Yuanshin: I Sell Pots On The Tivat Continent

Chapter 413: Alice, Who Is Interested In The Jar Shop, And Mond Who Is Shocked (Fourth Watch, 3,500

What is that thing?

How has she never seen it.

When did the West Wind Knights come up with this thing?

It looks like a means of transportation.

Alice looked at the motorcycle parked at the gate of the Zephyr Knights with great interest, and then walked over.

As Alice approached, the two Zephyr knights stationed at the gate of the Zephyr Knights still stared intently at the motorcycle in front of them as if they hadn't seen it.

Captain Qin told them that this is Ms. Mona's motorcycle, and they must guard this motorcycle.

They didn't seem to see Alice standing in front of the motorcycle.

This scene under the night curtain is very ~ weird.

If others see it, they will definitely feel terrified.

Even if Alice knocked on the motorcycle, the two stationed West Wind knights did not respond at all, as if there was no Alice in front of them.


Hearing the knocking sound, one of the Zephyr Knights looked at their companions in astonishment: "Didn't you hear any sound just now?"

"It seems to have."

The West Wind Knight next to him frowned slightly.

He did hear a slight sound just now.

It was extremely quiet around them, so every sound could be heard clearly.


There was another crisp sound, which seemed to be the sound of metal being knocked, and it was especially clear in the silent environment.

Almost instantly, the two West Wind riders suddenly looked at the motorcycle.

It was the sound of this motorcycle.


When the two of them stared at the motorcycle, the motorcycle made a crisp knocking sound again, as if someone was knocking on metal.

This weird scene immediately made the two West Wind knights swallow their saliva.

What's the situation, why does this thing make such a weird sound in the middle of the night, why is it like this.

"Boom boom boom."

Another series of voices sounded, and the faces of the two who heard it turned green.

If they are facing monsters, Qiuqiu people, slimes and the like, they will not be afraid.

But this kind of weird scene still makes them feel scared. The unknown is the most frightening thing.

"It should be broken."

A knight swallowed, and said in a low voice: "Miss Mona put this motorcycle here, maybe this kind of sound is needed at night, we should just get used to it.


Another knight nodded decisively when he heard this: "You're right, Ms. Mona should come back tomorrow to retrieve this motorcycle. This is the first time we've seen this motorcycle."

It's normal to have a problem or something. "

When the two heard this sound, they both thought it was the sound of a motorcycle malfunction.

Alice, who was caressing the motorcycle, raised her eyebrows when she heard what the two said.


What is the name of this thing?

Interesting, looks like a means of transportation.

Looking at the motorcycle, Alice sized it up for a few seconds.

Then he waved to the two West Wind knights. The two West Wind knights only felt that their eyes went dark, and they lost consciousness instantly.

no words all night

the next day.

The morning light penetrated the dawn sky and awakened the sleeping earth.

A round of thick, bright red, rough red sun like broken bricks illuminated the world, and the fresh sunshine almost like running water illuminated Mond.

Captain Qin walked out of the Knights in a refreshed manner.

But as soon as she walked out, Qin frowned.

The motorcycle parked at the door actually disappeared.

Did Mona come and pick it up?

However, when he saw the panicked and bewildered expressions of the two West Wind knights stationed at the door, Captain Qin's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, the two West Wind knights froze when they saw Captain Qin walking out, and hurriedly said: "Master Captain, the motorcycle is gone."

"What's going on, have you seen who the thief is?"

Hearing this, Head Qin frowned: "What happened last night, please tell me in detail.

How could a motorcycle disappear at the entrance of the Zephyr Knights?

No one dared to steal at the gate of the Zephyr Knights.

Not even fools.

The invisible formation at the headquarters of the Wind Knights is not a decoration.

"Just last night, we were still guarding the motorcycle, and then we didn't know what happened, the motorcycle made the sound of metal being knocked, we thought it was the abnormal noise from the motorcycle

I didn't look much, and then my eyes went dark, and I didn't know anything. "

"When we opened our eyes again, we found that we were still standing there and it was dawn, but the motorcycle was gone."

Regarding Captain Qin's inquiry, the knight didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly told what happened last night.

"Looks like it was stolen by someone."

After hearing these words, Captain Qin said in a deep voice: "Immediately notify the guards in Mond City and let them see if there is a motorcycle leaving. The motorcycle is so big. If you leave Mond, you will definitely be seen." .”

"In addition, notify the rest of the West Wind Knights, let them search Mond City separately, see if they can find the motorcycle, try to find the motorcycle before Miss Mona arrives, and at worst, find clues."

The motorcycle belonged to Mona, but it was stolen from her Zephyr Knights, so their Zephyr Knights must be responsible.

The most important thing is, they can't afford to pay for this motorcycle!

This motorcycle seems to be one of a kind!

It was Mona who opened it from that magical little pot shop, and they Mona couldn't afford it!

Therefore, Captain Qin must find the missing motorcycle as soon as possible.

According to what the two knights said, the thief who stole the motorcycle last night seemed not to be simple.


Hearing Captain Qin's words, the two West Wind knights immediately nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and immediately ran down to send a message.

Soon, many West Wind knights and patrol knights started to mobilize and began to tell each other.

"What's the situation, it's so lively in the early morning."

"A lot of Zephyr knights, what happened?"

"Could it be that something major has happened again? It shouldn't be, Mond's dragon disaster has been resolved, and there is no need for so many West Wind Knights.

"It seems that they are looking for something, could it be that something is lost? The last time such a large-scale operation was carried out, the treasure of the wind god, the Qin of the Sky, was stolen.

"I don't know, I will know in a while."

One after another Zephyr knights ran around the city of Mond to tell each other, looking for clues of motorcycles, which attracted countless residents of Mond.

When they woke up in the morning, they were stunned to see this scene.

Under what circumstances, so many West Wind Knights were dispatched, as if they were searching for something.

"Everyone, if anyone of you sees Miss Mona's motorcycle, please notify me as soon as possible.

A West Wind Knight approaching looked at the curious looking crowd, and hurriedly said: "Miss Mona's motorcycle parked at the entrance of the West Wind Knight Order was stolen by thieves last night.

Now Captain Qin has issued a notice that anyone who finds clues to the motorcycle can notify the West Wind Knights and make a request that is not excessive. "

Although many Zephyr knights began to search, but Mond is too big, so many Zephyr knights told the residents of Mond about this, and asked everyone to search together.

0...asking for flowers...

"What? Miss Mona's motorcycle was stolen?"

"Or was it stolen at the gate of the Zephyr Knights? Let me go, this thief is so brave."

"This is provoking the West Wind Knights, and what's wrong with stealing, stealing Miss Mona's motorcycle? What's so good about stealing that thing?"

"Yeah, although it looks very interesting, and I like it very much, but Miss Mona also helped us find the treasure of the wind god, the Qin of the Sky. How dare someone steal something from Miss Mona?"

Hearing the words of the West Wind Knight, some Mond people suddenly became shocked.

Mona's motorcycle was stolen?

Which guy stole it.

This is too much.

"It has to be found out."

"Yes, Ms. Mona is a distinguished guest of our Mond City, if things are stolen, our Mond City is responsible"

"Damn, which guy stole it, let me know, I can't spare this guy, don't you know that Miss Mo is our benefactor of Mond City?"

Thinking of Mona's contributions to their Mond, divination to find the Qin of the Sky, and helping to solve the dragon disaster of Mond, many people looked angry.

It's too much for someone to steal Miss Mona's motorcycle.

Many people immediately began to actively search for it.

No matter what, let's help Miss Mona find something first.

Many people spread the word, letting more and more Mond people know the news.

Many enthusiastic Mond people knew about this situation, and immediately began to search for it.

This moment.

In Abedo's alchemy workshop.

Abedo looked at the motorcycle in front of him with twitching eyelids.

When he was doing the experiment last night, someone walked into his laboratory and passed through the formation opened by the alchemy workshop unimpeded, which instantly alarmed him who was doing the experiment.

When he saw that it was Alice who came back, he was shocked, when did this one come back.

Forget it when you come back, and bring this motorcycle over.

Then this guy dismantled the motorcycle in front of him and dragged him to study it in the middle of the night.

Then in the morning, he put the motorcycle back together again, which opened Abedo's eyes.

It can be easily assembled, which is obviously the first time I have seen such a thing.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect this interesting thing to come from Liyue. When did such a magical jar shop appear in Liyue? I didn't see it when I went there a few years ago."

At this moment, Alice patted the motorcycle, and said with a light smile, "I didn't expect to come back this time to take a look, and I would find such an interesting thing. The jar shop that Liyue appeared is really interesting."

"It seems that I should go to Liyue again. Such an interesting thing, I must go and have a look."

I don't know motorcycles, so I ran to Abedo with the motorcycle on my back last night, and asked Abedo to tell me how to make this thing.

She thought that this thing was made by Abedo, but she didn't expect that it was not developed by Abedo.

It's from a magical little jar shop in Liyue.

Even in Abedo's mouth, there are not only motorcycles in that small jar shop.

Even the Eye of God and the Flying Fire Wheel are available, all from that magical little jar shop.

This aroused Alice's interest, and she wished she could go to Liyue now to see the magical jar shop. .

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