“The abominable immortals, the abominable Morax and Barbatos, actually want to seal the Dragon God?”

“I let the monsters erode the earth, and you will leave!!! alone”

More than thirty Abyssal Mages summoned monsters all over the outer realm, intending to attract the attention of the immortals so that they would have no intention of dealing with the Dragon King.

Sure enough, Zhongli Liu, who was preparing the strongest seal, frowned slightly…

“Lord Emperor, what should we do?”

The voice of the True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Moon seemed a little anxious…

He and Liuyun borrowed the wind, and Lishui Stacking Mountain had already done their best just to maintain the Great Realm.

Don’t look at the Ruoda Dragon King did not rush out, just the elemental force generated by its interaction with the Wind God and the others was enough to cause considerable harm to the outside world.

Not to mention Grandma Ping, Ganyu and Wei, without their support, Twalin’s speed would plummet, and he would not be able to dodge the super huge elemental explosion attack of the Ruoda Dragon King.


The Dragon King of Radha unleashed another multi-element explosion attack, and the resulting wind blew Twalin’s wings painfully.

“Hey, there seem to be a large number of monsters outside that are about to invade the land of Liyue…”

Grandma Ping’s voice was light and flexible at this time, but her tone was full of worry.

Having lived in Mortal Dust for so long, it can be said that she is an immortal who cares most about Liyue Port and humans.

“Don’t worry, they’re coming!”

After Gan Yu’s reminder, everyone saw a behemoth flying from the southern sky.

“My God, is this the legendary Jade Pavilion?”

Wendy was a little surprised, this kind of thing turned out to be created by mortals, what a wow!

As a wind god, he did not wake up for long, but he also heard about it half a year ago from travelers who often returned to Mond to play.

Liyue has a beautiful sister who is rich and ambitious at the same time, and her wish is to let the shadow of the Jade Pavilion shroud the Seven Kingdoms.

“Smoky, Xiangling…”

Ping was relieved to see the familiar figure.

Unexpectedly, the two of them also came, not only them, but there were many Thousand Rock Army on the Jade Pavilion of Condensing Light, as well as most of the people in Liyue Port who held the Eye of God.

“Monsters from the outside world, just leave it to them!”

“It’s really reliable!”

Wendy nodded and turned back to continue focusing on the Dragon King. Gorgeous attic in the sky.

Not only Heavenly Power Condensing Light, she sent out invitations to many people in order to reinforce this Liyue Defense War, and almost all the Liyue God Eye holders came.

As the Liyue Heavenly Power Star, Ning Guang had long detected the movements of the immortals.

The graceful and elegant noble woman standing on the Jade Pavilion couldn’t help but be frightened by Ruoda who was bigger than the mountain in front of her.

“Although I don’t know how much power I can contribute, this is the time when the immortals join forces…”

“The immortals can’t get rid of their hands, and the monsters outside will be handed over to us!”

Behind her, thousands of rock troops are always ready, and everyone can’t help but tremble when they see the thousand-meter dragon within the Great Realm…

The Qianyan army stood straight, and had no intention of retreating, and only wanted to pay a small amount to defend Liyue, even if it cost his life!

Their expressions are very serious, and they stand proudly when they are in line!

“Blood and sweat do not shed tears, skin and flesh are not left behind!”

This is the vow in everyone’s heart.

Although they did not flinch in the face of such a scene, they did not even want to go back alive.

However, the atmosphere here is still too depressing, after all, it is the scene of going to death that does not flinch back and does not retreat, and to say that it is bragging to say that it is not afraid.

Just when someone was about to collapse under the pressure, a gong knocking sound caught everyone’s attention. Dangdang!

“Pay attention, pay attention, the past life hall is on sale today, only Samora, and the victims after the war can enjoy the VIP one-stop service of the past life hall, VIP level service, only once a year!”

“Survivors can get refunds, come and order”

The girl’s pleasant shouting voice was incompatible with the oppressive atmosphere on the Jade Pavilion. Xiangling shook her ears and ran to Hu Tao’s side with the sound of banging the gong.

“Walnut, isn’t this not good, it sounds like a curse..”

“Hehe, there is no need to shy away, yin and yang order fate is impermanent, this kind of foreseeable death is rare, you think about it from another angle, is it much luckier than too many deceased?”

Walnut’s words are even more frightening, and the logic is strange.

Xiangling was surprised that the young hall master actually said it with a smile.

“Foreseeable death, but it’s rare, quickly choose a favorite style for yourself while you are still alive, if you are not dead, you can get a full refund!!!”

Walnut banged the gong harder and shouted louder.

Originally, Xiangling was going to say something, but she was surprised to find that the atmosphere of the Thousand Rock Army did not seem to be as heavy as just now.

“It seems to make sense.”

“We may not be able to go back, it’s better to choose one you like to lie down..”


“Hall Master Hu is right, I have to choose a favorite suit for myself.”

“Hall Master Hu set me a!!!”

Someone took the lead, and the dry rock army behind also suddenly rushed uncontrollably to Hu Tao and launched a crazy buying mode.

“Hehe, today’s performance, top three years!”

“No, five years”

Hu Tao smiled and handed the reserved table to the subordinates of the Past Life Hall.

In charge of the first paragraph, Yixin Xiaomei, who usually does not smile, can’t help but marvel at the marketing methods of Hall Master Hu. High!

Hall Master Hu himself hummed light but somewhat eerie music and walked to the edge of the Jade Pavilion.

It happened that the group of jade pavilions was in the right position, and below were groups of monsters, and the black pressure was overwhelming, and it was extremely terrifying.

But Walnut is not a hint of timidity. Pull out a long gun

“Shoot Huangquan Road, butterfly leads to the Afterlife Bridge.”


The Eye of the Fire Elemental God suddenly shone brightly, allowing Walnut to open the state of butterfly dance on the other side. She jumped and directly struck a fire element drop attack and fell into the monster pile! Rumble.

The falling attack produced a large number of fire elements, and immediately defeated a large number of hills, but there were many enemies, and a smaller girl was definitely not enough.


With an order, the Dry Rock Army that was preparing on the Jade Pavilion jumped down from the Jade Pavilion.

Ordinary people were definitely not as powerful as Hall Master Hu, and they saw countless wings of wind suddenly open in the sky above the group of jade.

When the Wings of the Wind descends to a certain height, the Thousand Rock Army will directly enter the battlefield with a falling attack and bombard the monsters:

Subsequently, some characters with God’s Eye also entered the battlefield.

“Well, there is a strong elemental aura in the Great Realm, Ruotuo, it has completely constituted crimes such as polluting the environment and destroying the ecology, the water, minerals, mountains and many ancient monuments of the Liyue Land have been devastated, in my opinion, it should be sealed for nine thousand years according to the law!”

The famous legal counselor, Yan Chuang said, and then followed the footsteps of everyone and jumped off the Jade Pavilion.

“There are so many novel slimes over there, I’m going to jump over there…”

Xiangling does not forget to dig up new ingredients in this situation.

On the other end, two boys-like boys stood on the edge, and the blue-haired boy did not wait to jump off to join the battle and suddenly pulled his partner next to him excitedly.

“Look, Xingqiu, it’s my aunt, she’s here too!”

“It’s just, why haven’t I seen the giant wolf she is riding, what kind of immortal beast, and who is that man?”

Xing Qiu couldn’t help but smile softly when he heard this,

“Hehe, congratulations Chongyun, you have a new family sister-in-law!”

“Little, little sister-in-law???”

Hearing Xing Qiu say this, Chongyun was immediately interested.

Auntie is a pure immortal disciple, strong in strength, and usually iceberg-like indifference makes people dare not approach, what kind of man can enter Auntie’s eyes?

“Let’s go, Chongyun!”

“Hey, you wait Xingqiu, let me see my sister-in-law again…”

Chongyun vaguely saw a man dressed in white with two weapons collapsed around his waist, and he was extremely handsome, and Aunt Ti suddenly felt happy.

I just don’t know how strong this little sister-in-law is. It can make that strong aunt fit like a bird…

Yang Cheng could already see the full picture of the Jade Pavilion at this time, watching the behemoths in the sky continuously drop paratroopers, this spectacular scene made him can’t help but marvel!

Liyue Port has this firepower, how dare the son of the fools make trouble in the first place…

“I hope Ning Guang doesn’t have to blow up the Jade Pavilion this time!”

It seems to be quite capable of fighting, but the accident that happened in the next second was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The huge Ruoda Dragon King actually chose to switch targets, and blasted open the isolation enchantment that the three immortals had exerted with all their strength on the spot.

The South Heavenly Gate suddenly shattered!


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