This is a catastrophe that can destroy the entire world.

A thick dark fog pervades every corner of the world.

Ominous sticky filth gushed out from the void.

The void broke, and the claws of the Beast Realm Hound tore through the space, opening the passage and allowing disaster to befall the world.

An incalculable number of monsters run like a tide in the black mist and filth, they are the enemies of life and civilization.

Everywhere you go, flowers, trees, animals, buildings, houses, people...

All life and civilization are objects of their destruction.

And at the moment of the disaster, the people, who had long been ready, sounded the clarion call for the defense battle!


On the side of Mond, all the people gathered in Mondstadt.

Shining blue light illuminates the black fog.

The wind god Barbatos is now alive, and he plays the piano of the sky, evoking a sharp kamikaze and sweeping at many monsters.

Where the fierce wind passed, a large number of monsters were swept to pieces.

The wind howled, and the sky dragon Twalin fluttered its wings and hovered over Mondstadt.

It set off a huge whirlpool of storms over Mondstadt, fighting countless monsters who tried to enter Mondstadt through the air.

The Knights of the Zephyr and the adventurers of the Adventurers Association of Mondstadt have mobilized to join the battle against the monsters.

At this calamity, the Grand Master Falgar had already led his men and horses back to Mond.

At this time, a large number of Zephyr knights and adventurers rushed out of the city, constantly fighting with monsters, resisting monster invasions, and defending the safety of Mondstadt.

High on the city wall, the hunters of Qingquan Town formed an archer army, and the three arching characters of Amber, Diona and Fischer also joined them.

They stood on the high walls of the city, and the hunters shot arrows at the tide of beasts outside the city.

On the north side of Mondstadt, on the shores of Cider Lake, near Benwolf Ridge.

It's also full of monsters.

The West Wind Knight Wave Knight Youra leads a guerrilla team to guard here.

At this time, Eura is leading a group of knights to fight against the monsters and defend the north of Mondstadt.

In the wilderness, a thousand wolves rush!

Leizer takes the wolves and shuttles through the jungle, constantly fighting with monsters!


Diluc and Kaia are also mixed in the battlefield outside Mondstadt.

Around them, there are all the old ministries of the year.

After many years, these old troops are excited to fight with Diluc and Kaia again.

The Grand Commander Falgar is leading a group of knights, constantly rushing to kill in the monster group.

He is powerful, constantly wielding the weapon in his hand to kill a large number of monsters!

The mature and stable commander of the piano regiment sits in command and coordinates all departments.

In addition, I have to say that it is Kelly.

This little girl, known as Mond's strongest combat power, played a huge role in this battle.

The booby trap designed by her was buried all over the city before the war.

With the arrival of the monster, a series of huge explosions sounded, and the sky-rushing flames were so dazzling on the dark battlefield.

And now Kelly is not idle.

Before the war, she was told by the commander of the piano regiment that she must design a bomb that could be used flexibly on the battlefield.

In the end, Liyue's fireworks gave her a great inspiration.

She invented a grenade-like thing, usually kicked in the pocket casually, and when it was critical, it could explode as soon as she pulled out the safety bolt and threw it out.

And this grenade, now widely used by the Knights on the battlefield, played a huge role.

In addition, she invented mortar-like gadgets based on Mond's fireworks tubes.

Now Kelly is standing on the city wall, directing the Zephyr knights to adjust their trajectory and provide long-range fire support to everyone fighting outside the city.



Twalin effectively prevented the monsters from attacking Mondstadt.

However, there will still be many monsters that appear in Mond City through the spatial crack passage in the city, and launch attacks on the people in the city.

Therefore, Bennett, Albedo, Rosalia and others were constantly patrolling the streets and alleys of the city with the young adults of Mond, fighting with monsters and protecting the old and weak women and children in the city.

On the left side of the Mondstadt gate, a temporary shelter for the wounded was built here.

It was here that the nuns, pastors and other members of the Zephyr Church, including Barbara, treated the wounded brought down from the battlefield.

Sugar and Timaeus, because of their proficiency in alchemy and their help in drug synthesis and healing, were also assigned here to help treat the wounded.

Noelle was also sent here.

Kind-hearted and extremely powerful, she helps carry the wounded and medicine when nothing happens, and if a monster wants to attack the settlement, she takes up her sword and fights the monster to protect everyone.

Everyone in Mondstadt is working hard to fight the disaster, but the number of monsters is too large, even if everyone is working hard, it is still a little reluctant.

But this is it!

"On the order of my family's gods, come and help!"

The black cloak hunted, and a girl with black hair and cat ears appeared on the city wall.

The prismatic hairs above her head swayed, and she grabbed her staff and began to chant to the vast tide of monsters.

"Three thousand thunders floating in the night... The situation is urgent, the following is omitted!

"Anyway, come down Thunder!"

With a finger of the magic wand, suddenly, a huge lightning impact crashed down.

"Come, Thunder!"

"Come on, Thunder!"




She drank several loud times, and the magic wand in her hand counted several times, and suddenly seven or eight huge pillars of lightning appeared in the tide of monsters.

The huge explosion shattered countless monsters, and it actually emptied a large area of the battlefield!

With this strong help, the grim situation on Mond's side was immediately alleviated.



sea covers the waters of Mond, Ligetsu, Inazuma, and Meru, and unimaginably huge whirlpools are constantly swirling in the sea!

The second dependents of the rock god, Orcel, and the third dependents of the rock god, Obey, carry tens of thousands of deep-sea dragon lizards, stirring the sea!

They are constantly fighting monsters that appear in the sea!

The waves are monstrous, the currents are abnormal, and the stump of a large number of monsters is rolled up and floated with the waves.

Millions of monsters were strangled in the deep sea, and Orcel and Baqiao teamed up with a group of deep-sea dragon lizards to fight the monsters, effectively slowing down the monsters from the beach to Mond, Ligetsu, Inazuma and Meru, making a great contribution.



focused on the Kaijima side when Osel and Waji fought at sea, so the pressure on Kaigijima was relatively small.

Under the excellent command of Coral Palace Shinkai and Goro's heroic battle, the defense of Kaiji Island was extremely easy.


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