“Well, it’s okay.”

The last time I tried with Candice, Night Feather was also casual to play, but the result was indeed to defeat Candice easily.

“Ye Yu is obviously so powerful, then he must have discovered me just now, and he actually did that kind of thing in front of people, is he trying to seduce Jiede?” Jede asked.

“Ah this.” Ye Yu found that it seemed okay to say so.

After all.

Jede wears a little bit every day, and it is black leather, very sexy, for men, it is indeed very tempting.

Still shaking in front of the night feather all day, who would not be moved.

“Ayu, Jede, it’s time to eat, why haven’t you come yet?”

“Coming, coming.”

Fortunately, Xiangling solved the siege, otherwise Ye Yu didn’t know what would happen, looking at Jiede’s eyes~, it seemed to eat people.

Finish eating.

Night feathers start the water group daily.

There haven’t been any newcomers in the group lately, and nothing has happened – that’s it.

Su Xiaoxiao: Ah, it’s so boring, why haven’t there been any things recently?

Galen is not gay: finch clan, finch clan

Super Invincible Giant TM Love Bug: By the way, how are Sakura and Alice Phil doing lately, have you run away?

Void Star God: Ahem, they’re fine

Scumbag Cheng: According to my many years of scum, I am afraid that it has been played bad by the Void Giant

Bunny Amia: ?!!!

Su Xiaoxiao: Curious about how to play, elaborate

Void Star God: Ahem, it’s a daily demon supplement or something, isn’t there any way

Super Invincible Giant TM Love Bug: Wait, isn’t it a shivering word to mend the devil

Su Xiaoxiao: The void giant can’t be shivered

Le Ziren Aha: Don’t target my boss, if you want to find something to play, then it has to be me Aha, quickly come to the collapse of the iron universe, Arashi will be born soon

Evil God D: How does this go? The last time destruction was born, the insects were almost injured

Blue dyeing standing in the sky: There is a saying, the birth of the star god is too terrible

Le Ziren Aha: This time the IX boss does not have to absorb a new fate, it can provide perfect protection

Void Star God: If you say so, go and see, anyway, I haven’t had anything to do lately

The Evil God D Void Giant is not to help make up for the devil

Void Star God: Ahem, it’s not every day

Super invincible giant TM loves bugs: Bugs also have to make up for the devil, shivering .jpg

Amia the Rabbit: I didn’t think that Sister Kiana was such a bug

Happy man Aha: I’ve opened the passage, come quickly

Louvre battleship.

The building wood is across the sky.

Now it is already a matter of livelihood.

The infinite growth of the population, the disorderly system of growing and young, and Jin’s internal troubles have made this prosperous space battleship almost collapsed.

And this is still the building wood that Ye Yu took away part of the rich power born at that time.

If it is Jianmu in its heyday, the fate of Luofu will be even more terrifying.

“Come, the star god who came out of the abyss.”

With a light that cut through the sky, it lit up.

That Luofu man finally returned to the world from the abyss, and became Youge’s star god Lan, and the arrow that cut through the sky was an absolute blow from Arashi!

This blow cut off Luofu’s 20-amber period of building trees.


This scene is very spectacular, and everyone is fascinated to see it.

It’s just that. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, Ye Yu quietly met with a certain star god.

“Ix, you… Came back. “Destroying the Star God Nanuk, as a two-star god of fate, he can naturally feel the return of the night feather, and the waves on the way of fate, he always pays attention.


The faint words made Nanuk feel a little pressure.

He could feel it clearly.

Night Feather is nothing, but the clarity of existence is stronger, which is unreasonable, but it is Night Feather’s place beyond the star god.

Nanuk spoke.

“I want to seek… The way of double destiny is only you can teach me. ”

“Want to master two destinies?” Ye Yu was a little surprised, “I shouldn’t have a reason to teach you, although your birth has some plans from me, but our relationship is only that.” ”

Nanuk was silent for a moment.

“I can do things for you, I know that you want to reach the state of infinite superposition through the path of destruction, and I can help you fight and destroy, and become a tool for your destruction.”

“You can also rest assured, I will not stare at the collapsed universe, I will destroy other universes through the anchoring of the tree of existence, after all, there are many star gods in this universe, even I can hardly destroy this thing.”

After saying his conditions, Ye Yu had the intention to trade.

“Since you made this request, then I am not polite.”

“I need you to destroy enough universes until I reach the balance of nothingness and destruction, to the state of infinite superposition.”

Ruined Nanuk narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath and said.

“No problem.”

“But can you let me witness for myself, the so-called infinite superposition state.”


Night Feather reached out.


A miniature universe is born, destroyed, and becomes nothingness.

Stacked infinitely, the power of the night feather will be immeasurable.


The power of destruction and nothingness is not balanced.

After 2300 superimposed times, this force… Unbalanced two.

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