Ruo Ling absorbed Nasida's memory.

Subsequently, the two sisters released their power and began to interpret the power of the Great Compassion Tree King.

Soon, the consciousness of the two drifted up and came to a consciousness space.

This space, as far as the eye can see, is a chaotic fog.

The ominous aura pervaded, and a disturbing gray-black mist spread everywhere.

This is the consciousness space left by the Great Compassion Tree King.

Just standing here, you can feel her pain and struggle eroded by taboo knowledge.

Her last remaining consciousness is to endure such pain, waiting for the little auspicious grass king to come and tell the little auspicious grass king the answer for five hundred years.

"Has she been enduring such pain all these years?"

Looking at the red-black strange energy that permeated the consciousness space, Nasida's eyes showed grief.

"She is already dead, leaving the last consciousness to endure such torture, just to guide you forward, to tell you the answer, to save the world."

"What a great god..."

"We came here this time to liberate her."

Ruoling patted Nasida's shoulder for comfort.

Ruo Ling exuded power, blocking the forbidden knowledge that was scattered around him, and then flew to the depths of consciousness space with Nasida.

In a short time, they came to the deepest part of the space of consciousness.

Here they met a child.

She looks exactly like Nasida, but her temperament is mature, steady and loving.

She is the last remaining consciousness of the Great Mercy Tree King.

"Here you are, Bouyer."

She smiled and looked at Nasida, and then looked at Ruo Ling next to Nasida, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Oh! I didn't expect unexpected guests to arrive this time.

"What I didn't expect was that [she] would create a child."

She looked at Ruo

Ling: "Hello, my sister..." Ruo Ling listened, and smiled: "Hello, King Daci Tree... Sister.

"Your arrival is really a bonus, but unfortunately there is nothing here, and there is no way to entertain you."

"King Daci Tree..."

Nasida looked at the person in front of her, this person had a very special meaning to her, and at this time she was very complicated in her heart, and she didn't know what expression to face her.

"The answer you wanted to tell me back then, Ruo Lingdu has already told me in advance."

"I was ready to meet you."

"This way!"

"That's great."

King Dacishu smiled: "In this case, I can spend more time with you in this last time." "


Compared with the plot in the game, this meeting with the Great Compassion Tree King is much less sad.

Under the huge world tree that emitted pink-white light, three sisters with elven ears sat together.

They were like a family, chatting with each other about their parents and what happened to them.

"Huh, Ruoling is really powerful!"

"Not long after I was born, I became so reliable and powerful."

"Poof! I didn't expect that Morax would actually have such a side, it's incredible.

"But it's incredible that you can set foot in the Origin, which even your mother may not have imagined..."

"And Buyel, under such conditions, also insists on the duty of the gods, insisting on watching the people of Meru."

"You're amazing too!"

"Is it? But I don't feel like I've done anything..."

Buyer bowed his head with some inferiority.

"There is no such thing!"

The Great Mercy Tree King smiled gently: "You have worked very hard, Buyel. "

They sat under the world tree and chatted comfortably.

Laughter continued to sound under the trees, as if forgetting the passage of time.

I don't know how long it took, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

Feeling the instability of the space, Nasida and Ruoling both looked at the Great Compassion Tree King.

They all understood that the last remaining strength of the Great Compassion Tree King was about to be exhausted.

The time is coming.

The last consciousness of the Great Compassion Tree King was about to dissipate.

"I'm leaving."

The Great Compassion Tree King smiled, and his face was only calm.

"Well, let's go, sister." Ruo Ling smiled in return.

At this time, Nasida did not hold back, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and she cried bitterly.

She gritted her teeth and said seriously, "King Daci Tree, I will definitely become a god as great as you!" The

Great Compassion Tree King smiled, and she stretched out her hand and gently hugged Nasida.

Then he said softly, "You are now a great god, Bouyer."

She reached out again and hugged Ruoling.

"Thank you, Ruoling, Mirai, Buyel and Meru, for taking care of you a lot."

"Well, I will." Ruo Ling stretched out his hand and hugged the Great Mercy Tree King.

"Ahhh... That's nice! "

Holding Nasida in his left hand and Ruoling in his right hand.

With a relaxed and joyful smile on his face, the Great Compassion Tree King slowly dissipated under the World Tree, in the arms of Nasida and Ruoling....


All Tivat creatures inhabit the tree of wisdom, the World Tree, trying to read and understand the world.

At one time, she was the only individual in the world who could dream.

In her dreams, everyone falls asleep after nightfall.

At that time, she was curiously observing people's dreams in her dreams.

In people's minds, whimsical ideas always float, some rolled to the ground, and some floated to the sky.

Dreams connect everything into a dazzling web, and all destinies boil here.

Among the three thousand worlds, there are small worlds.

The gods who observe people's dreams gradually understand that these indescribable and ever-changing things are the most profound things in the world.

Only they can completely banish those madnesses.

Only dreams can awaken consciousness from the deepest darkness.

She is the one who propositions and the one who solves.

Saving the world with the dream of the world was her answer.

And now, Ruoling and Nasida have also found their answer.

Once, she borrowed the world's dreams to clear taboo knowledge, but now she returns all her dreams to the world.

The jar of knowledge that stored the last bit of power and consciousness of the Great Compassion Tree King shattered.

The power in it emanated and turned into emerald green leaves that blew in the wind and spilled throughout Meru.

"O people of Meru... Bye.

"May you have a good dream tonight..." In

this way, the god named King of the Great Mercy Tree finally looked at his kingdom and said goodbye to his people.

Subsequently, completely dissipated....


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