A god with great power appeared during the war because of the call of the ancestors of Liyue, and made a contract with the ancestors of Liyue to protect them.

After 3,700 years and vicissitudes, he finally brought the group of human beings who shivered and stole their lives in the aftermath of countless demon god battles to the current prosperous world.

Later, at his peak, he retired and wanted to return the kingdom of Liyue to his people.

Even after witnessing the ugliness of countless human beings, they still love human beings deeply, fearing that one day they will hurt their people due to wear and tear.

What a great love and affection.

3,700 years, bow to the fullest.

Powerful, wise but also loving, this is the Yanwang Emperor that the Liyue people have believed in for more than 3,700 years.

Now, exhausted, he made a ten-year covenant to entrust this kingdom to mankind.

How could they let him down?

"Miss Ruoling, please tell the emperor on your behalf."

"Thank him for his thousand-year hard work, and his merits should be remembered forever by the people of Liyue."

"My generation of seven stars, although I am a mortal, but I also have a contract, and I will definitely live up to the trust of the emperor!"

These words were said by Keqing.


"Thank you, Miss Ruoling."

Ruo Ling's solution made Ning Guang and Keqing breathe a sigh of relief, and also aroused their motivation.

"Now, let's get down to business."

Ning Guang said: "I don't hide from you, the fools are now taking advantage of this incident to secretly spread rumors, encourage and amplify the public's doubts about Qixing.

"If the situation is allowed to develop like this, I am afraid that it will eventually become uncontrollable."

"So we're going to invest in you."

"Our needs are simple, just need you to use the earth projection frequently, release the content, and help us divert people's attention a little."

"So it is, I see."

Ruo Ling's head: "But I still have a question, since it has been found out that it was done by the fools, why don't you directly do it to the fools?"

"If we could, we would like to do the same."

Keqing was helpless: "Unfortunately, the methods of the fools are very secret, although we can find out, but there is no evidence."

"And, with the exception of Mond, the other five earthly nations have signed agreements with the Solstice Kingdom to allow fools to enter their lands."

"This is an important event in diplomacy, and we cannot do anything to fools without absolute evidence."

"Absolute evidence?"

Ruo Ling pinched his chin and thought for a moment.

"The executive officer of the Fools hurt the people of Liyue in the territory of Liyue, intending to capture me, the immortal of Liyue, and intends to carry out a plan that may bring great disaster to Liyue..."

"I wonder if this matter can be a reason for you to take action against the Fools?"

"You mean...?" Keqing and Ning Guang were stunned.

Seeing this, Ruo Ling told Ning Guang and Keqing about the previous battle between Qinghuipu and the lady.

"Are you planning to release the Dragon King to fight the emperor and create chaos? Is there such a thing? When

Keqing and Ning Guang heard this, they were both surprised, they had also learned that there had been a big battle in Qinghuipu before, but when their intelligence network rushed over, they found nothing except Qinghuipu, which turned into a yellow sand.

They were still worried about this before, but they didn't expect that this matter was actually related to Ruo Ling.

"If this matter is true, then the matter is serious enough for us to tear up the agreement signed with the Winter Kingdom and directly attack the fools in Liyue."

"But unfortunately, this matter is empty, and if there is no evidence, we still have no way to take the fools."

"If there is no evidence, it is not true."

Ruo Ling spread his hands: "Don't forget, I still have the Earth Vein Projection."

"You mean!?"

As soon as these words came out, Keqing and Condensing Guang were overjoyed!

Ruo Ling nodded: "Everything that happened that day in Qinghupu, I can release it through the earth vein projection.

"But the ugly thing is ahead, Qiqi is my good friend, she was hurt a lot in this incident, and I don't want to use my friend's pain as a bargaining chip in the fight."

"I will ask Qiqi's opinion, if she is not willing, then even if the situation is tense, I will definitely not release the earth vein projection."

"Naturally." Ning Guang and Keqing nodded in understanding.

"Then it is imperative to address the threat of fools first."

"The rest will be discussed later."

With that, Ruo Ling left the Jade Pavilion.


After leaving the Qunyu Pavilion, Ruo Ling found Qiqi, explained the situation to her, and asked her opinion.

In this regard, Qiqi just shook his head.

"I don't understand these things."

Qiqi looked at Ruoling expressionlessly, she covered her heart with her hand and said: "But if I can help you, can help everyone, and make everyone safer, then, I am willing." In

this way, after obtaining Qiqi's consent, in the evening of that day, after half a month, the earth vein projection appeared again.

The people of the Seven Kingdoms looked up and saw a line of words written on the huge projection.

This play: [Ruo Ling vs. Fools Executive]

Charge: 100 Mora per person


PS: Yesterday I took a day off, but I ended up hitting the abyss for half a day, and I was in the desert book for half a day, and now I'm even more tired....

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