Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 187: Qi refining deity (seeking monthly ticket)

  Chapter 187 Qi Refining Deity (seeking monthly ticket)

   "Finally conceived successfully." Wu Yuan opened his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   It's not easy!

  When he inspected Yanqing Palace for the first time, Xiao Hei vowed that in a few years, the birth of the star would be conceived to perfection.

  Finally, Wu Yuan discovered that theoretical knowledge alone is far from enough, and what Xiao Hei said is far from the reality.

   Fifteen years before it was successful.

  Of course, compared with the hundred years that Qi Ling said at the beginning, it is far worse.

   "After waiting for so long, it's time to go and see." There was a trace of expectation in Wu Yuan's eyes, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.


  In a flash, Wu Yuan had left the quiet room and came to the sky outside. The light was distorted, and no one could detect his existence.

   "Yunjing City." Wu Yuan overlooked the vast city below with a population of more than four million.

  Prosperous to the extreme, there are several bridges across the Yunjiang River, and even above the big river, which were formed by Wu Yuan specially using the magic of the earth system.

  Compared with Yunshan City fifteen years ago, it is completely different.

  Compared to the former Shengjing City, it is even worse.

"Although the Great Jin Dynasty was strong and prosperous in the past, it only occupied the land of the three states, with less than half of the world's population, and a large amount of resources were used for war." Wu Yuan secretly said: "However, the state of Wu is peaceful and healthy, and most of the resources are They are all used for construction, how can they compare?"

  In today's Middle-earth Continent, apart from a small number of troops suppressing local bandits, there are only fast arresters.

   The real powerful ones are the Zhongtuwei and Tengshewei.

  There are many masters in the Tianbang in Zhongtuwei.

  Fifteen years have passed, and Teng Snake Guard has gradually grown up. There are already a large number of first-rate and second-rate warriors. It is easy to monitor the world's common customs.

  In the world of Middle-earth, martial arts are popular!

   And countless warriors and even masters of the Tianbang, their footprints are all over the mainland, and they even go deep into the open sea to explore.

   "Yunshan Mountain." Wu Yuan glanced over the side of Yunshan Mountain, besides the huge Yunshan Mountain, there are also other peaks connected to each other.

   Pavilions and palaces were built one after another, with towering ancient trees.

   There are martial arts arenas one after another, and the caves of masters on the Tianbang.

  As the headquarters of Zhongtuwei, every master of Tianbang has opened up a special mountain station, but the largest and tallest is the rebuilt "Tianwu Mountain" by Wu Yuan.

It can be said.

  The area occupied by the Zhongtuwei headquarters alone is much larger than the entire Yunjing City. There are tens of thousands of mortals living there. This is the method of immortals and demons.

  Like Fang Xia who has broken through to the Golden Core Realm, a random spell can make a mountain rise from the ground.

  In today's Zhongtuwei, there are two Jindan monks—Fang Xia and Hai Feizhang.

  There are nearly 70 masters on the Tianbang list, among which more than ten are high-ranking Qihai, and their overall strength has surpassed the peak of the Middle-earth Continent.

   "Unfortunately, Qionghai still failed to break through." Wu Yuan shook his head slightly.

  Even to get the best inheritance, even Wu Yuan gave special guidance.

   Neither King Qiong Hai nor the King of Extreme North could break through.

   On the contrary, Hai Feizhang, who has been keeping a low profile these years, unknowingly broke through and became a Jindan monk two years ago.

   "Let's go!" Wu Yuan stepped through the void like stepping on flat ground.

   One step forward, tens of miles in a flash, hundreds of miles in a second, and the scenery of mountains and rivers under the feet is constantly changing.

   The void becomes the ground.

  The sky and the earth are as one, even a strong person who understands the way of the earth, the speed on the earth will only be slightly faster than that in the sky.

  This is one of the signs of a spiritual body.

   That's right.

  Fifteen years have passed, and Wu Yuan, who was at the fifth level of the Tongxuan Realm, has unknowingly broken through to the first level of the Spiritual Body Realm.

   This is still the case of interference from gas refining.

  For Wu Yuan, who possesses the blessings of Yaojing Celestial Soil and Blood Mist, this kind of cultivation speed is not fast, or even slow.

  It should be noted that this is the reason why he also cultivates Qi.

  Of course, it is easy to break through at the Tongxuan Realm, but cultivation at the Spiritual Body Realm is much slower.


  With Wu Yuan's current flying speed, he arrived at Zhongzhou City from Yunshan in less than half a quarter of an hour.

   Compared with the prosperous Shengjing City, the scale is much smaller.

  But it has also returned to life, and it is still the third largest city in the world, second only to Yunjing City and Wanxing City.


  Wu Yuan entered the Yanqing Palace in the west at a very high speed, passed through the ecstasy formation shrouded in white mist, and the huge snake body greeted him.

   "Master." The snake raised its head.

  It is Xiao Hei who has grown to nearly a hundred feet. It has become a huge monster, and its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun.

  The power is no worse than the former spirit body demon soldiers, and in terms of strength, it is far superior.

  Even if the spirit body is a triple magic soldier.

   One-on-one, will be easily torn apart by Xiao Hei!

   "Xiao Hei, thank you for your hard work." Wu Yuan landed lightly on the ground, and touched Xiao Hei's head, whose body was shrinking rapidly.

  Xiao Hei caressed Wu Yuan's palm affectionately.

  In the past few years, Xiao Hei was often guarding Yanqing Palace.

   "It was my miscalculation that made the master wait for so long." Xiao Hei shook his head repeatedly.

  Wu Yuan smiled, and quickly led Xiao Hei into the depths of Yanqing Palace.

  The main hall remains the same.

  I saw that inside the huge crystal round platform, most of the starlight liquid that was originally scattered has now been consumed and has become extremely thin.

  In the center, there is an oval-shaped giant egg with a diameter of about two meters. On the surface of the white eggshell, the streaks of starlight are even more dazzling.

  The breath of life is much stronger than it was fifteen years ago!

   "Conceived successfully?" Wu Yuan asked.

   "Yes." Xiao Hei nodded quickly: "Master, look, its eggshell patterns are already perfect, natural, without any flaws."

   Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

   This is a feeling. From the appearance alone, Wu Yuan feels that the secret pattern on the surface of the eggshell is extremely perfect at this moment.

   It seems that adding a little more is a sin.

   "In addition, I have been sensing this month." Xiao Heilian said: "Its vitality has reached its peak, and there is no growth."

   Wu Yuan nodded slightly, the secret pattern was complete, and the breath of life reached its peak, which can basically be judged as a complete pregnancy.

   After all, both Wu Yuan and Xiao Hei only have some theoretical knowledge.

   Don't be too demanding.

   "Okay, Xiao Hei will protect me." Wu Yuan said.

  Xiao Hei nodded, and it left the main hall in one go, and arrived outside Yanqing Palace, its huge body quickly enveloped the entire mountain.

  Spiritual body, the body can be big or small.

   "With Little Black Guardian, even someone at Fang Xia's level is not an opponent, and can't interfere with me." Wu Yuan's spiritual thoughts spread out, and he was relieved.

  Compared to Fang Xia and King Qionghai, Wu Yuan trusted Xiao Hei the most.

  Although Xiao Hei is only at the first level of the spiritual body, he can practice multiple origin techniques, and with a strong foundation, even if he has not yet realized the realm, he is still capable of surpassing Fang Xia, who is at the second level of Jindan.

  …In the main hall of Yanqing Palace.

   "Huh!" Wu Yuan sat down cross-legged, his mind was empty.

  The last deduction of the "Distraction" mystery.

   This secret technique is in the memory of inheritance. In the past fifteen years, he has deduced the first stage countless times.

"Compared to 15 years ago, my soul has grown a lot to visualize the black tower." Wu Yuan secretly said: "And my Qi refining cultivation is only at the seventh level of Qi Sea, and the required soul is not high."

  Why are you distracted when you are in the Purple Mansion and ask to reach the level of Yuanshen?

  Because the mana possessed by the Purple Mansion Realm is too powerful and powerful, if you want to control it, the soul that you separate out is too weak to support it at all.

  So, these years, Wu Yuan has deliberately slowed down the cultivation of his true essence mana, and spent most of his energy on cultivating the source of life.

  This is also the reason why one can reach the first level of the spiritual body.

   Another deduction ends.

   "Let's get started." Wu Yuan's heart was completely calm, only to see the crystal round platform in front of him slowly open, revealing the giant egg inside, and a mighty breath of life spread out.

  In the sea of ​​qi in Wu Yuan's body, the sword-shaped spirit was extremely crystal clear, surrounded by nine flying swords of natal origin, and the sword qi enveloped the sea of ​​qi.

   "Distraction!" Wu Yuan began to operate this method.


  Wu Yuan only felt his heart shake, an unprecedented pain swept his whole body, and his consciousness seemed to be dimmed!

   It hurts too much.

   It was more than ten times more painful than when encountering the insect demon's dying counterattack.

  Dividing the mystery technique is not really splitting a group of spirits from the middle.

  The spirit is invisible, but it is actually the gathering of thoughts one after another.

  So, just expel each thought from the body.

  Step by step, all follow Wu Yuan's expectation.

   "Drive away." Wu Yuan endured the severe pain from the heart, only to feel the thoughts in his body pouring out of the upper dantian palace like a tide.

   This is not a distraction of spiritual thoughts.

  It is the division of the soul.

  In an instant, Wu Yuan only felt his mind weakened for a while, and he sighed secretly in his heart, and he realized more and more why there are so few practitioners who dare to distract their minds.

  I feel weak even if I only allocate one-fifth of the soul, let alone nearly half?


  Relying on his strong spirit and preparation in advance, Wu Yuan survived.

   And these driven thoughts, in the void, instinctively feel hesitant and cold.

  Yang soul, although it can possess the body, it still cannot exist forever outside the body. Only when it reaches the level of the primordial spirit can it be the real glass-like jade body.

   "Go!" Wu Yuan urged.

   "Om~" I saw hundreds of driven thoughts, like invisible streamers, quickly poured into the huge eggshell under the round platform.

   All in one go.

  Why is the carrier hard to find? Because it must be an ethereal body, in order to perfectly fit the mind and body.

  Ethereal body means that there is no trace of blemish, no contamination by any spiritual aura, and absolute purity.

  Even for a strong monk beyond the purple mansion, it is extremely rare to get one.

   This kind of body is also the best carrier for seizing the house.

  That's why Wu Yuan thinks this is a great opportunity. After all, although Master Qingyan is a Master of Zifu, it is extremely rare to have the Xingyuan body.

   "Om~" The moment Wu Yuan's spiritual thoughts poured into the eggshell, it was like a wanderer returning home, as if the thoughts had returned to his original body, a heartfelt warmth surged into his heart.


   "Boom!" Wu Yuan only felt his consciousness vibrating in an instant, and his perception even produced subtle changes.

   Let him understand in an instant.

  This is because two deities, two consciousnesses are produced.

  Consciousness is common, but due to different bodies, the perception of the outside world is completely different.

   But they are all Wu Yuan.

   "Refining the deity of Qi, conceive." The spirit thought that Wu Yuan split out quickly merged with the body inside the eggshell.

   Being conceived by the body, this part of the soul quickly began to recover.

   And the moment the soul melted into the eggshell, the 'Star Origin', which was originally in chaos, quickly began to change.

  It was originally in the 'nascent state', once it merged with the soul, it would be born quickly and truly.

at the same time.

  Wu Yuan's soul was severely injured, and waves of exhaustion came to his heart, but he didn't dare to neglect at all, distraction was only the first step.

  The second step - Migrate Qihai!

  The Sea of ​​Qi is mysterious and unfathomable, between the virtual and the real, so it can migrate into the ethereal body.

   Jingu will not work.

  Of course, it only transfers the air sea, and cannot directly carry the original true essence mana.

   "Open! Crack!" Wu Yuan's thought moved, and a piercing pain immediately followed his chest torn apart.

  A beam of light flew out directly.

   Fly to the white giant egg.

  Fortunately, Wu Yuan has reached the spiritual body state, the damage caused by splitting the sea of ​​​​qi is very weak, and the impact is not too big.

   This second step is not dangerous.

  At this moment, the eggshell of the giant egg was full of cracks, and there were more and more cracks. It was Wu Yuan's qi refining deity that was rapidly evolving.

  Crack~ Numerous cracks shattered, and the light that had been waiting for a long time fell, and quickly poured into the giant egg along the cracks.

  Integrate into a new body.

   Immediately afterwards, a majestic breath of life came out from the shattered white giant egg.

   "You're done." Wu Yuan smiled.

  The next step is to wait for the birth of the Qi Refining Master.


  ps: the second update

   Happy New Year to all brothers and sisters! good luck!

   In addition, ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!

  (end of this chapter)

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