Yuanshin: Invite Keli At The Start Of The Double-Piercing Door

Chapter 98: Mr. Hu, You Are Not Happy To Sell This Family Barrel, Zhongli Is Here To Eat Big Kidneys

Isn't it just doing some farm work?

It's not that I haven't done it.

For walnut who was naughty when he was a child.

I have explored everything myself.

Some of them are explicitly prohibited.

But she did it anyway!

Even if he was punished badly.

a lunch.

Everyone who ate was feasting.

during the break.

Su Han took out several cellphones he bought and said, "It's a meeting gift, because I have them at home...Which one do you like?"

"What a beautiful thing, what is it for? It feels so comfortable..."

"This thing is an important communication tool for Aquamarine. It can surf the Internet... and interact with it! Anyway, it's very simple...you'll know it in a while!"

"Well...just this..."

Walnut looked around, and finally locked his eyes on a cell phone of Red.

The shell is Red.

It has the logo of the Hall of Death.

There are also plum blossom patterns and dead butterflies.

Isn't this what I prepared for myself.

Looking at the gadgets in hand.

Hu Tao hurriedly begged Su Han to teach herself.

Because, just now, everyone else was taking pictures, and it looked like fun.

"This is a touch screen, point the lens at a distance, and you can press here... At the same time, there is also a selfie stick here, which can make the phone more stable.

Shooting will also be more convenient. "

Under the direction of Su Han.

The first photo was born.

"This thing is fun... By the way, can I take it home? I want to show Zhongli... and take some photos together!"

Walnut looks photorealistic.

There are countless wonderful ideas in my heart.

Such a fun thing, you can't miss it.

Su Han nodded and said: "Of course... However, there is no electricity in the Tivat world, so you have to bring it back to charge it. There are also restrictions on bringing back Tivat things.

"Hmm... so there is such a way, I understand!"

Soon Hall Master Hu completed the basic functions of the mobile phone. "one nine three"

At the same time, Su Han also logged her into the community.

Yuanshen's personal column was also established accordingly.

Some netizens who have no energy and are bored swiping their phones.

Suddenly found in the original real person column.

At this moment, there is one more.

Moreover, he is everyone's favorite Hall Master Hu.

[This is the first time I came to Water Blue Star, thanks to the help of Dimensional Wall, and please take care of me in the future! 】

There is only one topic.

And, click to enter the words.

There is only a selfie of Hall Master Hu in it.

The other party stuck out his tongue and made a funny expression.

The flame spirit next to him had his hands on his hips, looking like he was cheering.

Everyone who watched laughed.

The comment section is less than five minutes long.

It's already 999+.

"Hahahaha... Hall Master Hu is mighty!!!"

"We love Hall Master Hu the most!!!"

"Oh my god, Yanling is so cute...I really want to hug it, I am Hall Master Hu's dog!!!"

"Stop talking...my hall master is Mei!"

"I didn't expect our Hall Master Hu to come too... looking forward to..."

"It's like listening to Hall Master Hu himself reciting poems!!!"

I appear.

The expression of ancient spirits.

The column that just opened became popular.

A few minutes later.

A dynamic update came out.

[Thank you for your love, Mr. Hu, I am going to work, I guess everyone will be able to see the new work tomorrow [

In the villa.

Hu Tao put away the phone, his face was full of complacency.

"I didn't expect so many people to follow me, all of them are potential customers, Su Han... Tell me, do we want the whole fan benefits?

Buy one get one free?

No, this camp owner will lose money.

Otherwise, the second monument is half price?

As long as he is a fan, give him half of the price directly, if it is for the whole family.

I'll give him a 50% discount on everything, what do you think?"

Su Han was expressionless.

What did you ask him to say?

Family bucket?

Thank you for thinking it out.

This is to curse others to death.

"Hey... why don't you talk..."

"Hall master, half price of the second monument is fine... You are too ruthless, those people can't bear it."

"Uh...it seems so."

Walnut is not stupid to guess anything from Su Han's expression.

She scratched her hair and sighed helplessly.

But I think I have so many fans.

Definitely not selling family barrels.

It should be fine.

Come to the virtual space.

Continued recording starts.

The second half is the MV song.

A very hot song.

It is also specially made for walnuts.

In a quiet space.


Become even more powerful than a recording studio.

Although it was difficult to shoot before.

However, recording songs is very simple.

Also less than an hour.

The recording of the song is over.

"It's easy this time... What's next?"

"Of course it's the end of the film. I think about what you said, Walnut, it should be suitable for this..."

Su Han thought for a moment.

In the end, I felt that Walnut was still suitable for taking the eccentric path.

"You do this... do this again..."

"Is it really okay? It won't scare the children... If that's the case, won't it be a bit bad..."

Hear Su Han's arrangement.

Walnut is a bright spot.

Scaring yourself is the best thing you can do.

But thinking of the scene where Keli was frightened and cried, she still felt that she should restrain herself.

After all, its own fanbase days.

It's not good to scare children.

"Well, what you said is correct...then modify it..."

"That's fine, then let's shoot."

Soon the end of the credits will also be done.


Su Han had just sat down when a private message came from his phone.

He opened his eyes.

Inside was information from Tao Dian.

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ge oh man, I beg a live wallpaper!!!]

Look at each other's news.

Su Han smiled.

He said to Walnut who was playing with his mobile phone: "Come take a photo..."

"Who wants a photo again?"

"Your voice actor..."

"Hey...really, where...where I will take pictures of her myself

When Hu Tao heard that it was his own dubbing, he instantly became excited.

Mi Huyou dubbing department.

A sweet and lovely beauty looked at her phone excitedly. Lin Su beside her asked, "What's wrong? You're so happy..."

"It's Walnut, the boss of Dimensional Wall made it out! Woooooo...she's so cute...

"Really? Walnuts are hard to find, especially with their eccentric nature."

Lin Su was a little surprised.

In fact, COS is very simple.

The problem is fit.

The reason why the company has been looking for Su Han to cooperate is because the COS around him is basically a perfect fit.

Even, you will feel subconsciously.

This is who they are.

As for Hu Tao, she is a very difficult girl.

At this time, other people also gathered around.

"Tao Dian, what did you say to Jiyuan Bitian?"

"I want a wallpaper! This little benefit will definitely satisfy me..."

"You are a thief!"

"We want it too!"

"He's working, I guess we'll have to wait a while, let's not bother him, but... I'll forward it to you later."

"Say it."

The sisters are laughing.

Tao Dian's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

She looked down, eyes full of surprise.

"Is this... a video?"

The little hand clicked gently.

The video played directly.

"Yo... It's our first time meeting, Hu Tao, the master of my past life hall..."

"Hey, I heard from Su Qiu that you can shoot video wallpapers.

"I think that for an existence like me, photos are definitely not as good as videos, right..."

"I sent you the mobile wallpaper in the back, remember to accept it!"

Watching the video, Tao Dian was full of excitement.

Good daughter's video.

First-hand benefits!!!

Full of happiness.

Soon the wallpaper was delivered.

Quirky walnut.

Funny walnut.

Naughty walnut.

Continuous change.

The onlookers were almost dying of acid.

"Tao Dian, what kind of luck are you..."

"Wooooow, we want this kind of exclusive mobile wallpaper!"

"Walnuts are really cute!"

Facing the ridicule of colleagues.

Tao Dian snorted softly, "That won't work, this is given to me by Walnut... But, those photos can be shared with you!"


Everyone showed disdainful eyes.

Afterwards, everyone started a discussion.

"What kind of video do you think Walnut will make?"

"Recite poetry, or go on an adventure? If it's a spoof...I think it's also very good!"

"I don't know, I'm looking forward to it

"Reciting poems is also very fun. I really want to hear the masterpiece of the poet Hu Tao!"

"Do you want to ask?"

Everyone looked at Tao Dian.

Obviously, he still wants to continue to persecute this dubbing girl.

"Hey... you guys are going too far, you promised to release it tomorrow, so it's okay to ask..."

"Let's just take a breather, and it's not a first look. It's just asking if you know what type it is..."


"Tao Tao!"

Hua Ling directly shook the opponent's little hand.

That pitiful look.

It's really irresistible.

Tao Dian also sighed.

"Well, I really can't do anything with you, and Hualing, don't look at me with Keli's eyes. She is not as big as you."

"Hee hee hee…"

See wishes come true.

Hualing also showed a triumphant smile towards the sisters.

Tao Dian's inquiry was not rejected.

But did not get specific news.

"You talk about singing? Our Master Hu has debuted..."

"Really, if you sing directly, will it be inappropriate? Although it is Hall Master Hu,

"I don't know, anyway, the boss of Dimension Wall hasn't overturned yet, so I think it should be very exciting."

"Huh? Walnut also sent a video, it seems to be the end of the credits 0..."

Tao Dian watched the video which was less than ten seconds long.

Quickly click to view.

I saw

In that dark screen.

Walnut suddenly appeared.

"Hehe...․ Are you startled? The hall master hasn't left yet. Since you have appreciated the masterpiece of the hall master, then hand over your one-key three-in-one.

Otherwise, my ghostly ghost.

I'll be looking for you in the middle of the night..."

With Walnut's weird smile.

Countless flame spirits appeared.

But the walnuts dimmed.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they were amazed by the ending.

"Oh my god... What a cute walnut! I love this hall master..."

"From today onwards, I will be the hall master's little fan girl!!"

"No, it's obviously me..."

Even though it's just an ending.

However, it made the small dubbing room excited.

In the villa.

Hu Tao smiled at Su Han: "Thank you... I hope my voice actor will like it, that's all I can give."

"The other party will definitely like it, maybe...they all screamed.

"It's not that exaggerated."

Although Walnut didn't want to admit it.

But he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

After all, his own voice actor is equivalent to another self.

I was bored as a kid.

Walnut often can only play with himself and himself.

Now there is a voice that is the same as mine.

That was so much fun.

the other end of the living room.

Naxida, who was in the live broadcast room, looked at the question mark in the barrage.

Show a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong with everyone?"

She now streams two hours a day part-time.

Sometimes draw cards.

Sometimes help brush the abyss.

That's becoming more and more popular.

Even, there are people who go to work to catch fish and also want to watch Naxida's live broadcast.

Hear her.

The barrage scrolled one after another.

【Did I hear the voice of Walnut just now?】

【Anchor, is Walnut coming!!!】

【Hall Master? Where is it... I heard it too...】

【Nasita, let's see Master Hu...】

Watching the pleas of fans.

Nashida smiled slightly.

"It turns out that everyone wants to see our new employees. This request is very simple... Please wait a moment..."

She stood up and waved to the back.

"Walnut, my fans want to meet you."

"Come on~~~"

In front of the camera.

Soon a girl with twin ponytails appeared on the stage.

Plum blossom pupil.

Double tail.

brown hair.

And that familiar outfit!

Who else could it be if it wasn't Hall Master Hu!

The barrage exploded directly.

Walnut waved to everyone.

"Hey... It's our first time meeting, do you miss me..."

"However, I just came here today... I can't interact with everyone yet..."

"However, everyone will be able to see me tomorrow, and I will definitely not let you down...

Showed up briefly.

Walnut left.

After all, today is not the time to expose yourself.

It's better to let Nashida continue the live broadcast.

Watching the lovely Hall Master Hu leave, countless people sent out Yuan Hao.

They all wanted to save them.

However, only 5.4 is capable of watching.

The happy hour of the day is over.

Walnut also gradually learned about this world, and there are many rules.

until the end of eight hours.

Only then did Hu Tao return to the Pastoral Hall with big bags and small bags.

"Hello...Zhongli, are you at home...Get me some..."

"Huh? Hall Master, this is..."

"Hey... Didn't you go to Shuilanxing, the food is all sent by others! Come and try this...Roasted kidney, Su Han said it was delicious....

Baked just for you. "


What can Zhongli say.

Can you tell me you don't need this?

But the other party's kindness.

He still took it.

Crispy skin, with various spices.

It tastes so good.


“Delicious and tasty...”

"I knew it!"

Hu Tao smiled instantly, and then brought out the juice and other herbs.

These are made by Ke Qing.

Looking at the busy figures of others.

I feel ashamed myself.

"Come and taste this, it's specially prepared by Ke Qing for you, by the way... Are you relatives? How about you... The other party seems to be very enthusiastic."

"This, it should be..."

Zhongli said lightly while eating Kenda chicken.

If it is about relationship.

It should be "relatives".

Because he is the emperor.

And she is the messenger of Liyue.

Two people eat and drink enough.

When Hu Tao talked about everything about Shui Lanxing, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Didn't you think so? I just opened a store...but now there's not even a signboard, Zhongli is up to you! Don't shirk.

Otherwise, next time those bills.

Pay it back yourself!"

"It's simple, just leave it to me..."

Zhongli said with a smile.

A mere plaque is not easy to grasp. .

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