Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 359: Go straight to the Tianwu Temple (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 359 Entering the Temple of the Heavenly Witch (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Inside the vast Wudou Terrace.

  Boom! boom! boom! In an instant, ten burly figures descended from all sides of the stands. They were all tall and dressed in uniform battle armor, with an imposing aura.

  In the blink of an eye, Wu Yuan was surrounded.

   "It's an elite sorcerer!"

   "They are all among the strongest sorcerers in the sorcerer army, and they are among the top 100 elites in the entire tribe."

   "Ten, one from Dahoufeng?"

   "This is the first stage of the Tianwu test? It's too difficult." The millions of tribal shamans who watched the battle began to discuss.

  They have more or less heard the rumors about the Houfeng, which is said to be able to kill immortal generals, but they have never seen it with their own eyes.

  The elite sorcerers are, as far as they can see, the undisputed powerhouses in the tribe.

  There are tens of thousands of sorcerers in the entire post-sorcerer department, and only a hundred sorcerers can get the title of 'elite'. It is conceivable that the probability is very low.

   "Can Houfeng win?"

   "Should be able to, this is only the first level, at least you have to break through the fourth or fifth level before you fail." Millions of spectators were discussing.

  …Inside the Wudou Terrace.

   "Kill!" "Kill!" The ten elite sorcerers didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. They all knew Wu Yuan's information before the battle, and they all knew how powerful Wu Yuan was.

  The moment they landed, they rushed towards Wu Yuan one by one.

  Besieged from all directions, trying to interfere with Wu Yuan's sight, and at the same time cast the strongest source technique,

   But Wu Yuan stood there calmly.

   "Isn't Houfeng going to make a move?"

   "He doesn't use Origin Technique?" Countless spectators were secretly puzzled, but many shaman generals and earth shamans who watched the battle were very calm.


  When one of the sorcerers suddenly swung his saber, intending to slash at Wu Yuan's head, suddenly, a layer of hazy khaki-yellow light appeared in the void.


  The emergence of this layer of light is like an invisible giant palm, more like a vast world under heavy pressure!

  Pfftch~ The sorcerer seemed to have been hit hard, and suddenly fell down.

   Not just him.

"Peng~" "Peng~" "Peng~" When the powerful stars' true intentions arouse the fluctuations of the Dao, forming a field of dispersion, the elite wizards who were originally imposing, fell one after another, like meteors, crashing down On the stone wall below Wudoutai.

   Can't move.

  Even though they struggled hard, these sorcerers were still unable to move. They all stared wide-eyed, staring at Wu Yuan in the void in disbelief.

this moment.

  A hazy khaki-yellow light enveloped the entire Wudoutai, and the gestures of the ten sorcerers seemed to be worshiping Wu Yuan.

   The outcome is already clear.

   "Houfeng Sorcerer General, passed the first test." The cold voice sounded again: "Prepare for a while, after ten breaths, the second test will take place."

   Heard the words.

  Wow~ With a thought in Wu Yuan's mind, the suppression of the star field dissipated, and the ten elite sorcerers looked at each other, turning into streamers and leaving one by one.

   What a shame!

  As the testers, the opponent didn't even move their body, and they were suppressed and lost directly.

  However, for these ten elite sorcerers, they didn't think it was a shame, they all felt Wu Yuan's strength.

   I sincerely admire it.

  Witch fighters admire the strong most, and people like Wu Yuan are destined to become super strong in the future.

   "To deal with a group of sorcerers?" Wu Yuan shook his head slightly, but his heart was calm.

  These elite sorcerers didn't even reach the seventh level of the lower level of true meaning, and they couldn't resist the impact of the 'lower dao domain' level!

  If the perception and foundation of Taoism are not strong enough.

  Earth Immortals, relying on Dao Domain, one thought can suppress the peak powerhouse of Zifu Mountains and Rivers.

  Although Wu Yuan only displayed the triple star true meaning, but as the middle law, it is also comparable to the realization of the perfect level of the earth immortal.

  …"This wins?"

   "It's amazing."

   "What is that layer of light? I haven't seen it before."

   "I haven't seen it either."

"The Houfeng witch general won without even moving a finger? Even other peak witch generals can't do it, right?" Millions of spectators stared wide-eyed in disbelief that they could come here to watch the battle Yes, at least they are all at the peak level of witch soldiers, and they still have some strength and vision. Most of them think that Wu Yuan can win.

  However, he never expected Wu Yuan to win so easily.

  ... "Really Dao Domain?" Above the Wudoutai, the large group of witch generals watching the battle were also in an uproar, all staring in shock.

   "Really Daoyu?"

   "A sorcerer, whose perception of heaven and earth has reached the level of the Dao realm? What kind of evil is this?" The group of sorcerers talked a lot.

   "Haha, I'm talking about you." The Queen Snake Witch smiled and said, "I said it just now, but you still don't believe it."

  Just now, the Queen Snake Witch General said that Wu Yuan had realized the Dao Domain, but few other witch generals in the tribe believed it.


  When you realize the Dao Domain, you can become an Earth Shaman.

   This is something that most witch generals have been unable to do for tens of thousands of years.

  ... "Daoyu?"

   "Is it a large territory?"

   "Looking at the power, it is indeed Dao domain, but from the appearance, it doesn't seem to be the same."

   "I don't think so." The six earth witches watching the battle from a distance in the earth witch palace all showed a hint of doubt on their faces.

  They were not surprised that Wu Yuan suppressed the ten sorcerers with one thought, this was in their expectation.

  The key point is that the means used by Wu Yuan are slightly different from what they imagined.

   "How do I feel, a little bit of the way of the stars?" The back-covering witch suddenly said, with a hint of shock in his voice: "I have seen Hou Zhishang perform it once, and it is very similar."


   "The way of the stars? The law of the stars, one of the three median laws?" The other earth witches seemed to explode in an instant, and couldn't believe it.

  The ancient world is different from the outside world.

  Born with strong bloodlines, it is extremely easy for them to comprehend a certain lower law, but it also limits their upper limit.

  Even among these earth witches, most of them only comprehend a low-level law to the Dao domain level, and have never crossed the threshold of the middle-level law.

   "Houfu, are you sure?" Hou Chengdisha was dressed in a white robe, with burning eyes.

   "Not too dare."

   "It was only a few breaths just now." The back-covering witch shook his head and said: "I have only seen the Shangwu perform it a few times, so watch it for a while."

  Among the Houcheng tribe, only the Houfudi witch had participated in the "Battle of Tianzhu Mountain" and was well-informed.


   There is light in the eyes of Hou Chengdi Wu: "Look carefully, if Hou Feng is really enlightened to the law of the stars, and has reached the level of true meaning?...Perhaps, our witch clan is about to give birth to a super existence that will shake the ancient times."

  ... The second test will come soon.

  This time, it was twenty elite sorcerers who were still suppressed by Wu Yuan's thought.

  ... The third test was the thirty-six elite wizards who formed three battle formations, finally forced Wu Yuan to make a move for the first time, and directly slapped them all.

  Yes, it was a simple slap, and a battle formation was blown away with one slap.


  ...The fourth test was the sixty elite sorcerers who formed five battle formations, but they were still swept away by Wu Yuan with several slaps.

  ...The fifth test, one hundred and twenty sorcerers, passed!


  The sixth test is the highest level sky witch test that can be conducted by the Higher Sorcerer Department.

  By this time, the entire Wudoutai was boiling.



   "Pass the nine-level test of the heavenly witch!" Millions of witches roared with excitement, and they were all conquered by Wu Yuan's strength.

  In the short lifespan of most of the wizard soldiers, they have never seen such a powerful wizard. Even if they are one against a hundred, they can easily defeat them.

   "It's really Daoyu!"

   "In the future, I am destined to become an earth witch, or even a superior witch."

   "Peerless evildoer." The hundreds of wizards also admired Wu Yuan's performance to the extreme, and they all talked about it.

  In their imagination, Wu Yuan might lead the Houcheng tribe to a new peak in the future.

  Beyond today.

   And amidst the discussion.

   "Boom!" The air waves blasted in all directions, and a black-armored figure appeared in Wudoutai. When countless spectators saw it clearly, the whole Wudoutai fell into frenzy.

   "It's the Hou Kong Wizard General."

   "Witch General! The last test is really a duel between wizards, but Houkong Wizard is the real thing."

   "Can Houfeng win?"

   "It's hard to say. Although Houfeng's strength is strong, it's fundamentally weak." Countless discussions sounded, and everyone couldn't help but look at the two figures in Wudoutai.

   "Houkong Wujiang? Sanctuary fifth level?" Wu Yuan sensed the opponent's breath of life, which was stronger than before.

  However, Wu Yuan didn't know that the other party was a well-known genius in the Houcheng tribe, and he had practiced for only a few hundred years.


"Your talent is higher than mine, and your perception of Tao is much higher than mine." Hou Kong Wu will carry a huge sword on his back, and smile: "However, I will go all out for this battle. You have to be careful."

  “If you feel invincible, take the initiative to admit defeat.”


  Hou Kongwu turned his figure into a thousand feet high in a flash, and at the same time four arms grew out, and he had four swords in his hands.

  Multiple origin techniques have erupted, and scales even faintly appeared on his body surface, and it seems that he has also displayed beast fusion.

   Wu Yuan watched calmly.

  At this moment, the entire Wudoutai fell silent, and all the spectators watched quietly, waiting for the final winner.

  The next moment.

   Whoosh! The Houkong witch general leaped suddenly, rushed thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and killed Wu Yuan in front of him.

   "Whew!" The sword light is like a dragon, tearing the sky and the earth.

   "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" Wu Yuan, who hadn't done much in the first five tests, finally broke out, and almost instantly turned into a height of thousands of feet, and at the same time, four dazzling sword lights came through the void!

  The light of the knife is thick, and it is as violent as a star bursting.

   "Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!"

  Like the collision of two stars, the two war god-like figures instantly launched a shopping battle, and the swordsmanship slashed by the war sword was extremely violent and ferocious.

   And the wisps of sword light, thick and continuous, weird and unpredictable, erratic, perfect and outrageous, easily blocked the impact of the sword light.

   "What a terrifying sword light."

   "What a violent attack, it's worthy of being a sorcerer from the back space."

   "Houfeng can block it." All the parties watching the battle were shocked. The millions of witches actually couldn't see clearly, beyond their perception range, but those witch generals could at least see clearly.

  These wizards watching the battle were all shocked.

   It stands to reason that the sword moves lightly and the knife is good at chopping, but at this moment, it seems that the two sides are holding the wrong weapon.

  Hou Kong Wu will attack extremely violently.

  Like waves in the sea, one wave is higher than the other, and it will not stop for a long time!

   And what about Wu Yuan?

  But like a reef in the sea, it has withstood violent shocks again and again. It is said that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose, but Wu Yuan is as firm as a rock from the beginning to the end.

   Gives an unshakable feeling.

   "The body is like a star and has nothing to rely on. It is oneself to rely on, and it is also oneself to rely on." Wu Yuan was extremely calm in his heart.

  Star Splitting Sword Technique unfolded one by one, making Houkong Wujiang more and more flustered.

  If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

  This proverb corresponds to another sentence - if you can't attack for a long time, you will lose!

   "It's time." Wu Yuan gradually became familiar with the opponent's methods. If he wants to win, he can directly burst out multiple origin techniques.

  For example-high-level source technique has three heads and three arms!

  The strength will be greatly improved.

   It's just that Wu Yuan doesn't think it's necessary, take your time, even if you want to show your talent like a monster, there's no need to be too exaggerated.

  The current performance is amazing enough.


   "Wow~" Wu Yuan's saber technique suddenly changed, from the original heavy and continuous to violent and unpredictable in an instant, catching the Kong Wu general behind him by surprise.

   lost ground.

   "Not good, this Houfeng's saber technique?" Hou Kong Wujiang sensed that something was wrong, he only felt that this heavy saber technique seemed to restrain his own sword technique.

   "Let's lose!"

  Wu Yuan's saber technique suddenly changed again, becoming more and more strange, and it was completely different from the original saber technique.

   It is this short period of time.

  Wu Yuan made some adjustments to the sword technique he used in response to the sword technique of Houkong Wujiang.

   From a high altitude.

  Wu Yuan's comprehension of Dao is not even at the bottom among the immortals, so he can do it easily.

   But in the eyes of the sky wizard behind this scene, it is incredible

  In a short period of time, the two sides have fought for thousands of rounds.

   "Houkong Wujiang, it seems that he is not an opponent."

"In terms of basics, Houfeng Wujiang is a big level behind, but his sword skills are too exquisite, and he guides Houkong Wujiang's swordsmanship power to the void time and time again, so that Houkong Wujiang has all the strength to go Unable to cast."

   "If they had the same strength, Houkong Wu would have lost this battle long ago." Even those witch soldiers sensed that something was wrong.


   "Wow!" "Wow!" Wu Yuan's saber technique erupted suddenly again, wings suddenly appeared behind him, his whole body was as fast as lightning, and he instantly slashed the war sword from Houkong Wu's hand.

   Afterwards, several sword lights tore through the sky.

   "噗嗤~" A huge head was thrown into the air, and that majestic body was directly torn into several pieces, and blood spattered.


   Wu Yuan retreated abruptly.

Boom~Hou Kong Wu quickly fused his shattered body back together, but his face was slightly pale, he put away his sword, and looked at Wu Yuan helplessly: "Witch General Houfeng, your sword skills are...terrible! you win."

   "Concession." Wu Yuan smiled slightly.

  If it wasn't for his reluctance to be too monstrous, Wu Yuan would be sure to slay Houkong Wujiang with three swords.

"Different from the geniuses in the original witch world, those selected peerless evildoers have been trained for a short period of time, and their perception of many Taos is astonishingly high." Wu Yuan secretly said: "In the barren ancient land, generally speaking, if you understand the Tao, you will Can quickly break through mana."

  The comprehension of Dao reached the lower Dao domain? Generally, they are earth witches and earth immortals, and they will not stay at the level of witch generals for a long time.

  The so-called genius generally refers to a faster cultivation speed, rather than summing up and ruling the roost in a certain mana realm.

   As for Wu Yuan?

  He has never deliberately suppressed the realm of mana, but the improvement of Tao's perception is too rapid and terrifying.

   "Cultivated for more than a hundred years, the stars have three levels of true meaning, and they are top geniuses in the Qingling world. In this ancient world, I am afraid that no one has been born in tens of millions of years. That is enough." Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

   Higher level?

  Once the news leaks out, I am afraid that the Immortal Court will come and strangle them. The threat is too great.

   "The land of mountains and rivers must be complete for at least eighty years."

   "For the sanctuary to be complete, it must stay for at least three hundred years."

   "At most three or four hundred years, I will be able to become an Earth Shaman. By that time, in this world, except for the three great emperors of the Immortal Clan, I should not be afraid." Wu Yuan thought clearly.

   "Congratulations to Houfeng Wujiang, you have passed the sixth level of the Tianwu test!" The cold voice resounded throughout the Wudoutai.



   "First in history!" Immediately, the entire Wudoutai, millions of witches burst into earth-shattering roars, extremely excited.

   They were indeed excited.

  Because, in the tens of thousands of years of history of the Houcheng tribe, no one has ever passed the six tests of Tianwu. This is the first time in history.


  In the hall of the Disha Temple.

   "It's the true meaning of the stars!" The Empress Dowager was extremely sure, and said in a low voice, "I won't admit my mistake."

   "Besides, compared with Hou Zhi Shang Wu, I don't think he is much weaker. His perception of the way of the stars may have reached the third level of true meaning."

   "Is it really the true meaning of the stars?"

   "What a fucking...genius."

   "This back peak, how did you cultivate?" These earth witches were shocked.

  In their cognition, it is not bad to be able to get started with a median law.

   Have a deep understanding? It is usually something that can only be done by witches.

   "Patriarch, let's report." Houfudiwu looked at Houchengdiwu.


   "The birth of such a genius is the luck of my Wu tribe, and the misfortune of my Houcheng tribe." The Houchengdiwu sighed.

  The other earth witches suddenly became quiet, and they were all a little surprised.


"Don't you think about it, can I keep such a genius in the Houcheng tribe?" Houcheng Diwu shook his head and said: "His level of Taoism may be comparable to mine. Who in the tribe can give him advice? Can't keep him?" of."

   A group of earth witches fell silent.

  Yeah, too genius, too monstrous.

   Even a high-level witch tribe like the Houcheng tribe can't keep the evildoers.

   "However, it is a blessing for my entire Wu clan."

"There is no need for us to send the Tianwu tribe. Once the news leaks out, the fairy tribe will take advantage of the loopholes and provoke the attack of the gods, and the loss will not be worth the loss." Hou Chengdi witch said: "Leave Houfeng in the tribe first, and wait until later." Wu came to pick him up."

   "We are not allowed to go out these days."

   "Concentrate on protecting the tribe, and at the same time don't let Houfeng leave the Earth Witch Hall." Hou Cheng Earth Witch made a decision.


   "Guard the tribe." These earth witches nodded, although they were all aware of it.

   An evildoer like Wu Yuan may not be of much benefit to the Houcheng tribe.

  But for the entire Wu clan, the effect is huge.


  The sixth stage of the Tianwu Trial is over. The impact of this battle is extremely huge. With the departure of millions of spectators, news about this battle quickly spread among the Houcheng tribe.

   "You actually defeated the Hou Kong Wizard?"

   "After I become a tribe, I am afraid that an unrivaled powerhouse who will shake the entire ancient times will be born."

   "Houfeng!" Hundreds of millions of people in the entire tribe were shocked, excited, and delighted.

  Any Wu tribe.

   are eager to give birth to strong and genius.

   "Hou Feng, follow me to the Earth Witch Hall." The Hou Snake Witch flew down and said with a smile, "Your strength is indeed stronger than mine."

   "I have fought against Hou Kong before, and I am still slightly weaker than him." The Queen Snake General smiled and said, "You can beat him, I admire you."

   Wu Yuan smiled.

  The two quickly headed to the Earth Witch Hall.


   "Changed the palace?" Wu Yuan was slightly taken aback.

  After the Snake Witch led him, he changed his residence from the edge of the suspended palace complex yesterday to the core area.

  It is next to the residences of the elders of the earth witches.

   There are also dozens of maids and servants at the witch soldier level, serving Wu Yuan, showing incomparable respect, and it seems that they have all been strictly trained.

   Wait until after the snake witch will explain.

  A majestic voice sounded: "I ordered it."

   Immediately after, a figure in a white robe walked into the hall.

   "Patriarch." Queen Snake Witch General and Wu Yuan bowed to salute, as did many other maids and servants.

  The one who came was precisely the post-cultivation witch.

   "Hou Snake, you go down first, and you all go down. I have something to say to Houfeng Wujiang alone." Hou Cheng Diwu ordered.

   "Yes." The Queen Snake General nodded, and quickly left the hall with many maids and servants.

  In the hall, only Wu Yuan and Houcheng Diwu remained.

   "Sit." Hou Cheng Diwu sat down on the carpet made of animal skins, Wu Yuan nodded and sat down.

  The carpet is shaggy, well-maintained and very comfortable.

   "Houfeng, you performed very well today. The Tao you have comprehended is the Tao of the stars?" Hou Chengdiwu seemed to ask the question casually.

   "The Way of the Stars? What is that?" A trace of doubt flashed across Wu Yuan's face.

  The Way of the Stars?

  He has a general understanding of intelligence, the law of the median, which seems to be extremely rare in the entire ancient land, like those witch generals have never heard of it.

  So, Wu Yuan has to play a little bit stupid.

  Hou Chengdiwu was also stunned for a moment, and then smiled again: "Did you integrate the perceptions of several Taos into one?"

   "Yes." Wu Yuan nodded.

   "How did you come to enlightenment?" Hou Chengdi Wu seemed to ask casually, "If you think it's convenient to talk about it, just talk about it, but what adventure did you encounter?"

   "No adventures."

"As for how to comprehend?" Wu Yuan scratched his head, as if he didn't know how to explain: "When I was walking in the wilderness, I wandered around and practiced hard, and I realized comprehension unconsciously, and then the progress became faster and faster, until now."

   "Unknowingly?" Hou Chengdiwu secretly sighed after hearing this, and looked at Wu Yuan with increasingly unusual eyes.

  Monster! Uncut jade!

  Unknowingly, after more than a hundred years, he has realized the true meaning of the stars, what kind of talent is this.

  Wu Yuan stopped talking.

  There is no need to explain anything, all the powerful reasons can be attributed to the 'innate talent'.

  Ask, that is to understand it naturally.

  Enlightenment of the Tao is to comprehend the principles of the operation of the heaven and the earth. The most important thing is to understand the nature, which is difficult to figure out. It does not mean that the perception of the Tao must be strong after practicing for a long time.

   "Insufficient understanding, a pig will live for a million years, but it will still be just a pig." Wu Yuan thought to himself.

  Wu Yuan asked, seeming a little nervous: "Patriarch, what's wrong?"

   "Not right?"

   "Of course there is nothing wrong with it, on the contrary, it is very good." Hou Chengdiwu smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, I have already reported to the Tianwu tribe."

   "If you want to come, in a few days, a witch will come to pick you up."

   "It is reasonable for you to step into the threshold of the Way of the Stars, and you are eligible to directly enter the Temple of Heavenly Witches."

   "As for the next few heavenly witch tests? Maybe it will be done, but it doesn't matter if you don't pass. If you can realize the true meaning of the stars, it is enough to prove your talent." Hou Chengdiwu laughed.

   Wu Yuan suddenly realized.

  It turns out that there will be such special treatment in the lineage of earth witches after realizing the way of the stars.

"Houfeng, stay here for the next few days, don't run around, and immediately notify us earth witches if there is any danger." Houcheng the earth witch said: "Once the news of your realization of the true meaning of the stars is leaked, Immortal Court will surely Treat you as your greatest enemy."

   "Do everything possible to assassinate you."

"after all!"

   "With your talent, if you continue to practice step by step, maybe in the future you will be recognized by the Heavenly Sorcerers and become a new generation of Sorcerer Gods." Hou Chengdiwu said with emotion, looking at Wu Yuan with anticipation in his eyes.

   "Heavenly Witch Soldier? Witch God?" Wu Yuan was astonished, and couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

   "Haha, I don't know the details, I only heard about it back then." Hou Chengdiwu smiled and said: "When you go to the Tianwu tribe, you will naturally understand."

Shortly after.

  After Cheng Diwu left, Wu Yuan was left alone.

   "Sorcerer God? Celestial Witch Divine Weapon? Is it related to the Divine Creation Weapon of Immortal Court?" Wu Yuan thought quietly: "It seems."

   "The witches have ruled this land for thousands of years, and there are more secrets than I imagined."

   "However, the path I planned is the right one."

   "As long as I show my talent, I will naturally become the core of the ancient witch clan and gain access to many secrets." Wu Yuan secretly said.

   "Shang Wu, will you come to pick me up?"

  Wu Yuan calmed down, suppressed many distracting thoughts, and practiced silently.


   It is tens of billions of miles away from the Houcheng tribe.

   Here, there is a vast and incomparably vast resident of the Wu tribe.

  It is vast and vast, with a maximum diameter of tens of millions of miles!

  In terms of the size of the resident and the number of shamans living there, it is more than a hundred times that of the later tribes, and the aura of heaven and earth is extremely strong.

  Here is one of the holy places of the ancient Wu tribe - the Tutian Wu tribe.

  One of the four great Tianwu tribes.

  In the eastern part of the tribe, deep in the earth, there is a vast underground world, like a star-like underground lake, like a mirror.

  In the lake, there is a huge snake that is as long as 10,000 feet and is slowly swimming. The big snake has two wings and its breath is extremely powerful.


   Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Three burly figures in animal clothes flew out from the passage of the cave in the distance, and came to the side of the huge lake.

  The aura they exude is so strong that any of them is stronger than the Houcheng tribe.

   "Meet the Snake Ancestor." The three witches saluted respectfully.

   "Hou Zhi, what's the matter?"

  The big snake raised its head, its huge body brought unprecedented oppression, and its huge eyes stared at the three witches.

  The instinctive coldness in the snake's eyes made the hearts of the three wizards tremble.

   It is indeed the Teng Snake who followed the Tianwu back then!

  Both are in the upper witch realm, but the opponent is much stronger than them, and their lifespan is unbelievably long, and they will not die for tens of millions of years.

   "Snake Ancestor." The black-haired middle-aged man headed respectfully said: "I just received the information."

"In the "Houcheng Tribe" of the high-level witch department, there is a sorcerer who has practiced for more than a hundred years, and it seems that he also has a soaring snake as his natal witch." Dao comprehended the three levels of true meaning."


   "More than a hundred years old? Do you have such a sense of cultivation?" The big snake in the lake showed a little surprise: "Is it true?"

   "There should be no mistake. There are more than ten earth witches in the Houcheng tribe, so it is not possible to make a wrong judgment on this matter." The black-haired middle-aged man said respectfully.


"I got you."

   "I will instruct the pagoda spirit to bestow a 'Heavenly Witch Source' on the Houfeng. As for the rest, it depends on his own efforts." The big snake said in a low voice.

   "Thank you, Snake Ancestor." The black-haired middle-aged man said respectfully.

  The three witches left quickly.

  The big snake in the lake lowered its head, thinking.

   "Teng Snake?"

   "Back then, the master left a lot of Soaring Snakes in the whole world, but no new Soaring Snakes have appeared for thousands of years."

   "Besides, sorcerers, do you have the perception of Dao at the level of earth shamans?"

   "This monstrous talent?"

   "I have been in this world for thousands of years, except for that 'toast', I am afraid there is nothing comparable to it." The snake ancestor in the lake murmured to himself: "Hope, don't let me down too much."


   "Without the Celestial Tribulation, when will the Heavenly Wu be born! If the Heavenly Wu is not born, I will never be able to get out of trouble."

  Plop~ The lake was rippling, and its huge body submerged into the lake.


  ps: More than 7,000 words, guaranteed two-in-one!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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