Yuanshen: Treasure Hunting In Ten Thousand Realms, Get Wooden Dungeon At The Beginning

Chapter 87: Establishment Of The Hall Of Rebirth (Please Subscribe!!)

However, the establishment of the Hall of Rebirth is meaningful to Liyue.

Due to the war between the demon gods, the land of Liyue was devastated, and everything was left to be done.

The plague brought about by the resentment of the demon god's death has also been spreading on Liyue.

Liyue Kingdom was first established, and the governance of the plague has never stopped, but the effect is not good.

In the plot of Yuanshen, the original intention of the establishment of the Hall of Rebirth was to incinerate the corpses, draw a clear line between death and life, and effectively prevent the spread of the plague.

For the establishment of Xiangshengtang, Jiang Yan not only approves, but also should strongly support!

So Jiang Yan approved the application for the establishment of the Pastoral Hall.

And in the approval document, he also praised Hu Ming's reason for establishing the Hall of Rebirth to show his support.

After putting the approval document aside, Jiang Yan continued to process other documents.

Although Gan Yu and others had already processed most of the documents for themselves, the amount in front of them still made Jiang Yan process from morning to evening.

After processing the last file, Jiang Yan stretched and yawned.

Really, it can be regarded as finished.

I really don't know how Gan Yu and the others endured 24.

Jiang Yan muttered, walked to the window and watched the sunset outside.

Even when the sun sets, there can still be faint cries from outside.

He looked at Liyue Port, which had begun to take shape, and held his chin by the window, quietly admiring it.

At this time, Gan Yu came up with a cup of tea.

"Are all the files processed?"

Gan Yu asked in surprise.

It stands to reason that with so many files, even Morax would have to deal with them until nightfall.

But Jiang Yan's way of handling political affairs is different from that of Morax and others.

When Moraxe rejects the plan, he will tell why it was rejected.

But Jiang Yan is different, to refuse is to disagree!

As for the reason for the refusal, I want to go and see if it is unreasonable for me.

I am not your nanny!!

Jiang Yan stood up from the window and took the steaming tea from Gan Yu's hand.

"Thanks a lot."

Jiang Yan put down the tea, held Gan Yu in his arms, and watched the sunset by the window together.

Gan Yu leaned on Jiang Yan's shoulder, looked out the window, and murmured:

"What a beauty"

"Yeah, it's really beautiful..."

Jiang Yan also sighed, suddenly, he turned his head to look at the girl, and said with a smile:

"But it's not as good-looking as my little Ganyu!"

Gan Yu listened to Jiang Yan's nasty words, her pretty face blushed slightly and she lowered her head.

"Yo~ are you shy?"

Jiang Yan smiled and held Gan Yu's cheek, and kissed her.

The shy Gan Yu is really super cute!

"Hmm~ I hate it!"

Panting, Gan Yu pushed Jiang Yan away, the Sisi sparkle on the corner of her mouth looked very attractive.

Jiang Yan chuckled, and raised his hand to wipe away the glitter from the corner of Gan Yu's mouth.

"I still have work to do, so let's go first."

Gan Yu hurriedly left here.

She just felt that if it continued, something might happen.

Thinking of the madness of last night, Gan Yu felt a little weak.

Seeing Gan Yu running away, Jiang Yan couldn't help laughing.

He turned his head and looked out of the window, looking at the golden leaves that were constantly emitting from the setting sun.

"A peaceful life...it's nice."

A week later, with the approval of Jiang Yan, the Hall of Death was formally established.

At the same time, in order to prevent the people from resisting the cremation, Liyue officials also issued a timely notice:

From now on, the Liyue funeral burial method should be cremated as much as possible and buried in the ground.

This not only prevents the rampant plague, but also gives comfort to some people who are obsessed with burial.

But even so, there are still many people who are unwilling to burn the corpses of their relatives, which is against the Hall of Rebirth.

Most of these people are bullying and afraid of tough people, they dare not provoke Liyue officials, instead they quarreled in front of Xiangshengtang, which seriously hindered the work of Xiangshengtang.

"My lord Xianjun! Someone is causing trouble at the Hall of Rebirth."

Qian Yanwei walked in and bowed to Jiang Yan.

"Well, what's the situation."

Jiang Yan didn't look up, nor did he stop reviewing the documents.

"These people have learned their skills recently. Even though we Qianyanwei have repeatedly warned them, it is useless to even arrest them."

"They are now specially picking up the time when the funeral is being held in the Xiangsheng Hall to make troubles, making the funeral unable to proceed.

Qianyanwei lowered his head and spoke.

Jiang Yan's reviewing hand paused for a moment.

"If you don't allow peace after death, this group of people won't be afraid of retribution!"

Jiang Yan stood up and put down the pen in his hand.

"They are dissatisfied with me, the Chief Manager!"

Jiang Yan's faint voice reached Qianyanwei's ears.

Swipe it! Qianyanwei's back was soaked in cold sweat.

"Call Qianyan Wei, I will go there myself."


Qianyanwei retreated quickly, summoned Qianyanwei and lost.

Jiang Yan, on the other hand, stood outside the window sill, jumped down and flew 250 in the direction of Xiangshengtang.

Outside the Hall of Rebirth, a group of men in coarse cloth were holding things like hoes and making a scene at the entrance of the Hall of Rebirth.

In front of them, a group of people in dark brown clothes were trying their best to tell something.

"If you dare to burn a person's body, aren't you afraid that the person's soul will come to you in the middle of the night?!"

One of the strong men spoke loudly.

"Anyway, with me here, you don't even think about driving the Xiangsheng Hall properly!!"


"I really want to see how you don't let the Hall of Death to Open?"

A clear voice resounded from the sky, and Jiang Yan, who was wearing a black-colored robe, descended from the sky.

With the unique appearance of silver hair and pointed ears, the people around him can almost recognize Jiang Yan's identity at a glance.

"Master Xianjun!"

"Master Xianjun, you are here!"

People around shouted kindly to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan smiled and nodded at the people around him, then turned his head to the strong man whose complexion had already changed drastically.


Jiang Yan said calmly.

"Let me see how you plan to keep the Hall of Death from opening."

His eyes were very calm, and there was no expression on his face. .

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