the entire people of Meru City are controlled by the void and cannot return to reality, and can only reincarnate again and again in dreams.

But the reason why there is a reincarnation of the flower god's birthday sacrifice in the game is because the Decree Institute has to cooperate with the doctor's god-making plan.

And the key to the god-making plan lies in the heart of Thor, but now that the heart of Thunder God is now in Ruo Ling's hands, how can the god-making plan be carried out?

Ruo Ling originally thought that the plan to create the gods would no longer be carried out, so the reincarnation of the flower god's birthday would definitely not appear again.

But what I didn't expect was that the god-making plan was indeed not carried out anymore, but the Holy Yuan was still the same Imperial Academy.

According to Nasida, some time ago, Ruoling publicly explained in the live broadcast that the reasons for the occurrence of demon scale disease, the death domain, and various disasters were all because of problems in the World Tree.

This remark caused an uproar in Meru.

Although this statement has been circulated for a long time, it has not been confirmed.

And Ruoling, as a god, said these words, which undoubtedly confirmed this statement.

Over the years, in order to eradicate dead lands and various disasters, the Holy Council has spent countless hours and energy.

And Ruo Ling's remarks were equivalent to directly telling the Holy Court the answer.

The Decree House who got the answer was excited, and after determining that the problem was indeed in the World Tree, they did something that no one could have imagined.

Yes, they used the Void Terminal to forcibly borrow the dreams of the entire people of Meru City in their sleep.

With the computing power provided by the dreams of the entire people of Meru, coupled with the power of the void, they constantly tried to communicate with the World Tree, trying to find the cause of the World Tree's illness and cure the World Tree's illness.

"Their intentions are good, but I don't agree with what they're doing."

"Borrowing people's dreams without consent is not human rights and is against the law," Nasita said.

"Moreover, the long-term operation of the brain with a high load to provide computing power for the void will also cause huge consumption to people."

"Now the people of Meru are trapped in a dream, they have performed 146 reincarnations, and some elderly and weak people are almost unable to hold on."

"If this continues, many people will definitely die in Meru City!"

"So, Ruo Ling, my sister, I want to ask you to save the people of Meru City!"

"Well, don't worry, sister, I will definitely help with this favor."

Ruo Ling nodded, immediately left the spirit pot, and rushed towards Meru at full speed.


After a while, Ruo Ling came to Meru City.

"It's really a dog that can't change and eat!"

The first second he entered Meru City, Ruo Ling couldn't help but scold.

Because of her past life experience, she cherishes her family extraordinarily.

Although she and Nasida have not had much intersection so far, when she came to Meru to cure Qiqi, she played with Nasida every day in her dreams.

The longer she became a god, the more she learned.

Now she already knows the identity of her mother. Strictly speaking, Nasida is really her sister.

So no matter how much intersect she had, she had already recognized Nasida as a sister.

As for Nasida's current situation and experience in Meru, as a younger sister, Ruo Ling is naturally worried.

After becoming a god, she also had the idea of directly suppressing the Ordinance with absolute power, releasing Nasida and letting Nasida take power over Meru.

But this idea was rejected by her almost instantly.

The reason is simple and pointless.

Nasida's current situation is made up of many complex reasons.

Before Nasida, Meru also had a former grass god [King Dacishu].

The great mercy tree king had a powerful divine power and made an indelible contribution to the development of Meru.

The status of the Great Mercy Tree King in Meru is not inferior to the status of the Rock King Emperor in Liyue.

500 years ago, the Canrea disaster broke out, and the Great Mercy Tree King died in that event to protect the World Tree and the entire world.

Before she died, she broke off the purest branch of the World Tree, creating the Little Auspicious Grass King, now Nasida, and handed over the position of Grass God and Meru to Nasida.

When things happened suddenly, the Great Mercy Tree King did not even do anything to prepare for the replacement of the old and new gods.

To the Meru people at that time, Nasida was just an abrupt god.

At that time, the disaster caused by Canrea caused heavy losses to all countries, and so did Meru.

After the disaster, Meru was in ruins, and at that time, Meru urgently needed the power of the gods to guide them out of the disaster and rebuild their homes.

They kept looking for the Great Compassion Tree King, but what they found was the newly born Little Auspicious Grass King.

The birth of a new god means the passing of an old god.

Compared to this new god, of course, people want the Great Compassion Tree King, but the old god is dead, and they can only pin their hopes on the new god.

But they found that the intelligence of this new god was no different from that of a newborn child, and she did not have a strong divine right or a strong intelligence.

She could not become the god of wisdom, let alone lead Meru out of disaster in the context of the times.

In the end, the disappointed Decree Yuan locked Nasida in the Jingshan Palace, and this pass was five hundred years.

Of course, are you going to say that the reason why the Decree locked up Nasida is simply because she is incompetent?

Yes and no.

Perhaps at the beginning, the reason why the Holy Court locked her up was really just to dislike her lack of power.

But human desires are endless.

Over time, the Decree gradually realized the supreme power that came with being free from divine rule.

In the game you can see that in Meru, there are almost no paper books.

From the method of cooking, to various kinds of literature and other skills and knowledge, all of them are coordinated into the empty server.

In Meru, even the trade in paper books is illegal.

What people want to learn and understand is only through the void.

But the void does not tell you any knowledge, it will review your qualifications and decide whether you should know this knowledge or not.

This is a very horrible thing.

For example, normally, if you want to learn a knowledge, you can learn it by studying and reading.

Even poor and lowly people have the opportunity to increase their wisdom and change their destiny through reading and studying.

But in Meru, the moment you get the Void Terminal, your fate is already decided.

What kind of person you will become in the future depends entirely on what the Void is willing to give you.

You want to become a scholar of the rich, and for this you ask the Void for knowledge, but the Void refuses your request.

After big data analysis, it thinks that you are strong, big and round, and a good seedling for dung, so it gives you [80 tips for digging manure quickly and cleanly].

From that moment on, your dream of becoming a scholar is shattered, your destiny is destined to be a manure digger, and you can no longer get any knowledge and skill from the void other than dung.

See what?

The void determines the fate of the Meru.

And the Decree Academy, which controls the Void System, actually controls the fate of all Meru!

Arbitrarily ruling the destiny of thousands of people is a power that is difficult for the gods to have.

After enjoying the benefits of this power, do you think they will still cede power to Nasida?

This is why they want to lock up Nasida, not because Nasida is incapable, on the contrary, it is because they are afraid that Nasida is capable, so they lock her up.

Do not allow her to show her face so that she cannot accumulate prestige.

The public suppression of the faith of the little auspicious grass king caused the people of Meru to gradually forget her, and her faith gradually lost.

After hundreds of years, the mention of the little auspicious grass king is like mentioning a vague concept and indifference.

But this alone is not enough, because the power of the gods will become stronger over time.

To this end, the Decree came up with a way for them to leave Nasida alone to maintain the vast system of the Void.

But while maintaining the system, it did not give Nasida administrator privileges.

Maintaining the void requires a lot of power, and the Decree Condemnation uses this to consume the divine power accumulated by Nasida, making it impossible to break free from the cage and seize power.


Some people may ask, as a god, did Nasida never think of resisting?

This is to understand Nasida's psychology.

First of all, Nasida can travel the world in her dreams, or she can occupy the body of any Meru through the Void Terminal and walk the world through the body of others.

So whether or not she was locked up in the Jingshan Palace didn't mean much to her.

As a god, Nasida is pure in heart and does not care about fame and fortune, so she does not care whether her people respect her.

And over the years, the Decree House has taken care of Meru quite well, so Nasida has not thought of seizing power, and for her, the more important thing now is to save the world tree and save mankind.

Of course, the most important point is.

As the new grass god, Nasida has been compared by others to the Great Compassion Tree King since she can remember.

Even she herself is comparing herself to the Great Compassion Tree King, dreaming of one day becoming a god as great as the Great Compassion Tree King.

But King Daciki has left countless legends and great feats in the thousands of years of Sumeru's history.

In the face of this mountain-like achievement, Nasida seemed so powerless.

It is unfair to compare the newborn gods with the gods of the previous generation, but it cannot be avoided.

For 500 years, all she heard was that she was inferior to the Great Compassion Tree King.

After hundreds of years of brainwashing, living in such an environment, even if it is a god, Nasida will give birth to inferiority.

Both the world and herself were telling her that she was inferior to the Great Mercy Tree King, that she was not a qualified god.

Therefore, she silently told herself that it was normal for everyone not to like her.

The surrounding environment, the psychology of inferiority, the management of the Ordinance House has not gone wrong so far, it is urgent to save the World Tree, and the strength is not enough.

These reasons added up to her, allowing her to acquiesce to the Holy Council to lock her up and acquiesce to the Holy Authority's assumption of power.


This is why Ruoling did not use force to help Nasida seize power.

In the game, it is because the Decree House unites with the fools to create gods, harms the people by performing the reincarnation of the flower god, and wants to create a new god to replace her.

For the first time, she felt angry and angry and decided to take back power from the Church.

But it's not a game now.

The current Apostolic House is not so sinful in the eyes of Nasida.

The master's namelessness and rash use of force to suppress it will only hurt Sumi's people and damage Nasida's reputation, not only unable to help Nasida sit in her position, but also hurt her heart.

Ruoling also needed a moment to disappoint Nasida in the Orderly Academy, develop a heart of resistance, and a desire to seize power.

In this way, she can justifiably put Nasida on the throne of God!

Originally, after she obtained Thor's Heart, she had planned to trade Thor's Heart to the Fools, intending to promote the Doctor and skirmishers to carry out a god-making plan in Meru.

In this way, her sister Nasida can really see the true face of the Imperial Academy, and she can also take the opportunity to help her sister seize power.

But alas, with the weakening of the border of the continent of Teyvat, disaster will soon come.

Desperately needed the power of the Heart of God, she had no time to wait for the Doctor and the skirmishers to spend a year or two preparing for the God-making plan.

Originally, she was still worried about how to rescue her sister and help her sister really sit on the throne.

Well, now, this group of people in the Decree Academy is really dead, and they have begun to make trouble again.

"Let me see what tricks you can come up with in the end!"

Ruo Ling sneered.

The illness of the World Tree stems from the fact that the Great Compassion Tree King himself was contaminated with taboo knowledge.

If you want to cure the World Tree, you must delete everything about the Great Mercy Tree King from the World Tree's information database.

In this world, there are only three people who can do this at the moment: her, Nasida, and Mom.

No matter how hard the Ordinance tried, it was doing useless work.

She was looking forward to what the House of Orders would choose when the plan failed and could not save the World Tree in any way.


PS: Two in one chapter, lazy to score chapters.

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