
While coughing, Ye Zhuo put the tea cup on the table, took out a tissue from the cuff and wiped the tea at the corner of his mouth.

Zhong Li’s expression was puzzled, this is not drinking, as for being choked like this.

“Mr. Ye?”

“Sorry old man… Ahem: I choked. ”

Ye Zhuo smiled and quickly regained Fang Cai’s calmness.

Seeing this, Tian Tiezui lifted the ruler and continued to tell the story of King Yan vs. Ruoda Dragon King.

“In terms of universal rationality, drinking tea is slow, and this should not be the case.”

“Ye Zhuo Xiaoyou has something on his mind?”

“It’s a bit of a concern, but it’s not a big problem.” Ye Zhuo smiled slightly, “The old man doesn’t have to worry about me, I have my own means to deal with it.” ”

“It’s so good.”

Zhong Li was satisfied with Ye Zhuo’s answer, which proved that the problem was not very big.

He knew about that secret realm, and he also knew Ye Zhuo’s situation at the moment as a designer.

Being targeted by criminals is not a good thing.

But then again, Zhong Li himself was also quite interested in Ye Zhuo’s secret realm.

In his knowledge reserve, that light gate was not an inner scene of immortal art at all, but an even more magical power.

Its essence is probably higher than the elemental force, and it does not belong to this world….

As the Rock King Emperor, he would definitely make some interventions, but as Zhongli, he couldn’t say anything before something happened.

After all, the evaluation of that secret realm is one-sided “very simple”….

Back to Ye Zhuo.

His deeds have caused a sensation in the Seven Kingdoms in the past two days, countless adventurers rushed to Liyue, and followed countless reporters to do live broadcasts.

In this case, many Fontaine journalists and Meru scholars wanted to talk to the designer behind the secret realm, do some interviews and academic discussions.

Of course, there are also challengers who want to meet “idols” and learn how to design “very simple” secret places.

This caused Ye Zhuo to dare not go around the area of Lonely Cloud Pavilion at all, even in Liyue Port, he had to do a good job of transfiguration.

Last night, he used Kevin’s ability to control the ice to restore himself an ice god’s eye, and with the blessing of Chimera’s power, this ice will not melt for two years.

Subsequently, he attached Kevin’s projection to himself, fine-tuned his appearance, and achieved a rather good transfiguration effect.

Now, if he is not a particularly familiar person, basically no one can recognize him.

And the reason why Ye Zhuo was choked by tea was because he received feedback from the new secret realm.

That feedback is only four words: very simple.

One or two Ye Zhuo didn’t say anything, but so far it was all “very simple”, which was problematic.

Isn’t this similar to yesterday?

In addition to the rising sentiment value, the “very difficult” evaluation is not received ah.

Could it be that the lawyer could not accumulate their despair? Nor can the thunder and lightning of conquest conquer conquer their defiant hearts?

Or is it difficult for the scene of collapse to awaken their fear?

Ye Zhuo wanted to laugh a little, although he reduced the “exhortation” voice in the secret realm, the defiance of the Tivat people was still beyond imagination.

Others fill in “very simple”, but the space under the feet of the Thunder Law is also lively.

In this way, this kid’s tendency to tear umbrellas is really getting more and more serious.

Of course, there are challengers who pass the level quickly and generously fill in “very simple”.

The man’s name was Barbatos.

Ye Zhuo didn’t have much to say about it.

For this secret realm copy that is mainly based on escape, the speed of the wind god can indeed speed up.

“It seems… I still have to probe it on the ground…”

“Then, make some targeted improvements…”

Ye Zhuo whispered silently, and his mind had already begun to conceive the design ideas for the next secret realm.

At this moment, Zhong Li only felt that the other party’s temperament became a little cold…


On the other side, Kamisato Yashik.

Ayato sat in the head of the family’s chair and read the newly printed Steam Bird Newspaper.

The latest situation of the Liyue Secret Realm is printed in the most conspicuous place in the newspaper.

“Alas, I don’t know if Ayaka is having fun, but you can’t forget about business…”

While talking to himself, his eyes were suddenly drawn to a picture in the newspaper.

It was an Inazuma girl with gray-blue eyes, thick bangs, and a dignified appearance.

Hey, isn’t this Kamisato Ayaka.

Hey, my sister is in the newspaper.

Ayato suddenly became interested, hurriedly unfolded the newspaper, and read it carefully in the sunlight through the shutters.

【Big news! The representative of the Inazuma Society, Miss Ayaka Kamisato, came to the Solitary Cloud Pavilion and spoke highly of Liyue’s self-proposed secret realm. 】

[Today, our reporter had the honor to meet Miss Kamisato and travelers in the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, and made a professional discussion on the difficulty of the secret realm, scenery, safety factor and other aspects.] ]

[Miss Kamisato pointed out that the construction of self-fiction secret realm culture should be further developed, and the difficulty index of the secret realm should be improved with high quality and high speed.] Down-to-earth from the Tivats to the Tivats, grasp both hands, and both hands hard. ]

[Miss Kamisato emphasized that the construction of self-drawn secret realm challenge culture is by no means as simple as following the theme of the challenge, but it is necessary to master the method of coping and carefully distinguish, and naturally it can be simply cleared.] ]

[Travelers pointed out that the difficulty factor of this secret realm is not high, and it is even slightly lower than yesterday, but it requires the challenger to have a certain psychological endurance, be able to maintain their heart in the situation of sharp turns, and naturally can clear the level.] ]

[Travelers emphasize that the residents of this secret realm are hospitable and will warmly welcome and mingle with every challenger who enters the secret realm.] This secret place has beautiful scenery and a strong winter style, and Mr. Ajax who does not know where he is is welcome to challenge. ]

[It is reported that Ms. Kamisato has gone to the General Affairs Department to sign the cooperation project, which will be a major cultural cooperation between Inazuma and Rigetsu during the reign of the people, and we are highly looking forward to it.] ]

[In addition, our reporter successfully interviewed Ms. Gan Yu, who was inspecting, at the VIP table.] ]

[Ms. Gan Yu greatly appreciated Ms. Kamisato’s speech, and emphasized that in the process of institutionalizing the industrialization and institutionalization of the self-drawn secret realm, it is necessary to adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Liyue General Affairs Department, fully implement the general policy of Qunyu Pavilion headed by Ms. Ning Guang, accelerate the construction of a new trend development pattern with the internal circulation of the Liyue economy as the main body and the coordinated linkage of the dual circulation inside and outside the port, and uphold the principle of the General Affairs Department based on the two-pronged and coordinated linkage of the port and sea in Liyue, Give new momentum to the development of the self-proposed secret land and Liyue Port. ]

[Fontaine reporter Charlotte, continue to report for you.] ]

Ayato took off the monocle that he didn’t know when he wore and sighed softly….

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