Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 122: One hundred thousand years, you are finally here

  Chapter 122 One hundred thousand years, you are finally here

  Unify Jiangzhou? Wu Yuan and Buyu looked at each other.

  They have to admit that this Chu Jun is a smart man.

  How could you not have this idea?

  When the Chujiang Empire perished and the situation was chaotic, Hengyunzong allowed Baijiang King and Yuanhu Villa to rise. The key reason was that they were not strong enough.

  However, with Huan Jian and Wu Yuan breaking through one after another.

  In addition, Chu Ping died suddenly.

  Wu Yuan may not have had much thought yet, but Bu Yu's ambition has already grown like a weed.

   It's just that he is still in the Chujiang Wonderland right now, and there are so many people, Bu Yu didn't talk to Wu Yuan about these things.

  The site is big enough! Only more martial arts experts will emerge, and the foundation of the sect will be more stable.

   "Senior is a man, I admire!"

"Senior is from Jiangzhou." Chu Jun said solemnly: "In the future, senior will step into the Tianbang, command the four prefectures of Baijiang, and be the leader of the Hengyun Sect, whether it is Guangping Mansion, Dalong Mansion, or Dongmeng, Both Ximeng and Yuanhu Mansion will only surrender in response."

   "At that time, it will be easy for the senior to rule Jiangzhou and become the master of Jiangzhou."

   "Jiangzhou should not be a chess piece of the four Linhai states."

"Jiangzhou should be the Jiangzhou of Jiangzhou people." Chu Jun said solemnly, as if talking about the excitement: "Even in the future, when the strength of the seniors becomes stronger and stronger, the two states of Jiang and Chu are unified, and the Chujiang Empire is rebuilt. His fame shakes the world, and his merits and demerits to the Emperor of Jin are still unknown."

  Wu Yuan was speechless for a while.

  This Chu Jun seemed to be big and thick, but he never imagined that his thoughts were so delicate, and he drew a big cake for Wu Yuan in an instant.

  This cake is not easy to eat.

   "Dark knife."

  Bu Yu smiled and said: "What Master Chu said is not wrong. If you are the master of Baijiang, the sect will support you to rule Jiangzhou in the future."

   Wu Yuan shook his head and laughed.

  Unify Jiangzhou? Even if you open up a country by yourself in name, in the end, it is destined to be handed over to the sect to manage it.

  Why? There are thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and the vast territory requires people to guard and manage it.

  Wu Yuan himself did not have the patience to manage these chores.

  As for the Wu clan? With only three or two cats, big and small, how can they control such a huge territory?

  The Jin royal family has more than one grandmaster born from generation to generation, and they still have to win over many grandmasters so that all parties can share power together.

   Otherwise, the territory will be unstable.

  In the world of martial arts, immortals and demons, one person gathers the great power of heaven and earth, and controls extraordinary power.

   Unless there is a force that overrides everything, it is impossible to establish a stable dynasty.

  As strong as the masters of the earth list and the masters of the sky list, they may be loyal to the country, clan, and sect, but it is difficult to make them submit to weak kings.

   "Master Chu."

   "You want me to be the Lord of Baijiang, and be sure to subdue all the forces under the King of Baijiang?" Wu Yuan said indifferently.

  The land of the four prefectures, with a territory of thousands of miles and a population of tens of millions.

  To submit to a person out of thin air, how can it be done with a single sentence?


   Chu Jun nodded and said: "I will convince Wu Hongxuan that the lord is dead, as long as the two of us work together, and Senior Dark Saber sits in charge, it will be enough to eliminate all disobedient officials."

   Wu Yuan nodded.

  As far as he knows, Chu Jun is usually in charge of the most elite "Hundred Rivers Army" under the command of King Baijiang.

  Wu Hongxuan served as the 'Prime Minister', and the two joined forces, and indeed they were able to control Baijiang Chaotang.

   "I can promise you."

  Wu Yuan said softly: "However, I have to tell you that I don't know how to build a country, let alone a royal family. The one who will rule Jiangzhou in the future is bound to be the Hengyun Sect!"

   Chu Jun was taken aback.

  Bu Yu's eyes showed a gleam of joy. Although she verbally supported Wu Yuan, she actually had a trace of worry in her heart.

   Kingdom, denomination.

   These are the two choices of the top powers in the Middle-earth world. Some choose to establish a royal country, while others are willing to establish a sect.

Pros and cons!

   "When the time comes, you and Wu Hongxuan join the Hengyun Sect, would you like to?" Wu Yuan seemed to ask casually.

  Chu Jun only hesitated for a moment, then immediately smiled and said: "As long as it is what the senior wants, I am willing!"

   There is no turning back when you shoot the bow.

  He thought very clearly, he provoked this incident on his own initiative, and if he refuses Wu Yuan now, that would be to offend Wu Yuan, and the gain outweighs the gain.

not to mention.

  Heng Yunzong was born a master of the heaven list, as long as he can block the advance of the Jin army, it will be a matter of time before he can unify Jiangzhou.

  Does Baijiang Sifu have any ideas inside, is it important?

   "Man is a sword, I am a fish." Chu Jun sighed secretly: "My lord, don't blame me, Uncle Wu and I can't command such a large territory. When the news of your death spreads, it will only attract covetousness from all parties."

   Something that cannot be kept sooner or later.

   Why don't you take advantage of the 'life-and-death friendship' with Wu Yuan and Buyu, and take the initiative to sell it.

  Maybe it can be sold for a good price!

  At least, based on Chu Jun's observation alone, Wu Yuan would not kill him!

   Not as he expected.

   "Chu Jun." Buyu and Wu Yuan looked at each other, and as they were on their way, she took the initiative to ask, "What is your request?"

"The four prefectures of Baijiang are under the command of Hengyunzong. The prince's funeral will be buried with the 'prince ceremony'. I hope the heirs of the prince can be granted the title of 'one prince'. They will be hereditary and will be sacrificed every year to rest the hearts of the four prefectures." Jun said: "At the same time, in the land of the four prefectures, the military and government hope that everything will continue as usual, and try not to move rashly in a short period of time."

   "The civil servants and generals of the four prefectures are disciples of the same rank as Biheng Yunzong."

   "In the future, the people of the four prefectures will not set up any obstacles to join the Hengyun Sect, so that the four prefectures will return to their hearts." Chu Jun said four demands in one breath.


  He opened his mouth because he had conceived it for a long time, and it was not a sudden impulse.

   "The king of Baijiang is named by Chu Ping himself. Logically, he cannot be buried with royal ceremonies." Buyu shook his head directly.

   Chu Jun's heart skipped a beat.

Buyu changed the topic: "However, he pacified the four mansions, made the people of the four mansions live in peace, made great contributions, and can be buried in the "royal ceremony". .”

   Wu Yuan nodded.

  Under normal circumstances, there will be no princes in sectarian forces.

  Therefore, the first-class duke is the highest title, and all dukes will descend in turn. The "grandmaster family" like Hengyunzong is usually only a first-class marquis, and there is no hereditary succession.

"The military administration of the four prefectures must be under the jurisdiction of Yunshan, and important positions such as county guards above Fanjun, guarding generals, and presidents of the martial arts academy." Buyu said firmly: "The decision to stay or stay must be done after being assessed by the sect. "

   "Similarly, civil and military generals of the four prefectures also have to pass the assessment."

   "As for the last item, I can promise that the Zongmen will treat the four prefectures equally and will not show favoritism." Buyu added the last sentence: "In addition, Master Chu, you and Master Wu have the same authority."

  The last sentence made Chu Jun, who originally wanted to argue, hesitate for a while.

give up.

  He knew in his heart that the four prefectures of Baijiang were destined to be impossible to maintain independence.

  The conditions and treatment offered by Heng Yunzong are much better than his bottom line, at least much better than being conquered by the Jin Empire in the future.

  The most important thing is that he himself has won a good future.

   "Hengyunzong, now there are only two masters." Chu Jun secretly said: "The dark knife is about to break through, a new powerful force in the Tianbang, I will join in, and in the future, my status will rise."

  As for King Baijiang?

   Chu Jun asked himself, he did his best to keep his son's glory and wealth.

"Okay." Chu Jun nodded and said: "Senior Dark Sword, Grandmaster Buyu, I agree to all these conditions. When I return to Jiudong Mansion, I will discuss with Prime Minister Wu as soon as possible, and I will give you an accurate answer within 20 days. "

   Twenty days, neither long nor short!


  ...After some discussion just now.

  The relationship between Wu Yuan, Buyu, and Chu Jun became closer, and Chu Jun began to call himself a subordinate of "Wu Yuan".

  Of course, although Wu Yuan and Buyu greeted each other with smiles on their faces, they didn't really trust him completely.

  Trust takes time.

  As for Song Guang and Li Yan? I don't know what Wu Yuan and the others discussed.

  Besides, since the last time they were attacked by more than 30 terracotta assassins, the two teams have not been attacked again, and naturally they have not gathered in one place.

  However, what made them a little depressed, they kept going, but they didn't come across a 'spiritual fruit birthplace'.


   After going deep into the inner region for more than 500 miles, they turned over a small mountain range with a height of 100 feet, and stood on the top of the mountain.

  The two teams stopped at the same time, and the seven masters all looked at the end of the world in shock.

"so big!"

"really big!"

   "Could it be that is the witch's room?" Everyone watched with bated breath, even Wu Yuan's eyes had a hint of shock.

   Far away.

   At the end of the world hundreds of miles away, it was slightly blurred, standing a majestic and majestic bronze temple, like a high mountain, a vast and distant breath came, impacting their hearts.

   It's too big!

   "It's so clear when you're separated by hundreds of miles?" Chu Jun couldn't help but said, "According to my estimation, it's probably as high as five or six hundred feet."


   "The width is estimated to be more than ten miles." Wu Yuan said softly.

  First judge the approximate distance between the two sides, and then according to the size of the horizon, you can roughly estimate the height and width of this majestic bronze palace.


   Li Yan who flew over shook his head and said: "Where is this room? It is obviously a huge palace! I really don't know how it was built."

  A group of masters deeply agree.

   Even with their strength, they feel that such a spectacle building is too incredible, and it can be easily completed by non-manpower.

   "This is the great power of the ancient Qi refiners!"

  Song Guang's eyes were full of longing: "Legends say that the ancient Qi refiners could pluck the stars, capture the moon, and travel to the heavens. What's so difficult about building such a huge palace?"

   "Let's go."

   "If such a huge palace had appeared in the past, the Chujiang Empire would definitely have recorded it, but it has never been recorded." Song Guang said solemnly: "Explain, it is the first time it has appeared."

  Everyone jumped in their hearts.

  Everyone is a master, even 'Chang Dong' with the weakest background knows a lot of secrets.

   It is very clear what the first "Xianjia Ruins" means.

   Immortal Treasure! God soldiers! Strange thing! Famen!

   Whoosh! Whoosh! The crowd didn't want to delay any longer, and quickly turned into streams of light, each of them quickly approaching the speed of sound, and rushed to the giant palace at the end of the world with all their strength.

  They were all full of longing.

   All motivated.

  Wu Yuan is no exception. Be cautious when you should be cautious, but when a big opportunity comes, you should also fight hard.

At this moment.

  Wu Yuan, Buyu, Li Yan, Song Guang, they all understood why 'Jin Qing' wanted to attack and kill them in the first place.

  I'm afraid, it was expected that there would be such a large fairy house ruins.


  At this moment, everyone was faintly wary of other teammates, especially Wu Yuan and Song Guang, lest they suddenly explode.

   Not impossible.

  However, Wu Yuan took the lead and rushed to the front, Song Guang was slightly behind, and neither of them showed signs of attacking, which made the other masters feel relieved.

   "Do it?"

  Wu Yuan thought very clearly: "No matter how strong I am, I may not be able to kill Song Guang quickly. Once I make a move, I am afraid that the masters of all parties will scatter and flee."

   Wu Yuan was not sure about killing all the grandmasters.

not to mention.

   So far, he has never seen a master of the Jin Dynasty. Naturally, Wu Yuan does not want to fight among himself and let the enemy take advantage of the fisherman.

  For Wu Yuan and Heng Yunzong.

  Da Jin is always the number one enemy.

  ...When Wu Yuan and the others quickly rushed towards the majestic bronze palace.

  Inside the palace, there is a mysterious space.

   "Boom!" "Boom!"

  Every punch can make the air explode.

  Every foot can make the earth tremble!

   Whoosh! A figure nearly two meters tall, covered in black armor, was frantically dodging again and again, avoiding the giant's bombardment again and again.

   Didn't dare to fight at all.

   "This sorcerer's punch is too terrifying. The strength of a punch is probably more than two million catties." Blood was faintly overflowing from the corner of Jin Qing's mouth, and he roared in his heart: "How can this test be so difficult?"

  At the beginning, he still wanted to fight the opponent and kill the giant.

   Just one punch made him honest.

  The giant's combat skills are very ordinary, and I'm afraid they don't even know the extreme strength skills, but the absolute strength and speed make the giant burst out with incredible combat power.

  Even with the spirit weapon battle armor, Jin Qing still didn't dare to take it hard.


  He tried once just now, the giant's arms, waist, back, and thighs can all be turned into weapons, bursting out with amazing power.

   No flaws!

   The perfect fighting machine.

   "Procrastination, I can only survive ten breaths, and I can pass this level." Jin Qing's eyes are full of determination: "We have reached this point, we must not give up."

  The idea just crossed his mind

   "Huh!" The giant who missed the punch suddenly turned around, and kicked sideways like lightning, with a piercing sonic boom, the speed definitely exceeded ten times the speed of sound!

   "Bang!" Jin Qing, who had just dodged to the side, was kicked hard, and he flew out like a shooting star.

   Hit the wall hard!

   "Boom!" The punch the size of a sandbag hit hard, and Jin Qing almost tried his best to dodge it, only to feel that the walls and the ground were trembling.

   "Damn, don't fight anymore! You're going to be crushed to death!" Jin Qing's eyes were red, and the blood from the corner of his mouth couldn't stop overflowing.

   rushed towards the giant.

   Soon, he was punched flying by the giant again!

   Thoroughly honest!


  When Jin Qing was violently beaten in the palace, outside the majestic bronze palace, there was barrenness, and the land was extremely flat.

   Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Wu Yuan, Buyu, Li Yan and the others finally rushed over a hundred miles, arrived here, and looked up at the majestic bronze temple.

   Everyone held their breath.

  The closer they got, the more they could feel the majesty of the temple, and the more they were shocked by the power of this spectacle.

  The closer they got, the more they could feel a vast and ancient aura blowing towards them.

  Standing in front of the temple, it was like an ant facing a giant dragon. The invincible sense of stalwart made their hearts tremble.

  Even Wu Yuan is no exception.

   "This palace is even more majestic than the black tower I saw back then. It really is a trick of immortals and demons." Wu Yuan was shocked by it.

   Even the "interstellar cargo ship" with a length of more than ten kilometers that I have seen before did not give Wu Yuan such a sense of shock.

  However, Wu Yuan instinctively had a feeling.

  The Black Tower is more mysterious and noble!

   A group of seven people stopped a few hundred meters in front of the palace.

   "I haven't seen Jin Qing and the others." Tie Tuo said in a low voice, "We have come all the way, and we haven't even seen their whereabouts."

   "Perhaps it was deliberately covering the footprints." Song Guang said softly: "It is not difficult for the master to pass by without a trace."

   "And now."

   "They are estimated to have entered the palace."

   "This palace is so majestic, and there are quite a lot of doors." Song Guang pointed to the palace not far away.

  Everyone was lost in thought.

  The bronze palace is more than five hundred feet high, as if there is no end in sight, and the width is nearly twenty miles.

   It doesn't look like a palace, but more like a super-large city wall.

  Below the palace, there are hundreds of doors densely packed, each door is one to two hundred meters apart, and they are arranged to the end of both sides.

"Based on the distance, this is the center of the Witch Realm. This should be the 'Witch Room'. There's nothing wrong with that." Li Yan said softly, "And that mysterious voice didn't remind me any more. go in."

   "Now, it's time to make a choice."

   "They entered a door together."

   "Still, enter separately?" Li Yan glanced over the crowd, and finally landed on Wu Yuan: "Brother Dark Dao, this time, I will choose to go alone."

   "Okay." Wu Yuan nodded.

  No one knows what is in the palace.

  It should be noted that the doors are not too big, only two feet high, but the inside is dark, and no one knows where they lead.

   Walking alone is more dangerous.

   You can get treasures without sharing them with others.

   "I want to go alone." Song Guang said the same.

   "Let's separate!"

   "Going alone, with so many doors, the possibility of encountering a master of Jin is very low." Everyone made choices one after another.

  Opportunity is right in front of you.

  Everyone wants to fight.

"Dark Sword, it's safe to follow you, but if I go through one more door, the possibility of the sect snatching rare treasures will also be greater." Buyu looked at Wu Yuan: "Besides, if I am really in danger, I will Can I not drag you down."

  She was very careful, even though only two people could hear her voice, she still didn't call Wu Yuan by his real name.

   "Be careful." Wu Yuan only said two words.

"the same as you."

  In the end, the seven masters entered different doors with a tacit understanding.

  Song Guang was the first to enter, and quickly disappeared into the darkness without any echo.

  The second one is Buyu... In the end, only Wu Yuan was left standing in front of the majestic and endless palace.

  He watches all the doors.

  However, there were no clues. One after another, masters and masters entered, but there was no response, as if they were all swallowed by darkness.

   "Come in." Wu Yuan made a decision.

  Close your eyes and choose a door at random.

   strode in.

  When he was surrounded by darkness and there was no light on the road ahead, he was still hesitating whether to move on.

   "Om~" An invisible wave passed by, and a trace of surprise flashed in Wu Yuan's eyes.

   Without waiting for him to turn and flee.

   Like ripples in space, he disappeared in place.


  嗡~ Wu Yuan only felt a blur in front of his eyes and a blur in his head, similar to the feeling when he first entered the 'Chujiang Wonderland'.

  When the surrounding scene condensed, he only felt that his feet were solid.

   "This?" Wu Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, in front of him was a majestic palace, estimated to be a hundred feet high, and also hundreds of feet in width and length, which was astonishing.

  The walls and the ground are all made of bronze.

  In the palace, there are giant jade platform seats, which are not like ordinary human beings at all, as if they are for giants.


   "One hundred thousand years, you have finally come." An ancient and indifferent voice suddenly echoed in the empty palace.


  ps: Two chapters, the total is still more than 10,000 words, the curtain of the whole book is about to be opened, please ask for a monthly ticket!

  (end of this chapter)

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