The mind is so bad.

But it’s also normal.

Some people are usually very arrogant, their nostrils are facing the sky, all kinds of cynicism.

When the result is a catastrophe.

Directly will be frightened and scream, losing the usual sanity.

Completely incoherent, hysterical or something.

Criticize a certain lady here.

And at this time, the appearance of no misery has also become shocking and terrifying.

Su Bai snapped his fingers.

Unlocked this prison of light.

However, Wu Miserable did not make the slightest move, and at this time, he had become a gray-haired old man, his skin was wrinkled, and he was almost covered in skin and bones, even more exaggerated than this.

Instead, it was the Blood God Stone in Su Bai’s hand, becoming more and more divine and shining with blood-red light.

It’s like it’s breeding something.

Under Su Bai’s indifferent gaze.

The skinny old man wanted to stretch out his hand so miserably, but the next moment he turned into flying ash and ceased to exist.

I can’t even wail.

There was no sound in the throat at all.


The ancestor of the ghost.

The Thousand-Year Ghost King.

The origin of the ghosts in this world, the ruler of all ghosts, has ushered in the collapse!

“After being absorbed into the power, you now have no life expectancy, and you can’t maintain it for a thousand years, you will only usher in death all of a sudden.”

At the moment of no tragic death.

Naruto next to her also automates into ashes.

After the king of ghosts has disappeared, the ghosts under them will usher in the extinction.

Whether it’s Naruto, or those ghosts running around in the wild.

All the same.

There are exceptions, though.

For example, Miss Zhu Shi, who has escaped from the control of Misery, and the ghost she created.

It’s not going to die.

Gradually, after this Alien Space Infinity City had no owner, it also began to collapse, ushering in shocks and fragmentation everywhere, Su Bai recalled everyone, and then left here.

On a hilltop.

Everyone showed up and then looked at everyone else and smiled.

“You beans, small burial, blowing snow, how is this battle?”

“Very good.”

“There is still a lot of merit in the blood ghost technique, but it’s a pity that they met us.”

“We have more tricks, hahaha.”

“Some ghosts still think that this is some kind of new breathing method for me, laughing to death.”

“After experimenting with a lot of new skills, being able to continuously develop skills and abilities, Su Bai’s God Eye can’t be called God Eye, it’s too powerful, it’s completely a seed-like thing.”

“Isn’t it called the Eye of God, Devil Fruit?”

“Oh, it’s pretty powerful anyway.”

While everyone was chatting happily, Su Bai took out the Blood God Stone.

Its role is to be able to seize the power of bloodline and ghost creatures and greatly increase them.

So just.

The power of the inmiserable was taken away in its entirety.

That was the core of the power of the ancestor ghost, all gone.

Then Su Bai handed over to You Bean.

“You bean, use this divine stone, there is a very small chance of gaining power, it is far more powerful than the previous blood demon technique.”

“Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it is also an enhanced version of the blood demon technique.”

This made You Bean a little embarrassed.

“Ah this, obviously it is Su Bai who is responsible for the big head, and everyone has also fought against other windings separately, and the biggest benefit is given to me.”

“This really makes me feel ashamed and sorry.”

As a result, before she finished speaking, Chuixue and Mu gave her a blank look.

“Hurry up, don’t ink!”

“Everyone is Su Bai, do you need to divide it so much, this is your world, and Wu Miserable is also your biggest boss here.”

“Nature is yours.”

Tsuchima also had a black snickering expression.

“As for us, maybe when the time comes, we will also directly draw your blood demon technique, everyone has one, don’t be sour.”

“Haha. Okay, okay, thank you all. ”

You Bean laughed.

This feeling is so good, everyone is Su Bai, can be completely trustworthy and believed.

There will be no entanglements and contradictions.

Because before he made a sound, the other party could guess what he wanted to say.

Heart to heart.


So You Bean looked at everyone with grateful eyes, bowed his head deeply, and then took this blood god stone, and his mind began to absorb it.


The divine stone turned into a blood-colored light and merged into Your Bean’s body.


An extremely powerful and terrifying energy erupted from her body, and wave after wave of impact began to rage.

Looked at.

Everyone hurriedly retreated, only Su Bai was motionless, completely unaffected.

Your bean was completely wrapped in blood-colored divine light at this time, and slowly levitated with his eyes closed.

Such power looks like the Queen of Blood.

Even the earth buried couldn’t help but make a sound.

“Rejoice, beyond the past and future, a new king of ghosts, You Bean, is about to be born!”



Suddenly, she was slapped on the head by Mu Geng.

“Bepiha, this is not a ghost, at most it has a new power.”

“You celebratory monster.”

Xiao buried mischievously stuck out his tongue.


Mu is always targeting himself, too much.

Of course.

Xiao Bury completely forgot that it was Mu Geng who she teased at the beginning, and the aspect of nerves was obviously more than Mu Geng, and Xiao Buried occasionally had.

After a while.

The momentum on Your Bean’s body became stronger and stronger, until a strong coercion was exuded.

Everyone felt their hearts sink and were inexplicably depressed.

On the contrary, Su Bai had surprise in his eyes.

“You beans are lucky, this fluctuation has really given birth to a power.”

“Perhaps, it should be called Power [Blood Ghost Art].”

Not long after, Your Bean also opened his eyes.

Instantly appeared in front of everyone.

Then as soon as she waved her hand, the blood-colored claw strike flew out with a roar, piercing a row of large trees at once, and strange flames were burning.

Fuyuki was surprised.

“Isn’t this the original Blood Demon Technique of Your Bean, bursting blood?”

“But it feels completely different, it’s different.”

Your beans smiled sweetly.

“Yes, there are other blood demon techniques, I will all will.”

She stretched out her hand, and saw a big fan appear here out of thin air, and then you beans fanned forward, and in an instant, the forest was uprooted and blown away all of a sudden.

It was an extremely violent wind!

Even the initiator You Bean coughed and was startled.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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