Inexplicably, Wang Xuan saw a strong fighting intent from Dardalia’s smiling eyes, obviously the eyes that were very kind for a second, this second suddenly seemed to spew fire.


Hey, hey, no? Just 150,000 Mora, no money is unwilling to return to the northern bank to get it? Do you want to grab it directly? Too much, right?

Wang Xuan slandered in his heart, it turns out that Dadalia, is this kind of person? Can’t afford to grab it?

The battle intent was revealed, and the atmosphere of sudden silence made Dadalia put away the taboo basket, and his eyes became sharper: “Sir, can you invite you and me to a grand and happy battle?” ”

“…”Duck! The traverser is not powerful, really treat him as a wild monster slime?

Wang Xuan’s mood at the moment was also dissatisfied, although he was still just a small vendor, but he could exchange endless strange stones in the system, and Wang Xu was confident that he would always stand at the top of the Tivat continent in the future.

Rao is condensing light, Keqing and other Liyue seven stars, all have to obediently follow the rules, take money to buy, good guy you Dadalia tried to rob zero yuan to buy?

That Wang Xu did not intend to be polite with the other party, but he was worried that this was Eating Tiger Rock and Liyue Port, and once the battle with Dadalia was too quiet, it would definitely affect people’s livelihood.

The trouble is too big, maybe you can’t even set up a stall in the future, even if you don’t consider the issue of people’s livelihood, next to Master Yu and Wanmintang, Master Xuan’s kindness, you can’t ignore it, right?

In this case, only take money to buy efficiency.

When Silent confronted Dadalia, Wang Xuan had a talisman stone, and while secretly mobilizing the Xuanhuang Holy Stone, he opened the system and toured the exchange interface.

With frequent tours, Wang Xu quickly found the strange stone he wanted.

[Heavy stone: can be opened or closed with the user’s will, within one cubic meter of the center of the heavy stone, indiscriminately causing twice the gravity, multiple heavy stone effects cannot be superimposed, and the price is 200,000 rock energy. ] 】

[Heavy Rock: Provides five times gravity and sells for 500,000 rock energy. 】

[Super Heavy Rock: Provides ten times the gravity and sells for millions.] 】

If memory serves, this guy from Dadalia can not only control the water element to fight, but also has extraordinary martial arts, which can be described as proficient in martial arts.

Forbidden magic stones can be used to restrict the water element of Dadalia, and in terms of physique, it has to rely on overweight rocks.

For the sake of efficiency, Wang Xuan will not think about saving money, if you want to buy it, you will buy it, heavy stone, heavy rock may be difficult to suppress Dadalia.

Use the system to exchange, directly under your feet, exchange for an overweight rock.

Under the great power of the Xuanhuang Holy Stone, the floor tiles under Wang Xuan’s feet seemed to turn into water, allowing the super-heavy rock to sink quietly.

The underground squirmed, but it was silent, and the entire land was under the impression of the Xuanhuang Holy Stone, as if it was a kingdom that belonged to Wang Xuan’s alone! They all absolutely follow the will and orders of the monarch.

With incredible speed, the super-heavy rock was transported under the feet of Dadalia! And Dadalia, however, does not know anything about it!

I can’t notice it at all, there is an extra deadly stone under the bottom of my feet!

“Sir.” Dadalia saw that Wang Xu fell silent and did not want to wait any longer, he was quite aware of the importance of being the first hand in battle: “Offended! ”

As soon as the words fell, a stream of water quickly appeared out of thin air, condensing in Dadalia’s hands and turning into a very lethal water blade.

The master next to him was dumbfounded, and he forgot to speak! This, this has no money, there is no money, how can you directly rob it!

A certain Thousand Rock Army squad patrolling Tiger Rock even surrounded while sending people to request support!

It’s over, Wang Xu doesn’t care how sharp Dadalya’s water blade is, and when the super-heavy rock is buried under Dalia’s feet, the end is already doomed.

Facing the fierce fighting spirit and the crazy look on Dadalya, Wang Xuan’s face was expressionless, and his hands were even leisurely resting on his booth car: “Town.” ”

Just one word made Dadalia slam all over!

‘Plop’ a little, the forward momentum is completely deformed, in a embarrassing and funny posture, kneeling on the ground with one knee in front and one knee behind, unable to stand up for a while!

All-round undifferentiated gravity, even shattered the floor tiles, crushed the bricks under the soil! Solid shallow formations!

This, this is the power of the God of Rock?! Dadalia was shocked in his heart, and only felt that there was an extremely unreasonable force, pulling him rudely!

It is as if there is an ocean-going giant whale, which is swallowing everything underground, wanting to swallow his whole person into the deepest part of the earth!

Ten times gravity, in fact, simply put, is equivalent to the same ten weight of Dadalia, pressed on the body, with Dadalia’s own physique, it can still resist.

The point is that gravity is really unreasonable, not only suppressing the body surface, but also suppressing the body! Dadalia could clearly realize that the more he resisted and struggled, the more painful his body became!

If he gets up, he can barely get up, but if he stands up, this inexplicable power from the center of the earth seems to be enough to crush every bone in his body! Every organ!

The bones seem to be broken, the internal organs seem to be about to burst, the lungs seem to be pressed to the limit, and there is no space for oxygen to enter and exit!

“Drink!” The pain on the surface and in the body did not knock down Dadalia, but made him more mentally excited, that’s it, it’s such a strong enemy, it’s interesting!

Since you can’t get up, you can’t afford it! Dadalia mobilized the evil eye distributed by the fools with all his might, intending to use his strongest form, the Demon King Armament.

Although Dadalia was at a great disadvantage, he did not panic, but his mind was clear and calm, looking at Wang Xuan’s motionless appearance, thinking that the other party’s move, once forced to move, would be lifted.

As long as it is lifted, then there is a chance to turn over, and Dadalia plans to activate the Demon King’s armament, do his best, and throw an attack towards Wang Xuan from a distance to force Wang Xu to displace.

Unfortunately, Wang Xu did not give him this opportunity at all, and when Dadalia hooked the evil eye in his heart, Wang Xu’s hand movements did not stop, and he had already lost several forbidden magic stones.

At the same time, he controls the rock elements of heaven and earth, and conjures up one amber rope after another, gravity, rock rope, forbidden magic stone!

Triple ban, completely dry Dadalia, the whole person is tied up more exaggerated than rice dumplings, that is really unable to move, plus a few forbidden magic stones that fell on the body, so that Dadalia can not even mobilize the evil eye and the eye of God.

The whole process seemed cumbersome, but in fact, it took almost less than two seconds, and Master Yu didn’t have time to exclaim, and before the Qianyan Army arrived in front of him, the battle was over.

Wang Xuan, almost instantaneous Dadalia!

In the face of such brilliant results, Wang Xu was not dizzy, but also sighed in his heart, in the future, if you have money, you have to buy a strange stone that enhances your physique, you can’t just spend money to buy super heavy rocks as soon as you meet these warriors, right?

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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