Day 2.

They were carried out of their cells again.

This time, they were tied up in the rainforest again, but the difference was that the guards coated their bodies with sugar water.

A large number of ants, smelling and coming over, after a while, their whole body crawled with ants.

They were overwhelmed by black-pressed ants, and they tasted the pain of being gnawed all over the body by ants.

That night, when they returned to their cells, they had no good skin all over their bodies.

As if afraid that they would die, the Decree sent a doctor with the Eye of the Water God to heal the injuries on their bodies.

On day

3, they were thrown into a pool filled with chili water.

Chili water seeps into their pores, causing them hot pain all over their body.

But the chili pool just reaches their neck, they can't sit or squat to rest, they can only stand, otherwise the chili water will pour into their ears, nose, mouth and eyes, which will only be more painful.

In the pool, they stood until their legs were soft, endured the hot pain that hit their whole body, their legs trembled, and they kept crying, but no one paid attention.

On the 4th day

, they were driven barefoot to an iron plate burned to 50 degrees.

Such a temperature can make them feel painful, but also not burn their feet in an instant.

But even so, if they stand for a long time, the soles of their feet will also be fried.

In order not to fry their feet, they could only constantly stomp back and forth on the iron plate, stand on one leg, and be scalded and screaming.

But after a day, the soles of their feet were still burned, and all parts of their bodies were burned.

On the 5th day

they were treated again.

On this day, they were taken to the square and tied up in the scorching sun.

The heat made them sweat, but for them, the punishment was light compared to a few days ago.

However, they soon found out that there was more to it than that.

The guards brought a bucket of salt and smeared it all over their bodies.

I don't know if you have pickled cucumber radish and the like, but after stirring the cucumber with salt, it didn't take long to find that there was a lot of extra water.

This is actually the dehydration reaction that occurs after contact with salt.

This day was already hot, Azar and the others were already sweating, and now they were smeared with salt, the sweaty sourness....

A few guards were still in the shade, nibbling on iced watermelons in front of them.


Time passes quickly.

During this time, the guards would torture Hazard and the others in a different way every day.

Their experience is not an exaggeration to say that they have walked through hell.

As a result of this, everything in their hearts has been worn out and numb.

What sustains them is only the hope of release after 30 days of imprisonment.

And so, after many torments, the thirtieth day ended.

Tomorrow at dawn, they will be able to get out of the sea of suffering and leave here.

But that night, several guards came to them with knives.

"You guys... What do you want to do?

Looking at the glowing long knife in the guard's hand, Azar and the others couldn't help but tremble.

"What for? Of course you are executed!

"Nope! You can't do this! "

Azar and the others are hysterical, at this moment, they are like a dog who has lost his family only to survive, how can he have the majesty of a half-sage?

"The rock god said that he would release us in thirty days, and if people don't see us appear tomorrow, then how can the rock god have prestige!"


For the cries of Azar and the others, the guards just sneered disdainfully.

"You don't think that with the sins you have committed, you will really only be imprisoned for thirty days, will you?"

"If so, where is the majesty of the law?"

"It's a loss that you were once a sage, you would be so naïve, hahaha!"

"All right! Go to hell! "

Cut off the long knife raised and cut off their heads!



Azar and the others let out a terrified scream and suddenly opened their eyes!

When they saw the sun hanging high overhead, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It turns out... Just a dream! "

They were shaking and panting wildly, still feeling palpitations.

"All right! We have served thirty days in prison, let us go! "

Released you?"

A mocking voice came.

"Look where are you?"

Azar and the others looked around when they heard the sound, but they saw a scene that made them desperate.

He was still lying on a high platform.

Ruo Ling and the Little Auspicious Grass King were still sitting on the throne.

Below, there are still countless people watching the ceremony.

Those people are looking at them with pitiful but deserving eyes.

"This... This is... What's going on? "

They were all shaking as they spoke.

"Still don't understand?"

Ruo Ling smiled: "Now, only 5 minutes have passed.

"Your 30-day sentence has just begun!"

At this moment, looking at Ruo Ling with a smile on his face.

Azar and others finally understood what was happening.

This is the power of dreams!

If the spirits use their own power to let them go into the dream to serve their sentence, at the same time, everything they experience in the dream will be intercepted in the form of earth vein projection, and released to the world to see, so as to make the common people angry.

And thirty days in the dream, only 5 minutes have passed in reality!

They have to serve their sentences in their dreams, and the sentence is 30 days in reality!

That is, their real sentence is not 30 days, but 8640 days, that is, 23 and a half years.

In these 23 and a half years, they have had to go through different tortures every day, unable to survive or die.

"Nope! No! I don't want this thirty days in prison! I'm going to choose five horses to divide the corpse!

Azar and the others screamed in horror, really, they would rather choose to be divided by five horses than go through this long pain.

But in this regard, Ruoling smiled slightly: "There is only one chance to choose..."

Ruoling stretched out his hand, and Azar and the others fell into a deep sleep again in despair.

The divine power from Ruo Ling lings lingered on their bodies, ensuring that they had enough vitality to withstand the thirty-day sentence.

And these blasphemous sages who carelessly kill people will also experience punishment that is enough to make the soul shine in a long dream.


A month later.

When Adjara and others were released.

They were already like dead faces, like zombies, and their eyes were bleak.

Their souls have been eclipsed in the long torment, and their will has been destroyed in the long torment.

Although their bodies are not much old, their souls are close to decay.

The withering emanating from within, made them walk down the street, and no one even recognized it.

Perhaps compared to death, such punishment is more terrible.


PS: Today's tanuki is four more tanuki Oh, written from noon to ten o'clock at night, this should be the first time in this book 4 more, right?

Can I ask for a small gift?

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