Yuanshen: Treasure Hunting In Ten Thousand Realms, Get Wooden Dungeon At The Beginning

Chapter Six: The Blood Vessel That Communicates With The Powers Of The Underworld

Two days later, seeing that Jiang Yan was thoroughly familiar with this place, Morax was also preparing to leave for the Dust God's Land.

Because it was the method proposed by Jiang Yan, Morax naturally wanted to take him with him.

Jiang Yan didn't object.

He doesn't plan to stay here for a long time, and just going out to the area where the God of Dust is located this time, he has to search the treasure chest carefully!

Strive to open the art of the wooden man as soon as possible!



A rock pillar rose from the ground, instantly crushing the rock peak in front of him.

The ordinary treasure chest inside was revealed.

Jiang Yan quickly stepped forward and opened it.

"Let me know if there are any good treasures in Kangkang."

"Well... Generally speaking, treasure chests like this usually don't contain any good things."

Morax behind him had a helpless tone.

About a week after leaving the tribe, I can be said to have completely become Jiang Yan's tool man.

Break open the rock peaks and break the rocks locked on the treasure chest.

"You don't understand! To open a treasure chest is to fill it with unknowns. Before you open it, you don't know what treasures are inside, so it's fun to open it."

Jiang Yan chuckled, feeling that his physical fitness had improved a little bit, full of joy.

"Well, up to you."

Morax had long since given up fighting.

Or rather, he's used to it.


Walking into a mountain range, a scream suddenly came from not far away, attracting the attention of Jiang Yan and Morax.

"Go and see!"

Instinctively, Jiang Yan wanted to see the excitement.

On a winding path, a middle-aged man was holding a young child and running towards the front in a hurry.

A raised stone tripped him, causing him to fall to the ground, and the robbers behind him surrounded him.

"Hehehehe, the dog runs pretty fast, don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and hand over all the valuable things on your body!"

The robbers surrounded the middle-aged man with a sneer, their big knives in their hands were cold and sharp.

The middle-aged man hugged his last child tightly, with determination in his eyes.

There is a dagger hidden in his sleeve, even if he dies, he has to be buried with him!

"Do you want to save?"

Jiang Yan spoke softly.

"Well, there is a strange feeling about him."

Moraxel nodded.

"Then let me come, some little robbers, it's not worth letting you do it."

Jiang Yan stretched his wrist and stepped forward.

"Huh? Brat, where did you come from again?"

The robbers naturally saw Jiang Yan walking towards them.

Jiang Yan smiled, didn't speak, just put his hands together.

Then his arm slowly stretched out to the robbers.

"Speak up! Bastard!"

Several of the robbers wanted to surround them.

"Wood Dun, the art of cuttings!"

Several wooden thorns sprouted from Jiang Yan's arm, instantly piercing all the robbers in front of him into a string.

The middle-aged man's face was spattered with blood. He was holding his child, his body trembling constantly.

"Who... who are you?"

The middle-aged man tremblingly looked at Jiang Yan who slaughtered the robbers with a smile in front of him, and Morax who was slowly walking behind him.

Instead of relaxing, he became even more nervous. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, is this oriole going to enjoy the fruit now?

If it was the robbers before, he still had the belief to resist, but the two in front of him made him unable to resist.

Too scary!

"My name is Jiang Xiaobai. As for him, his name is Zhongli."

Jiang Yan said with a smile, long before the two set off, they planned to set off in a traveling way.

The two coincidentally gave themselves an alias.

"what's your name?"

"I...my name is Hu Xing."

Hu Xing's tone was still trembling.

"Is your surname Hu? Interesting."

Morax's voice came from behind, he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with interest, and then said:

"If you want to seek asylum, go southwest."

"After arriving at Tianheng Mountain, ask Liuyun to borrow the wind, and say that Zhongli let you go."

Morax is still using his alias, he has no intention of revealing his real name.

After speaking, Jiang Yan and Morax left here.

After walking away, Jiang Yan turned his head and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Ever since he met that middle-aged man surnamed Hu, Morax's smile didn't seem to stop.

"I found the treasure."

Morax said softly, which also made Jiang Yan a little confused.

"When you meet a person surnamed Hu, you meet Bao?"

Morax chuckled and shook his head, explaining lightly.

"The middle-aged man just now has blood in his body that can communicate with the power of the underworld."

"It's the same feeling in the young child he's holding."

Underworld power?

Jiang Yan's eyes widened suddenly.

Surname Hu

Possesses a bloodline that communicates the power of the underworld.

Isn't this the ancestor of the walnut?

I lost it! Is there really such a coincidence? ?

Immediately, Jiang Yan looked at Morax with a little complicated look in his eyes.

How have you encountered a treasure?

You are clearly looking for a meal ticket for yourself thousands of years from now.

"...What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Morax felt that there was something wrong with the way Jiang Yan looked at him.

"It's okay, let's go."

Suddenly, a violent shaking came from a distance. For a moment, the sky and the ground shook, causing Jiang Yan to stagger, almost sitting on the ground.

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