Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 135: A body beyond the sea of ​​air

  Chapter 135 A Body Beyond the Sea of ​​Qi

  At this moment, not only the Emperor Jin, but also countless soldiers, servants and maids in Jinsheng Palace respectfully knelt down on the ground.

  The hearts of these soldiers and servants were full of shock.

  So many people, are they all the legendary gods of Tianbang? In the Great Jin Empire, there are so many high-ranking people?

   "Cang'er, get up." The leading man was about 30 years old, wearing a green robe, short hair, and a smile on his face, giving people a warm feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

  Jin Cang got up quickly, he glanced at the group of celestial lists from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help asking: "Old ancestor, didn't the first ancestor come?"

   "Let's go in and talk about it." The short-haired man in green robe said.

  Jin Cang nodded, and directly ordered to the side in a low voice: "Immediately prepare the meal according to the 'A Superior Banquet'."

   "Yes." The **** wearing a high crown on the side did not dare to delay.

  Even if the prince comes, it is usually just a first-class banquet.

  A first-class banquet? Rarely happens every ten years.


   Soon, in the luxurious palace, the seven celestial figures sat down respectively, while Jin Huang followed beside the short-haired man in green robe.

   There are countless delicious food and wine presented on the case.

   Drink three rounds.

   "Fellow Daoist Jinji, Fellow Daoist Jinlong." The middle-aged man wearing a hat sitting on the right said softly, "Did Fellow Daoist Jinquan not come?"

  He looks about forty years old, wearing a crown hat, wearing a white robe, with immortal demeanor, it is the 'Zhao Yi' who once appeared in Tiandao Mountain.

  He is a practitioner of 'Yuanxia Palace', one of the three holy places of Jin Dynasty.

  As long as you are a little familiar with it, you will be shocked when you hear his name mentioned in his mouth.

  Jinquan is the emperor of Jin, the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty.

  Jin Ji is the son of Emperor Jin, the second emperor of Jin Dynasty.

  Jinlong is the third southern king of the Jin Dynasty. In terms of seniority alone, he is the grandfather of the current Jinhuang.

  The four generations of Jin emperors in the Great Jin Dynasty did not completely follow the 'father to son'.

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Jin Ji, it's not that we don't trust you, but according to the information from the Seven Star Tower, Fang Xia may have the strength of the ninth level of Qi Sea." Another black-robed man said softly: "Just rely on the seven of us ? It may not be able to win without injury."


   "Fellow Daoist Jinji, let's invite fellow Daoist Jinquan."

   "This battle is the key battle for our Great Jin to unify the world. How important is it?" Except for a silver-haired monk, several other monks spoke one after another.

This scene.

   Let Jinhuang Jincang on the side suddenly understand that the three holy places of Jin Dynasty are not monolithic.

  Emperor Jin recognized the black-robed man who spoke, it was Xinghai Pavilion Tianbang master 'Hai Jian'.

  Just from the seat point of view.

   "In addition to patriarch Jin Ji." Jin Cang secretly said: "It is Haijian and Zhao Yi, even Patriarch Jinlong seems to be much weaker."

   "Fellow daoists." Jin Ji has a young face, but sitting on the emperor's throne, he has a certain power.

  He has served as Jinhuang for nearly several decades.

  Jin Ji said softly: "My father has been in seclusion for a long time, I reported this matter to him, and then ordered me and fellow Taoists from Xinghai Pavilion and Yuanxia Palace to solve Fang Xia together."

   "Fang Xia, his power is extremely strong."

   "But." Jin Ji glanced at the Qi refiners on both sides of the hall, and an invisible aura spread from him.

   This sudden powerful aura surprised both Zhao Yi and Hai Jian.

   "Seventh level?" Zhao Yi stared at Jin Ji, almost lost his voice: "No! It's the eighth level? You have cultivated to the eighth level of Qi Sea?"

  Zhao Yi's words shocked Hai Jian and other practitioners secretly.

  Qihai Yae?

   "Not bad." Jin Ji smiled slightly: "In the past few decades, I have gained a little, and my cultivation has just reached the eighth level of Qi Sea."

   There was silence.

  Zhao Yi, Hai Jian and other high-ranking figures looked at each other, feeling a burst of pressure.

  Middle Earth Thirteen Middle School has many top powers, such as the Three Holy Lands of Jin Dynasty, Qunxing Building, Qixing Building, Jiushafu, Huangshen Temple and so on.

  There is only one standard for the top powers - to have a high-level monk in the Qi Sea Realm!

  Qi Hai Yae's strength is already in the top ranks above Middle Earth.

   "Fellow Daoist Jin Ji, you are really admirable." Zhao Yi said with a hint of respect in his voice, "Before two hundred years old, he has stepped into the high rank of Qi Sea, and Jindan is expected!"

  Golden Core Realm!

  In the entire Middle-earth Continent, many forces, for thousands of years, have not yet produced a golden core monk.

"Golden pills are hard to come by. Friends Zhao Xing, Hai Feizhang, and my father have all reached the ninth level of Qi Sea for a long time, and there may be hope for a breakthrough." Jin Ji smiled and said, "As for me? It won't be too late until I reach the ninth level of Qi Sea .”

   Everyone was silent.

  Qihai Yae? Sea of ​​Qi Nine Layers?

  It should be noted that among all the people present, only Jin Ji reached the high level of Qi Sea.

  Like Zhao Yi and Hai Jian, the number two figures in their respective holy places, they were all trapped in the sixth level of Qi Sea for a long time.

   "With fellow Daoists from Jin Ji in charge, there is hope for this battle." Hai Jian said slowly, "However, it may be difficult to kill a great monk with nine levels of energy."

  Qihai Jiuzhong.

  Everyone stands at the pinnacle of Middle-earth Continent, and their strength is not comparable to that of Qi Sea Elementary and Qi Sea Intermediate.

  Hai Jian, Zhao Yi and the others are unwilling to fight to the death with such a strong man.

this time.

  They thought that 'Jinquan' would take action in person, intimidated by the opponent's power and the covenant of the three holy places, so they rushed over.

  Although Jin Ji's strength was beyond their expectations, it was still far behind Jin Quan, who was known as the 'No. 1 in the world'.

   "Everyone, let's see."

Jin Ji flipped his palm, and a palm-sized disc appeared in his palm. Countless fine lines were engraved on the disc, and there were six 'small flags' on the edge that exuded a special atmosphere, gathered together as one, with a sense of chilling .

   "Array?" Zhao Yi's eyes lit up.

   "This kind of formation?" Zhao Jian also held his breath. He had never seen such a powerful formation.

  The other monks were also staring at the array, and they could all feel the specialness and power of the array.

   is definitely a precious treasure.

  Most of them understand that the key to this battle probably lies in this formation.

   "This formation is called the 'Seven Stars Profound Flame Formation'." Jin Ji said softly, "It is the 'Combined Attack Formation', which must be operated by at least three monks, and at most seven monks."

   "The seven great monks join forces, one person will be the main battle in the formation, and the six will carry the formation flag to fight."

   "It has three major functions. The first is that when monks gather, they can use true essence and origin stones to form a 'mysterious flame' through the formation plate. The mysterious flame is so powerful that it can burn everything."

   "The second is to form a 'array'. As long as you carry the array flag and do not leave the array for a kilometer, you will be weakened by the array if you encounter external attacks."


  Jin Ji finished explaining the three major functions of the formation, and said with a smile: "It is indeed difficult to kill a big monk with nine levels of energy."

   "I don't expect to kill him either. I just need to defeat him and threaten him with Heng Yunzong to force him to admit defeat."

   "And with the Seven Star Profound Flame Formation, I think, even if the digital Qi Sea Nine Layers join forces, it will be difficult to kill us." Jin Ji smiled and said, "Do you have any concerns, fellow Taoists?"

   Many masters of the Tianbang looked at each other.

  Finally, the eyes focused on Zhao Yi and Hai Jian.

"Haha, with this formation, there is no need to worry." Zhao Yi smiled and said: "Besides, our three holy lands finally wiped out the Chujiang Empire, and the Hengyun Sect, a small sect, wants to rebuild the Chujiang? Idiots talking about dreams!"


   "The Great Jin Dynasty was jointly established by our three holy places, so we should work together." Hai Jian also said.

   "Good!" Jin Ji laughed.

  He sighed in his heart, in terms of treasures, the Jin royal family is the most powerful in the world, even the most powerful Qunxinglou may not be able to catch up.

   It's a pity that there are too few Qi refiners in the royal family.

   So far there are only three.

  Jin Qing's breakthrough originally made him quite happy, but in the blink of an eye, he died in the Ding Wu Realm?

   "Dark knife? I will kill you!" Jin Ji thought to himself.

at the same time.

  Jin Ji has other ideas: "The dark knife may have obtained a treasure from the 'Witch Room', so we should take it as much as possible."

  The thirteen states of Middle-earth, other forces may not know 'Witch'.

  The existence of witches is clearly recorded in the most precious treasure of the Jin royal family, "Zifu Yuji", which is an extremely powerful practice school.


   "Fellow Daoist Jin Ji." Then Zhao Jian said suddenly: "Wu Jianzhong fell, didn't Qun Xing Lou show any signs?"

   Other high-ranking people on the Tianbang also looked at Jin Ji.

   It has been one month since Wujianzhong fell.

  The three holy places of the Jin Dynasty have not acted all the time, just want to sit and watch the battle between Qunxinglou and Hengyunzong.

   Unexpectedly, Qunxinglou did not move!

"Wan Xing Dao sent someone to send a letter. In this battle, Qun Xing Lou will not side with you." Jin Ji said softly: "Just one word, if we can kill Fang Xia, we will avenge Qun Xing Lou, and my Da Jin occupies In Jiangzhou, Qunxing Tower will no longer obstruct you."

   "This old fox!"

   "Greedy for life and afraid of death."

   "Jiangzhou? If Fang Xia is killed, will the star towers still dare to stop my Dajin Bingfeng?" The group of Dajin Tianbang scolded.

   They are afraid of Taoist Wanxing.

  The Qunxinglou is recognized as the number one force in the world. It is the absolute force that makes the Qunxinglou spread all over the world.

  The Great Jin Empire also needs the three holy places to join forces to gain the upper hand.

   "Okay, everyone, Taoist Wanxing doesn't want to fight, and neither can we."

   "It will take a few days to fully comprehend the Seven Star Profound Flame Formation." Jin Ji glanced at the crowd: "Next, we will comprehend the formation. Once we understand the formation, we will kill Yunshan."

  The six masters of the Tianbang nodded one after another.

   "Cang'er." Jin Ji glanced at Jin Cang who was at the side.

   "Old ancestor." Jin Cang bowed his head.

"You pass on the order, and the mobilized armies in Yuanzhou, Jiangzhou, and Chuzhou are all ready." Jin Ji said softly: "Once the battle of Yunshan is over, we will immediately invade Jiangzhou and wipe out the unification of our Great Jin." The biggest obstacle in the world."

   "Yes." Jin Cang's eyes lit up.

  He knows it well.

  Once Jiangzhou is flattened, it is really not far from the Great Jin to rule the world.


  Yunshan in autumn is still pleasant.

  Since the battle of Tianbang at the end of August, the world has been boiling.

  In September, the Hengyun Sect moved more frequently, and the Zong flag was planted in ten of the sixteen prefectures in Jiangzhou, and the momentum shook the world

   Gu Wang, Lu Feng, and Zhang Changsheng, the three masters who exploded the strength of the masters, were also famous for a while.

   On Yunshan Mountain, it was unprecedentedly quiet.

  All forces in the world know that An Dao is a master of the Hengyun Sect and will soon become a master of the Tianbang.

   But not many people really know that the dark knife is Wu Yuan.

  In Wu Yuan's courtyard.

  Since Wu Qiming, mother Wanqin, and younger sister Wu Yijun digested the effects of the mahogany spirit fruit, they were sent down Yunshan Mountain.

   In the courtyard, it was completely quiet.

   "Blood mist evolves!"

  Wu Yuan stayed in the dark and quiet room, feeling the blood-colored mist pouring into his bones and muscles like a tide.

   Blood mist is like a tide!

  The body is like a sponge.

   Devour! absorb!

   In front of Wu Yuan, there were empty bottles one by one, all of which were jade bottles for storing the 'Ancient Immortal Dew'.

  The ancient immortal dew, that is, spiritual liquid.

   "Huh!" Wu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, picked up another bottle of psychic liquid, and directly swallowed it with his head raised, taking dozens of drops of psychic liquid at once.

   It's just scary.

   Accompanied by the dual effects of blood mist and spiritual liquid.

  Wu Yuan only felt that the bones and muscles of his whole body were undergoing rapid changes, countless tiny impurities were being discharged, and the tendons, bones, skin, and membranes were all rapidly improving.

  The magnitude of this transformation.

   It is comparable to the speed of improvement when it first integrated into the 'Witch Pattern', or even stronger.

   Two full days.

  Wu Yuan's surface was covered with visible impurities, and the transformation of his body had just stopped completely.

   "This feeling is really amazing."

"I never thought that condensing the second-class witch patterns, plus this more than a month of painstaking practice, and merging successively with the blood-colored mist, could transform my body to such an extent?" Wu Yuan secretly sighed: "The blood-colored mist is not good for the second-class Witch patterns, all have a strengthening effect?"

  Just thinking about it, Wu Yuan felt incredible!

  In late August, when he entered the Ding Wu Realm, his single-arm fist strength was only 240,000 jin.

  After merging the witch pattern, it reached 330,000 catties.

   This month, Wu Yuan has been quietly cultivating.

  Strength continues to improve.

   Then, he tried to fuse the **** mist again, which resulted in an astonishing transformation of his body.

   "My current fist strength."

  Wu Yuan exercised a little bit of strength, felt the surging power in his body, his eyes were extremely bright: "520,000 catties!"

   One time, it increased the punching power by more than 100,000 catties.

  Beyond Wu Yuan's imagination.

   "The masters of the Tianbang, in terms of physical strength, are no longer as good as me." Wu Yuan sat cross-legged: "The masters of the Tianbang are Qi Sea Realm. They gradually rise from the first level to the ninth level, mainly because of the accumulation of true energy!"

  A Qi refiner, what is powerful is the true essence!

   "On the body?"

"Regardless of the sea of ​​qi level 1 or the sea of ​​qi level 9, their body strength is only '400,000 jin', at most 410,000 jin, 420,000 jin." Wu Yuan has read the message of the fairy letter and knows this clearly .

  A Qi refiner does not pursue a strong body.

  Because, the further you practice, the stronger your body will become a **** to the qi refiner.

   "I have control over the power of heaven and earth." Wu Yuan's spiritual thoughts scattered, sensing the invisible fluctuations of power of heaven and earth.


   One thought, you can gather the power of 'two hundred thousand catties'!

   This also means that in terms of skills, Wu Yuan has already reached the perfection of unity in just one month.

   Further up, there is the 'Yuanjing'.

"In terms of skills, I am not inferior to most middle-level and high-level Qi Seas." Wu Yuan is clear about this: "Only in terms of use, they are stronger than me through the combination of true energy and the power of heaven and earth. Quite a few."

"At least."

   "At close range."

   "I burst out in an instant, and I am fully expected to seriously injure or even kill some weak masters of the heaven list." Wu Yuan secretly said.

   True Yuan, flexible and changeable, can kill enemies out of body.

  Physical strength has the advantage of being continuous and concealed. With the burst of triple strength, the explosive power is very terrifying.

time flies.

  When Wu Yuan perceives and comprehends the changes in his own body.

   "Huh?" Wu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and he sensed the drastic changes in the aura of the surrounding world.

   "Young Master." A voice suddenly sounded: "The killing array has been set up, come to me quickly."


  ps: The first update, ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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