Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 106: Qi refiners, immortality

  Chapter 106 Qi refiner, immortality

   "Elder Huan, what's the matter with Yutai? Why did you summon me suddenly?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking.

   "It should be related to your exchange for two copies of the master's experience." Elder Huan laughed.

   Wu Yuan was taken aback.

"Don't worry, there is definitely no harm in seeing you. Generally speaking, unless you become a top expert, perhaps civil servants and military personnel will be devolved to become governors and generals." Elder Huan said with a smile: "Otherwise, Taishang will not easily see you alone. who."

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

  Become a top expert, that is, the elder, the palace master, who really belong to the high level of the sect, and it is normal to be summoned by the emperor.

  As for the governor and the general? He is the head of the government and military in a land with great powers and responsibilities, so he will naturally be summoned by the emperor.


   There are hundreds of first-class masters in the sect, and not many of them can often see the Supreme Master.

"The last disciple of Yunwu Hall who was summoned by the emperor alone was your brother Xu Hui." Elder Huan said with a smile: "Okay, boy, don't ask too much, it's not too late, go wash up quickly , change into clean clothes."

   "Okay." Wu Yuan nodded repeatedly.

  I don’t eat or drink for eight days, and I don’t feel it when I am immersed in reading, comprehending, and practicing.

  After Elder Huan said this, Wu Yuan looked at himself, and it was indeed dirty.


  After bathing and changing clothes.

  Wu Yuan followed Elder Huan and quickly came to the foot of Yunding, which is only ten miles away from Yunwu Hall.

  Here, only two guards verify identity.

   The two went straight to the main hall.

   "Elder, I think the guarding force of Yunwu Palace seems to be very weak." Wu Yuan said softly, "It's not as good as your main hall."


  Elder Huan couldn't help but glanced at Wu Yuan like this: "The Yundian is the most heavily guarded in the entire sect. There are many traps hidden in the secret. Besides, just focusing on yourself is worth as many guards."

   Wu Yuan smiled.

   That's right, a master master is worth thousands of troops.

  If you encounter an enemy that even Yu Taishang can't detect, and you can't fight against it, thinking about it, no matter how many master guards are, it will be useless.

   came to the gate of the main hall.

   "My lord, Wu Yuan is here." Elder Huan shouted respectfully into the hall.

  Wu Yuan followed behind.

   Facing an extremely powerful grandmaster, Wu Yuan did not rashly use his 'divine mind' to probe his perception.

   I really don't know the details of Yu Taishang.

  Be low-key, disguised, and come first.

   "Come in." A gentle voice came from the end of the hall.

   The voice was not too loud, but it was clearly heard by the two of them.

   The two entered the main hall, and the light in the hall was dim.

   Very empty temple.

   "Meet Your Majesty." Wu Yuan followed Elder Huan and saluted respectfully.

   "There is no need to be polite, sit down." A gentle voice said.

  The two sat down separately.

   Until then, Wu Yuan was able to see the other party. The face of a woman in her fifties or sixties was very kind, just like the grandmother next door.

  The clothes are quite gorgeous, but a little bloated, not suitable for fighting.

  At first glance, the person sitting on the main seat of the main hall looks like a year-old lady, not the fabled master of swordsmanship who has been crushing Jiangzhou for 30 years!

  Buyu, also known as "Yunshan Sword God".


  Wu Yuan's 'spirit' is so powerful, even though he restrains his breath, he can still feel the vitality of the old woman in front of him.

  He is stronger than the master Chen Luo he met back then.

  In Wu Yuan's perception, the old woman in front of him is a fatal threat to him.

  Once they collide with each other, life and death are unpredictable.

   Definitely the most powerful master Wu Yuan has ever seen, not at all like a nearly hundred-year-old old master.

   This is Buyu!

  The absolute leader of Hengyunzong.

   And when Wu Yuan glanced over the old woman, he instinctively saw the sword hanging on the high wall.

  The sword edge is hidden in the scabbard, but the terrifying edge contained in the sword body cannot be hidden!

  Compared with the Green Flame Stick, it is a world of difference.

   "Yuelan Sword." Wu Yuan understood in his heart: "A first-grade magic weapon is also the number one magic weapon in Jiangzhou."

  Under this divine sword, more than one master has fallen.

  After reading the experience of the two masters, Wu Yuan's understanding of divine weapons is better than before. He is very clear that there is no essential difference between third-grade divine weapons and sharp weapons, but they are sharper and made of better materials.

  Second-rank divine weapon is a bit special, containing a trace of 'spirituality'.

   Just a trace.

  As for the first-grade divine weapon, it is not only sharp and can withstand the infusion of infinite force, but also contains the extraordinary spirituality that surpasses the second-grade divine weapon, and its value can be measured by non-gold and silver.

  Spirit is the core of a first-grade divine weapon.

  Grandmaster, once you have a first-grade divine weapon, your strength will skyrocket.

   As for the Moon Lan Sword? Wu Yuan knew that it was the inheritance treasure of the Hengyun Sect, forged by the 'Grandmaster Fang Xia' more than two hundred years ago.

  While Wu Yuan was thinking.

   "Wu Yuan, your **** seems to be very strong." Sitting on the main seat, Yu Taishang finally spoke, his voice still gentle.

  This sentence shocked Wu Yuan.

   What a Buyu master.

  It should be noted that Wu Yuan has completely restrained himself, but Bu Yu is still aware of it.

"From your eyes, I don't see any fear of me, but more curiosity." Yu Taishang looked down at Wu Yuan, with a smile and a hint of surprise: "A boy under the age of 17 dares to be with me." I looked at each other, Wu Yuan, you are the first."

   "Thank you for boasting." Wu Yuan showed a trace of 'joy' on his serious face.

  It's like a teenager who is praised by the elders.

  Yu Taishang couldn't help smiling, and the doubts in his heart were mostly reduced.

  This is the normal temperament of a teenager.

  No matter how steady you are, you will be praised by the elders, and you will be delighted.

   "Wu Yuan, since you entered the sect, it was the first time you broke Fang Xia's practice record, and I knew you very quickly."

   "Your talent is extraordinary." Yu Taishang smiled and said: "Of course, because I was not in the sect at the beginning, your training plan was set by Jian Taishang."

   "Sword Taishang?" Wu Yuan thought to himself.

   Among the two great masters of the Hengyun Sect, Buyu is good at swordsmanship and is known as the 'Taishang Yu'.

  Huan Jian, who never used a sword, was best at palm technique, but he was called 'the master of swords'.

   "Your progress is very fast. Neither Jian Taishang nor I have summoned you. Do you have any complaints in your heart?" Yu Taishang smiled.

   "How can disciples complain?" Wu Yuan said with a smile: "The sect's training plan is excellent, there are many treasures for cultivation, and there are top masters like Elder Mo as teachers, and they arrange disciples' family members more carefully."

   "I know this in my heart, and I am very grateful to the sect." Wu Yuan said solemnly, with a sincere look on his face.

   Joke! Don't say that Wu Yuan has no complaints in his heart.

  Even if there is, it cannot be said now.

  When a leader publicly asks whether there is any complaint, it cannot be taken seriously. If it is really stupid to tell all the dissatisfaction in the heart, it is stupid.

   "That's good."

  Yu Taishang nodded, and said softly: "Wu Yuan, I called you alone this time, do you know why?"

   "Grandmaster's experience?" Wu Yuan showed a 'guessing' expression.

"En." Yutai nodded and said: "The master's experience, in the sect, usually only the top masters and very few first-rate masters will study it. After all, if the level of skill is not enough, even if you read it, it is not worth much. Far less than 30,000 contribution points."

   Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

   Martial arts training should be done step by step, step by step, knowing the profound martial arts mysteries in advance is not necessarily a good thing.

  Such as mathematics, children should focus on 'interest'. If you teach advanced mathematics as soon as you come up, it will be like a book from the sky, and you will completely lose interest.

   "The disciple understands."

   "The two deacons in the collection room have said this." Wu Yuan nodded and said: "In terms of physical fitness, the disciple is indeed not as good as a first-class master. Now the explosive weight of one arm is only 42,000 catties. It is estimated that there will be hope next year."

   "In terms of combat skills, the disciple should ask himself, he should not be weaker than the elders."

   "It's just that I was stuck in a bottleneck, so I borrowed the classics of the master to clear up my doubts." Wu Yuan said very 'honestly'.

   This is the rhetoric he had thought up early in the morning.

  Genius Road!

   is to gradually reveal talent.

   "One-arm fist strength forty-two thousand catties?" Elder Huan was already surprised.

  Wu Yuan has high fighting skills? He had already been taught.

   But physical fitness, in his opinion, may not improve too fast.

   "Your fighting skills are superb, and your physical fitness is really fast." Yu Taishang said softly: "However, in martial arts, if you just talk about not practicing fake moves, Elder Huan, I will trouble you to join hands with Wu Yuan."

  Battle skills, not by talking about showing, but by comparing!

   "It's me again?" Elder Huan was helpless.

   "Jian Taishang asked me to supervise you more." Yu Taishang smiled and said: "Don't get fat again."

  Elder Huan was speechless for a while.

  The old man over seventy years old is urged by his father to lose weight every day... I don't know whether to talk about troubles or happiness troubles.

   "Elder, I lost that time at the beginning of the year." Wu Yuan said excitedly, his eyes sparkling: "This time, I will definitely work hard."


  Elder Huan also stood up, and said with a smile: "Let me see, you kid has been wandering around in the rivers and lakes for the past six months, and you are also studying the master's experience, how have you grown?"


  Under Yu Taishang's supervision, Wu Yuan and Elder Huan faced each other from a distance, still fighting the enemy with bare hands.

   "You two are only allowed to explode with a force of 30,000 jin." Yu Taishang said softly: "I will supervise myself and stop you when the time is right."


   "Yes." Both of them agreed.

   Immediately, the two of them collided into each other suddenly. Although they only had a force of 30,000 jin, their three-gravity force reached 90,000 jin.

  It was amazing.

  But this battle between the two lasted only two breaths.

   "Stop." Yu Taishang said suddenly, and Wu Yuan and Elder Huan, who were fighting frantically, retreated a few meters instantly when they heard the words.


  With the physical fitness of the two of them, neither of them suffered any injuries.

   "Elder Huan, you lost." Yu Taishang said softly.

  Elder Huan looked defeated, looked at Wu Yuan, and sighed: "It is true that I lost, you boy, you don't give the old man any face, and you move first, and you won't let me win a single move from the beginning to the end."

   Wu Yuan smiled.

  He could see that Elder Huan was not really angry.

  The two sat down again.

   "Wu Yuan."

  Elder Huan couldn't help but asked: "Although I don't have perfect control over the 'combination of hardness and softness', it stands to reason that even if I lose, I shouldn't be so passive. You, are you a god?"

   In this battle, he really lost miserably.

   "Heaven and man?"

  Wu Yuan said with a look of hesitation: "Perhaps it is because I am essentially just gradually perceiving the changes in the surrounding environment from the inside out, so as to strike at the slow and pre-emptive. I don't know if this is a sense of heaven and man."

   "Belongs to."

   Yu Taishang spoke slowly: "Elder Huan, Wu Yuan, has indeed touched the edge of the realm of the unity of man and nature, which should be regarded as the level of 'consciousness'."

   "Really achieved?" Elder Huan showed shock, looking at 'Wu Yuan' like a monster.

   "Under the age of seventeen, touch the unity of man and nature?" Elder Huan was a little unbelievable.

  He knows what that means.

  Wu Yuan also looked at Yu Taishang with a 'shocked expression'.

   "Wu Yuan, you have read the experience of the two masters, but you may not be able to explain some things thoroughly in your experience." Yu Taishang said softly: "I called you today, in fact, I want to confirm your fighting skills."

   "Look now."

   "It's time to talk to you." Yu Taishang said.

   "Disciple listens to the teaching." Wu Yuan looked 'serious'.

  Elder Huan also shut up at the right time and listened carefully.

  He knew that it would be very, very difficult for Yu Taishang to give an explanation.

"Basic, extreme strength, hardness and softness, you have already mastered all of them, so I won't repeat them." Yu Taishang said: "You should understand that if the hardness and softness are perfect, you can control the whole body, and perceive the dantian palace, hoping to reach the limit of the human body. "

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.


  With the combination of rigidity and softness, it is expected to reach the limit of the human body and become the master of the earth list.

"Actually, it's hard to be a master if you are pure and soft." Yu Taishang said softly: "Many top masters, such as the top ten masters in the list, almost all of them are hard and soft when it comes to fighting skills, like Elder Mo. , that's all."

   "Why?" Wu Yuan asked knowingly.

   "Blood, age." Yu Taishang spit out four words: "If you can reach the perfection of rigidity and softness before the age of thirty, it will be easy for you to become a master, such as you."

   "Me?" Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

   "When you are young, you are good at fighting."

"Explore the potential of the body at a deeper level, and cooperate with the secret technique, and the physical fitness will naturally improve by leaps and bounds." Yu Taishang said: "It is very easy to reach the limit of the human body. Like you, even if you only practice step by step, at the age of thirty, your body should be able to reach the first rank. territory!"

   "Thirty years old, Grandmaster?" Wu Yuan looked 'expectant'.

  Elder Huan beside him was dumbfounded.

   Thirty-year-old grandmaster?

   "A master who has achieved the combination of hardness and softness before the age of sixty, his blood has decayed, and he still has some hope of becoming a master." Yu Taishang said: "Once he exceeds sixty? The hope is very slim."

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

  First-class masters, top masters, at the age of forty, are still at their peak, and their physical fitness will not decline significantly compared to those in their 20s and 30s.

  Once over sixty years old, it seems that the combat power is still at its peak, but the 'vitality' will decline sharply.

  Vigor, the most obvious sign, is durability and resilience.

   "However, my lord, in history, many masters became masters at the age of seventy or eighty." Elder Huan couldn't help but said.

  Wu Yuan is also 'curious'.

   "If skills are just a combination of hardness and softness, it is naturally difficult to break through." Yu Taishang said: "But what if fighting skills are better?"

   "Shanggan Heaven and Man! That is, the unity of Heaven and Man!"

"Heaven and Man is a synonym for 'Heaven and Earth'." Yu Taishang said: "Control the body, refresh your mind, perceive the world from the inside out, and spend a lot of time and energy to perceive the indescribable 'Qi' of Zhongtiandi! "

   "Substitute qi for essence, purify the body, and rejuvenate the body, only then can you hope to be a master." Yu Taishang said.

   "Qi?" Elder Huan thought deeply.

  He has long known the existence of qi, but unfortunately, the realm is not enough, and he can't sense it at all.

  But Wu Yuan's heart was shocked.

  The two masters talked about 'Qi' in their experience, but they only mentioned it briefly, not as detailed as Yu Taishang.

"The so-called qi, the essence, is the magical energy free in the world, and it is the most essential energy in the world." Yu Taishang said: "People in the world often say that the essence, energy, spirit, and essence come from the lower dantian palace and are the essence of the human body." , Eating five grains and meat, can be turned into essence!"

  “However, when vulgar things are turned into essence, there will be impurities, which are harmful to the human body, so it is difficult to live long by eating five grains and meat.”

   "Only when one's skills reach the level of 'Heavenly Man' and the spirit continues to grow, can one hope to sense 'Qi' and eat Qi."

   "Qi, does not contain the slightest impurity."

   "It can cleanse the body, get rid of impurities in the body, and prolong life. Like the ancient fairy dew, it is the liquefaction of the pure 'heaven and earth spirit'."

   "Like many other treasures of heaven, material and earth, they are essentially conceived and bred by the 'spiritual energy of heaven and earth'." Yu Taishang said solemnly.

  Wu Yuan was surprised to hear that.

  The ancient fairy dew is actually the liquid state of heaven and earth aura?

  Before, the mysterious power I sensed in the night, I am afraid, is the aura of this world.

   No wonder the two forces are almost the same.

  Wu Yuan understands that a brand new world has been completely opened to him. The so-called extraordinary evolution is actually a leap in energy level.

  A person who absorbs the aura of heaven and earth.

  In essence, it surpasses warriors who eat five grains and flesh and blood.

"My lord, I know from my master's experience." Wu Yuan couldn't help but said: "The realm of the unity of heaven and man is divided into three realms: consciousness, body fusion, and unity. Could it be possible to 'eat Qi' when you reach the level of consciousness?" ?"

  Wu Yuan has been able to make it clear.

  The so-called control of the environment is the "unity of man and nature" of the warriors in Middle-earth.

  Control the environment first, perceive the surrounding environment, that is, the sense of meaning.

  Double control of the environment, the body blends into the surrounding environment, that is, body integration.

   As for the Unity Realm? Wu Yuan didn't fully understand it yet, but he had a vague feeling from Grandmaster Fang Xia's experience.

   "In the realm of consciousness, there is indeed hope to achieve 'breathing energy'."

  Yu Taishang said: "The premise is that the gods must be extremely powerful, coupled with superb skills, and learning the special 'breathing qi method', there will be a glimmer of hope."

"Skills, soul, and methods are indispensable." Yu Taishang said with emotion: "Even so, there are still many difficulties and dangers. Often, only one of the five or six masters of artistic conception who are over sixty years old can step on the road." Become a master."

   Wu Yuan suddenly realized.

   "My lord, is it necessary to practice the Qi method?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking.

   "Not absolutely."

  Yu Taishang shook his head and said: "If the state is high, such as the unity of fighting spirit and skill, or the spirit is extremely strong, it will take ten or twenty years, maybe there is hope to directly 'breath the energy' by one's own strength."

   "Ten or twenty years?" Wu Yuan was taken aback.

so long?

   "Hmm." Yu Taishang smiled and said, "It's been a long time? Many masters of artistic conception, even if they have the method of eating qi, it will take at least five or six years before they can hope to achieve 'breathing qi'."

  Wu Yuan was silent.

   It's so difficult to breathe?

  Then I don't rely on the method of eating qi, but rely on my own direct induction to devour the aura of the world in just a few months, what level is it?

  Is it because of the strong spirit?

   "My lord, how did the method of breathing energy come about?" Wu Yuan couldn't help asking.

   Yu Taishang said: "The earliest breathing method was actually created by some masters of the Tianbang."

   "The masters of the Tianbang, most of them have reached the perfect harmony between man and nature in their realm, or even higher!"

   "Their souls are so powerful that they can capture objects in the void." Yu Taishang said.

  Wu Yuan was surprised when he heard this.

   "Tai Shang, the void captures objects, can the masters of the Tianbang do it?" Wu Yuan asked.


  Yu Taishang smiled and said: "It's incredible to use the virtual to control the real. Grandmasters, it is almost impossible to do it."

   "Like some sword fairy legends in the world, they originated from the masters of the Tianbang. With a single sword, they possess extraordinary power and kill the enemy hundreds of meters away."

   "Shooting objects in the void is one of the three conditions for a master to enter the celestial list." Yu Taishang's eyes were full of yearning.

   "Three major conditions?" Wu Yuan was curious.

   "You must be a master in the future, so it's okay to tell you now." Yu Taishang said: "The first is to reach the limit of the human body, and the vitality and blood cannot decay. A hundred years is the limit, and the younger the better."

   Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

   "Second, it is the state of skill, at least reaching the state of 'body integration'."

"The third is the spirit! God, you must be able to capture objects in the void. Of course, you won't be able to reach the so-called sword fairy. Generally, you can control the 'ten catties' heavy object to fly slowly, and you can clearly perceive the middle dantian palace. "

   "If this is the case, there will be hope for the heavenly list." Yu Taishang solemnly said: "Three conditions are indispensable, and the stronger the body, the better the skill, and the stronger the spirit, the hope of breakthrough will be greatly improved."

  Wu Yuan was completely stunned when he listened.

  Three conditions.

  Skills can reach 'body fusion'? I have reached it.

   Take objects in the void, just control the "ten catties" heavy object to fly? I can control hundreds of kilograms of weight to fly around myself.

  Sensing Zhongdantian Palace? I even felt the one hundred and eight acupuncture points in my body.

   The only difference.

   Just the body.

  It can reach the limit of the human body, will it be very difficult for Wu Yuan? It's just a matter of time.

   "Why, are you scared?" Yu Taishang looked at Wu Yuan and sighed softly: "It's very difficult to become the top ranking."

"as me."

   "In terms of skill, when I was in my seventies, I had already reached the state of 'body fusion', but my soul has never been able to break through."

   "Even if you try your best to get the Concentration Pill, the effect will not be obvious." Yu Taishang shook his head and said: "It is too difficult to absorb it from the void."

  Wu Yuan couldn't help being silent.

   Elder Huan on the side listened with gusto.

  Tianbang is too far away from him. In this life, the hope of reaching the master is very slim.

  He has long accepted his fate.

   It does not mean that he is not interested in the Grand Master and Tianbang.

   "Wu Yuan."

   "The Supreme Master." Wu Yuan listened.

"Your talent is so high, not to mention unsurpassed in the past and present, there is no doubt that it is the best in the world today!" Yu Taishang stared at Wu Yuan: "Before you were seventeen years old, your skills touched the 'sense of meaning' territory."

   "In the future, it is not difficult to imagine that it will be possible to achieve the Body Blending Realm."

   "You opened up the upper dantian palace, God, and it is also extremely powerful."

   "It can be said that as long as you practice step by step, you will have great achievements in the future." Yu Taishang's eyes were full of desire: "I hope that your goal is not limited to the master of the earth list, but the heaven list."

   "And I, risking my life, will also help you."

   "Tianbang?" Wu Yuan was taken aback.

   He didn't expect it.

  Shang Yutai had such high expectations for himself.

"Back then, Grandmaster Fang Xia was expected to be on the top list. If it wasn't for the Chujiang Empire...well, there is no need to mention these secrets." Yu Taishang looked at Wu Yuan with anticipation: "If you are on the top list, I, Hengyun Sect, will be Xing San." In a hundred years, no matter how powerful the Great Jin is, it will not be able to defeat us."

  Elder Huan on the side was stunned.

  Before, he only thought that Wu Yuan had the hope of becoming a grand master, but according to what the Supreme Master meant, Wu Yuan actually had the hope of becoming a master?

   "Three hundred years?" Wu Yuan asked curiously, "Can a master of the Tianbang live for three hundred years?"

  He read the experience of the master.

   The news about the masters of the Tianbang, but the words are unknown.

   "More than that." Yu Taishang said softly, "You have to understand that ordinary grandmasters generally live to be 140 to 50 years old, but why some master masters can live to 170 to 80 years old?"

   "Eat Qi!"

   "For example, Jian Taishang, my combat power is stronger than him."

   "But in the study of 'Qi', he is better than me." Yu Taishang laughed at himself: "Normally speaking, he must have lived longer than me, at least twenty years longer."

  Wu Yuan and Elder Huan looked at each other.

  Especially Elder Huan. He recalled what his father said before. At that time, he thought that the other party was bragging, but he didn't expect it to be true.

   "A master master can only eat qi, but the acupoints are not opened, so he can't store qi."

   "Tianbang master."

"They are not only eating qi, but also 'refining qi'. They have completely opened the Zhongdantian Palace, using the Zhou Tianqiao point as a node, turning the aura of heaven and earth for their own use, and it will last forever in their bodies, using 'qi' as the source of power .”

   "Those who eat Qi will prosper and prosper!"

  "A person who refines Qi will never die." Yu Taishang had endless longing in his eyes: "The so-called masters of the heaven list are essentially a group of 'qi refiners'."

   "Naturally, their lifespan is extremely long. Three hundred years is just the starting point. The higher the level of cultivation, the longer the lifespan."

   "As far as I know, there are Qi refiners who have lived for more than five hundred years." Yu Taishang sighed softly.

  Wu Yuan and Elder Huan were shocked.

   Five hundred years?

  The vicissitudes of the world have changed, and many dynasties and sects have only two or three hundred years from their rise to their demise.

  Like the Hengyun sect, it has a history of more than 300 years.

  The Chujiang Empire perished in more than six hundred years.

  A master of the heaven list, but can live more than five hundred years? It really is 'a person who refines Qi, lives forever and dies'.

   "My lord, you just said, what does it mean to help me?" Wu Yuan said suddenly.

   "Don't ask too much." Yu Taishang said lightly: "When you should know, you will naturally know."

   "What I said just now is just a general idea. It will let you know something about the Dibang and Tianbang, and make you clear."

  Yu Taishang said solemnly: "Remember, Wu Yuan, you should aim for the Tianbang!"

   "Disciple, please remember." Wu Yuan said solemnly.

   "Elder Huan, I have something to discuss with Wu Yuan alone, you go down first." Yu Taishang said suddenly.

   "Yes." Elder Huan whispered.

  He understood that it must be important for the Supreme Master not to let him listen.


  Inside the hall.

   Only Wu Yuan and Yu Taishang are left.

   "Wu Yuan." Yu Taishang said softly: "With your strength, you should be able to break through the third floor of Hengtian Pavilion soon."

   "Maybe, I haven't tried it." Wu Yuan nodded.

  With the strength he showed, his physical fitness is still a bit behind that of a first-class master, but his overall strength is comparable to that of a first-class master.


  The third floor of the Hengtian Pavilion is a benchmark for the disciples of Yunwu Palace. When the ancestors of the sect set a difficult challenge, they hardly expected the disciples of the younger generation to pass.


  In the Wu Yuan project.

   After turning eighteen, go to the third floor of the Hengtian Pavilion.

"Crossing the third floor of the Hengtian Pavilion is really difficult. Your physical fitness needs to be gradually improved. If you want to break through in your fighting skills, it will be difficult to break through in a short time." Yu Taishang said softly: "Originally, I wanted to break through again." Wait a few years and test you more."

   "Unfortunately, I don't have time to procrastinate."

   "So, after next year's competition, go to the second floor of Hengtian Pavilion." Yu Tai said: "At that time, apply for another trial mission."

   "Trial mission?" Wu Yuan was taken aback.

   "Just listen to me." Yu Taishang calmly said: "I let you do it, naturally there is my purpose."

   "Yes." Wu Yuan nodded.


   I saw Yu Taishang turned his palm, and a book appeared out of thin air in his palm.

"This book, titled "Earth Cangming", is a method of 'breathing qi', and it is the only method of nourishing qi obtained by my Hengyun sect." Yu Taishang stroked the cover of the book and said softly: "Now, I'll give it to you."


  The book flew towards Wu Yuan, Wu Yuan could not help but reach out to take it.

  Books are very textured, not paper, but a very special material, very tough, obviously it was made at a huge cost.

   "This is the original." Yu Taishang said calmly.

   "Originally?" Wu Yuan was startled.

"There are two types of qi methods. One is created by the masters of the Tianbang, and it is the earliest type." Yu Taishang said softly: "The other type is the martial arts powerhouses of the past dynasties. explored."

   "This "Dadi Cangming" was obtained by Patriarch Fang Xia from a relic of the immortal family."

   "Rubbings only have form, but no spirit!"

   "The original, however, contains invisible guidance. It is much easier to understand the method and practice through it than to simply read the text." Yu Taishang said: "Of course, it is still difficult."

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

   This is the foundation of the sect. No matter how talented you are, it is still difficult to obtain such treasures.

   "Of course, you can't take this original down the mountain." Yu Taishang said softly: "After you really get started, return the original to me."

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Wu Yuan said honestly.

   "In addition, I will pass on the sixteen volumes of the master's experience in the collection room. If you want to read it, you can read it as much as you want." Yu Taishang said: "All contribution points will be exempted."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty." Wu Yuan said repeatedly.

   This is a surprise.

   This item alone can save hundreds of thousands of contribution points.

  Of course, Wu Yuan understands that the so-called contribution points are just a form of sect resources, and they are more for motivating disciples.

   Similar to the talent shown by Wu Yuan.

   Use contribution points to limit? It violates the original intention of promoting disciples' practice.

   "Okay, step back." Yu Taishang waved his hand, as if thinking of something, feeling a little heavy.


  Wu Yuan cupped his hands, without asking any further questions, put the book in his arms, and left with a bow.

   Watching Wu Yuan disappear.

   Yutai stood up and meditated for a while.

  Along the corridor of the main hall, they came to the slightly visible hall behind.

   Here, there are rows of spiritual seats.

  The incense on both sides does not go out.

   "Seniors of the sect." Yu Taishang looked at the names on the tablet and thought silently: "The sect is in danger, please allow Bu Yu to be unrestrained for a while."

   "Wu Yuan, he is too young, I don't know if he is reliable."

   "It's just that I have no choice." Yu Taishang sighed softly, took three sticks of incense, lit them, and bowed three times.

   Plug in.


  Wu Yuan left Palace Yun and came down, Elder Huan who was waiting here didn't ask any more questions, just exchanged a few words and let Wu Yuan go back to Palace Yunwu.

  He knows the rules.

   Yu Taishang didn't let him listen in, so he didn't ask more questions. Sometimes, less knowledge is a good thing.

   Return to the residence of Yunwu Hall.

   Wu Yuan sat down cross-legged, thinking silently.

   "It turns out that everything is because of Qi."

   "Perceive the heaven and the earth, perceive the mighty power in the heaven and the earth, swallow the aura of the heaven and the earth, and you can strengthen your body." Wu Yuan sighed secretly: "A master in the heaven list is a qi refiner?"

  A person who refines qi is hard to die for a long time, and it is easy to live for hundreds of years.

   "From an ordinary person, to becoming a warrior, to becoming a master warrior, there is actually no essential change." Wu Yuan's eyes had a trace of longing: "Only becoming a celestial list can be the real transformation, the evolution of life!"


   "The three major conditions for Cheng Tianbang."

   "Before I knew it, I had reached two?" Wu Yuan shook his head secretly.

   I really feel incredible.

  The only difference is physical fitness!

   This is also easy.

   "King Wu designated the first grade, which is 200,000 jin of strength. I am afraid that this is the minimum physical requirement to reach the 'Tianbang'." Wu Yuan speculated.

   He has no details.

  Can only speculate.


   "Spirit and skill, although I have met the requirements of breaking through the heaven list, I can't slack off either." Wu Yuan knew it very clearly.

   The masters of the Tianbang, I am afraid there are strong and weak.

  As Yu Taishang said, some masters of the heaven list have reached the 'unity state' and achieved the true unity of heaven and man.

  Some masters in the heaven list can really control objects and kill enemies with swords.

  Compared with these masters in the Tianbang, Wu Yuan is far behind.

   "My advantage lies in my physical fitness." Wu Yuan thought about it: "When an ordinary master enters the celestial list, his physical fitness is estimated to be more than 200,000 catties."

   "As for me, when I reach the limit of my body, my physical fitness will eventually soar to a very amazing level."

  Wu Yuan firmly believed.

  Stronger body, better fighting skills, stronger spirit, these are accumulations, and when you really step into the realm of Tianbang, you will only be stronger than the normal cultivation of Tianbang masters.

   "My lord, let me go to the second floor of the Hengtian Pavilion after the annual competition, and also participate in the trial? Why?" A trace of doubt flashed in Wu Yuan's eyes.

  He didn’t forget what Yu Taishang said before—If you risk your life, it will help you.

  Cultivation is one's own business.

  How to help?

   "Could it be that Yu Taishang intends to enter Chujiang Wonderland and help me find treasures?" This thought suddenly flashed in Wu Yuan's mind.

  The more he thought about it, the more Wu Yuan felt it was possible.

   "Right now, we can only take one step at a time."

   "Work hard to make the strength stronger!"

   "Last time, I was ranked more than 180 in the ranking list of Qunxinglou." Wu Yuan secretly said: "With my current strength, I don't know how much I can rank."

   More than a month ago, Qunxinglou's new list was released.

  Wu Yuan still ranked first in the "Jiangzhou Talent List".

  At the same time, his identity as a dark knife ranked one hundred and eighty-three in the "Earth List".

   There are less than two hundred and fifty masters in the Dibang.


  In the view of Qunxinglou, the overall strength of the Dark Sword is very low in the local rankings, and even this ranking depends on its strong endurance.


  In the ranking of the positive strength of Qunxinglou, Wu Yuan is at the bottom, and most of the masters will be stronger than him.

   "Combined with the experience of the two masters I have seen, "Tianxia Dibang" and Yu Taishang's narration."

   "Grand masters can be roughly divided into four sub-levels according to their strength." Wu Yuan pondered: "The weakest should be those masters whose skills have not broken through to the unity of nature and man. The number is very small."

the reason is simple.

  Different from the previous life, it is very difficult to reach the limit of the human body in Middle-earth, and it is even more difficult to break through in martial arts.

  Want to become a master at a young age?

almost impossible!

   Therefore, this has led to the fact that all those who can become grandmasters have very good fighting skills, and most of them are at the level of "consciousness" in the unity of nature and man. This is the most common strength of the masters of the earth list.

   For example, Grandmaster Chen Luo!

   Further up, there are some powerful grandmasters whose combat skills have reached the level of 'body fusion', or possess first-grade divine weapons.

   Or both!

  Let their strength surpass ordinary masters.

   Such a powerful master, looking at the world today, I am afraid there are only twenty or thirty, all of whom are qualified to compete for the great master, and are generally known as the "peak master".

   "Stronger?" Wu Yuan thought to himself.

   There are too!

  For example, Jin Huang'Jin Cang' is recognized as the first place in the local list, why?

  His physical fitness is extremely terrifying, and his single-arm fist strength exceeds 250,000 catties!

  He controls first-rank divine weapons, and more than one, among which the Jinhuang Sword is recognized as a fearsome first-rank divine weapon by the world.

  His combat skills are also very good.

  The most important thing is that he also practiced the 'immortal art' bestowed by the masters of the Tianbang, and he hardly has any weaknesses.

   "The so-called 'Xianshu'."

   "Essentially, it is the technique of using the 'weather spiritual energy'." Wu Yuan secretly said: "It's just that the master of the Dibang can only eat Qi, but can't refine it. Therefore, it costs a lot to use, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate successfully."

  Once practiced, the power is amazing.

   "Right now, let alone comparing with the masters of the heaven list, even if there are many masters of the earth list, it is difficult for me to stand at the top!"

   "Let's practice."

   "The rain is too high, let me read the experience of the sixteen masters for free, don't waste it, read them one by one slowly."

   "Reading is to accumulate wisdom."

   "At the same time, this book "Dadi Cangming" is the method of eating qi. I also have to hurry up and try to practice." Wu Yuan's eyes flashed with anticipation.

  Before there was no Qi-breathing method, I could absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

   Now there is a method.

   Practice again, what will happen?


  After seeing the rain too.

  Wu Yuan's practice life has returned to calm again, in addition to normal body tempering and skill cultivation every day.

   is to go to the collection room and read the experience of the master.

   Every night.

  Try to practice "Earth Cangming".

  At the beginning, Wu Yuan thought that it should not be difficult for him to succeed in cultivation.

   After trying it, I can understand the power of "Dadi Cangming".

   "The method of eating qi."

   "The first condition is to gain insight into acupoints. Only by directing Qi to flow around the sky and guiding them to nourish the body can we gradually devour them." Wu Yuan tried one by one.


  His spirit is strong enough, and he can vaguely sense the existence of acupoints without relying on the method.

  With the reference of the method, the speed of sensing the Zhou Tianqiao point will only be faster.

   Time flies.

  Autumn goes and winter comes.

   Another year of cold winter, the annual competition is approaching.

  In the courtyard.

  First floor.

   "The one hundred and eight orifice points are finally fully sensed and clear." Wu Yuan's consciousness traversed Zhou Tian, ​​only feeling that Zhou Tian was complete.


  A large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy poured into the body.


  ps: Chapter 1, please subscribe! Ask for a monthly pass!

  Sorry, it’s really late today, it’s hard to write this part

  (end of this chapter)

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