Yuanshin: Please Pass On The Ceremony, I Will Become A National Treasure!

Chapter 95 Treasures That Can Be Resurrected From The Dead, Phantom Beast Fruit And Resurrection Pil

[Ding... Congratulations to group member Ning Guang for becoming an administrator. 】

Friends who are watching the update in the group.

I was quickly attracted by this news.

Hu Tao: "Wow... Sister Ningguang has become an administrator, I'm envious..."

Gan Yu: "You, don't be envious. Becoming an administrator is very hard. If you can keep an eye on the group every day, Su Han will probably let you become the second administrator."

Hu Tao: "That can't be...hehe, I just think it's fun."

Ke Qing: "The upper limit of missions has been raised! Four-star and five-star missions can still be teamed up, but... if you form a team, your points will be reduced.

Is this encouraging us to go it alone?"

Su Han: "Yes, after all, the difficulty is relatively easy if there are many people~.

Mona: "In that case, let's work hard to improve my personal strength. I'm going to practice hard. Just now, Mr. Zhongli completed a mission and even got 200,000 points.

It was shocking enough. "

The three-star mission is no more than 50,000 points.

The promotion task is worth 200,000 yuan.

Although the task is extremely difficult.

However, the temptation of points is too great!

Zhongli: "The promotion task is actually not that difficult, it's just that I want to test the strength of the people in that world. If I'm not wrong about this task.

Actually, is there another way to do it?"

That's true.

The difficulty of protecting Ace is high.

But really, wait until the redheads arrive.

In fact, everything is settled.

As long as you cooperate with the Whitebeard Pirates, the difficulty factor of the task will be greatly reduced.

It's just that Zhongli chose toughness.

And group ridicule.

This appears to be difficult.

Ning Guang: "It's a pity that time is running out, and I can't get some devil fruits, which is a pity

Today's big fight.

It made her very envious.

Whether it is frozen fruit.

Or lava fruit.

All made Ningguang very excited.

With this kind of natural devil fruit, protecting Liyue would become extremely simple.

Ke Qing: "Yes, the frozen fruit can actually freeze the sea. It's really shocking..."

It's a pity that she has already eaten the Huahua fruit.

Can no longer consume other Devil Fruits.

Gan Yu: "By the way, I remember that today is the time to refresh the points mall. We have gained so many points, let me see what I can buy.

Ning Guang: "Well, it's true."

Open the Points Mall.

I saw that the products inside have begun to enrich.

[Dragon and Tiger Da Huan Dan Formula]: A formula for washing tendons and cutting marrow is very precious

[Effect]: After taking it, it can increase the internal strength for five years, and it can also wash the tendons and cut the marrow

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: 14 days and 23 hours...

[Three Points to Yuan Qi]: It is the unique martial arts of the old man Tianjue, which includes: Tianshuang Fist, Fengshen Kick, Cloud Pai Palm

[Analysis]: The three moves restrain each other and blend with each other

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Second-level group members

[Remaining time]: 14 days and 23 hours...

[Iron Broken Tooth]: A special weapon of a dog demon in a certain world, with extraordinary abilities, but the weapon is currently initialized and does not have the power of enchantment

[Remarks]: This is the sword of demons. If you can't suppress this sword, you will be disturbed by its power. Buy it carefully

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Second-level group members

[Remaining time]: 14 days and 23 hours....

[Thunder Lingzhu]: In the world of fairy swords, the Lingzhu made by Nuwa to seal the God of Thunder has infinite power

[Remarks]: Wearing it can automatically condense thunder elements, and will get immunity to thunder elements

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Third-level group members

[Remaining time]: 14 days and 23 hours....

[Animals·Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast·Azure Dragon Form]: The devil fruit of Kaido in the world of One Piece can be transformed into a blue dragon form after use

[Remarks]: A very powerful devil fruit, without any weakness, and can be transformed into a blue dragon after taking it

[Ability]: Control the wind, flame, thunder and lightning

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Third-level group members

[Remaining time]: 14 days and 23 hours...

[Resurrection Pill]: Originated from the world of Xianxia, ​​it is a treasure that was refined by immortals after seven to forty-nine days of thunder calamity

[Remarks]: As long as there is a wisp of remnant soul, the treasure that can be revived

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Third-level group members

[Remaining time]: 14 days and 23 hours....

There are a wide variety of products.

Everyone was dazzled.

When everyone saw the treasures of the third-level group members.

They couldn't help but gasped.

Ning Guang: "Is this the treasure of the second-level group? It's too strong... Resurrection Pill, Green Dragon Fruit, and the Thunder Spirit Orb.

There is actually a god sealed inside. "

Gan Yu: "This...is this treasure from another world so exaggerated?"

Coconut sheep was shocked.

I thought the mall in the group chat was refreshed.

So be it.

Who knew there would be such a terrifying thing.

The green dragon fruit only needs to be taken.

It can be transformed into the body of a green dragon, and the key is to control the power of the three elements!

Whoever takes this fruit.

That was a step up!

As for the Resurrection Pill, it was even more shocking.

Can die and come back to life!

Zhongli: "I am somewhat looking forward to what the third-level group chat will become."

He is very happy.

I accepted the task myself.

Let the group chat be promoted to the second level.

Resurrection Pill.

If there is such a thing, does it mean that they can be resurrected after all?

However, those old friends seem to have lost their souls.

But since there are treasures that can be resurrected.

Then it shows that there will be no more treasures in the future.

It looks like it won't be long before we can reunite with our old friends.

Su Han: "That's still far away, look at this experience bar. After about twenty missions..."

Can refresh this kind of good baby.

He is very happy.

Because this will stimulate people in the group to continue to work hard.

Ning Guang: "@Everyone, whoever has a treasure that can improve your strength, you can tell me after you see it...Let's be cool today."

Gan Yu: "I think we can exchange for the Dragon and Tiger Repayment Pill. Although the top strength needs to be cultivated, such a formula cannot be neglected."

Granulated sugar: "Yeah, I think so too. After the exchange, I can help make potions..."

...asking for flowers...

Things are easier in engineering these days.

Therefore, another medical department was created in Liyue.

Now she is the manager of the medical department.

Specialize in Biology.

Now I even forgot about the sugar, and came here to study the project by myself.

Beidou: "Let's exchange the three shares of Yuan Qi, I thought about it for a while. If domineering is used to promote martial arts, isn't it very powerful?

And this martial art is equivalent to three, right? "

Ningguang: "Okay, I will hand over the points to Ke Qing to redeem."

Su Han: "If you can, you can exchange it for an Iron Broken Fang. I want this weapon... As for the century-old mahogany sword in my hand.

It can be sent to Beidou. "

A weapon that can refresh Inuyasha.

He didn't expect it either.

But this infinitely growing weapon.

It is indeed stronger than Taomujian and Xueyin Kuangdao.

Moreover, Su Han intends to disassemble the Snow Drinking Knife and reforge a spear.

Leave it to Shen He to use.

Then he lacks a weapon.

And Iron Broken Tooth was just right.

Ning Guang naturally would not refuse Su Han's request, and soon spent more than 200,000 points.

Ke Qing: "By the way, have you used that special offer area?"

Hu Tao: "I'll go and have a look. There were too many things and I didn't pay attention to it just now... This is actually a weapon. Su Han, come and take a look."


Su Han looked at the bottom of the Points Mall.

There is an area with colorful lights.

There are a few words written on it.

Special offer area.

【Name】: Ice Wheel Pills

[Original price]: 5 million points

[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 500,000 points

[Introduction]: The strongest Zanpakuto of the ice and snow system, with a very wide attack range, can control the power of the weather, if you can control this sword, you can break it into a stronger form

【Countdown】: 23 hours in six days

[Tip]: When the countdown is over, the product will be automatically refreshed

Su Han: "It turned out to be Zanpakuto! This is a weapon from a Death God world, and the price...is only half a million!"

Mona: "Is this knife very powerful?"

Ke Qing: "It should be, after all, the price is there."

Su Han: "This is a knife comparable to frozen fruit, no matter what attribute you are, this knife can give you ice attribute!

However, read the description.

People with the ice attribute can make it detoxify. "

Fengyuan Wanye: "Can it be the same knife as a frozen fruit? Hiss...it's really scary."

Gan Yu: "Well, I saw it too, the original price is five million! It's a pity that we spent all the points just now. Otherwise, we should give priority to exchanging this weapon."

Ning Guang: "Don't worry, there are still some points. Just look at the follow-up tasks, if the tasks are four stars.

Then I feel about the same.

However, it's okay to miss it.

The items are gone and there are other things, don't get too entangled...

Now focus on the things in the mall.

It's hard to see.

Treasures are precious, but it doesn't mean that if you lose them, you will never be able to get them.

Maybe there will be better next time!

Su Han: "That's true, maybe next time things will be better. Let's keep working hard.

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