Especially after seeing the Qianyan Army distributing food, they were even more moved and took the initiative to cooperate.

And Esdes, who was also stepping on a flying sword in the sky, looked at the alchemy prop [Wind Horn] in his hand, and the [Ice] flying sword under his feet.

She laughed out loud too.

How could Liyue Su Bai create wonderful things so well.

What a genius.


It is worthy of being the man you choose, and if you are surprised, the more the better.

The happier she will be anyway.

Looking at the people below, no longer flustered, Esders also smiled.

Before that, she often helped these poor people.

It can only be said.

Do your part.

After all, if you want to usher in a new world, you must ultimately rely on the awakening of everyone's minds to stand up.

Originally, she thought that when the rebels overthrew the empire, she would continue to venture to other parts of the world to meet the more powerful creatures and secrets.

Instead, chat groups were ushered in.

It's really fickle.

Wonderfully very.

But this is good, compared to the rebels, Liyue's side is more trustworthy.

Estimate this wave.

The top brass of the resistance are in a bad mood.


After all, they were originally successful, they are the high-level officials of the new empire.

The result is this.

It's all gone. Static and dusty.

The buildings in the area were damaged.

Estes calmly looked over.

"Oh? It is the supreme throne of the protector god, and it is known as the original and strongest imperial tool. "


"The first emperor of the empire really broke his heart, and specially created such a thing to make his empire immortal and able to continue forever."

"But the descendants of the empire obviously cannot be generations of wise kings, they will only become more and more decayed, and even in the back, the aristocratic power has become deep-rooted, intricate, and constantly sorted out."

"Even the new emperor cannot abandon the ruling class on his side to maintain the bottom."

"It's digging up his own roots. And now that the emperor is controlled by ministers, the era of ignorance should also end. "

She didn't choose to shoot.

Because there's another guy there.

"Hahaha, it's wonderful, supreme power!"

"As long as you have this force, you will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory and annihilate all those enemies!"

"Call him what Esders, call him what other unknown forces!"

"Even if they really come from another country, then it would be nice to kill them and conquer them, then wouldn't you be able to have more slaves?"

At this time, many high-ranking imperial officials escaped from the palace, centered on the new minister.

This is his connections and trusted officials.

At this time, they were all distorted, full of confidence and pride, and crazy with excitement.

It's like seeing a god!

That's right!

It's God!

Because this is the ultimate trump card of the empire, with great power comparable to the gods, unmatched, and traversing the world!

Other imperial tools are compared to this one.

It's just garbage within garbage.

Not a grade at all!

Even that imperial tool of Esders is far inferior to this!

It is precisely because of this that the empire can rule forever, and it will still exist for thousands of years, which is the greatest foundation.

So how can you not make them laugh wildly?

How can you not make them proud?


Even the little emperor in the supreme throne raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

"Let me show you what the true power of the empire is!"

"Where's the pariah, crawl at my feet."

However, the next moment, what shocked these people was that a terrible divine gun flew in the distance with a few bangs, and the [Supreme Throne] had just come out, and it was directly shot several times, and it was overturned with a bang!

Instantly lost the ability to resist!

There was a blast of sand and a huge earthquake.

The great earthquake shook, and in an instant the palace itself exploded, and the rotten places were more and bigger.

This made the high-ranking officials of the empire dumbfounded, stunned, and their faces full of disbelief.

No, it can't be!!!

How so!

As a result, the golden light from a distance made them move their necks mechanically to look, and they saw that above the sky, there was a golden light source, and inside, there seemed to be a figure.

Behind the figure, a brilliant golden divine wheel appeared.

The other party slowly stretched out a finger.

It was as if the supreme voice of judgment sounded here in the imperial capital.

"The empire is ridiculous, corrupt as hell, today gives you the end."

It can be seen that the golden divine wheel spread out dazzling waves at this moment, constantly coming towards the palace.

Dyed the place gold.

At first, these high-ranking officials were overwhelmed, but they soon began to cry out in horror.

Because gradually, they started with two feet and turned into stone!

And it's still spreading upward.

Trying to run away won't help.

This made them look earthless and frightened into a mad loss of voice.

It's hard to do.

Is the other party a god?

What is this ability?

Even the Supreme Throne of the Protector God is not an opponent? That's an exaggeration.

And it's too much of a slap in the face.

They thought that the imperial machine god was the great power of God, but they were defeated at once, but it seemed that there was really a god on the other side.

Is there any reason for this?

Why is there such a thing!!!

Irony to the extreme.


Here, only the screams of fear and the bitter despair remained, and the voices became more and more miserable, more desperate and painful than the next.

It's like a demon in the Nine Nether Hell.

Enough to scare people crazy.


Because these high-ranking officials felt that there was something in their bodies that was constantly swelling.

The severe pain brought by it can be described as heart-wrenching, making them want to tear themselves apart directly, and they don't want to continue.

In fact, it was salt that spread indefinitely.

There is an old saying that salt is poured into wounds.

But now this is much more terrifying than simply pouring salt on the outside wound.

Just thinking about it, the swollen blood vessels and many wounds in the body are in constant contact, which is sour enough to be called capital punishment!

What a tingling scalp.

In despair.

They ushered in the judgment of rock and salt.

In the distance, Estes looked surprised.

"This, is it the petrification of rock power, like the petrification effect of the falling star?"

"Can it still be used like this?"

"And this divine ring of yours, that Thunder God will have a black face when he sees it, and it was used by you for reference."

"So you have created such a new skill, it's interesting!"

She paid more attention to Su Bai's strength than to the result of the battle.

After all.

The strongest emperor tool to defeat the empire, isn't that just having hands?

She can do it with her.

Just go through the motions!

The decaying empire that only clings to ancient things should also be eliminated!

Su Bai in the sky also slowly put away his strength 0...

That's right

He did this on purpose.

After all, it is impossible to throw a huge rock god gun like last time, and usher in a huge impact and destruction here.

It's so bad that there are people in the distance.

And not to carry out the Holocaust.

Just pack up the key personnel.

So with the defeat of this strongest imperial tool, there was no longer any obstruction here, even the people of the imperial capital in the distance, their mouths were wide open, enough to stuff a goose egg. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Some people can't believe that the ultimate trump card of the empire has fallen like this?

So many people, after all, there are still some who know about this matter, after all, this is a legend, it has been circulated a long time ago, but no one has ever seen it.

However, this is an invisible deterrent!

I just didn't expect that this thing really existed!

Is the golden figure who can defeat this a real god?

They Liyue, do they have [God] existence?


Countless people felt the unparalleled shock.

Even when someone tried to ask those Thousand Rock Army, the other party's face was strange, indicating that they Liyue did indeed have a god.

This logic is correct.

But it also made many people exclaim, and the worldview was shattered.

Directly stupid.

Liyue, what kind of country is this, is it ruled by God?

How have I never heard of it!

With the continuous action of the Thousand Rock Army, as well as this group of troops of Esders.

The rebels of the original empire were quickly cleaned up.

The imperial capital has ushered in new forces.

The four people led by them also came to the broken palace.

On the contrary, he stared thoughtfully.

"Could it be that this is the top of those empires?"

"Eliminated by Su Bai, it became like this."

Keqing was taken aback!

Estes also nodded.

"That's right, it should be so, this is the power of rock."

Su Bai didn't care.

"It's all a trivial matter, but the next management will transfer a large number of personnel from Liyue, and I will be responsible for letting them sign the contract at that time."

4.7 "The original management of the empire has all disappeared and entered the jurisdiction of Liyue. "

"This also means that after many people from the Liyue Seven Stars and Eight Gates come here, they will have to work here for a long time, and at the same time, they will also recruit a lot of local new blood."

"Here, it will become the second world of Liyue, but for others, maybe it can be said differently." Liyue Secret Realm, Dongtian? "

"Well, good."

This is more acceptable than any other world.

Keqing is also very excited.

It's incredible.

Liyue's territory instantly expanded a world?

Who believes this?

Other countries are weak at once, okay!

What to compare with!

And they are not evil deeds, they are just overthrowing the decaying empire and bringing people hope.

Along the way, she also frowned.

I saw a lot of bizarre scenes.

Poor places hide dirt, a mess and stench, flies fill the sky and smell of gutters or something, and a bunch of unclothed people gather around the garbage heap to grab food, fighting for something.

Like some kind of dilapidated house, it has become a normal thing.

There is only numbness in people's eyes.

There is no hope, no hope for the future.

There is no light.

That feeling touched her so much that she fell into a deep shock.

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