Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 372: Temple of Creation

  Chapter 372 Temple of Creation

  Emperor Leifu and Emperor Nanyou died without a sound, and the highest level of the Wu Clan didn't know about it, and they were still on guard against the two emperors.

  Tianzhu Mountain, majestic and endless!

   Outside Tianzhu Mountain.

   There is a huge city that is constantly running. The city covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, and there are a large number of powerful witches in it.

   Whoosh! Whoosh! Several streamers fell.

   "Houfeng Sorcerer God, Houtu Sorcerer God." The three upper witches led a large number of earth witches to welcome them and saluted respectfully.

   This large group of earth witches looked at Wu Yuan with unusual eyes, full of reverence. They all knew the deeds of Wu Yuan defeating the three emperors and killing Emperor Dayan.

  Wu Yuan and Houtu Wushen couldn't help but nodded slightly.

   "How is the battle going?" Houtu Wushen asked.

"Toast Sorcerer God and Houlu Sorcerer God have led the army to kill them, and they should have killed them to the 33rd heaven of the immortal clan." The leader Shangsha respectfully said: "We just stay on the outskirts of Tianzhu Mountain to strangle and block some immortals. The remnants of the strong family who fled abroad."

   "Also be vigilant to all directions. Once you find the emperor of the fairy clan returning, you should report it as soon as possible." This shaman said.

  Both Wu Yuan and Houtu Wushen couldn't help but nodded.

  In the real decisive battle, ordinary witches can still play some role, but this large number of earth witches? The effect is very small.

   "Old man Houzhi, the war is coming to an end, so you and Houtong are here first." Wu Yuan said: "Houtu Wushen and I will go to the Thirty-Third Heaven to have a look."


  Hou Zhi Shang Wu nodded and smiled, "Go."

  Houtong has nothing to do.

   Soon, they watched Wu Yuan and Hou Tu Wu deify into two beams of light and rush into the majestic and endless Tianzhu Mountain.

   "Little girl Houtong, did the Houfeng witch **** agree?" Houzhi Shangwu suddenly asked.

  Hou Tong heard the words, a blush flashed across his face, and he hesitated: "Maybe... yes!"

   "If you really agree, it will be a bit beyond my expectation."

  Afterwards, Zhi Shang Wu seemed a little emotional and said: "Besides, looking at it now, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for you."

   Hou Tong couldn't help being taken aback, and couldn't help but said: "Why? Elder Hou Zhi, haven't you always supported me for hundreds of years?"

"In the beginning, I supported you." Houzhi Shangwu smiled and said: "In terms of age, you are about the same age as Houfeng Wushen; If you want to choose a wife for the Houfeng Wushen, you should be the most suitable candidate."

   "This is also something that the entire senior Wu clan is happy to see happen."

   Hou Tong listened.

   She has always believed in this point.

  For the past two hundred years, she seems to have been with Wu Yuan all the time, but she has never delayed her practice because of this. On the contrary, she has been taught by the witch **** Shangsha, and her progress has been faster.

   "But today, I feel that you are not suitable for him." Hou Zhi Shangwu sighed.

   Hou Tong became more and more puzzled.

   "I know you have always worshiped the Hou Qiong Shang Wu." Hou Zhi Shang Wu looked at Hou Tong.

  Hundreds of years later, he liked this junior more and more.

   "Yes." Hou Tong couldn't help but nodded: "The witch on the back sky is admirable."

"It's not just you who admire, but we Shangwu also admire it. It's unbelievable that we can do that for our wife." Houzhi Shangwu said with emotion: "It's just that you think that you and Houfeng Wushen can become Houqiong Shangwu. Like that?"

   Hou Tong hesitated immediately.

   "You wish! You desire."

   "But you understand in your heart that it is difficult." Houzhi Shangwu said with emotion: "In the earliest days, Houtu Wushen and I both felt that you and Houfeng Wushen would develop a relationship during the years together."

   "Since ancient times, there has been a saying that love grows with time."

   "This is also reality."

"Later, Houfeng Wushen traveled around the world. When he was a scholar, you were a maid who made candles; when he became a wealthy businessman, you pretended to be his wife; ..." Hou Zhi went up to the wizard and said: "It seems that you have experienced a lot together. In your short life, you have shared a long memory with each other."

  Hou Tong listened, these experiences and years made her firmly believe in the relationship between herself and Wu Yuan.

   "But today."

   "I just saw it through."

  Houzhi Shangwu shook his head and said: "We have experienced the world together, but Houtu Wushen and I are aloof and have never been close to each other. Those kinds of experiences have no effect on me and Houtu Wushen."

"As for you, you blend in too much, and you gradually lose yourself when you blend in. Every experience and identity change often makes you feel lost. The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. I and Houtu Wushen saw it clearly...Only the queen Feng Wushen, when he pretends to be any one of the identities, he is fully devoted."

   "But once you get out, you will quickly wake up again, no longer affected by the slightest influence, just integrate many mortal feelings into your own way, and sharpen your heart."

   "His natural seeker."

  Hou Tong listened more and more, and gradually panicked.

   "Old man, what do you mean?" Hou Tong couldn't help but ask.

   "Houfeng Wushen's fearful heart and unshakable will, in my opinion, cannot be affected by the short time together." Houzhi Shangwu sighed, looking at Houtong with regret.

   "Especially today, Emperor Dayan is the best at deduction, and the best at attacking spirits. He sacrificed his life and based on the divine weapons of good fortune. The ultimate moves he deployed are so terrifying that ordinary witches would be immersed in them, and they will undoubtedly die."

   "But what about the Houfeng witch god?"

   "He has only practiced for hundreds of years, and he can quickly break through the shackles and wake up, and he is not affected by thousands of illusions."

   "How terrifying is such a Dao heart?"

   "Do you really think that he will completely fall in love with you because of your company for hundreds of years?" Then he insisted on witchcraft.

  Hou Tong Wujiang fell silent.

  It's not that she doesn't understand, she is also a powerful wizard with outstanding vision, but she is just a fan of the authorities.

  Before immersing yourself in your own world without fully realizing it.

  But after sticking to Shang Wu's words, she vaguely understood.


   There are still some unacceptable.

   "Old man, why do you think Hou Feng asked me like that again? If he wasn't emotional, why would he ask me?" Hou Tong whispered.

"In my opinion, it's pity, not love." Houzhi Shangwu shook his head and sighed: "Perhaps, he really has a little heartbeat, but it's more, probably because of the short time of his practice. It has not been baptized by the years, and it has not really reached that level of ruthlessness."

   Hou Tong was silent.


  A little heartbeat?

   "Little girl Houtong, what do you think is a Taoist couple? What is a wife?" Hou Zhishang Wuhu said with a smile.

   "Aren't Taoist couple and wife just called differently?" Hou Tong hesitated.

"Haha, Taoist couple and wife, it's not that simple. Maybe I was confused and misunderstood. Maybe Houfeng Wushen really fell in love with you." Houzhi Shangwu seemed unwilling to say more, and said with a smile: "However, you have to think clearly about this step."

   "The word love hurts the most."

   "Immersed in it, hurt others and hurt yourself." Hou Zhi Shang Wu said with emotion: "Is it right to be like Hou Qiong Shang Wu?"

   "However, you still have time."

   "Think about it."

   Hou Tong fell into deep thought.

   Hou Zhishang Wu smiled faintly.

  Hundreds of thousands of years, how many has he seen? It is very clear, why are young people always obsessed with love? Because the world of teenagers is the most innocent and the easiest to be satisfied.

  Why are the stronger and older people more difficult to be emotional?

  There are too many experiences, rich life, and more and more concerns. No matter how deep the emotional imprint is, it will only occupy a smaller and smaller share in life, and it will become more and more difficult for people to abandon everything.

   "Life is like a river."

"The so-called partner is the collision and confluence of two rivers, merging into a larger river, which can flow through more land and witness more demeanor." Hou Zhi Shangwu secretly sighed: "But only if you are close can you There is hope that life and death will be shared, and everything will be thrown away for it."

  "However, if one is just a stream, the other is a mighty and nearly eternal river or even a vast ocean."

   "It's only going to get harder."

   "The sea of ​​life is fleeting, but in this vast world, the only way is eternal." Hou Zhishangwu sighed secretly.


  It is possible to know Tao, but it is longer than heaven and earth.

  Seekers are not really heartless.

  It’s just Tao, more eternal than love!

   This is what Hou Zhi Shangwu felt, but he didn't say it out loud. He knew that there are some things that can only be understood by the person concerned.

   Only when you realize it can you truly see through it.


  In Tianzhu Mountain.

  Wu Yuan and Houtu Wushen passed through layers of dilapidated worlds, the corpses of countless immortal creatures, and the shattered earth.

  In the legend of the barren ancient land, the "Fairy Clan Paradise".

   At this moment, it is a doomsday.

  Wu Yuan and Houtu Wushen looked at all this calmly, and quickly moved towards the Thirty-Third Heaven.

  On each floor along the way, only one or two garrisoned witches were encountered.

   "Houfeng Wushen, how about that ancient mirror of good fortune? Can it be manipulated?" Houtu Wushen was curious, with a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

   "Not yet, refining is very slow." Wu Yuan shook his head.

  Finally, Tu Wushen could not help but nod, which is not surprising. It would be strange if Wu Yuan could quickly refine such an inconceivable creation.

  He didn't know.

   "Can't refine?" Wu Yuan secretly thought, in fact, from the moment he got the Ancient Mirror of Creation, he tried to refine it.

   But still can't succeed.

  It can't even imprint a trace of life imprint.

   It was as if there was an invisible barrier blocking Wu Yuan, no matter how hard Wu Yuan tried, he couldn't reach it.

   Only after entering Tianzhu Mountain.

   "The aura of the ancient mirror is getting stronger, and the power contained in it seems to be increasing sharply." Wu Yuan was keenly aware of this.

  Returning to Tianzhu Mountain, the ancient mirror of fortune, seems to have returned to the source of power.

   "Tianzhu Mountain, unshakable."

"Historically, it's not that the Wu Clan didn't try to destroy Tianzhu Mountain, but Tianzhu Mountain seems to be integrated with the world. It is the origin of the entire ancient land, the core of the earth's spiritual veins." Wu Yuan secretly said: "And the ancient good fortune Mirror, but it is in Tianzhu Mountain that the most powerful power can be erupted..."

  Wu Yuan already had some suspicions in his mind.

  He remembered the words of Snake Ancestor, as alien creatures, they could not really hold the authority of this world.

   "We'll talk about it when we see the Temple of Creation."

   All the way forward.

   Without encountering any obstacles, the further you go up, the layered world is relatively well preserved, reaching the 33rd layer.

   This world has basically not experienced the flames of war, and the rolling palaces are suspended.

   Only a group of witches stood in the void.

   Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Two figures approached quickly.

   "Houfeng Wushen and Houtu Wushen are here." The large group of witches had already received the news, and they all looked over and flew over.

   The two sides quickly greeted each other.

   This group of witches were all extremely enthusiastic, and they looked at Wu Yuan in a particularly different way. They all knew how powerful Wu Yuan was!

   Killing the emperor of the fairy clan, even if he is toasting the witch god, I'm afraid he can't do it.

  But Wu Yuan's eyes fell on the black-robed figure with extraordinary aura, who stood there like a sun.

   Hot! Dazzling Endless!

   "Toast the witch god." Wu Yuan smiled.

   "Haha, Houfeng Sorcerer God? I've heard about it, but this is the first time I've seen it." Toasting Sorcerer God smiled slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  Because, the current Wu Yuan has not exploded with heavenly witch soldiers, and the breath of life is not strong, but the invisible sharpness of will is also shocking.

   "It's good to be able to kill Dayan, better than me." The toasting witch **** smiled.

  His voice is domineering and powerful, but it sounds very comfortable, as if he was born to be so.

   "It's just relying on the magic weapon of the celestial witch." Wu Yuan laughed.

   "I also have the Heavenly Witch Divine Weapon, but I can't even exert the power of one piece to the fullest. This is your ability, and no one else can learn it if they want to." The Toast Witch God shook his head.

   "Are there no traces of the other two immortal emperors?"

   "No." Wu Yuan shook his head and said, "Let them escape."

  How did you escape?

   It doesn't make much sense to explain further, so Wu Yuan didn't go into details.

   "However, don't be afraid. With the combination of you and me, together with Houtu and Houlu, the witch gods, we can fight even in the Thirty-Third Heaven." Toasting the witch **** laughed.

   Wu Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

   Celestial strength? two?

  Based on the combat power of this group of top powerhouses of the Wu Clan, even if they lose, at least they are sure to retreat.

   "Do you want to go to the Temple of Creation first?" The toasting witch **** laughed.

   "Oh?" Wu Yuan's eyes lit up.

  He has heard many legends about the Temple of Creation, but he has never seen it.

   Whoosh! Whoosh!


   A group of people flew immediately, and soon came to the thirty-third heaven, the center of the continuous palace group.

   It is said to be the center of the palace group, but it is actually thousands of miles wide.

  There is a mighty big lake here, which is also a vast ocean, misty and incomparably sacred. In the middle of the lake, a majestic and simple purple palace can be seen faintly.

   It seems to stand in the void.

   It was dim and shadowy again, as if swaying in a lake.

   Exudes a vast and hazy atmosphere, which makes people awe-inspiring. Standing like a lake, people can't help but calm down.

   "I asked, except for the three emperors of the immortal clan, no one has really entered the Temple of Creation. Most of the rest of the immortal clan just practiced in the lake." Toast Wu Shen said.

  Wu Yuan listened quietly, but his heart was actually full of shock.


  At this moment, the aura emanating from the Temple of Good Fortune is very similar to the charm of the original map of good fortune that he owns.

No! Not similar!

   Rather—the same source.

   It's just that the aura, charm, and artistic conception contained in the Temple of Creation seen from afar are more noble and mysterious.


  A voice told Wu Yuan—Go in!


  ps: The first chapter of the guarantee is released first.

  (end of this chapter)

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