“Can be the master of a world of one side, with supreme rights and status.”

“And now, Liyue has also gained great benefits, which is really hard for us to empathize, Qixing and Liyue both owe a huge favor.”

“This kindness is also difficult to pay off, so if you need anything, please do not hesitate to tell you.”

Su Bai and Estes looked at each other and smiled.

The latter shook his head slightly.

“I have no interest in being the emperor of the empire, and the constant battle with dangerous species and the happy life with Su Bai are what I want.”

Keqing: …

Ate another wave of your dog food.

It’s excessive!

The former blinked at the staring light, thoughtfully reminding.

“Didn’t Yelan pass the information back, what kind of person am I, and the relevant analysis should have already been sent to Condensing Guang’s desk, right?”

“I also don’t like management, there are too many things to think about every day, it takes effort and time. Pay attention to idle clouds and wild cranes, is it not good to retire every day.

“I can have plenty of time to play and browse the scenery, sometimes I can be in Mond, sometimes I am in Meru, Fontaine, or another world, it may be enough.”

“So it’s enough for you to carry out the following jurisdiction, and the few I want more, aren’t they standing in front of me at this time.”

Keqing was instantly embarrassed and annoyed, and frightened.

“Could it be that you are also interested in condensing light?”

“Damn, this is trying to kill us? Isn’t it enough to scourge me. ”

Su Bai froze.

Carved cat cat, where the hell did I harm you?

You can eat indiscriminately, don’t talk nonsense.

You are slandering ha.

Ning Guang was also taken aback, but after a moment she regained her composure, pursed her lips and shook her head with a smile.

“Master Su Bai, you said and laughed, Condensing Light is just a mortal woman, and you are a god-like existence, so how can Condensing Guang He De be seen by you.”

“The little woman is really scared.”

Keqing glared at her.

In the previous words, Keqing was still very satisfied and relieved.

After all, as a beautiful woman with a variety of charms and rich oil, Ning Guang’s suitors can be described as from the south to the north.

But none of her liked one.

will keep their distance from those people.

Therefore, what Ning Guang showed at this time was indeed that reserved and elegant and decent feeling, not directly rejected, but made people not lose their imagination, and handled it quite intelligently.

It will not offend Su Bai either.

It’s a very smart woman.

This was expected by Keqing, if Condensing Light was directly pasted upside down and taken down by Su Bai, wouldn’t it be her!

Being reserved and leaving a distance is the light of heavenly power in my impression.

But this invitation behind made Keqing have a bad premonition, are you talking seriously?

Will it be happier the more you talk.

As a result, one day, you directly announced that you were in love?


Keqing suddenly soured.

And at this time, Su Bai looked at Ning Guang’s eyes and readily agreed.

“Well, when everyone relaxes, I will definitely talk to you more in the future.”

“No problem.”

“The little woman is waiting for Master Su Bai.”

“But no matter what, in the treatment of this world, you and Miss Estes will have a much higher status than us seven stars, and you can actually arbitrarily order us and enjoy the highest power.”

“After all, the emperor’s previous words were like that.”

“Not to mention that the other seven stars are also your friends of Master Su Bai, everyone has no opinion.”

Ning Guang also showed a touching smile.

In the face of Su Bai, she did not put on the shelf of any Heavenly Power Star, but lowered herself.

Even if the two people in front of him don’t want to manage the actual thing.


Whether it’s power or prestige, or a series of actual reasons.

They must all be above the seven stars.

Miss Estes’s strength also seems to be far beyond that of the immortal family, coupled with that kind of prestige, the many armies under her command and the countless beloved people are like the spiritual leaders here.

So nominally.

Su Bai – Lord of the World (suspected heir of the emperor)

Estes – Spiritual Leader (This World)

The seven stars of Liyue are below them, and it is simply a matter of course.

Not to mention that everyone’s relationship is already very good.

So the two worlds ushered in a common scene, change, and began!


The rebel side.

They are in the position of the big rear, after all, even if the empire is decayed to this extent, it is still a seriously ill tiger, by no means a thin cat, which can be easily dealt with.

In the absence of strength, the rebels can only continue to accumulate strength.

At this time in the tent.

Several senior members of the resistance are imagining the future and cheering themselves up.

“Come on, if we work hard like this, we will definitely be able to defeat the empire!”

“The night attack over there also did a good job, assassinated many officials, but I didn’t expect that even the ministers were gone, even if they were replaced with new ones, it would be chaotic for a long time, hahaha.”

“Yes, not to mention that we have formed an alliance with foreign peoples to fight the empire together, and the odds of victory are greater.”

“When we overthrow the empire, when the time comes, you will be the second oldest, the new minister!” Your third child, and the next is you, you, and you, are all brothers who fight against Jiangshan, and I will not treat you badly. ”

As a way to win people’s hearts and help, this is the most basic means.

Play politics, that’s it.

It’s not about good or bad.

Instead, other people had reverie and smiles on their faces, and they would be able to occupy high positions and enjoy prosperity and wealth in the future.

Isn’t this much better than the previous life?


Damn the empire, it should have turned against it earlier!

However, at this time, the anxious-looking messenger rushed in and brought information from the imperial capital.

After a while.

There was a deathly silence. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And then came their horrified and incredulous shouts.

“What? The imperial capital has already been beaten down? ”

“What? Is it another completely new force that has nothing to do with us? ”

“And the imperial capital, which has been suppressed, the residents took the initiative to surrender, the people’s will, and chose a new force.”

“What are you kidding!!!?”

“What about us?”

“Aren’t we clowns?”

For a while, the rebels here were all mentally exploded.

His face turned ashen.


How did it become like this?!!

After a period of time, the imperial capital ushered in earth-shaking changes.

From then on, there was no empire here.

There are no two countries.

There is one and only one Liyue.

At this time, several newcomers who have joined the Thousand Rock Army are patrolling, and if you look closely, you will find that they are the group of people from the original night raid team, red eyes, Ma Yin, Leonai and so on.

Even Naje Shitan, the original boss, is here.

Looking at the new environment that was completely different from the original appearance, Brand was a little dumbfounded at this time.

He is a good young man with a bold personality, a serious attitude towards others, and a sense of justice, although I don’t know why, his hair is an airplane head, and due to daily behavior.

Brand was mistaken for a guy by the other Thousand Rock Army.

He explained in a good voice.

It drew a burst of laughter from everyone.

“Hey, hey, is this new architectural style called [Liyue], and their infrastructure ability is too outrageous, right?”

“‘What’s the matter, the emperor is all torn down and rebuilt by them in one breath, I thought they were crazy, this has to be built until the year of the monkey and the moon.’

The result was something he never expected.

In just a few days, the place has completely changed, and the imperial capital has become a full Liyue style city, and countless buildings have risen from the ground.

Those civilians also received their big houses.

All of them happily supported Liyue more and more, and called themselves Liyue people, identifying with this new identity.

Truth made him dumbfounded.

This, open and hang the general building capacity.

Leonay, who looked like a blonde lion style, also nodded in admiration.

“That’s right, there seem to be many imperial envoys in Liyue who are good at controlling soil and construction, of course, they say that this is not an imperial tool, but a kind of divine eye called [Rock].”

“Don’t you understand, God’s eyes? Isn’t it a little too bloody and cruel? ”

“It should be just an analogy, right? Not real eyes. ”

“And there are a large number of those stone people, who can carry and transport materials, and the work efficiency can be described as fast and scary.”

“Combined with what they call alchemical props, a new city was built in a few days. [Liyue] is too terrifying, it is worthy of being an ancient country with thousands of years of time, and its roots are unfathomable. ”

Even if she is bold and not afraid of heaven and earth, her tone is full of awe.

This is the first time I have seen this face.

It’s jaw-dropping.

The red pupil looked at Najestan.

“Boss, now we (Mo Nuohao) have also joined the Thousand Rock Army, and that Estes is our top boss and also serves as the great general in the Thousand Rock Army.”

“Guarding the city.”

“I heard that you followed Estes to [Liyue], is this country really a peaceful and friendly force, is it worth our support and investment.”

“After all, the empire has been corrupted for thousands of years, and it is hard for me to imagine what [Liyue] will be like for thousands of years.”

That was what worried her.

Perhaps, on the surface, it is just a cover now.

In fact, hidden inside is the terrible fanged farmer.

As the captain of this special imperial tool team, Naje Sitan nodded deeply.

“Yes, I went to see that Liyue is a very prosperous and beautiful huge country, they built a huge port by the sea, and the commerce is very prosperous.”

“There are streets and alleys everywhere, and it’s easy to get lost if you’re not careful.”

“From their high-ranking officials to their bottom people, they are all in very good spirits, and there is no such thing as a slum.”

“No, there are no slums?”

“Doesn’t that mean that even the poorest people can live well?”

“Well, that’s right.”

Everyone else gasped, especially Leonay, who grew up in a slum.

She knows better that the country that can do this will definitely not be worse!

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