Yuanshin: People Are In Liyue, Hand It Over To Nautical World!

Chapter 60 Phoenix King Appears! Rice Wife Status? ?

"This is... Phoenix King?"

Seeing the huge sparrow flying in the sky, Su Yu murmured.

Why did Phoenix King appear at this time?

Because you are waiting for others?

This is simply impossible!


Thinking of the main character in the plot, the mentally handicapped, meeting Feng Wang for the first time when he went out, Su Yu felt that he had made a good guess.

Only the Rainbow Brave will let Phoenix King appear in person!

at this time!

Feng Wang seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly looked at Su Yu and the others!


Su Yu has a headache.

Gan Yu and Shen He took out their weapons and stared at Feng Wang in the sky vigilantly.

This scene made Su Yu very helpless.

Feng Wang was able to find out that he was waiting for others, and it was not because of himself at all.

Then it was able to find here, it should be because of those Lalu Lasi.


Thinking of Phoenix King's ability to resurrect people, Su Yu had an idea.

The strong man of the Demon Divine Grade may not be able to revive the opponent, after all, the Demon God has a special meaning to Tivat.

But the Demon God Familia should be fine.

For example, Liyue's four Yashas, ​​Dao's wife's fox palace, etc.!

But these people no longer have entities.

And most of the souls are not in this world.

Only the remnant souls of Huzhai Palace and Lei Yasha Fushe are in this world!


Three feathers exuding rainbow light floated in front of Su Yu and the others.

Don't think about it, this is a gift from Feng Wang to them.


Su Yu smiled and took the Rainbow Feather.

He didn't think Feng Wang had seen them, but he couldn't discover their strength.

So the only possibility is that Phoenix King saw that he and others rescued Lalu Lasi, so he gave himself and others the item to contact its body!


The Phoenix King in front of him is not a level 1 god.

According to Su Yu's perception, he is similar to himself, presumably just a clone.

"This is……………"

Shen He looked at the rainbow feather in front of him.

This can exude a strong breath of life.

It is also related to Feng Wang's world authority!

To know.....…

In this Pokémon world, Level 1 Shendu has authority.

Without authority, they cannot be called first-level gods, and most of them are not as good as Zhongli.

But having authority is a qualitative change!

This is also the reason why a level 1 god has the performance of an eighth level combat power!


Mewtwo is an exception.

After all, if Chaomeng really broke out, it would definitely not be weak.

360 But Su Yu felt that after Chaomeng was created, he should have obtained a certain authority without knowing it, otherwise it would not be so strong!

"Rainbow Feather, after watching the anime, you will understand what these are for."

Su Yu explained with a smile, put it away, and then turned to look at Qiqi who was chatting with Lalu Lasi.

Qi Qi still looked dazed.

But sensing that Qiqi was not malicious, Lalu Lasi surrounded Qiqi.

One by one kept calling.


"Lalu Lalu~"

"Lalu Lalu (our older sister is coming soon~)"

Amidst the shouts, a voice that could clearly hear the words suddenly appeared.

This made Su Yu turn around immediately and looked towards Lalu Lasi.

If there is no accident, there is a Lalu Lasi here, who must have the characteristic of "telepathy"!

Taking two steps forward, Su Yu went to Qi Qi's side and squatted down.

"When is your sister coming?"

Can you get here from Hezhong?

It is impossible to have no strength at the level of a king!

So their sister is most likely a Xanadu.

Although I don't know why they were caught by the bounty hunters, these Lalulas won't lie!

"Lalu Lalu (our sister should be here in these two days)~"

A Lalu Lasi came out of the group, and answered timidly, with a soft voice.

Yo? Still a little loli.

Su Yu smiled: "Then follow us first, wait for your sister to come back, and then follow her."

It is impossible to let go.

After all, if so many Lalulas are brought up, they can be hidden as maids.

Just to help manage my own small yard.

"Lalu (okay)~"

Lalu Lasi did not refuse.

They also understand that following Su Yu is the safest choice.

First, these humans in front of them are stronger than these Lalu Lasi, so don't worry about them having too many bad intentions.

Second, even if they encounter enemies, Suning and others can protect themselves and wait for Lalu Lasi.

So no matter from which point of view, Lalu Lasi has no reason to refuse!

"I'll let you out first."

Su Yu smiled slightly and released these Lalu Lasi.

Afterwards, a row of little lolis came out of the cage in an orderly manner and surrounded Qiqi.




Lalulas surrounded Qiqi and called out, the cute appearance of a group of little guys made Su Yu smile like an aunt.

Gan Yu also squatted down, holding the telepathic Lalu Lasi in his arms curiously.

"Lalu (good...so comfortable)~"

Being hugged in his arms, Lalu Lasi felt as if she had fallen into the sea, it was very soft and comfortable!

Although there is a bell, it is not a big problem.

Su Yu glanced at her enviously.

"I want coconut sheep too..."

It's also a good thing that this Lalu Lasi is a girl, otherwise I would just kill it!

How can I take advantage of Gan Yu's wife?

Shen He didn't have so many reactions.

She just glanced curiously, then retracted her gaze, maintaining her previous cool posture.

"Let's go.

Without further ink marks, Su Yu spoke, and a group of people led a group of Lalu Lasi to walk in one direction.

the other side.

Tivat continent, miserable.

To Kageyama, Narugami Taisha Shrine.

In Lord Gong Si's room, a certain pink-haired fox was eating fried tofu and looking at the novel in front of him.

If Su Yu were here, he would definitely find out that the novel written by this pink-haired fox is called "Chu Luoli Tiandi".


"That's strange~ Why is the quality of Liyue's novels getting better day by day?"

"And sister Gan Yu hasn't written to me for a long time, right?"

Yae Shenzi looked lazy, but his tone revealed a temptation that made people even more helpless.

She has been reading Liyue's novels during this time.

Only then did I discover that Liyue's novels had a new theme called fantasy.

Very nice!

Especially the red-haired monster trilogy!

past, present and future.

Either way, it's a masterpiece!

It's a pity that this is not a book sent by Yaedo.


"My old friend~ Because I can't read the novels of the new genre, I must be so anxious that my heart will collapse, crying and making noise, woo woo woo~ so pitiful~"

With a ruthless mouth, he mocked a certain house girl, and Yae Miko pondered his chin.

"I remember that these things were all produced by the captain of Liyue in Beidou, she should be at the little girl of Shenli's house now~"

Thinking of the origin of these books, Yae Miko got up.

She planned to visit Shenli's house and casually ask how Liyue is doing now.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

During this time, Liyue brought a lot of things.

But these things, she has never seen before.

And recently, Liyue seems to have imported a lot of electric crystals from Daozuma.

With that in mind, she left the house.

at the same time..……..


With a head of white hair, Kamisato Ayaka, who looks gentle and considerate like a touch of coolness in summer, gives people a refreshing and comfortable feeling, is making tea for the guests.

This is one of the three obediences of Inazuma, the egret princess of the Kamisato family!

"You two, please have some tea."

Kamisato Ayaka pushed the tea over, her expression tender and gentle, gentle and virtuous.

By her side, the famous butler of the Kamisato family "Toma"!

In front of them are Beidou and Maplebara Manyo who came from Liyue.


Beidou took out a bottle of wine and drank it down, and said with a grinning grin, "I'm not used to drinking this stuff, but the wine tastes better.

"I'm sorry, big sister is just such a character, she has no malice."

Manyo looked at Ayaka Kamisato and Toma apologetically.

"Nothing, this kind of personality is very good, I don't care."

Ayaka Kamisato smiled slightly, she saw that Beidou didn't do it on purpose.

And this kind of carefree character is just right for Shendian Aya (cged) Hua.

Thomas smiled and didn't care.

Seeing that the two of them have such good personalities, Beidou didn't scribble. He took out his phone and moved his red lips slightly: "I'm here this time..."

"Ah, ah, little girl, you don't call me when you talk about things? It's so sad~"

At this time!

A voice full of temptation sounded, attracting everyone's encouragement.

I saw the position of the door, and I don't know when a pink-haired fox appeared.

"My lord!"

Kamisato Ayaka got up quickly, and saluted Yae Miko very respectfully.

Even Manyo and Toma are the same.

Only Beidou, curiously hit the opponent.

"Don't be so polite, little girl~"

Yae Kamiko walked in on her own, sat next to Kansato Linghua, and rubbed her face provocatively.

This made Kamisato Ayaka's face blush.

"Sit down."

Seeing this, Yae Shenzi shook his head and spoke.

It's still an identity issue, but it's not a big deal.


The three people except Beidou responded and took their seats one after another.

"Hello, I'm Beidou, the captain of the Liyue Death Omen!"

Beidou introduced himself heartily.

"I'm Narugami Taisha's lawsuit, Yae Miko."

Yae Shenzi replied, and immediately asked with a flat face: "Miss, what are you planning to do by smuggling Dao's wife and looking for one of the three obediences?"

These words made Wanye tense up.

You must know that Lord Yae Gongji has a high status in Daozuma.

Only this General Thunderbolt!

If she is asked to define the head of big sister as a smuggled wife, she will definitely be detained!

Kanli Ayaka and Toma are not worried.

Because they knew that Yae Shenzi might have helped the two of them secretly.

Under the blessing of the Eye Hunting Order and the Lock-Up Order.

Rice wife can be said to be full of resentment!

The other two major sects, regardless of whether Daozuma is dead or alive, only want to make money. Only Shefeng is secretly helping Daozu people and those who are caught in the eyes of God.

This action again and again, also has the help of Yae Shenzi.

Although it is not stated explicitly, there will inevitably be a little bit of footprints to show that Lord Yaegongji is facing the Shenli family!

"Come do some business.

Beidou didn't care, and directly stated his purpose.


It's not just Yae Shenzi who is puzzled.

Even Kamisato Ayaka and Toma are the same.

You know, every time the Death Star comes to Daofu, it will do some small business with the Wan Guo Chamber of Commerce.

Why are you suddenly looking for the Shenli family today?


Beidou nodded, and took out the phone: "This is a mobile phone, a new technology of our Liyue, which can transmit voices for thousands of miles, and has functions such as a video recorder..."

half an hour later...

Following Beidou's explanation and Wanye's supplement, Yae Miko and others were shocked!

Because during this half hour, they not only heard about the use of mobile phones.

At the same time, I also know the current development of Liyue!


Everyone feels the crisis!

What's going on with Liyue now?

The army has three colors of domineering, technology, in addition to those small items, there is also the mobile phone that Beidou just took out. At the same time, according to the mobile phone video, they also learned about the car and the Liyue New City plan!

Liyue is growing so fast!

Even Mond is reforming, starting to follow in Liyue's footsteps.

In this case, Suo Guo's Dao Wife will not be able to keep up with the times before long!

This is not a good sign!

If Dao Wife can't keep up with Li Yue's development, she will be abandoned by the times!

"This is your mobile phone. After you register your account in a while, I will pull you into the group. At that time, Miss Shenli can add our Liyue Tianquan star friend to talk about picking up the plane."

Speaking of this, Beidou seemed to think of something: "Of course, the premise is that your Daozuma's internal affairs have been dealt with before we can deliver the goods."

That's right!

Half a month ago, Beidou came to Daozu with the will given by Ningguang.

The purpose is to see if the Shenli family is a suitable mobile phone agent.

Hearing this, not to mention Ayaka and the others, even Kamito Yae couldn't help but have a headache.

As a friend of General Thunder and Lightning, she can't persuade him at all!

This house girl is a stubborn ass!


We must find each other in a while!

"We have made this matter clear, and I will give you Liyue a satisfactory answer tomorrow.

Yae Kamiko looked at Beidou, her tone became serious.

When it comes to Dao's wife, there is no room for carelessness!

OK, let's go first then. "

Beidou got the answer, got up and took Wan Yeli away, Shenli Linghua wanted to keep them for a meal, but the two of them didn't intend to stay, so they left Shenli's house directly.

In the house, only Lori was left alone.

"My lord, what should our rice wife do?"

Kansato Ayaka was having a headache, and looked at Yae Kamito as if asking for help.

Faced with the rice wife problem, let alone her, even her big brother can't solve the problem.

If it can be solved, Inazuma will not starve to death like she is now.

"I'll talk to the general in a while."

Yae Shenzi knew what the other party meant, so he just asked himself to chat with Ying.

But this is also her own meaning, so Yae Miko will not refuse.

"It's you!"

"Little girl~ Dao Wife must get the agency right of this phone."

Yae Shenzi attaches great importance to mobile agency rights!

After all, this is an epoch-making device.

"I see."

Ayaka Kamisato nodded heavily.

Then, in the sight of her and Thomas, Yae Miko disappeared.

Seeing Yae Shenzi leave, Thomas said, "Miss, do you want to find the Patriarch and report this matter to him?"

"Well, this matter needs to be discussed with the big brother, and it cannot be decided hastily."

Ayaka Kamisato obviously didn't want to decide about the mobile phone by herself.

Although he said no matter what decision he made, big brother would not blame himself.

But this is related to the Shenli family, so it's better to be on the safe side.

Thinking of this, Ayaka Kamisato looked at Thomas.

"Thomas, please call big brother back for me."

"Leave it to me, miss."

Thomas patted his chest and left the house.

And Ayaka Kamisato followed the steps that Beidou taught her to register an account, search for Beidou at the same time, and add friends. .

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