“No, I didn’t expect Ye Yu to be this kind of person!”

Walnut is super angry.

Playing with girls’ feelings or something?

Simply scum!

Yan Chong also glared angrily at Ye Yu.

“Hu Tao is right, Night Feather is too much!!! Keqing is such a good girl, Ye Yu does not cherish it, and will regret it in the future!!! ”

The chopsticks in Ye Yu’s hand, the golden shrimp ball held by it fell instantly, and the meal was not fragrant.

What exactly did you do?

What are you going to say about me?

It’s really okay to be good, but I cherish it, I gave a 20w pillow a few days ago!

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Yu felt painful.

Ye Yu quickly explained.

“I cherish this friend of Keqing, a few days ago, I also gave her a very expensive big pillow, why do you say so, and say that I am a scumbag, I don’t even have a girlfriend, how can I be a scumbag?”

“Huh?” Walnut showed a puzzled expression.

“How can there be no girlfriend, you sent Emperor Keqing a pillow, isn’t it just a confession?”

“How can it be a confession, I just give a throw pillow!” You slander!!! “Ye Yu is anxious, I can’t support myself now, another girlfriend, don’t you want me to die?”

This is the case.

Walnut and Smokey seem to understand what is going on.

Hu Tao said seriously.

“Ye Yue, you really don’t know if the Liyue tradition or fake don’t know ah, boys send girls emperor-related small items, that’s all a confession, and you also send 20w Mora’s emperor pillow, really no idea?”

Ye Yu’s face was painful.

He thought about if he had a girlfriend.

Fall in love, buy gifts, cold war with girlfriend, reconcile, cold war, reconcile, buy a house, buy a car, get married, have children, name a little one.

It’s so torturous.

Open pendulum!

Night Feather chooses a showdown.

“I had a showdown, in fact, I didn’t go to the sea at all, I didn’t rent a boat, I was just working as a sailor at the dock to move things for others, so I deliberately avoided you.”

“That day, I thought of a way to sell the emperor’s pillow to earn Mora, but when I met Keqing, I was afraid that things would be exposed, so I sent the pillow.”

The collapse of adults is often in an instant.

Walnut and smoky listened.

It turns out that these days, Ye Yu does not go into the sea to fish, but toils at the dock.

I also took 20w for Keqing for this.

It’s really pathetic.

Walnut patted Yomoha’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, as long as you earn Mora by your own efforts, it’s nothing, we’re all friends, it’s okay to tell us these things.”

“What are you going to do with Keqing? We know about this, but Keqing doesn’t know yet. ”

“You see, she deliberately didn’t come this time.”

Ye Yu panicked.

He thought about working hard and felt as if he could overcome some difficulties.

But find a girlfriend, it’s better to give yourself a knife.

He said firmly.

“I must explain this matter clearly to Keqing! Misunderstanding, big misunderstanding! ”


Ye Yu got up and prepared to go to find Keqing.

“Oops! Night Feather wait! You can’t be so direct, what if you make Keqing sad!!! Walnut took Night Feather arm and pulled Night Feather back.

“Keqing accepted the gift, and must have accepted your confession.”

“If you suddenly say that you want to break up now, Keqing will definitely be sad.”

Yan Huang also nodded heavily, very disagreeing with Ye Yu’s current approach.

She also exhorted.

“Let’s contact Keqing first, see what kind of attitude Keqing is, if Ye Yu goes directly like this, he won’t have to do it in the future.”

“Then please walnuts and smoke!!!” Ye Yu also didn’t want to lose Keqing as a friend.

After all.

At the beginning, when he went from a rotten life to the right track, Keqing helped so much.

Just this meal today.

Ye Yu was no longer in the mood to eat—it’s strange.

Ye Yu ate two large bowls, turning his sorrow and anger into strength, and after eating, Ye Yu began to busy himself with his work again, selling the goods bought from Qingzezhuang little by little.

And this also made Ye Yu finally have a savings on his hands, almost 15w Mora.

When everything is sold, I have to go to the light strategy village to buy another batch.

That’s what Yoruha thought.

The goods on hand, sold about the same, are left in the last few days.

There was a street crawler all the way to the store.

And this street slipper is the Liyue god who is about to retire, the Yanwang Emperor, now known as Zhongli.

He came to Yoruha’s shop several times.

At a glance, you can see that the glazed lilies in the night feather shop are the freshest, and these days, it is probably time to start.

“Shopkeeper, you can give me a handful of these glazed lilies.” Zhong Li entered the store, with an elegant temperament.

“Okay.” Ye Yu was also unambiguous, and immediately packed it.

As an honest businessman, Ye Yu must give customers the best price.


After Ye Yu handed the glazed lily to Zhongli.

After half a day.

Zhongli didn’t take Mora out.

And, he said to Yoruha.

“Boss, you glazed lilies are of the highest quality, but…”

“Don’t but, I just want to know if you can get Mora out of your pocket.” Night Feather is straightforward.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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