Yuanshin: I Sell Pots On The Tivat Continent

Chapter 297: The More I Think About It, The More I Get Excited About Hu Tao, And The Explosive Yan F

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible just by thinking about it.

Although the Sea Lantern Festival is Liyue's annual festival, the money spent by Liyue people cannot be earned back in a short period of time.

With Liyue's current monthly salary of three to four thousand moras, if he wanted to open an ordinary jar, he would have to go without food or drink for about three years.

A jar of 100,000 moras, ten jars of 1 million moras, the imagination is an astronomical sum.

Not everyone is rich, and there are only a few rich people.

"So, is it okay?"

Hu Tao looked at Lin Mo and laughed: "Now outside Liyue, every household is full of lanterns. It's very lively. There should also be a lantern festival at Liyue Port. Many people are guessing lantern riddles there."

"hold on."

Hearing Hutao's words, Lin Mo smiled faintly, pinched Hutao's face and said with a smile: "It's only just the sunset now, let's wait until the sky is completely dark, Liyue at night is even more lively.

And Lin Mo believes that someone will come to open the jars soon, and selling jars is a very important thing.

Lin Mo was talking, looking at the sunset outside the jar shop.

The sunset glow in the sky is like a girl's peach cheeks hidden in a veil, or a bouquet of roses in a lover's hand.

Looking from a distance, the setting sun is like a big jade plate, and the faint light of the setting sun shines, coating the sky with a golden coat.

Being pinched by Lin Mo, the walnut face puffed up, then broke free from Lin Mo's hand, and lay down on the deck chair.

Now that the shopkeeper has said so, she can only wait.

I don't know what's going on in Xiaogong, but I heard from Qianyan Jun that he went to the Alchemist Guild to cooperate with Liyue in researching guns.

Xiangling was free in the afternoon, so he ran there specially, but Xiangling was still busy at night, so he chatted with Xiangling in the afternoon, and ran back to the jar shop after playing for a while.

As for Yanfei, it is estimated that she has already explained the small law class in Heyu Teahouse.

After a round of calculations, it seems that she is the most idle.

There is Mona sitting in 720 in the Hall of Death, so I don't need to worry about it. As for business and so on, Lao Meng is there.

Only the out-of-body business requires her to do it herself.

Because the soul cane in her hand can knock out the soul of things, it is impossible for her to give this kind of thing to Lao Meng or others.

It would be bad if something happened accidentally.

The out-of-body business is also an appointment business. She just needs to go back every night to find out, and then help people out of their bodies the next day, and it's over with a blow.

In this way, it is currently the most idle.

She came to Lin Mo's jar shop when she was free.

The most important thing is that Hu Tao also knows that her leisure is only temporary.

After Mona leaves after the Sea Lantern Festival, she will be left in the Hall of Rebirth, and she will be needed when the time comes.

Oh, no, there is also Zhongli.

With Zhong Li around, I can have a little free time.

It's better to just leave all the business of Xiangshengtang to Zhongli, so that I can really be completely free.

One idea after another kept appearing in Hu Nuo's mind, making Hu Nuo's plum blossom pupils brighter and brighter.

Looking at it, Zizi's sideways contingency became weird.

What did the walnut think of, and the eyes became like this?

"Shopkeeper, a jar!"

At this time, an excited voice came in from outside, and the next second a person stepped in from outside.

Seeing the person who came to open the jar, Lin Mo put a smile on his face.

It's good to be back in business.

At this time, the port of Liyue Port.

The young master frowned and looked at the steam battleship docked in the distance.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out where Mr. Zhongli went now.

I searched for it all afternoon, but I didn't find Zhongli.

Although he said that he didn't search every inch of land and buildings in Liyue, he searched all the places Zhongli frequented, but he still couldn't find Zhongli!

This also means that Zhongli is not in Liyue, otherwise, he would not be able to find Zhongli.

In the next second, the young master sighed and headed towards Beiguo Bank

Mr. Zhongli couldn't be found, and he didn't know what to do next.

I have seen the steam battleship myself, and I have seen the movie myself.

Although I didn't watch the movie clips played two days ago, I also learned about it through the collected information.

Other than that, the young master really couldn't think of what he would do next.

Only when he chatted with Mr. Zhongli did he feel that being in Liyue was not boring. Even if he accompanied Mr. Zhongli to listen to books, listen to music, or go to the theater, it was better than staying alone in Beiguo Bank.

When the son sighed, many people gathered inside and outside the Heyu Teahouse.

Everyone looked expectantly at Yan Fei in Heyu Teahouse.

"I heard that Miss Yanfei's law class is very interesting, so I came here to watch it."

"Haha, I was there in person yesterday, it was so interesting, it was the first time I thought the law was so interesting."

"Yeah, Yan Fei will explain the little knowledge of the law in this Heyu teahouse every day, and it is said that it has something to do with the law that will change in the future, and we will know it in advance.

"Originally, I had no interest in the law at all, but after Yan Fei spoke for a while yesterday, I realized that the law is so interesting, much more interesting than the dry text in the code."

"Who says it's not? I brought my wife and children here specially to watch the law class taught by Ms. Yan Fei.

A group of people gathered outside the Heyu Teahouse looked at Yan Fei in the Heyu Teahouse, and talked excitedly.

Many people came here again after listening to Yan Fei's law lecture yesterday.

When I came, I also brought my relatives and friends along.

What Yan Fei said yesterday, many people could dictate it and tell it to others, and it also attracted a lot of people.

"Heyu Tea House, it hasn't been this lively for a long time."

The storyteller Liu Su of Heyu Teahouse looked at this scene and said with emotion: "Miss Yanfei is too powerful. It was only the second day of the lecture that so many people gathered. Not to mention that the seats are full, inside and out, And there was a (afaa) group of people gathered."

Even if he speaks for himself, the popularity he possesses is "not as high as Yan Fei.

At the very least, these people came to Heyu Teahouse just to listen to the law class taught by Yan Fei.

"Yanfei, this kid, is using what he has learned to change Liyue, which is a good thing.

Next to him, Fan Erye, the owner of Heyu Teahouse, heard the words of the storyteller Liu Su, and said with a smile: "Compared with the dry words in the code, the law that this child Yan Fei talks about is much more interesting. attractive reason."

Hearing what the owner of Heyu Teahouse said, Liu Su nodded, and Tian Fen agreed.

Indeed, although Yanfei only taught one class, she was popular from time to time because she was interesting.

In addition, today is the Sea Lantern Festival, many people visited Liyue after get off work yesterday.

Yan Fei's lectures took advantage of the right time, place and people, and all three factors were taken into account. Even if it was only the first time she gave the lecture, it was still very popular.

This second time, a group of people gathered and came to listen to the lecture.

"Everyone, what I want to talk about today is what is bribery."

Looking at the gathered people, Yan Fei smiled and said: "The so-called bribery, asking for bribes and accepting bribes can be accepted by oneself or for others to accept bribes. For example, Hu Tao came to me to do business and gave me money. Did I say that I still lack money?" ? If you really want to thank me and give the money to so-and-so, do you think this is called bribery?"

"Don't call."

"Yeah, didn't you get the bribe yourself? If you didn't get it yourself, then it's not called bribery.

"Yeah, how can this be called bribery? It must not be bribed."

Hearing Yan Fei's words, one after another people gathered at the scene were stunned, and one by one spit out their answers without hesitation.

They naturally knew what it meant to accept bribes, but according to what Yan Fei said, they didn't even get any benefits, so it wasn't considered bribery.

"Also called bribery."

Seeing that most people didn't think it was bribery, Yan Fei sighed inwardly. It seemed that Li Yue's law-enforcement had gone a long way.

"Ah? Is this also called bribery?"

Hearing Yan Fei's words, a group of people were astonished.

How can this be called bribery? In Liyue's law, it is not written that this is bribery.

"Because you are helping others to take bribes, you are also taking bribes."

Yan Fei continued: "There are five types of bribery, the first one is asking for bribes. Asking for bribes means taking the initiative, not passively. In a certain situation, it is extortion. According to the Liyue Code, asking for bribes should be severely punished. Therefore, does asking for bribes need to seek benefits for others? Asking for bribes does not need to seek benefits for others.”

"As long as you ask for bribes, it will constitute a crime of accepting bribes, so now there is a new small problem, that is, does fraudulent bribery constitute a crime?"


Hearing Yan Fei's words, the people present were stunned. What is fraud? Is it a lie?

"Give me an example."

Seeing everyone's reactions, Yanfei thought for a while, and said: "I, Yanfei, have a project to contract, such as the construction of Liyue Law Firm, and I have to find someone to help me build it. Hutao is my good friend. I hope to find me Let her build this Liyue Law Firm."

"I told Hu Tao, you see we have such a good relationship, and of course I will consider you if I make money, but now there is a problem, that is, Master Mao's daughter Xiangling is also eyeing this Liyue Law Firm, here Master Mao His status is higher than mine, if I am a first-level master, then Master Mao is a second-level "Xiangling's status is naturally higher than mine, right?"

"Xiangling wants to contract this project, so I will definitely give it to Master Mao's daughter who is older than me, because Xiangling's father is older than me, so I will definitely take care of his daughter."

"Hutao told me if I have any ideas, and I said that there is no workaround, Hutao, would you like to pay Xiangling to quit, and I will do this job.

"Hu Tao asked me about how much it would cost, and I said that you also know that this project is very fat, and it will cost about two million moras. I will give it to Xiangling, and Xiangling will quit when he gets the money, and you will contract this project and earn a lot of money." It's not just two million moras."

"Then Walnut gave me two million moras. In fact, I was cheating on Walnut."

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