Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 102: Emperor Jin's Wrath

  Chapter 102 The Wrath of the Jin Emperor

  The Great Jin Empire is still black!

  As the holy temple of the Great Jin Empire, the Jin Palace rises from the ground, and the steps alone are as high as 20 feet, all of which are paved with extremely strong "black jade stones". There are a total of five platforms, with a total of 449 steps.

  The implication is that the one above it is the Ninety-Five Supreme!

  When the majestic and distant voice of the order, from top to bottom, passed and echoed in the vast Jinsheng Palace.

   "Your Highness, His Majesty has summoned you." The old man with the high crown even whispered: "Why don't you come to the palace to have an audience?"

   "Follow orders." The heavily armored man slowly stood up.

  If it is an ordinary person, at the end of winter, kneeling and worshiping for three days without sleeping, eating or drinking, it may be difficult to get up.

   Can be regarded as the peerless warrior in the "Twelve Earth Rankings", the black-armored man is still as usual.

   Take off your saber!

  The Great Jin Dynasty had laws, but no king’s orders. Officials and princes had to enter the palace in brocade clothes. Only the kings of the East and the North could not take off their armor, but they were not allowed to bring their weapons to the palace. They should be taken off in front of the Jin palace.

  Eastern King and Northern King have been the pillars of the Jin Empire throughout the ages, serving as important officials of the royal family and shouldering the important task of supporting the empire!

  Step by step, walk up the steps.

  The black-armored man finally stepped into the Jin Palace, with a dome more than ten feet high, a magnificent hall, and straight pillars standing on both sides.

  On both sides, there are many armored soldiers.

  There was no one in the hall, except for a man wearing a purple and gold robe with his eyes closed on the high throne at the end of the hall.

  A beautiful woman in a fine dress knelt on one side, weeping uncontrollably.

  Boom! Boom!

  When the black-armored man enters the palace, every step is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

   This is not because he did it deliberately, but because the ground in the hall has been carefully handled by the master builder, so as long as you walk normally, there will be noise.

  Top players are hard to avoid.

  It is only to prevent assassins from sneaking in quietly.

  With the strength of a black-armored man, he can naturally be 'silent', but it will appear that he is deliberately controlling his body strength.

   came to the center of the hall.

   "Chen, Jin Jiu, bow down to my emperor." The heavily armored man knelt down on both knees, and knelt heavily on the ground: "I'm here to plead guilty, and I hope His Majesty will punish you!"

  Jin Jiu's voice echoed in the huge palace, only the soft sobs of the woman in fine clothes.

   "Ninth brother, there is no need to be so divided between us brothers, get up." The man on the throne finally spoke.

  His voice is gentle, not like the legendary Jinhuang who sees the world.

  Jin Jiu stood up.

   What caught his eyes was the slightly thin and tall man on the throne. No matter what others saw, it would be difficult to connect him with the 'number one on the ground list'.

  Eastern Wang Jinjiu knew in his heart how capable his second brother was.

   "The battle of Yunjiang, I have already understood the matter of Lao Jiu." Jin Huang's voice was still gentle, without any sadness.

   It seemed that the dead 'Jin Rensu' was not his son.

   "Your Majesty, you have to decide for Rensu!" The beautiful woman on the side finally couldn't help looking at the tall and thin man on the high throne.


Jin Huang's voice suddenly became indifferent: "Today, I am discussing matters with the Eastern King, and you are allowed to listen in because of the loss of your parents and children. The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, and Yu Chaotang is not allowed to speak. As the master of the harem , don't you understand?"

  Empress gritted his teeth, bowed his head and said nothing.

   "Your Majesty, please punish your younger brother." Jin Jiu said in a low voice.

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Jin Huang's voice became peaceful again: "Although you are in charge of the Chuzhou prefectures of the empire and are responsible for supporting the three prefectures of Jiangzhou, that area is already governed by the Nine Princes. "

   "He died, he died on the way to patrol the frontier."

"Since the ancestors founded the country, over two hundred years ago, dozens of princes have died in frontier battles, such as the eldest brother, third younger brother, and fifth younger brother... how can my own parents and children be an exception." Jin Huang said slowly: "On the way to unify the world , sacrifices are inevitable."

  Eastern Wang Jinjiu listened silently.

  Generation after generation, the Dajin royal family has indeed sacrificed a lot. There are more than 30 brothers like their generation, and less than ten of them have survived to this day.

   "East King!"

  The Emperor Jin spoke slowly: "For more than ten years, you have guarded the East on my behalf. I am very relieved. The death of the Ninth Prince is inherently at fault, but it does not mean that the rest are innocent."

   "Jin Tanying and Li Zi, who have meritorious service in guarding, are posthumously awarded first-class marquis, and the family behind them will be rewarded!"

   "Grandmaster Chen Luo, the protector is weak, and he is reduced to a noble, and the third-class prince is the first-class marquis! The responsibilities in the army remain unchanged, and Jiangzhou is still guarded."

   "In addition, in my capacity as the 'Emperor of the Great Jin', I will announce to the world that whoever can find out the true identity of the 'Dark Sword', once confirmed, will be rewarded with 'ten million taels of silver' and given the title of Marquis of the third class of the Great Jin."

"In addition, once anyone can kill the 'Dark Knife', if there is clear evidence, our Dajin royal family will reward '100 million taels of silver' or the same value of heaven, material and earth treasures, as well as 'a set of fairy arts', and give the Dajin second class Duke." Jin Huang's voice seemed to never change: "With the fastest time, let all the masters and masters of each state in the world know about it."

   Said it lightly, but the beautiful woman beside her had stopped crying and looked at Jin Huang in shock.

  Eastern King Jinhuang was even more startled when he heard this.


   Ten million taels of silver? One hundred million taels of silver? Second Duke? sky! He suddenly understood what terrible hatred was hidden under Jin Huang's calm appearance!

  When the emperor is angry, the world will be shocked. It is not a lie.

  For a big country, the huge reward of 100 million taels of silver is not too much.

   But it is enough to make any first-class master or top master in the world go crazy.

  Even ten million taels of silver is more than enough.

   After all, it is only necessary to find out the identity.


  Mere money and official positions may not be able to lure the masters of the Dibang, and all the masters of the Dibang can be called the pinnacle of mortal force.

   If you want to enjoy, what can't you get?

  And their strength has also reached the limit, and if they want to break through, ordinary treasures of heaven and earth cannot help them.


  Emperor Jin is willing to offer a set of immortal techniques as a reward?

   Immortal art, also known as divine art and forbidden art, was created by a master of the heaven list, which is enough to greatly increase the strength of a master of the earth list.

  Most of the earth list masters will long for two treasures.

  Forbidden Art! First rank divine weapon!

   "Your Majesty, is this forbidden technique?" Jin Jiu couldn't help asking.

"Chen Luo has already reported the details of his battle with the Dark Sword. I also ordered the 'Jinjian Palace' to communicate with the Qunxing Building and the Qisha Building, and obtained the detailed information about the Dark Sword that they provided." Jinhuang said calmly: "In the end, according to the judgment of the two ancestors, this dark knife should be a mid-level genius, and there is a very small probability that he is a high-level genius."

   "Maybe it's a genius at the top level?" Jin Jiu gasped.

  He finally understood why the Emperor Jin offered such a high reward.

  The Great Jin Empire, in order to unify the world, naturally has to monitor the world, and make corresponding arrangements for some terrifying geniuses in hostile forces.

   For geniuses, they are uniformly divided into three levels: A, B, and C. Each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle, and lower. During this period, it will be continuously adjusted according to the performance of the genius.

  If the talent on the list is expected to be a C-level genius, it is the most numerous.

   Any genius who is expected to be listed will be listed as a second-level genius, and focus on it. For example, "Xu Hui" of the Hengyun Sect is a second-level genius, which means that there is great hope to become a master.

   As for the Class A genius?

   Incredibly rare!

  According to Dongwang Jinjiu's knowledge, there are less than 20 Grade A geniuses registered in the Jinjian Palace, and most of them are lower grades.

  A lower level, representing normal growth, with a 99% probability of becoming a grandmaster.

  Intermediate level A means that it is expected to become a great master, and there is a glimmer of hope to hit the heavenly list. Now there are only three on the list-Hengyun Wuyuan, Beizhou'Zhenlin', and Dongzhou'Xingshisan'.

   As for A superior?

  In the 200-year history of the Great Jin Dynasty, it only appeared once, and that time finally led to the downfall of the Jin Emperor.

  The entire Dajin almost fell apart.

  These secrets are unknown to other courtiers, but the 'King Jin', who is the contemporary ruler of the royal family, naturally knows it well.

   "Whether it is Hengyun Wuyuan or Beizhou Zhenlin, it is only the beginning of talent, and there is still time for us to prepare." Jinhuang looked down at the Eastern King Jinjiu: "But the dark knife has reached the level of a master."

   "It's hard to say whether it will make the list."

   "But soon, he will reach the level of Grand Master, so it's not difficult to think about it." Jin Huang said softly: "Every time there is another Grand Master on the list, it will be more difficult for my Da Jin to unify the world."

   "I don't want another one."

   "The younger brother understands."

  Eastern Wang Jinjiu said solemnly: "After my brother goes down, I will immediately make arrangements, and I will definitely do my best to find out the identity of the dark knife."

  He understood the seriousness of the situation.

  Genius is always just a genius. The so-called assessment of genius level is just a judgment of potential, and it is unknown whether it can be fully realized in the end.

   Only the strong are deadly threats!

   No one can predict the future. For Jin Huang and Jin Jiu, both must deal with the greatest threat of the moment.

  Obviously, the dark knife is already a big threat.

   "At the same time, you can write another letter of state and tell Hengyunzong." Jin Huang said calmly: "I hope Hengyunzong will find out the relatives of the dark knife within a year and hand them over to the Great Jin Empire in person."


   "Two years from now, I will gather cavalry of the Northern Army of the Jin Dynasty and the Nanzhou Navy to gather in Jiangzhou and arrive at Yunshan to congratulate Master Buyu on his '100th birthday'!"

  Grandmaster Buyu is already ninety-eight years old, and will be a hundred years old in two years.

   would be the beginning of a grandmaster's steep decline from the peak.

   "The younger brother understands."

  Eastern King Jinjiu's eyes flashed with a trace of fighting intent: "Your Majesty does not need to take action. The ten-year truce, my younger brother is stronger than before. Be the first soldier, kill Yunshan, and trample Hengyun!"

"Not urgent!"

   "Hengyun will be the most crucial battle for Dingding Tianxia. If Hengyun breaks, I will be able to sweep the Central Plains within ten years of the Great Jin Dynasty." Jinhuang said indifferently: "The four states near the sea will not stand idly by."

  East Wang Jinjiu nodded slightly.

  In the battle of Hengshan ten years ago, he was not afraid of Master Buyu. Why did the Jin Dynasty finally cease fighting?

   It is precisely because reinforcements from all sides have arrived!

"In addition, I have given the twelve princes the right to open the mansion. This time, the East King, you can take him with you when you return to the East." The Emperor Jin said softly: "His talent is not weaker than the Nine Princes, but his own Young and raised in the hands of women in the deep palace, there is little tempering, I hope Dongwang will put more effort into it."

   "Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

   "In time, the Twelve Princes will have a heroic appearance not inferior to His Majesty." Dong Wang solemnly said.

  He is not surprised, this is the tradition of the Jin royal family.

  In each generation, there will be fierce competition among many princes, and the most outstanding one will return to the capital with military exploits to ascend the throne.

   In the fight for the throne, there were countless casualties.

  For example, Jin Jiu, the king of the East, actually failed to compete with the Emperor Jin back then, and finally became the "East King" and guarded Chuzhou.

   It stands to reason that such an order of inheritance and wanton distribution of feudal titles will cause generations of princes to seize their heirs, and the Jin Dynasty should have split up long ago.

  It can be promoted greatly, but it is passed down from generation to generation and is stable.

   is getting stronger and stronger.


  Great Jin, as the first empire in the world.

  The intelligence system within the empire is far superior to that of the Star Building.

at the same time.

  The highest levels of forces like the Qixing Building and Qunxing Building, although secretly taking actions against the Jin Dynasty, they are unwilling to tear themselves apart from the Jin Empire on the surface.

  Dang Jinhuang personally ordered.

  The huge energy contained in the Great Jin Empire exploded. In just three to five days, two pieces of news spread throughout the seven states of the Central Plains.

   "Da Jin, offer a reward for the real identity information of the dark knife with '10 million taels of silver, the third Marquis of Da Jin'."

   "Dajin, with '100 million taels of silver, a set of immortal techniques, and the second-class Duke of Dajin', a reward is offered for killing the dark knife!"

   Two messages.

   In a very short period of time, it spread all over the world, and almost all the masters of the local list and people list who disclosed their addresses received the news one after another.

  …Jiangzhou, Hengshan City.

   "Your Majesty, that's crazy." Chen Luo stayed in his courtyard, watching the news in his hand.

  As the Grandmaster of the Great Jin Dynasty, he naturally received the message immediately, and he couldn't help but secretly said: "Not only will the reward be as high as 100 million taels of silver, but you are actually willing to come up with a set of fairy arts?"


   "If you are willing to give me a set of immortal skills, I can kill the dark knife that day, why wait until today?" Chen Luo shook his head.

   There is no essential difference between secret art and immortal art.

   But it is very difficult to practice fairy art, ten times more difficult than practicing secret art.

  If an ordinary warrior accidentally obtains a set of secret techniques, even if they can only exert 50% to 60% of their power due to differences in their bodies, as long as they don't work hard, the physical loss will not be great.

  The Forbidden Art is different, it was created by the masters of the Tianbang, if there is a little carelessness, the warrior will be seriously injured just by practicing.

   Moreover, warriors have different physiques, and most of the forbidden arts with the same principle will make some key modifications according to the physical differences of the users, so that the power will be greater and the physical loss will be less.

  Therefore, there are no secret books about forbidden techniques.

   They are all 'personally taught' by the masters of the Tianbang.

  Some solo masters, even if they are lucky enough to get the 'Forbidden Art Cheats', they will not dare to practice without the protection of the masters of the Heavenly Ranking List.

no doubt.

  Behind the Great Jin Empire, there are masters in the Tianbang.

   "Forbidden technique."

  Chen Luo felt a tinge of fire in his heart: "If I can get the forbidden technique, and then go on an adventure... and get a first-grade magic weapon, how can Bu Yu be arrogant in front of me?"

   Unfortunately, he can only think about it.

  In the Great Jin Empire, if the grandmaster made great contributions, he would naturally be expected to obtain the forbidden technique, and even the first-rank divine weapon.

   Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult.

  The Jin Empire will not give it easily.

   After all, the masters of the Tianbang overlook the human world and sit and watch the masters change from generation to generation. Why should they spend so much effort instructing the masters to practice forbidden techniques?

  It should be noted that the forbidden technique itself does not have much effect on the master's entry into the "Tianbang".

   Even harmful.

   "Hmph, this news must have spread all over the world." Chen Luo sneered: "It's a pity, how many are there who are really capable of getting it?"

  As the only grand master who has ever fought against the dark knife, Chen Luo knows how powerful the opponent is.

  Super high combat skills, incredible physical endurance.

  How to kill?

   Encircled by the army? For peerless warriors of the grandmaster rank, an army of one million is just a joke.

  Only a grandmaster can deal with a grandmaster, this is the iron law of thousands of years!

   "Unless you have the strength of the top 30 in the local rankings, you can crush the dark knife." Chen Luo drank the wine: "Otherwise, you will all suffer."

   "Everyone is laughing at me? A group of idiots, let's find the dark knife first."

   Strong, there is still hope to kill.

  Can you face a master who has hidden so far and hasn't revealed too many clues? It's so hard to find.


  The shocking bounty offered by the Jin Empire really shocked the world. Ordinary warriors are all focused on the silver.

   "God! Ten million taels of silver."

"so crazy."

   "As expected of the Dajin royal family, how willing to spend so much money for a dead prince? Tsk tsk, the prince is indeed noble."

   "One hundred million taels of silver!"

   "Stupid, that dark knife is a master master, is it possible that you still want to kill him? It is realistic to find out his specific identity." Many warriors were moved.

   Ten million taels of silver.

   It's not about fighting to the death, it's just an investigation to find out the identity.

  Especially many solo warriors in Jiangzhou couldn't help rushing towards the Hengyun Sect's territory, wanting to find out the identity of the dark knife.


  According to the news disclosed by the Great Jin Empire, the dark knife has a high probability of living in the territory of Hengyunzong.

  Ordinary warriors mainly focus on silver.

  The masters of the Dibang who stand at the pinnacle of the world are all attracted by the "immortal technique", which makes their hearts move.

  Of course, there are also many hesitant masters.

   "Immortal art is attractive enough, but if you want to learn it, you have to go to see the masters of the Tianbang in Dajin."

   "At that time, life and death will be unknown."

   "It's hard to say." Many masters and masters flinched, and after reading the news, they threw it aside.

   This is normal.

   What about Jinhuang? It is very difficult to attract master masters to fight.

   "Haha, take a gamble! I have no hope of breaking through in this life. Once I get the forbidden technique, my strength will skyrocket. If I go to 'Xinzhou' to forge ahead, my hope will be even greater."

   "A master of the Tianbang! I don't want to get any forbidden skills, I just want to see the Tianbang and ask once."

   "Dark Knife? It's really mysterious. It's obviously a master master, but there's no news about it before. It seems to come out of nowhere. It's really interesting."

  Among the world, there are still a few masters and masters who are excited and set off for Jiangzhou.



   "Tell Emperor Jin, Hengyunzong knows nothing about 'Dark Sword', whether he has any relatives, and whether relatives live in our Hengyunzong, I don't know." Master Buyu's voice was cold.

   directly dismissed the words of the Jin envoy.

   "In addition, I suggest that the Jin emperor should do a good job of self-examination. In the past two hundred years, many families, sects, and countries have been destroyed. Is it strange that a master master emerged to oppose the Great Jin?" Grandmaster Buyu said in a cold voice.

   "If Emperor Jin intends to give me a big gift when I am a hundred years old, my gift in return will definitely satisfy Emperor Jin."

  The envoy of the Jin Dynasty had no choice but to retreat.


  The world is in turmoil.

  The southernmost tip of Yuanhu Mansion, here is the junction of Jiangzhou, Chuzhou, and Dongzhou, and hundreds of miles further is the border of Minzhou.

  The mountains are high and the snow is falling!

  A very ordinary house, surrounded by wooden boards for ventilation, charcoal fire is slowly burning in the house, and the cold air rushes in from the outside of the house!

   Outside the house.

  Near a low cliff, the snow was several feet thick, and as far as the eye could see, there were only snowstorms and countless dead trees.

  A world of ice and snow!

   "The world of ice and snow is indeed a different feeling." Wu Yuan was standing in the snowstorm with a sword in his hand.

  Let the snow fall on you.

  He didn't know the troubles in the world.

  He has been in this mountain for more than ten days.

   And here, it was thousands of miles away from the place where the fight with Chen Luo ended that day.

   "If it wasn't for the treasure of the Ninth Prince, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to comfort myself in this mountain forest." Wu Yuan grinned.

  Flipping his palm, an extra jug of wine came out out of thin air.

  He raised his head and drank.

  The wine is very light, basically harmless to the body, but tastes delicious.

   "Storage magic weapon! I never thought that there would be such a treasure in Middle-earth." Wu Yuan looked down at the wristband on his hand.

   It was taken from the hands of 'Jin Rensu' that day.

  Escaped all the way before.

  After getting rid of Chen Hou, Wu Yuan fled for hundreds of miles, found a house, changed his clothes, and took a bath.

  Then—keep running.

  He kept in mind the lesson of being caught after he escaped six hundred miles last time, thought carefully, and felt that the other party should be some kind of tracking method through smell and blood.


  Twice changed his appearance, crossed two big rivers, escaped thousands of miles, almost escaped from the scope of Jiangzhou, and then went into a big mountain.

  Wu Yuan just stopped in this 'wooden house' on a high mountain.

   At the beginning of the inspection, Wu Yuan really didn't understand the function of the 'wristguard'. He could only confirm that it was extremely strong, even stronger than a third-rank divine weapon.

till the end.

   I thought of the method in the 'novel' I read in my previous life, blood!

   "Unexpectedly, I can really recognize the Lord, and reading novels is really useful." Wu Yuan shook his head slightly, and a thought came to his mind, and he felt a slightly illusory space appear in front of him.

  About three cubic meters.

   Not too big, but not too small.

   There are many items placed in it, such as silver tickets, gold tickets, drinks, bottles and cans, food, etc., as well as many treasures of weapons, treasures of heaven and earth.

   and a large number of books.

   "Except for the treasures I don't know, the value of the ones I can recognize is worth millions of taels of silver." Wu Yuan said inwardly, "It's really an overnight fortune."

  He threw the wine back into the storage talisman.

  A book appeared in his hand.

   ""Secret Records of Immortal Spiritual Insects II"?" Wu Yuan muttered to himself, and turned to the sixth page: "The one who followed me last time was probably this 'Bloodseeker'."

   That stack of books, each one is very special.

   is difficult to obtain under normal circumstances, and it is likely to be the secret collection of the Jin royal family.

   "However, the value of these treasures, when added up, may not be as valuable as the treasure itself." Wu Yuan sighed secretly.

   "Who can create such a treasure?" Wu Yuan was curious but also wary.

  Even if you are a master and powerful, it is impossible to study 'space'.

  Wu Yuan is very clear that it involves 'space mustard', which is far beyond the reach of the highly developed human federation in the previous life.

   "Could it be that there are really immortals in Middle-earth?"

   "Or fairy trace?"


  ps: Chapter 1! Ask for a monthly pass!

  I have something to do this afternoon, and I can’t type, so I will post it first, and there will still be a chapter in the evening.

  (end of this chapter)

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