The sky cracked a huge crack.

A large number of monsters rushed into Tivat from that crack to destroy civilization.

Ominous black fog and filth, pouring into Tivat from the cracks, will pollute and collapse the world.

As long as the cracks and beyond the cracks are not addressed, there will be no end to this disaster.

High in the sky, Ruo Ling looked up at the huge crack.

The white-gold light emanated from her body, disintegrating all the black mist, filth, and monsters flowing towards her into the origin.

Boundless monsters are rushing into Tivat through the cracks.

She looked serious.

A huge dragon chant echoed from the high sky, and then resounded in all directions!

With the echo of this dragon groan.

In the middle of the sea, the currents are disordered.

In the wilderness plain of Liyue, the earth trembled slightly.

In the midst of the monstrous waves, the huge bodies of Orcel and Basil poked out of the sea.

On the surface of the sea, tens of thousands of deep-sea dragon lizards poke out of the sea.

In the sea full of monster corpses, they and Orcel and Bow Feng emitted a heaven-shaking cry towards the huge red true dragon hovering high in the sky.

The wilderness of returning to the original

was accompanied by a roar from the Dragon King!

The dragon yuan on the side also turned into a body and let out a roar.

A large number of rock dragon lizards stood in the wilderness, and under the leadership of the Ruoda Dragon King, they sent dragon roars to the red true dragons above the sky.

Sea water rewinding!

The river goes against the current!

Big waves clap!

Ten thousand deep-sea dragon lizards, led by the whirlpool demon god Orcel and his wife Bow Qiao, turned over the river and the sea, resonating with the god of high heaven!

The earth is cracking!

Mountains and rivers are diverted!

Mountain dumping!

Ten thousand rock dragon lizards, under the leadership of the Ruoda Dragon King and the first dependent, Long Yuan, stepped on the earth, shook the mountains, and resonated with the gods!

An unimaginable amount of power is accumulating!

A huge ball of golden energy light rose from the wilderness that had returned to its origins.

A huge ball of blue energy light appeared from the sea level!

The terrifying fluctuations of destruction spread in all directions at this moment, causing countless monsters to shake.

Whether it is a rock dragon lizard or a deep-sea dragon lizard, or Orcel and Baqiao or Long Yuan, they are all roaring with excitement at this moment!

For it is their hope and their God who is high in heaven!

Being able to resonate with God and unleash a supreme blow is their supreme glory from instinct!

The ball of light is like the sun, rising from the earth and the sea and flying high into the sky.

When they flew to the side of the red true dragon, this power also reached its peak!

This is the power of dumping the rivers and seas and shaking the heavens and the earth!

The body of the red true dragon bloomed with dazzling light!

Its huge dragon body constantly hovered in the air and gathered momentum, and then, with a dragon groan!

The real dragon flicked its tail and struck into the sky!

With this tail twitch, the energy of the blue ball of light and the golden ball of light instantly exploded, fused into one, and then turned into a huge pillar of light and soared into the sky, blasting towards countless surging monsters!

The huge pillar of energy light directly drowned the monsters that poured into the world, and then even rushed out of the world through the cracks!

The power of destruction is constantly haunting!

When the pillar of energy disappeared, the sky regained some clarity.

At least millions of monsters were crushed by this blow, and even the black fog and filth were washed away.


After emptying a large number of monsters with one blow, the true dragon disappeared and Ruo Ling changed back to human form.

The blonde hair swayed and the golden eyes shone.

Floating in a red and white god costume.

The power of the origin of the surrounding body flowed, exuding a mysterious breath.

She looked up at the huge crack, and her eyes seemed to be able to see through the crack a large number of monsters and filth that were about to pour in outside the crack.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then let out a long breath.

She opened her eyes, and then extended her hand slightly.

The heart of the seven essences beat faster, and a large amount of Origin Power flowed, converging on her hand.

A white ball of light with golden streaks swirled in her hand, sinking and floating.

At first glance, it is just an ordinary ball of light, but upon closer inspection, it is found that it is composed of countless tiny to extreme light particles.

It is as if this ball of light contains all the mysteries of the universe.

It was obviously just a small ball of light, but the moment it appeared, the whole world fell into a moment of silence and pause.

At this moment, all sentient beings tremble instinctively, and their bodies and minds seem to have returned to the original origin, becoming a drop in the long river of origin, constantly rippling in it.

Calm, love, warmth, all living beings in the world, at this moment, an inexplicable sense of security welled up in their hearts.

Even those countless monsters had a brief pause at this moment due to the breath of the origin.

Ruo Ling, who was suspended in the sky and had the power of the origin of his palm, had an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This is the source of all mysteries, which is called: the gate of all wonders!"

She held a ball of light and threw it towards the huge crack in the high sky!

That ball of light, dragging out a white flame of light like a dragon, went straight to the sky.

Everywhere it went, whether it was monsters or filth, it could not be stopped, and all were transformed into the original origin.

It went straight up to the sky, and finally broke out of the crack and came beyond the world.



A huge explosion!

The ball of light exploded and burst into a blazing brilliance!

The power of the compressed origin within it bloomed at this moment!

The unimaginable white-gold brilliance spread in all directions like a tidal wave, until it enveloped the entire continent of Tivat.

The powerful and mysterious power of the origin devoured all the monsters and filth outside the world that wanted to pour into the continent of Tivat from the cracks, and transformed it into the original origin.

Then, the white light dissipates.

Outside the world, all the monsters and filth that wanted to pour into the continent of Tivat have been cleansed.

Now, as long as the monsters that still exist on the continent of Tivat are removed, this disaster will be over.

Without follow-up monsters to continue to reinforce, the remaining monsters no longer pose a threat.

With the joint efforts of all the creatures in Tivat, the battle lasted for a whole day, and when the moon was high, the alien monsters on the Tivat continent were basically all removed.

The world has survived this disaster.

Disaster, it's over!


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