Yuan Tianzun

Chapter 445: The foundation has been completed (monthly ticket for three shifts)

  Chapter 445 The foundation has been established (seeking a monthly pass in the third shift)

  A little message from the Dark Lord.

  Especially among the many Dharma sects left in the "Taoist Tibetan Realm", Wu Yuan not only found the complete "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice", but also found another highest-level Dharma door "Siyuan Sacred Dharma".

   This is left by the True Sage Shiyuan.

  Wu Yuan has already understood that the so-called first, middle, lower, and final chapters of "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice" are essentially the basic volumes of "Siyuan Shengfa" created by Shiyuan Zhensheng.

""Siyuan Sacred Law" is divided into four volumes: Basic Volume, Xingjun Volume, Monarch Volume, and True Sacred Volume." Wu Yuan secretly said: "And "Siyuan Law Sacrifice" is similar to "Sacred Forbidden Good Fortune" The explosive secret technique is only for the immortals and gods who have not yet become immortals."

   "So, in the eyes of True Sage Shiyuan, "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice" is the most basic. If you can't even practice the most basic, you are not qualified to practice the last three volumes."

  The inheritance of a supreme being, even if there are only some methods and a few treasures, it will benefit the Dark Lord infinitely.


   "The Sacred Law of Origin" is too difficult, and only peerless geniuses who understand the avenue of time and space and have the foundation of the extreme realm can hope to cultivate it.

  If it is a reporter from Zutayin, the difficulty of cultivation is slightly lower.

  Therefore, in order to better comprehend, the Dark Lord changed the basic chapter of "The Holy Law of Origin" to "Black Demon Blood Sacrifice" based on himself, so that it can be used by countless ordinary practitioners.

"The Dark Demon Lord did not create "Dark Demon Blood Sacrifice" because of his genius." Wu Yuan shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid, it is because he wants to use the invisible cause and effect to make countless karma kills in one body, so that he can better comprehend the two paths of cause and effect and killing. .”

   Some strong people want to cut off cause and effect.

   Some strong people are eager for karma.

  This is Wu Yuan's definite speculation on the behavior of the Dark Lord based on some things left by the Dark Lord and the character of the Dark Lord.

""The Sacrifice of the Origin of Law", if the practice is great, it can make the practitioners explode with incomparably terrifying combat power, cross the border and fight with the gods, and even fight with the king of stars." Three volumes, the difficulty of cultivation is also extremely high, but the power is not so exaggerated."

  The reason is also very simple.

  The more you practice, the more powerful beings are, almost all of them are early peerless evildoers.

  Which one has no big chance?

  Like the monarchs, many of them have access to the supreme existence, and many of them have practiced the supreme method similar to the "Original Sacred Law".

  Like immortals and gods, not to mention the supreme method, how many are capable of practicing the monarch level method?

   "The "Sacred Law of Shiyuan" is too profound, at least I have to pass through the Nine Tribulations, and I can hope to practice it after I become a star king or a monarch." Wu Yuan shook his head.

  The last three volumes not only require the perception of the Tao, but also have extremely high requirements for the foundation.


   "First work hard to successfully cultivate the second part of "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice." Wu Yuan was completely immersed in the method.

   "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice", the essence is to use the power of Siyuan to exert its power through the stars of Siyuan.

  But it is also necessary to condense the divine pattern of Siyuan.

  If you want to condense the divine pattern, you must have a deep understanding of the time-space avenue. The so-called divine pattern is essentially a way of changing the dao pattern.


  Wu Yuan's body emanated a layer of powerful power, intertwined with space-time fluctuations, and impacted in all directions.


  Wu Yuan felt the pain faintly, only by condensing the divine lines can the immortal body withstand the stronger impact of Shiyuan's divine power.

   "The second chapter of "The Sacrifice of the Origin of Law", once I succeed, my mana will be able to burst out the power of the 'Seven Immortals', and my combat power will soar by a large margin." Wu Yuan has a longing in his heart.

  External forces such as the Eight Great Demon Generals cannot always play a role, and will eventually have disadvantages.

   One's own strength is fundamental.

  The second chapter can only explode the power of the first level of the immortal, and the power of the second part can reach the seventh level of the immortal, how terrifying?

  Once it is cast, such a powerful impact of divine power will naturally oppress the immortal body extremely amazingly.

   A little carelessness will lead to the collapse of the body and the collapse of the Zifu.

"Before entering the Black Devil's Blood Cave, I only comprehended the Dao of Time and Space to the second level of true meaning, and practiced the second part of "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice". In the past five or six hundred years, the Dao of Time and Space has broken through to the fifth level of true meaning, and it will be much easier to practice again."


"My qi-refining deity transforms into an extreme foundation. Although I have only been an immortal for one calamity, it is actually comparable to many immortals for five or six calamities. My mana is powerful, and it is much easier to condense my divine pattern." Wu Yuan originally thought that it would take at least four calamities to become an immortal. , is expected to practice into the next chapter.

  Now, I see hope.

   This is the benefit of a strong foundation.

  The perception of the Tao is high, and then comprehend and practice many secret arts, the efficiency is amazingly high.

   Time passed, year after year.

  Hundreds of years passed quietly.

   Thousands of years have passed since the birth of the Black Demon Blood Cave.

   Wu Yuan, the deity of Qi refining, cultivated leisurely in the Black Demon Blood Cave.

  ... Qingling Great Realm, Xiashan World.

  The sky above the world, combined with the vast and majestic origin of the world, re-formed an alchemy place on the basis of the space opened up by Wu Yuan before.

  Wu Yuan's body-refining deity is meditating in this extremely high-level alchemy ground, and continues to analyze the mysteries of the essence of all things and spirits.

   It is not Wu Yuan's goal to analyze the essence of all things and spirits. His original intention is to use these mysteries to constantly understand the way of good fortune.

  Passed the second test of the Black Demon Blood Cave.

  Wu Yuan's body training deity has found a new way, which makes his comprehension of the law more efficient.

  So, even though there is no need to accept the test, the body-refining deity still continues to analyze the essence of all things and spirits.

   "Although the deity of Qi Refining has changed."

   "The body-refining deity's original spirit can be transformed to the extreme state, but the efficiency of enlightenment has greatly increased, and the gap has become even bigger." Wu Yuan was quite emotional.

   It’s not that the energy-refining deity’s enlightenment efficiency is not fast enough, but that the body-refinement deity is too exaggerated and monstrous.

   "According to this rate of progress, I am afraid that in another ten thousand years, I will be able to reach the ninth level of true meaning after comprehending the Great Way." Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

   Too fast!

  But Wu Yuan is not too surprised. The extreme spirit, the life body, the imprint of the great way, and the guidance of the true holy will method... all these combinations can be called the most top-level talent under the highest, without any flaws.

   "When the body-refining deity is born, it will shake the world." Wu Yuan's body-refining deity showed a smile, looking forward to it.


   "Huh? Qi refining deity, success?" A glint of joy flashed in the eyes of Wu Yuan's body refining deity.


  The Black Demon Blood Cave, the Realm of Enlightenment, and the vast world.

  Wu Yuan's qi refining deity sat cross-legged on the huge jade platform. He was closing his eyes tightly, and strands of red light emerged from his body.

  It was the light of Shiyuan's divine pattern, which had already enveloped the whole body.


  Suddenly, a surging and vigorous breath of life began to surge from Wu Yuan's body. At this moment, Zi Fu Chong in his body, the surging immortal mana was passing through the huge Shiyuan star, continuously transforming into Shiyuan divine power.

  Spiritual power pours into the body, penetrates through the meridians to the internal organs, limbs and other places.

  Quickly, Wu Yuan's breath of life climbed from the original Six Tribulations Supreme Immortal to the first level of Celestial Immortal.

   This is just the beginning.

  The third level of immortality, the fourth level of immortality, the fifth level of immortality... Wu Yuan's breath of life is getting stronger and stronger.

   It's getting more and more terrifying.

   "It's hard to eat." Wu Yuan felt the pressure, and he only felt that his body was about to collapse.

  The gap is too large, and the body can hardly bear this mana impact.

   can only barely support.

  Finally, when the breath of life climbed to the seventh level of the immortal, it stopped and reached an unprecedented peak.


  When the limit was reached, Wu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the turbulent divine power in his body: "What a powerful power...is this the magical power possessed by those star masters?"

  Ninth level of immortality, the biggest gap is the third to fourth level, sixth to seventh level.

  The difference in mana between the Seventh Heavenly Immortal and the Nineth Heavenly Immortal is not so outrageous.

   "With such powerful magic power, it's no wonder that those star masters, who obviously don't have a high level of Taoism, can burst out such powerful combat power." Wu Yuan sighed with emotion.

  The perception and magic weapon of Tao are very important.

   But the strength base is equally important.

  Like the monarchs, with such tyrannical and heaven-defying mana power, they can turn the world upside down with a snap of their fingers, and can easily destroy any peerless evildoers among the immortals and gods.

   "It is necessary to understand a lower law, so that we can use the great power of the origin of heaven and earth to condense such a powerful immortal body." Wu Yuan secretly said: "Now, I have done the same through the "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice"."

   "Such powerful mana, coupled with my swordsmanship..." Wu Yuan's eyes were shining.

  The combat power has soared a lot.

  Compared with it, Wu Yuan's nine natal flying swords are not an advantage, and even a bit ordinary.

  After all, almost all Xingjun are capable of threatening Wu Yuan's life nowadays.

   The magic weapons possessed by the stars, even if they are the origin of the body, are at least middle-grade fairy weapons.

   "When we return to Time and Space Island, we must hurry up and transform the nine natal flying swords into 'middle-grade fairy weapons', and then the power will be comparable to high-grade fairy weapons." Wu Yuan has already figured out the next path of cultivation.

   It is his habit to plan before deciding.

  Once the natal flying sword transforms, then cooperate with swordsmanship and the second part of "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice".

   Many combinations.

   "At that time, maybe I can meet King Xing." Wu Yuan looked forward to it.

  ... Wu Yuan will not stop after he has completed the second chapter. He is trying to practice the final chapter of "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice".

  But Wu Yuan gave up after only a few years of comprehension and practice.

   "The perception of Tao is not enough." Wu Yuan frowned: "At least you have to reach the peak level of Xingjun, and the Dao of Time and Space has reached the seventh level of true meaning. Try again, otherwise the progress will be too slow."

  Forcibly practicing, the efficiency is too slow, and it will take thousands of years to make progress.


  Wu Yuan also noticed that even if he really cultivated to the final chapter and his mana power soared to the basic level of Xingjun, his current body might not be able to withstand such a terrifying impact.

   "When I become an Immortal of the Six Tribulations, with my extreme foundation, I guess I can be comparable to a real immortal." Wu Yuan thought: "At that time, I will have a higher understanding, and it will not be too late to try to practice the final chapter."

  The second part of "Siyuan Law Festival", for the time being, is Wu Yuan's limit.

   "Tao is the foundation."

   "The selection of the demon army is not over yet?" Wu Yuan summoned the big demon, and the answer he got was that it would take decades.

   "Xian Fei Tianxian, broke through to the third and fourth area?" Wu Yuan was quite surprised when he heard the news.

  A six-layer Celestial Immortal, who was quite ordinary in the past, was able to reach this level in just a few hundred years.

  Visible its potential.

   "Unfortunately, no matter how much potential there is, it's just a wedding dress." Wu Yuan shook his head lightly.

   This is the cruelty of Xianlu.

   Wu Yuan closed his eyes, and continued to comprehend "Nine Swords of Time and Space".

  Although he has realized the fifth form, he is still far from realizing this form to perfection.


   In the fairyland of time and space, in the special temple where the monarchs of the Tao world gather, more than ten monarchs gather here.

   "The inheritance test of the Black Demon has lasted for thousands of years."

   "Still no result."

   "Those gods and gods are basically trapped in the first three areas of the third test."

   "To comprehend the Dao, it is indeed a little difficult for these gods and gods." Many monarchs know some things about the Black Demon Blood Cave through the gods and gods under their command.

   "The most dazzling thing now, except Mingjian who entered the eighth test early, is that Xiang Fei Tianxian." Xuanyue Palace said lightly.

   "Well, a little guy, without a good mentor and guidance, insists on overwhelming the star masters, it is indeed amazing."

   "She's nice."

   "If she can come to the Dao world in the future, she can be considered for training." These monarchs have extremely high eyesight, and they can all see the potential of Xiang Fei's celestial being.

  At least it is the capital of Xingjun.

   Monarch? The probability is very low. In fact, there are countless immortals and gods, and there is only one in a million who can become a star king.

   "It's Ming Jian, he has entered the eighth test place, and it has been hundreds of years. Has there been any result yet?"

"should not."

   "With the nature of the Black Demon, if Mingjian succeeds, I'm afraid a decision has already been made."

   "The inheritance of the black devil lasted for hundreds of years, and it is normal." Many monarchs said something to each other.

  In recent years, their attention to the inheritance of the Dark Lord has not decreased.

   When they communicate.

  In another dimension of the time-space wonderland.

   "Nine Bloods, have you arranged everything?" The towering purple-robed figure sat cross-legged on the throne row, overlooking the blood-robed figure below.

   "Report to Monarch Mo Lang."

"According to your instructions, everything has been arranged." The blood-robed figure said respectfully: "A total of twelve half-step star masters, 162 space star masters, and more than 800 peak star masters have been dispatched. "

   "It's all secretly mobilized, and they have gathered in the core area of ​​​​the snowy light and fog... Once Mingjian or any other inheritors come out, they will not be able to escape."

   "This is only a secret mobilization. If it is a large-scale mobilization, it can be mobilized ten times more." The blood-robed figure said: "Now, the other eight major forces in the Taoist world should not be aware of it."

   "No need to transfer again."

   "The strength of these star masters should be enough. As long as the Mingjian is not a star king, they should not be able to escape." The voice of the monarch Mo Lang is forceful: "But be careful to avoid leaking information."

   "Your Majesty, rest assured."

  The so-called space star master and half-step star king are rare, but they are limited to one fairy kingdom, star field, or under the command of a star king.

  And when a monarch gives an order, the resources and the number of powerful people that can be mobilized are extremely terrifying.


   Year after year passed.

  Wu Yuan's qi-refining deity, with his dharma body, has been cultivating in the realm of enlightenment in the Black Devil's Blood Cave.

   Another century has passed.

   "Huh? Everything has been arranged?" Wu Yuan was summoned by the big demon during his latent cultivation.

  He opened his eyes and thought.


   Wu Yuan has disappeared in the Dao Enlightenment Realm, and came to another core place of the Black Demon Blood Cave, the 'Magic Land'.

  Inside the Dark Temple.

  Wu Yuan appeared out of thin air wearing a full battle armor, which was formed deliberately by him.

  In the Black Devil's Blood Cave, one must maintain one's own dignity, which is one of the ways to make subordinates more convincing.

   "Master." The tall demon saluted respectfully.

  Wu Yuan nodded: "The treasures of the Shenjing are all together."

   "It's all together." The big demon said solemnly: "I'm afraid that 90 billion **** crystals are not enough...so, if I collect more, the total value should reach 200 billion **** crystals."

  Two hundred billion divine crystals? Wu Yuan was taken aback.

  This was beyond his expectation.

"Master, this is the black devil's blood cave, the limit that can be gathered in many worlds." The great demon said, "Treasures that can be exchanged for **** crystals are still more precious to countless immortal cultivators in the demon world... If you search for more, I'm afraid it will be a waste of money." It will affect the internal operation of the Demon Realm."

   "Okay, I know it well." Wu Yuan smiled and said, "When I become stronger in the future, I will naturally try my best to make the Black Demon Blood Cave even stronger."

   Wu Yuan understood what the big devil was thinking.

  As the 'spirit' of the Black Devil's Blood Cave, Damo is extremely loyal to his master, and his instinct will also drive him to make the Black Devil's Blood Cave stronger.


  Wu Yuan put away the dozens of storage rings delivered by the Damo, and checked them one by one while listening to the Damo's detailed explanation.

  Each storage ring is piled up with a mountain of divine crystal treasures.

   Amazing value.

   Everything is correct.

   "Two hundred billion divine crystals! The treasures in these dozens of storage rings alone may drive countless star masters crazy." Wu Yuan secretly sighed: "Even the star masters are greedy."

  He was also quite happy.

   With such a fortune, when you return to the Time and Space Island, you can exchange for a large amount of precious materials, so that the nine-handed natal flying sword can evolve successfully.

   There are hundreds of billions of divine crystals left.

   "Immortal Treasures." Wu Yuan's spiritual sense perceived the last storage ring, which contained hundreds of middle-grade fairy artifacts.

   It is all the middle-grade fairy artifacts in the entire demon world, all of which were searched by the big demon.

   "Dharma body, let's refine the nine middle-grade fairy weapon flying swords." Wu Yuan quickly selected nine middle-grade fairy weapon flying swords.

  When you burst out with full force.

  Based on Wu Yuan's comprehension of Dao and the second part of "Siyuan Dharma Sacrifice", it is not too difficult for the dharma body to activate the nine middle-grade immortal weapons.

  Like the star masters, Dharmakaya seldom use middle-grade fairy artifacts, mostly because the perception of Tao is not high enough, and mana consumption is too high to use.

   "Master, it's time to manipulate the demon-suppressing list." The big demon smiled and said, "I have screened out more than forty people in succession over the past few hundred years."

   "They all have star potential."

   "It can be regarded as being selected from millions of gods and gods." The big demon said solemnly.

   "There are more than forty people, all of whom have the potential to be a star king?" Wu Yuan was a little hesitant: "I heard that after being controlled by the spirit, the cultivation potential will decline. Is this true?"


  Da Mo nodded: "The most important thing in the road of the strong is a strong heart. Only with a strong will can we overcome many obstacles along the way."

   "The soul is unpredictable."

   "For slaves, their minds seem to have an additional shackle. Even though the efficiency and foundation of enlightenment seem to have not changed, most of their achievements will be lower under the invisible influence of the mind." The big demon said solemnly.

   Wu Yuan secretly sighed, it really is so.

  As a slave, everything is put first by the master. Without that will and desire, the achievements will naturally be lower.

   "The master doesn't have to worry too much."

   "Once they are controlled and cultivated with all their strength, many powerful methods and even some precious resources will be bestowed on them, so that their income will far exceed the past, and their achievements will not be much lower." The great demon said: "I hope the master will consider it carefully."

   "Don't worry, I'm just a little emotional." Wu Yuan smiled and said, "Let's go."

  Wu Yuan never claimed to be a good person.

  The future is unpredictable, and the Zuta is like a huge shadow hanging over the head, which may swallow everything in itself at any time.

  So, on this fairy road of struggling to survive, Wu Yuan will do his best to strengthen himself.

   Hoo! call!

  The great demon and Wu Yuan appeared on the huge altar at the same time, and the list of suppressing demons was hung on the altar.

   "Master, please look." The big demon waved his hand.

   Shua! Swish! Swish!

  Suddenly, projections appeared faintly in the dark void around them. In the projections, angels and gods were waiting anxiously.

  Xiang Fei Tianxian, Ancient Shouxing Lord, Red Devil Star Lord, Xueyao Star Lord... all familiar figures.

  A total of forty-six people.

  They were all anxiously waiting.

   "Master, let's start." The Great Demon said.

   "Yeah." Wu Yuan nodded slightly, glanced across the void, and murmured to himself: "You guys can blame me...but my choice will not change."


  Wu Yuan's spiritual consciousness was integrated into the Demon Suppressing List, and through the Black Demon Blood Cave and the altar, he was able to mobilize a trace of the power of the Demon Suppressing List.

   And this trace of power is terrifying enough for the gods.

   "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"

   It seems silent, but in fact, the black and red intertwined Demon Suppressing List has exploded with terrifying power, attacking forty-six angels and gods at the same time.

  ...In a space in the Black Demon Blood Cave.

"I passed several tests, seven tests one after another, and obtained twelve black magic tokens." Gushou Xing's main dharma body was standing in this space, looking around vigilantly: "Is this the eighth test?" place?"

   "Where is Ming Jian? Why don't you see him?"

  He was a little puzzled.

   At this moment.


  Silently, a terrifying and tyrannical wave of spirit invaded his upper dantian instantly.

   "Not good!" A trace of panic flashed in Gu Shouxing's eyes, and he sensed that something was wrong.

  If you want to explode yourself, abandon this dharmakaya.


  This terrifying power has instantly invaded the ancient birthday star main body through the invisible causal connection between the dharma body and the main body.


  Quietly, the Lord Gushouxing was completely controlled, his eyes were full of respect, and he muttered to himself: "My master, Mingjian."

  …almost at the same moment.

  In the Black Demon Blood Cave, in dozens of special spaces, this scene is being staged one by one.

  A celestial god, they may be quite powerful, or they may be talented.


  In front of the top-grade Taoist artifact 'Suppressing Demon List', none of these celestial beings could resist successfully, and they were all controlled in an instant.

  Only one side has space.


   "No." Xiang Fei Tianxian gritted her teeth and struggled frantically. She half-kneeled on the ground, her eyes became red, and large drops of sweat fell on the ground.

  She is still struggling.

   "I must not be controlled by the spirit."

"no way!"

   "I, Xiang Fei, would rather die than be controlled by the spirit. The demon master's inheritance... This is a trap! It's a trap!" A trace of madness flashed in Xiang Fei's eyes.


  Her body exploded instantly, completely annihilated.

  Faced with such an astonishing spiritual attack, she directly chose to blew herself up.

  ... the sky above the demon list.

   "What a powerful Xiang Fei, what a strong will." Wu Yuan said in shock.

  All the gods and gods were controlled.

  Even the three half-step star masters were directly controlled, like Xueyao star master and Gushou star master, they failed to struggle successfully.


  Xiang Fei Tianxian, however, struggled to get rid of this spirit attack, and directly blew up his dharma body.

   "The will of the Xingjun level." The big demon also said with emotion: "A six-layered celestial being has such a strong will of the Dao heart. No wonder it was so dazzling before."


"This is the reason why the subordinates did not choose Xingjun." The big devil said: "The Dao Xin will at the level of Xingjun is too strong, and this is because Fei Tianxian is not strong enough... If it is a real Xingjun, it will be destroyed in an instant. get rid of it.”

   "Even if the monarch has not fallen, it is not difficult to kill a star king, but if you want to directly control a star king, you have to go all out."

   "En." Wu Yuan nodded, the stronger the Dao Xin will, the more difficult it is for the soul to control it.

  And the pride of the strong makes them unwilling to surrender completely.

  Like Wu Yuan himself, if he wants to be controlled by the spirit, then he would rather choose to die!

"Master, the deity of Fei Tianxian is in the demon world. I have locked her deity long ago, but I want to capture and move her here?" The big demon said: "If you go all out on the demon list, you will spend more money at any cost." The original power has repeatedly attacked her real body, and there should be a 50% probability of success in controlling it."

   "She has a good heart and will, but she is not a real Xingjun after all, and her spirit is not strong enough."

   "But her potential is amazing." The big devil said solemnly: "Such a talent has never been born in the devil world before."

   "No need."

  Wu Yuan shook his head and said: "If the control is unsuccessful, with her temperament, I'm afraid she will directly choose to self-destruct. The risk is too high."

  The big devil was taken aback.

   "I'll go see her." Wu Yuan said with a smile.

   Shua, Wu Yuan disappeared above the Demon Suppressing List.

  ...The Demon Realm, 55,000 big worlds, many worlds blend together, and there are countless legends.

  Xiang Fei's world was originally an inconspicuous world in the demon world, ruled by Xiang Fei Tianxian, but in recent hundreds of years, Xiang Fei's reputation has risen to fame in the demon world.

  Countless strong people are rumored that Xiang Fei Tianxian is expected to become the successor of the Demon Lord, which naturally attracts countless heavenly immortals and gods.


  In the east of Xiang Fei's world, on the vast lake, there is a gorgeous palace floating, this is the residence of Xiang Fei's immortal.

  Inside the hall.

   "How could it be controlled by the soul? Isn't it the eighth test? It shouldn't be!" Xiang Fei's deity stayed in the temple.

  Her eyes were full of fear.

   No matter how strong the Dao Xin will is, when encountering such a thing, he will be extremely flustered for a while.

   "Could it be that the entire demon master inheritance is a conspiracy?" Xiang Fei Tianxian tried to calm himself down.

   She didn't run away.

  Because, she knew in her heart that if the Demon Lord Forbidden Land really wanted to arrest her, it would be a breeze.

   After all, she can't escape the Demon Realm.


   "Huh!" The space was slightly distorted, and a figure in black battle armor appeared out of thin air, with a strong and powerful aura.


  Xiang Fei Tianxian stood up suddenly, looking at the figure in the void in shock: "You are...Ming Jian? How can you come to me?"

   she asked herself.

  With the many formations that he has set up, even a half-step Xingjun powerhouse cannot directly break in.

   "The demon world is so big that I can reach any place with a single thought." Wu Yuan said lightly, "Also, you should call me the demon master."

   Demon Lord?

  Xiang Fei Tianxian's pupils shrank slightly, and she realized it instantly: "You have obtained the inheritance of the demon lord? Also, the soul attack just now came from you?"

   "Very smart." Wu Yuan nodded: "Actually, I have been inherited hundreds of years ago."

  Wu Yuan was not afraid of Xiang Fei Tianxian leaking the news.

   Without his permission, these strong men from the demon world couldn't leave the Black Demon Blood Cave.

   "Hundreds of years?" Xiang Fei was taken aback, she had realized that all this was a conspiracy.

  All my previous efforts and struggles seemed like a joke.

   "Ming Jian, what do you want?" Xiang Fei Tianxian gritted his teeth.

   "Surrender to me." Wu Yuan looked down at Xiang Fei Tianxian.

   "Dream." Xiang Fei Tianxian almost roared: "Even if I die, I can't surrender to you, I never want to be controlled by the spirit."

   "I will not control you with spirit."

   "On the contrary, I will give you the best training conditions." Wu Yuan smiled and said: "I will try my best to help you become a star king, and even become a great monarch."

   "The monarch is the strength of the previous demon lord at his peak."

   "Xingjun? Sovereign?" Xiang Fei Tianxian's pupils shrank slightly, she was not stupid, and gritted her teeth: "You are not afraid, my strength will surpass you in the future?"

   "Not afraid."

   "If you are capable enough, you can naturally challenge me. As long as you win, I can submit to you in turn." Wu Yuan smiled and said, "It's a pity, you must not be able to do it."

   "I can still promise that if you become a monarch in the future, I will set you free." Wu Yuan said with a smile: "But I believe that you will still be willing to become my follower when the time comes."

   "I only have one request."

   "Until your strength surpasses mine, you must be absolutely loyal to me." Wu Yuan looked down at Xiang Fei Tianxian.

   "What if I say no?"

"You have no choice." Wu Yuan shook his head and said, "Either promise me, you will still be you, just become my follower... If you refuse me, I will strike again and try to control you with the soul. If you still fail, you will be my follower." It's worthless at all, so go die."

   Naked threats!

  The current Wu Yuan has the power to threaten Xiang Fei's immortality.

   Half a sound.

   "I promise." Xiang Fei Tianxian nodded heavily, she thought clearly, and quickly made the oath.

   "Meet the devil." Xiang Fei saluted.

  Hoo, a token appeared directly in her palm.

  At the same time, Wu Yuan had disappeared in place.

   "The devil?" Xiang Fei was stunned, looking at the token in his hand.

"Hold this token and refine it. You can mobilize a bit of the power of the demon world, and you can exert the threshold strength of the star king in the demon world, and lead all the worlds of the demon world." Wu Yuan's voice sounded in her mind: "From now on , you are my emissary in the Demon Realm."

   "Walk in the demon world and spread my brilliance."

   "At the same time, you are also eligible to enter the most holy place in the Demon Realm, the Daozang Realm and the Realm of Enlightenment."

   "When you become a star king in the future, you will be qualified to send the dharma body and source body to enter the outside world."

"Ha ha."

   "I will give you the best training conditions... I look forward to you challenging me for a day, don't let me down." Wu Yuan's voice completely disappeared.

  Xiang Fei Tianxian set off a storm in his heart.

  She quickly refined the token.

  Verified what Wu Yuan said, everything was true, which naturally surprised her even more.

   "The devil?"

   "Singing sword?" Xiang Fei Tianxian muttered to himself: "What kind of person are you?"


   "I promise you, I will be loyal to you until I defeat you." A gleam of light flashed in Xiang Fei's eyes.


  In a flash, Wu Yuan returned directly to the Demon Suppressing Realm, where the big demon is still waiting.

   "Master, do you really want to be so kind to this Fei Tianxian?" The big demon couldn't help but said, "It's just a little fairy."

   "She's different."

  Wu Yuan smiled and said: "Perhaps, giving her enough conditions can really cultivate a monarch."

   "Hope is very slim." The demon shook his head and said, "I don't know how many people have been gifted since ancient times, but most of them stop at the peak of Xingjun. This Xiang Fei is good, but to be called a monarch... Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

  He said three difficult words in a row.

  Wu Yuan also understands why, back then, the Dark Lord was fully cultivated, and there were many star kings under his command, but not a single king was born.

  It is indeed difficult to train a monarch.

   "There is always a silver lining." Wu Yuan laughed.

   "Yes, follow the master's order." The big demon said helplessly, as a spirit, he only had the right to make suggestions.

   "Master, what about the forty-five?" The big devil pointed to the distance, forty-five new names had already appeared on the town list.

   Soul engraving.

   Can no longer break free.

"For the strong from the demon world, everything will continue as usual, and I will give them a monarch inheritance." Wu Yuan said: "If the strong from the nine major forces in the Tao world, let them lie dormant for a while, don't expose it, let them tell the public about the eighth level. The last test before the test failed, but the sound of the sword was successful, so it will not affect the deity...let them commit suicide directly."

   "Wait until I leave the Dao Realm, and then let these Dao Realm powerhouses return to the Black Demon Blood Cave."

   "Yes." Damo said.

   It will take at least tens of thousands of years for Wu Yuan to leave the Dao Realm, so he is not in a hurry.

  If Wu Yuan has practiced in the Dao Realm for a long time, these powerful Dao Realm masters controlled secretly can play a big role as secret agents.


  Wu Yuan will leave the Dao Realm in the future, and he is doomed to be difficult to return, so it doesn't make much sense to leave behind.

   "Waiting for the future."

   "Through the Demon Suppressing List, we can completely control some powerful people in the Thunder Feather Temple." Wu Yuan thought to himself.

  The usual method of soul control has serious flaws.

   And Taoist artifacts similar to the Zhenmobang are extremely rare.

  ...After arranging and ordering the dozens of gods controlled by the spirit, one by one.

   Wu Yuan and Da Mo returned to the Demon Land.


   "Meet the master." The second magic star, the nine magic star, and eight others are already waiting here.

  All are dharmakaya, source body.

"Master, this is a medium-grade Taoist artifact 'Phantom River Realm' controlled by me. It has the power to attack, and it can be regarded as a space Taoist weapon. It also has the ability to conceal the breath. It's melted." Lord Ermoxing flipped his palms and took out a purple spherical magic weapon.

   Inside the magic weapon, there is a mighty river rushing indistinctly.

   "Middle-grade Taoist weapon?" Wu Yuan was slightly surprised, this kind of magic weapon is probably one of the most precious magic weapons of the two demons.

   "Master, the source bodies of the eight of us will hide in the Illusory Demon River Realm and sleep in the river water on weekdays. In this way, even the monarch may not be able to perceive our existence."

   "It is difficult to deduce our existence through some means of detection and deduction of fate." Nine Demon Star Lord explained: "At the critical moment, if the master is in danger, we will be able to show up and take action."

   "Okay." Wu Yuan nodded.

  The Dharma Bodies of the Eight Great Demon Generals entered the Illusory Demon River Realm, and Wu Yuan quickly put away the Illusory Demon River Realm for initial refinement.

   "From today onwards, there will be another trump card." Wu Yuan smiled.

   As a hole card, the most important thing is to let the enemy never know.

  If the enemy knows about it and deploys countermeasures in advance, then the power of the hole card will be greatly weakened.

   "In this way, as long as I don't encounter powerful monarchs, or some very heaven-defying star monarchs, I will have no worries." Wu Yuan was quite happy in his heart.

  The deity of refining qi is not the deity of refining body.

   The possibility of being directly targeted by a powerful monarch is very low.

   "Master, are you planning to leave the Black Demon's Blood Cave?" the big demon asked.

   "Yes." Wu Yuan said.

  Although the cultivation environment in the Black Demon Blood Cave is good, it is more important that Time and Space Island can accept the inheritance of time and space.


   Wu Yuan has to complete more space-time tasks in order to accumulate time-space points before he can accept the Taoist inheritance.

   "Well, if the master wants to become a monarch, he has to go through a lot of hard work." The great demon said: "However, in the snowy and foggy environment, a large number of star masters are gathering."

   "There are about a thousand peak star masters, and many are space star masters. They are hiding their breath and waiting by the exit."

   "It seems that the big forces in the Dao world have mobilized and are guarding the master." The great demon said.

   "A thousand star masters at the peak?" Wu Yuan was slightly surprised.

  What a big handwriting.

   "Can you find out which side it belongs to?" Wu Yuan asked. The nine major forces in the Taoist world have different monarchs behind them.

   Being able to mobilize so many star masters at the peak, there is no doubt that there is a high probability that the monarch will guide them.

   "It should be Wanlang Palace." Damo said.

   "Wanlang Palace? A force led by Monarch Mo Lang?" Wu Yuan frowned. He had no contact with this force.


"Wanlang Palace was the life-and-death enemy of my Black Demon Blood Cave in the past, so it is not surprising that the strong man from Wanlang Palace came." The great devil said: "That Lord Mo Lang almost died in the hands of the Black Demon Lord back then. .”

   "Oh?" Wu Yuan suddenly realized that there was such a past.

"Master, before activating the large formation, moving tens of thousands of celestial beings and gods in the snowy light and mist realm, most of the power of the blood cave formation has been consumed, and it will take a long time to activate it again." The great demon said: "However, if the master does not want to contact them ...It's not difficult for me to send the master directly to the edge of the snowy and foggy environment."

   "No need."

   "It's just a group of star masters." Wu Yuan said softly, "If they really want to embarrass me...that's fine."

   "Send me out."

  In fact, it was Wu Yuan who wanted the 'power of origin'. In the Black Demon Blood Cave for thousands of years, the power of origin was used to refine faith, and it had long been exhausted.

  Even if these star masters don't come to their door, Wu Yuan will still look for an opportunity to kill them.

   And now, this batch of star masters just happened to be delivered to the door.

   "I have the inheritance of the Dark Lord. Even if I don't say it, those Taoist monarchs will probably guess me and target me." Wu Yuan said with cold eyes, "I have to kill it hard."

   "Deter them so that they will not dare to act rashly."

   "Otherwise, in the future when I carry out space-time missions, these monarchs may send strong men to interfere from time to time."

   "Sooner or later, it's better to kill with prestige sooner or later." Wu Yuan thought to himself.


  The big demon sent Wu Yuan out of the Black Demon Blood Cave, and returned to the core area of ​​the Snow Light Fog Realm.


  In the core area of ​​the snow light and fog environment, in the vast void, a layer of perception formations have already been laid.

  In the void, and even in the high-dimensional space "space turbulent layer", there are space star masters waiting.


  The moment Wu Yuan appeared, he was immediately perceived.

   "Crying sword!"

   "He has come out." Many strong men in Wanlang Palace immediately sensed Wu Yuan's existence.


  ps: 4D three-in-one, asking for a monthly pass.

  In addition to the two chapters guaranteed, add 15/35

  (end of this chapter)

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