Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 196: The Second World of Immortal Cultivators (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 196 The Second World of Immortal Cultivators (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Actually, ever since he got the Chiyue God Xuyu, Wu Yuan was impatient.

  Want to get in to find out.

   Just experienced a life-and-death fight, Wu Yuan was also a little worried, so he quickly took King Qionghai away.

  Although normally speaking, most of the looting teams like this are casual cultivators, and from their relics, Wu Yuan did not find any identity certificates of great powers.

   But be careful sailing for thousands of years.

   Chiyue Xianzhou is different from Middle Earth, which is very small.

  What about Xianzhou? According to the Xianjian message, a complete plane can be formed, with a diameter of at least tens of billions of miles.

"A continent of tens of billions of miles, placed in the vast starry sky of the previous life, doesn't seem that big. How big is a light-year?" Wu Yuan secretly said: "But in fact, the vast continent of tens of billions of miles is probably as thick as the land. There are also tens of millions of miles, and in terms of the total amount of matter alone, I am afraid it is worth a river system in the previous life, and maybe more than that."

  The solar system has a maximum diameter of more than one light-year, but the sun occupies more than 99% of the matter.

  What is the diameter of the sun? Just over two million miles!

  Both are not an order of magnitude at all.

  How many powerful people will be born in such a vast world? Difficult to count.

   Chiyue Xianzhou is only the tip of the iceberg of the 'Qingling Great Realm', one of many time and space planes.

  Even the border master has never heard of the name of this fairy island.

"According to the information left by this looting team." Wu Yuan just read some jade slips and books, and came to an inference: "The area around Fengchuan City is not a prosperous area on Xianzhou. I am afraid that the strongest is Zifu. The environment is also normal."

   Fengchuan City governs a land of millions of miles, and there are more than tens of billions of human beings living on this land.

  In the hearts of countless mortals in this land, Fengchuan City is already a fairy city on earth.

  So, if you only want to enjoy yourself in the Zifu realm, it is very easy in the Great Realm Immortal Continent.

  Zifu Realm, on this vast fairyland, has already been called a strong man, who can be worshiped by countless mortals like immortals and demons.

  But looking at the vast world, the Purple Mansion Realm, it's nothing.

   "With my strength, it will be very troublesome if I meet a stronger Jindan master, so I have to keep a low profile." Wu Yuan is very clear about himself.

   On Xianzhou, my own strength is enough to protect myself.

   Don't be arrogant.

  A super strong person who appears at random can crush himself to death.

   "In such a vast world, immortal cultivators also need to communicate." Wu Yuan secretly said.

  Just like Blue Star in the previous life, from the earliest domestication of horses, to railway planes, to later interstellar spaceships...

  In addition, from the early letters, then to the telephone, then to the Internet, and then to the last Metaverse...

  The essence is to solve the rapid communication and transmission of information and materials.

  The same is true for immortals.

"The teleportation array can enable immortal cultivators to quickly arrive at various areas, allowing a large number of treasures to be transferred quickly." Wu Yuan secretly said: "This involves the use of space, just like the 'star gate' and 'wormhole' that were still in the exploration stage in the previous life such as."

   "And this Divine Void Realm is essentially a more advanced metaverse." Wu Yuan's eyes fell on the spar in his hand.

   Chiyue Fairyland, that is, an extremely high-level spiritual realm, can bring countless practitioners in the entire Chiyue Xianzhou to one place, and they can communicate quickly even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of miles.

   And at this moment.

  An idea of ​​Wu Yuan has been put into it.


   "Om~" Without a sound, Wu Yuan in a white robe appeared out of thin air in a personal palace.

  Similar to Middle-Earth Asgard.

   "Hello, respected immortal seeker." A gentle voice suddenly sounded, followed by countless light spots, a beautiful girl in a white robe, about eighteen or nineteen years old, appeared on the side of the palace.

   "This?" Wu Yuan was slightly taken aback.

   "It is the first time for you to enter the fairyland. I am your fairyland guide." The white-robed girl smiled and said, "You can call me 'Xiaoyue'."

  Satsuki? Wu Yuan muttered.

"According to the fairyland regulations, when you enter for the first time, you need to confirm your body model, name, etc." The white-robed girl said: "Reminder, because I haven't sensed your true identity, so I hope your information is as true as possible. , otherwise, it will easily affect the follow-up life in Wonderland."

   Wu Yuan nodded slightly, he knew this information long ago.

  In the Great Realm, the large imaginary realm covering a fairyland is closely related to the real world, and usually uses real identities.

   It is similar to the real-name system in the previous metaverse.

  However, this kind of large-scale imaginary realm is much more sophisticated, and it is impossible to create a 'small account' at all, because it authenticates 'spiritual mind fluctuation'.

  The spiritual fluctuations of each immortal cultivator are unique, even if the body is seized, only the physical body has changed, and the spirit remains unchanged.

   "At the beginning, the fairy palace in Zhongtu was very simple, so the master of the realm could transform the Shenxuyu." Wu Yuan secretly said: "But these high-level gods covering the fairyland?"

  As far as Wu Yuan knows, even Tian Wu can hardly create different identities.

   Quickly, Wu Yuan created an identity model, which was the same as the reality, except that the hairstyle and face shape were slightly modified.

   "Remind the immortal seekers, you can apply for fine-tuning your face and body if you spend 10,000 source crystals." The white-robed girl Xiaoyue reminded her "intimately".

  The corner of Wu Yuan's mouth twitched.

   Ten thousand source crystals?

   It's really dark!

   "Name." Xiaoyue asked.

   "Li Xia." Wu Yuan spat out two words, this is a new name he had thought up a long time ago, and it has many meanings.

  Xia was the beginning of civilization in the Blue Star era in the previous life.

  In Xiashan World, this word is also included!

  Leave Blue Star, leave Xiashan, and start an unknown and misty road to immortality.

   "Besides, when I traveled to Middle Earth, I was leaving the city."

  There is a trace of memory in Wu Yuan's eyes: "Back then, I started the road of martial arts from Licheng. Now, let me start my practice in the great world from the word Lixia."

"this time."

   "Jingzhu, you should stop complaining about my name being useless." Wu Yuan suddenly thought of this matter.

   "Congratulations to Li Xia!"

   "Please start your road to the 'Red Moon Wonderland'." Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Please read your 'Instructions for Beginners', 'Wonderland Rules', 'Wonderland Introduction'... and other eight virtual fairy slips."

   "Also, remind you again."

   "You are entering for the first time, and you can enjoy the 'Ninth Rank Permission' for free, and the time limit is one year."

"Ninth grade authority is the lowest level of authority, and various fairyland functions will be restricted. If you want to increase your authority, you can go to the 'Fairyland Hall' in the fifth-tier cities around Xianzhou to exchange for source crystals, and then upgrade your authority." Xiao Xiao Yuedao: "In addition...Finally, I wish you a happy cultivation and life in Chiyue Wonderland, and you will succeed in calamity as soon as possible, and you will become immortal as soon as possible."


  The beautiful crescent moon dissipates into light and shadow.

   In front of Wu Yuan, there were a total of eight illusory fairy slips, crystal clear and extremely dreamy.

   Wu Yuan read them one by one.

  Originally, Wu Yuan already had a deep understanding of the Divine Void Realm from the information of the Realm Master, plus these special introductions.

  As well as Wu Yuan's powerful soul, after only a quarter of an hour, Wu Yuan fully understood the operation rules of the entire 'Red Moon Wonderland'.

  It is countless times richer than the Asgard of Middle Earth.

   "Have experience in the virtual world? Create a 100% real danger in the fairyland, so that the cultivators can enter the world and sharpen themselves."

   "There is a completely real mortal city, which shields the six senses and even the memory of the immortal cultivator. You can enter it to experience the world of mortals before you leave the memory."

   "There are alchemy simulations. If you fail once in reality, you will consume a lot of materials. But in the realm of the gods, you can try again and again. After dozens of successes in a row, try again in reality?"

   "Is there a special breakthrough perception? Can perceive the whole process of cultivation and breakthrough of high-level practitioners, and help oneself break through?" Wu Yuan was shocked.

   "There is a special employment place, which can recruit and hire countless immortal cultivators from the entire Xianzhou to go on adventures."

   "There is a special information exchange place to collect information on the entire Xianzhou..."

   "There is the 'Seven Star Tianjiao Tower', which allows countless immortal cultivators in the Xianzhou Continent to compete, and only the top geniuses can break through..."

   "There is the "Starry Sky Bloody Battle Tower", **** duels, only the strongest can survive to the end..."

   "There are magic weapons to buy..."

   Too complete, too rich.

  Wu Yuan sighed unceasingly, this is the 'immortal world' he imagined.

  Xiandao is not barbarism, and life evolution is not abandoning technology.

   "The way of immortality is to use the most essential principles of heaven and earth." Wu Yuan realized something in his heart: "Thus, we can create the most beautiful life that can do whatever we want."

  God realm.

  The second world of immortal cultivators!

   "According to what the realm owner said, this kind of Immortal Illusion Realm is not considered the highest level." Wu Yuan secretly said: "There are even more amazing ones."


  For Wu Yuan, Chiyue Wonderland is enough to open his eyes, and he is full of illusions about the second world of this immortal cultivator.

   "Advanced Divine Void Realm, with complete functions." Wu Yuan suddenly smiled again: "However, Krypton Gold has complete functions as well!"

   Permissions are divided into ten categories.

  Ten products, basically you can only browse inside, which means that there is no payment.

  Ninth grade, you can use various functions, the higher the level, the more complete the functions, such as alchemy refining device simulation, etc., are extremely high authority.

   "Ninth-level authority, ten source crystals for a hundred years?" Wu Yuan secretly said: "Eighth-level authority, fifty source crystals for a hundred years?"

   "Seventh grade authority, 250 source crystals for 100 years."

   Very dark!

  Wu Yuan also finally understood why this robbery team only had one Shenxu Jade.

   Such a high price, too poor a gas refiner can't afford it.

  In other words, for many weak Qi refiners, there is no need to enter.

   "However, countless immortal cultivators can enter the entire Immortal Continent plane at the same time, and they can communicate seamlessly even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of miles." Wu Yuan secretly said, "I'm afraid the price to be paid for this Chiyue Wonderland is not small."

   "It's impossible to do it for free." Wu Yuan secretly thought.

  It’s like Middle-earth will build a simple Middle-earth Asgard alone.

  According to Wu Yuan's knowledge, most of the forces will establish small virtual realms inside.

   Fewer functions, but less cost, the most important thing is privacy!

   "In this Chiyue Immortal Territory, the Chiyue Immortal should be behind him. Everyone's every move is under his control." Wu Yuan thought: "Some powerful immortal cultivators may not be willing."

  However, Wu Yuan didn't care.

   "I'm a miscellaneous fish with nine levels of energy." Wu Yuan smiled slightly: "I'm afraid that standing in front of Chiyue Immortal will not attract the other party's interest."

   Miscellaneous fish is good!

   Nobody cares.

   "Ninth grade authority, the functions are limited, most of them can't be used, but you can still go to the first floor of the library." Wu Yuan secretly said.

   There is only one year free period, don't let it go to waste.

  Wu Yuan waved his hand and put away these virtual fairy slips.


   Wu Yuan only felt that the surrounding scene changed instantly, and he had already left his personal palace, and was in an extremely prosperous city.

  There is a lot of traffic, countless pedestrians interweave, and there are a lot of shops along the street.

  In the sky, there are a large number of flying boats flying back and forth.

  On the street on the ground, there are human beings wearing all kinds of costumes, the strength of life breath is exactly the same as the "Jindan Yizhong", and there are some monsters, maybe spirit beasts.


  In front of Wu Yuan was a huge tower that soared into the sky, with a line of words "Shuangyu Book Collection Tower" written in large gilt characters on it.

   "I was assigned to the 'Shuangyu City'."

   "That is to say, the area I am in in reality belongs to the second-class city 'Shuangyu City'?" Wu Yuan instantly understood.

   Xianzhou is vast.

   But Chiyue Wonderland is not considered huge, except for some special virtual realms that were opened up separately, there are only hundreds of cities in total.

  Each city represents the jurisdiction of the second-class city on Chiyue Xianzhou.

   When entering Chiyue Wonderland for the first time, which second-class city jurisdiction is in will also be assigned to this city.

   "A second-class city, at least governs a land of one billion miles. There are countless immortal cultivators gathered on the vast land, so the number of people is naturally large." Wu Yuan smiled slightly.

  He stepped into the library tower.


  ps: The first update, please subscribe!

  (end of this chapter)

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