Rolling thunderstorms, mixed with huge amounts of grass elements, damage gradually climbs in the jumping arc.

At this moment, the skirmishers inside the mecha could also feel the dense current flowing through the body surface.

The body of the God of Positive Machines has long been unable to withstand such a huge force, which is a hard wound left at the beginning of the design.

After all, no one could have imagined that skirmishers would raise their strength to such a point today.

An air defense siren sounded faintly in the air, and the skirmishers lightly covered their hands and pressed down this absolute blow.

At this moment, the world seems to condense.

The light curtain in the live broadcast room was even disturbed because of this.

The current is chaotic, the signal is disordered, and the last time this situation appeared was when Thor pulled out his sword against a thousand calamities.

Seeing this, everyone was a little surprised.

How did that mech get in?

This is something there, and who is the manipulator?

Everyone was amazed, they were convinced that the essence of this mech was also a true god.

Otherwise, how can you influence the picture like this and make yourself stand out from the crowd of live streams?

The only ones who can do this are the gods.

Compared with ordinary people, the owner of the Eye of God can feel the power of the mecha in the picture more.

[Kazuto Arataki: Oh! That big guy is so powerful, he is the first to beat a thousand calamities like this! 】

[Dadalia: How is this done?] In theory, a thousand calamities are much stronger than this thing, is there a hidden way to clear the level? 】

[Alice: Oh… He used that method, no wonder, after all, he didn’t fight alone…”

[Paimon: The Riddler leaves the live broadcast room! ] 】

[Xino: The God of Chance… Isn’t this machine in Meru? How could it be here! 】

[Tinari: It seems that the mechanical true god that fell on Meru 7… Was rebooted. 】

[Dotore: It should not have the heart of God, how does this move…]

[Walnut: Oh? This must be a fool doing a trick! 】

[Wendy: The God of Chance… This is indeed a god… But this is the first time I’ve seen such a form of existence…]

[Zhongli: It’s such a strong Inazuma style, you’d better claim it, don’t lose something. Yae Miko]

[Shadow: That power is the heart of God! My heart of God… Could it be that the puppet joined the fools…]

[Yae Miko: Oh, with the essence of a god, this guy is not easy to catch. 】

[Abyssal: Hmph, it doesn’t feel as good as the mechanical demon god of our abyss… Aesthetics…】

[Ying: It’s skirmishers…]

In Liyue Port, Ying, who was invited to Qunyu Pavilion as a guest, immediately wanted to return to Lonely Cloud Pavilion to personally confirm the situation.

Miko grabbed her and shook her head slightly.

The existence of a deity person has not yet confirmed whether it is friendly or not, so what if something goes wrong.

This is Rigetsu, not Inazuma.

Besides, the battle will end in about half a minute, and how can you get there in this half minute and find this puppet among hundreds of people?

Zhongli, as a tour guide on the bright side, also agrees with the view of the Son of God.

As the Rock King Emperor, he never knew that such a demon god as the God of Right Chance still existed in the world.

It doesn’t hurt to be cautious.

When the news reached Meru, the House of Orders was also in chaos.

The mechanical true god was stolen, and the news spread to various academies in an instant.

Before the order was given, Elheisen was forced to leave his home to assist with the documentation of the Audit Process (BDFA).

Some people went to the underground of the Decree Academy to confirm the status of the mechanical true god, while others went to the Jingshan Palace to report to the grass god.

This is no small problem.

While people were surprised and busy, the live broadcast continued.

But I saw the ever-expanding huge ball of energy descending from the air, overflowing with the power contained in it.

Qianji’s body was struck by lightning, and it reacted violently with the flames covering it, causing an overload explosion.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is inevitable that this blow will be impossible to dodge.

There are no protections and no sense of dodge.

Eat this blow hard, and the skirmishers are ten percent sure to take away this strong enemy!

“I’m sorry, only one person in today’s secret realm can challenge successfully.”

“Today’s first kill is my cap’s!”

Looking at the ever-expanding halo, the skirmishers laughed.

Immediately, his vision turned white, and the terrifying power spread out instantly.


The earthquake shook, and endless thunderstorms closed on it, wrapped in violent wind pressure.

In an instant, a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky.

The skirmish used his finishing blow to simulate the effect of a silver bullet.

The thousand calamities at the center of the explosion could not survive at all.

This is something that the skirmishers firmly believe.

Immediately, he launched a flash and disappeared into the air, dodging the extremely destructive shock wave.

The shield of the body was shattered by the Thousand Tribulations, and I am afraid that it will not be able to resist the impact.

In a thick purple mist, skirmishers looked down at the faint crater in the air.

Although the body is close to scrapping, this blow has indeed succeeded.

“Hmph, you are also a witness.”

Well done, you can see that your control of this heart of God has improved again.

“Excuse me with a compliment, Bouyer.”

“The vision module on my side has been impacted, and I can’t see it clearly, how is that Thousand Tribulations now?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Theoretically, he probably lost his bones in the explosion just now.

Your blow should be able to sink an island, which is equivalent to three to four times the damage of the God of Thunder’s unthinking sword.

“Huh?” The skirmishers suddenly felt bad.

Although the picture in the live broadcast room is like a PPT, he knows that against the thousand calamities, Thor has more than just thrown a knife.

Although he couldn’t see the action clearly, with the skirmishers’ understanding of his own mother, the final counterattack definitely had to be more than four knives.

But a thousand calamities, nothing happened…

What’s wrong? I feel fear in your heart.

Could it be that the Thousand Tribulations are still there, it is impossible, after being instilled with that pile of knowledge, it is absolutely impossible for him to continue to act.

Rest assured, no problem

“Stop planting flags, Bouyer.” The skirmish interrupted sharply.

“I haven’t heard the clearance tone yet, there is definitely a problem.”

Before the words fell, text appeared in the operation area in front of the skirmishers.

Along with this, there are also pop-up windows marked with one warning symbol after another.

[Warning, the fire control system has failed. 】

[Warning, the body temperature is too high! ] 】

【Warning, body damage exceeds 36.97%】

“Abominable!” The skirmish slammed his palm, and his blurred vision suddenly reflected the scene at this moment.

That’s a thousand calamities!

He was standing at the center of the explosion, in that demonic posture, carrying the broken pillar on his shoulder, and he was not injured.

Imaginary shield, boy!

Just standing here, the skirmishers felt that their breathing was not smooth, and the body was constantly prompting overheating, but their voices became more and more hoarse.

“Buyer, explain!”

I don’t!

Not… I suggest you think of a better way to exit…

Back to a thousand calamities.

After being injected into his mind, all-encompassing knowledge immediately swept over and instantly filled his brain.

At that moment, the brain can’t even give instructions to control the body to suppress the hypervariable factor.

At the moment of falling to the ground, the man-made caving of the thousand calamities was completed.

Grasping the last glimmer of consciousness, Thousand Tribulations triggered the power of the narrow gate.

This power he never touched, and only during the tragedy of restraint, Su had manipulated his body to trigger the corresponding force.

Today, in order to cope with this cruel spiritual shock, Thousand Calamity had to make some concessions.

The power behind the narrow door helped Qian Qian Qian buy a few seconds, and he quickly tried to empty his brain, returning the huge amount of knowledge to a closed state, and then throwing it at another thing in his mind.

That thing is:

[Precepts] of Aponia!

In an instant, the knowledge of the World Tree turned into a spiritual storm, colliding with the corresponding [Precepts], canceling each other out.

Although the knowledge of the World Tree was slightly superior and dissolved several [precepts], the remaining knowledge was already something that a thousand calamities could withstand.

At this moment, the warrior finally learned to count.

This is a gift from the World Tree.

To pay the price of this gift.

Qian Calamity decided to carry forward his “shy” nature and hide this large machine under his pillar!


It was so fast that he couldn’t see the action clearly, and the skirmishers’ vision suddenly became clear.

He realized that at some point, he had flown out of the body of the God of True Machine.

He looked back in disbelief, only to see that this body was igniting a raging fire, returning to the illusion in the explosion.

And the Thousand Tribulations below were carrying the pillars and staring straight at themselves.

“Boy, remember next time.”

“Instead of using your attack to give me Gua Sha, it is better to indoctrinate me with information again.”

“At least, it’s you who wins then.”

The words fell, and the thousand calamities swung down the pillar violently…

Liyue Port, Qunyu Pavilion.

Thanks to the face of General Raiden, Zhongli, as a “tour guide”, was also invited to visit the Jade Pavilion.

Ning Guang knew Zhong Li’s deeds, respected him very much, and did not have any resistance.

At least on the surface.

Because the immortals had not yet had time to finish, it was very lively outside.

Ye Zhuo, on the other hand, seemed to be independent of the world, holding a quill and writing on paper.

The signs on it are some symbols that Tivat does not have, and some detailed markings.

“Engraving: Salvation, Kill Damage Bonus…”

“Engraving: Extinguished, lost lives for buffs…”

“Engraving: True Self, a special gain that belongs to everyone alone…”

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