Le Ziren Aha: Haha, I just told the guy Archivelli some truth about the world, and the guy couldn’t stand it, you know, I told him that the tree of existence can observe everything, and I haven’t explained the nature of the world to him

Little Rabbit Amia: However, when Aha saw the truth of the universe, didn’t he cry, and there were still video recordings in the group

Happy Man Aha: No!!! It’s all Ix boss P’s!

Galen is not gay: what p, it was live at the time, I could see it clearly, and Aha was crying badly

Inazuma Otakage: That’s it, and I’m kind enough to laugh at the star god

Evil god d, let’s go quickly, anyway, the pioneer star god is good to talk, let’s go and help, it will definitely be no problem

Amia the Bunny: Do you want to bring some gifts on the train, you can leave them for March 7, alas

14 Inazuma House Shadow: March 7? Draw card powder balls!

A group of people in the group finally stepped on the Star Dome train.

On the train.

Pioneer star god Archivelli is on the train.

At the moment, there are no nameless passengers on the train, only the pioneer star god alone.

This is probably when his strength is strongest, and it is also the time when he explores different civilizations most frequently.


Archivelli leaned against the door of the train, looking empty and lonely and cold.

“Aha? There are others…”

“You are…”

Amia the little rabbit said encouragingly.

“Lord Archivelli, you should maintain your will to pioneer, please, please don’t just die, there will be many people willing to embark on the journey of pioneering in the future.”

“Pioneers don’t exist anymore…” Archivelli said with a bitter expression.

“The top of the Tree of Existence can observe any civilization, so what am I who connects civilizations, and the closer I get to the top of the Tree of Existence, the more I feel nothingness, if… That is the truth of the world. ”

“This is the negation of everything in the world, everything does not exist, what is development.”

Aha saw Akivigli’s appearance.

“Jiao” laughed strangely.


He climbed the tree of existence, and he also had a hanging sample with Archivelli, but he survived.

He comforted with a stinking fart.

“Your kid’s level is already very good, you know, being able to perceive the tree of existence, not all star gods can do it, you count one.”

“And I, who has already reached the top, is naturally the best of the best.”

Everyone was busy, comforting Archivelli, hoping to enlighten Archivelli’s thoughts.


The will of the star god, that is the existence that can form the conceptual god.

When he knows the truth of the world, how can mortals change?

This is the moment.

Ahahaha laughed.

“Haha, breeding was destroyed and killed, I was personally watching from the side, this time Archivelli you want to commit suicide, I also have to observe well, gee, the so-called star god, in fact, is also very fragile, as long as the belief is shaken, it will definitely not escape death.”

“If you deviate from your own destiny, it is indeed impossible to escape death.”

This time, Aha’s telling the truth about the world is to a large extent his own attempt to double fate.


Kai died doubting his beliefs, then he could not stupidly continue to try to betray his fate in the world of collapsed iron, and he would have already been the second fate.

“Boss Aha, don’t say it!!!” The dry girl said with a little breath.

“Cut, I said, you can still hit me, hit me, stupid !!!” Ahaxin said that ix is not there, that is called an arrogant, directly jump face!


“That’s what you said.”

In the crowd, a night feather suddenly appeared!

Originally. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Yu didn’t want to deal with this matter.


Thinking that Aha’s remarks to himself are stinky fools, I can’t bear to think about this breath!

So I planned to come and beat Aha, just heard Aha calling, and Ye Yu was really ecstatic.

“This is what you told me to beat, everyone has heard it, this kind of request, I have never seen it in my life!”

“Wait, it stinks… Boss ix, I didn’t tell you. ”

Snapping Night Feather went up with two fists and laughed heartily. “What are you talking about, don’t you tell me that I will beat you too, change my notes stinky stupid, stinky silly, right!!!”

Night Feather had already started kicking with his feet.

Aha cried directly.

Obviously he closed the teleportation channel of ix, why did this stinky fool still come. 377

Archivelli saw Aha being beaten.

His unmoving eyes actually changed slightly.


Aha was beaten violently, good dick funny.


Wait, how can I laugh like this.

Archivelli suddenly became confident.

“Even a person like Aha can live like a dog skin plaster, what reason do I have not to live.”

The Star Dome train suddenly lit up.

That was the power of Archivelli, once again filling the train.

“Alive?” Aha couldn’t believe it.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ye Yu was beaten again.

“Boss ix, you are enough, don’t hit me in the face!!!” Ahab was furious.

“What can you do? Hit me. Ye Yu learned to shout at Aha.

Akhmer wept.

When I get up one day, I’ll be the first to pit you.

Dog stuff.


Aha still kept an eye on Archivelli.

“Is this guy recovered? It always felt like his fate… Still in a blurry state. “。

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