“I’m afraid it’s because of wear and tear.” Gan Yu knew the inside story, and she sighed.

“As a god, the emperor has a long life, but after experiencing the Demon God War and the departure of his friends one after another, he probably also realized that sooner or later he might come to the end and enter the eternal mausoleum.”

“Only by implementing the rule of people can Liyue be passed on from generation to generation without him.”

The emperor’s thinking is actually not wrong.

No matter how powerful the demon god is, sooner or later it will also die.

The rule of man is not the best policy of divine rule, but a helpless move.

Others also heard this idea for the first time and bowed their heads in thought.

God governs people, a simple change of one word, does it contain so much thinking?

“I have a way to treat the wear and tear of the emperor.” Ye Yu made a guarantee ~ certificate.

“Treat wear?” Gan Yu blinked, seemingly unable to believe it-.

To know.

Wear this east-west and it is difficult to heal.

For example, the Great Saint Ray has been treated twice.

The first time was the emperor himself.

The second time is the Fengshen .


Wei himself did not see that the second time was the wind god Barbatos, but he guessed at once that it was because of the immortal-level wear and tear, and it was already necessary for the seven gods to make a move.

Those seven god-level wear and tear, who needs to treat it.

It’s simply unimaginable.

Ye Yu didn’t intend to tell everything about it, but just told the others.

“I naturally have arrangements for the wear and tear, but after the emperor recovers the wear, I still hope that you can assist, whether it is to let the immortals persuade, or as the seven stars to persuade, to express the hope that the emperor can regain full control over Liyue.”

“If the emperor can restore the wear, I think he should not refuse this matter.” Gan Yu nodded lightly and agreed.

Seeing this, the others did not refute again.

Ye Yu beckoned everyone to eat and drink.

After eating.

He was the first to leave and seemed to have something important to do.

“What the hell is he going to do with Ye Yu? I really can’t understand him. Gan Yu was confused, although Ye Yu had many things he taught, but Ye Yue planned to overthrow Liyue Renzhi this time, which was a trick she couldn’t even think of.

Keqing sighed softly.

“It always feels like it’s not a good thing.”

“How can it not be a good thing, in this case, can’t Keqing be so busy?” Xiangling’s expression was a little nervous, and he talked to Keqing.

It’s just that.

Talked to by Xiangling.

Keqing’s expression was also a little subtle, and he didn’t seem to dare to look at Xiangling, don’t look away.

“I, I’m actually fine, and helping everyone in Liyue is also my wish.”

“No, Keqing should also have his own life.” Xiangling approached Keqing, and then held Keqing’s soft arm, looking like a beautiful girl.

“Xiangling, get so close.”

“If you don’t get closer, Keqing will run away.”

“No, no.” Keqing said with a slight blush.

Gan Yu looked at the two silently.

Sure enough, I still think it’s strange.

This is the moment.

Ye Yu has prepared a big plan.

About the plan for Morax to draw on the power of conservation.

Generally speaking.

Wear and tear is largely caused by the loss of strength.

If you want to solve it, find a doctor.

Second, find new strength.

The doctor’s words, abundance is a good way, but Ye Yu feels that it is not long enough, it is better to let Zhongli absorb the power of protection.

Of course.

If Zhongli can’t absorb it, he will also arrange for Cripple and Zhongli to meet a little.

In short, there are many ways.

But well.

Turning Zhongli to the Broken Iron World, of course Ye Yu would not do this himself.

Although he once punched Orcel, being an ordinary person is still the rule of Night Feather in Tivat.


Let’s arrange for someone else to do it.

Void Star God: There is something that needs everyone’s help, come and come people

Su Xiaoxiao: Nothing, I’ll mess with !!!

Super Invincible Giant TM Love Bugs: And me, and me

Galen is not gay: what reward is not, nothing

Void Star God: Ahem, there is no reward, because the matter is very simple, let you attract Zhongli and trick Zhongli into the world of broken iron, I want to introduce him to Cunhu, so that Morax can absorb the power of Cunhu

Scumbag: I’ll go on, let me go, I want to be a good person

Galen is not gay: or let people be scumbag, and if he still has evil intentions, my sword can strike at any time

Void Star God: Okay

Makoto Ito arrives in the world of Tivat, and as a man without a kunba, his only wrongs are to get a chat group reward to restore kunba.


Success or failure is at stake.

However, how to attract that Rock King Emperor.

This is the moment.

Zhongli passed right in front of Makoto Ito.

Makoto Ito thought for a long time and shouted.

“Wow, there’s no one here, I’m going to here!”

This vulgar remark obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the emperor.

Open defecation, how can there be such a filthy person.

Seeing that Makoto Ito was about to squat down and make a-like appearance, the emperor hurried over and wanted to pull Makoto Ito, but he fell into the teleportation channel of the collapsed iron.

“Eh…” (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Standing on a lonely planet, Zhongli looked at the starry sky, unable to understand what was happening for a while?

What the hell is going on here?

Void Star God: Shall we wait and see if Zhongli can enter the path of conservation?

Inazuma House Shadow: It’s difficult, the old man doesn’t even know the concept of the star god, how can he enter the path of fate

Scum Cheng: Hahaha, I got the chat group reward, got the kun, now there is Gui Yanye they suffer

Galen is not gay: beast, what have you gained, eat your Galen grandpa a big health shock!

Scum sincerely voice: Ahhhhhh!!!h

Super invincible giant TM loves bugs: It’s better to send someone to talk to Grandpa Zhongli about the concept of Star God, with Grandpa Zhongli’s understanding, he will definitely be able to enter the path of destiny

Bunny Amia: So who is going this time?

Su Xiaoxiao: Don’t let people go scumbag, this guy is scum

Inazuma Takage: I can’t go, but I have someone in Tivat, I can’t go

Dry thing girl Xiaoburi: People don’t go, if you go to Liyue to play in the future, it will not be good to be come out by the old man

Void Star God: Wait, look at the old man, there seems to be a problem.

On the planet.

Zhongli, who had been making no movement, suddenly exuded a miraculous amber-like luster on his body.

That kind of glow, a bit like the color of rock elements.

But in the world of broken iron, this color should be said to be the Amber King, the star god Creeper!

The star god who forged the city wall in light-years turned his gaze to Zhongli, who had just come to the Broken Iron World.

His voice appeared in Zhong Li’s mind.

“You, new ancient beast?”

“This is impossible, after the twilight war, all ancient beasts died, me and that guy, is the last remaining ancient beast, plus the black guy at most, and although your body does exceed the size of a normal life form, it has not reached the level of ancient beasts.”

“You, who the hell are you?”

Cripper’s voice was ancient, echoing in Zhongli’s mind.

As the Rock King Emperor, who has also lived for six thousand years, he is very calm and quietly listens to Creepper’s description.

He seemed to understand something.

That was – he came to another world.

A wider world.

He was thinking about whether to speak out about it, and he was also thinking about what kind of existence Creepper really was.

He made a good decision.

“Who am I?”

“People from outside this world, yes, I am not from this world, and as for why I arrived here, even I don’t know.”

“Out of the world? As it is, this can also explain why you exist in the form of an ancient beast. Creepper nodded, and then sent out an invitation.

“I don’t have much time, I can only briefly tell you about some of the rules of this world.”

“Sooner or later, the world will fall into complete despair, but I cast obstacles in light-years to protect the last chance of life.”

“My name is Creep, the star god of the Guardian, and now, I invite you into the Guardian’s destiny, you are willing.”

“The fate of the protection?” Zhong Li’s power level is not too high in terms of Collapse Iron.


It’s definitely not the kind of weak person that Clipper said for a long time, he still doesn’t understand.

He thought carefully and smiled.

“Forge a barrier in light-years to protect the last life? I am naturally willing to join such a path. ”


Cripple said this.

The fate of survival descends.

The emperor officially stepped into the fate of survival.

In that fate.

The wear and tear of the emperor was finally compensated, and the body seemed to begin to develop towards the point of ancient beasts.


Most importantly.

The emperor saw the essence of the world.

“Sooner or later, the world will fall into despair, and survival is to try to preserve this glimmer of life!”

“Such a cruel truth?”

Within a chat group.

Su Xiaoxiao: Alas?!!! How so, the old man actually got Creepper’s favor all of a sudden, is this directly becoming a maharaja of conservation

Galen is not gay: there is nothing else to say but envy

Void Star God: Unexpectedly, Creepper would actually appear in person, it seems that he still takes care of the ancient beast, although the old man is not an ancient beast

Bunny Amia: But what is it like for Cripple and the old man to say that the world will fall into despair, it’s terrible

Void star god: Despair is nothingness, simply put, I am, in fact, the star god with a little strength knows that the state that the world will eventually fall into, that is, meaningless nothingness

Aha Ren: I don’t want to admit it, but I’m right

Blue dye standing in the sky: Praise the nothingness ~

Inazuma House Shadow: Aha climbed a tree and saw the world as it is, but how did Cripper guess it?

Void Star God: Probably because of the twilight war and greed, but since he can know the essence, his strength must be much stronger than Aha

Rakizi Man Aha: Huh? How is it stronger than me, I have recently and erudition

Lezi Ren Aha: The Bird Clan, he is better than me.

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