“Start turning, gears.”

Screw Gollum enabled the wonders left behind by Erudite.

And this also completely started the war of strange things.

Erudite Zun disappeared, but no one ever dared to underestimate the Genius Club.

Every member of the Genius Club can establish the existence of an envoy-level force on their own.

Everyone was personally ushered into the club.

The oddities and everything they have in their hands are enough to subvert multiple galaxies.


Why has Screw Gollum never dared to use strange things easily?

I am afraid that the reason for this will soon be revealed.


Screw Grunt’s eyes kept staring around, as if looking for something.

And obviously.

He found it, it was a strange thing, lighting up the power of the star god, revealing his former glory.

How many pieces are there?

The first thing Screw Gollum felt was no less than seven, and there will only be more in the future.

A deep helplessness welled up on Screw Gum’s face.


Everything that follows has nothing to do with manpower.

What follows will be a contest of oddities!

It was a collision between the forces of the star gods, and manpower could no longer rewrite it.

By this time, the club had already lost.

Conventional battles cannot be won, and battles between strange objects will destroy everything.

“Everything, it’s over.” Screw Gollum felt helplessness deeply.

At least twenty strange things erupted.

Among them, destruction, equilibrium, memory… The power of several star gods is so arrogant that it destroys everything unreasonably.

This is the power of the star god, and it is also the confrontation between the great forces.

‘Genius Club, lost’.” Watching such a vigorous force surging like the tides of the ocean, such a proud figure as the Black Tower revealed a deep sense of powerlessness.

“Black Tower, you leave with some strange things.” Screw Gollum hopes to leave some tinder for the talented club.

“Living so meticulously doesn’t mean anything to me.”

The Black Tower could not accept such a thing.


The Erudite Society, the great forces of the universe, and Polka who was suppressed by the shadow, these people are in a good mood.

Face a club of geniuses that almost collapsed.

Their victory is coming.

“Hehe, from now on, there will be no genius club in the universe.”

“Wisdom belongs to the Society of Erudition.”

All kinds of characters, holding star magic objects.

Just about to give the last blow to the Genius Club.


The whole space, no, it should be said that the whole universe trembled with it.


When the star god is born, it will cause visions.

When Nanuk was born, the flames burned his ancestral star.

And this time the vision is very similar to that time.

A moment later.

The vision disappears.

Instead, it was a man wearing pants and a beach hat.

He saw this, saw so many people.

It doesn’t seem to be aware yet.

“Boss ix, don’t call me if you open IMPART…”

“Wait, what about my being? What about the Genius Club headquarters? ”

With just a pop, the man’s body became huge, transforming from a small person into an astral-level computer.

Countless calculations began to work.

Then came the conclusion that he had been stolen.


“You guys… To die, huh!! ”

This is the moment.

The kind of strange thing in his hand, the other big forces in the universe who are aiming at it, are extremely embarrassing!

Erudite Zun is back?

How did you come back? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Black Tower space station fell, you don’t come back, the genius club will be destroyed by strange things, the second time you don’t come back, come back at this time?

“Hello Erudite, this is a miracle that our Scati Deep Sea Race contributed to the club.” The envoy of a certain cosmic power originally made a sighting appearance, but at this moment, his body trembled and offered his treasure.

Erudite Knowledge: ???

Do you look like an idiot on me?

Bozhizun is in a bad mood, one second I am exclusive to the boss of ix, and the next second my house is stolen!

“.. All people, die. ”


One by one, the universe powerhouses holding strange things, with despair in their eyes, began to explode.


Exploded five in a row.

But no one dared to run away.

In the face of the star god, it is useless for you to run, and it is more realistic to wait for death.

Of course.

There are also people who are unwilling to give up the opportunity to survive and shout.

“Our genetic building organization is willing to contribute credits and resources to the reconstruction of the Genius Club!”

“Idiot.” Someone cursed in a low voice.

How can Star God and other existences trade with you.

Don’t talk about the motive force of the star god, only say that the erudite zun’s millions per minute (referring to the number of cosmic equations), how can you care about your credit points.


But the Erudite Venerable suddenly stopped killing.

He moved his mechanical body slightly.

One thing I try is to slightly violate the bondage of fate.

And then.

He did it.

Establishing a deal with mortals is not originally in the category of erudition and destiny, and generally does not do such a thing.


After freeing himself from the shackles of fate, he can try to trade.

“Deal? Hehe, yes, you guys who have attacked the Genius Club, all live as slaves of the Genius Club, I will let you continue to live. “。

Người mua: IlllIIIllIIllIIIlIlIIIll

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