[Week 7: In the face of many Zephyr knights who have come to challenge, you can win, but it is a little difficult.

Youra, on the other hand, is always able to defeat them with ease.

Seeing this, you are somewhat envious.

So you ask Yura to learn her "Zephyr Swordsmanship".

"Huh? Want to learn Zephyr Swordsmanship with me? Well, when you finish studying, I will seek revenge on you, which must add a lot of fun. After

hearing your words, Eura readily agreed.

"However, if you want to learn the West Wind Sword Art that belongs only to me, you have to pass the dance level first." She added.

"Huh? Dance? You were slightly stunned.

"Yes, you have to learn the Ritual Dance first."

Eura looked at you and said seriously.

"Ritual dance?"

Hearing this, you looked at Yura with some surprise, "That old nobleman used to show his noble dance?

"Well, that's right."

Seeing that you were a little confused, Yura explained:

"These traditions are not all, at least the ritual dance is pure and noble, which makes me feel at peace and gives me a lot of comfort."

"For so many years, I have not put it down, and every dance step has been carved into my body..."

"So, if you want to learn my Zephyr swordsmanship, you must first learn this dance."

"But isn't that the Lawrence family dance? Can I learn too? You hesitate.

"It wasn't possible, but..."

said Yura, pausing and glancing at you.


"Ahem... But I've severed ties with the Lawrence family, and they can't control me.

Eura coughed dryly and said.

"So it is."

You nodded, and then remembered something, "But I've never danced, I don't have a foundation, I'm afraid it's hard to learn..." "It's

okay, I'll teach you hand-in-hand, and it will take you." Eura smiled.


You thought for a moment, felt that there was no reason to refuse, and then agreed: "Well, then it will trouble you." So

Eura began teaching you dance. 【

Week 8: Eura teaches you dance hand-in-hand while instructing you how to integrate sword skills and dance to make sword art more beautiful. 【

Week 9: Under the tutelage of Yura, you quickly master the technique and rhythm of the ritual dance.

"After just a few weeks of study, you were able to master it so well... That's awesome. Looking

at your beautiful dancing, Yura couldn't help but marvel.

"Hehe, it's still Eura you taught well."

Hearing Yura's compliment, you smiled modestly.

Looking at your dancing figure, Yura said lightly:

"It seems that it is time to teach you the West Wind Sword Art." 【

Week 10: You learn dance and Zephyr swordsmanship while dealing with the Zephyr Knights who come to challenge.

Gradually, your swordsmanship has become more and more proficient, and you have become more and more handy in dealing with the knights of the West Wind. [

Week 11: As your strength gets stronger, you start to feel that these Zephyr Knights are not strong enough and don't want to fight anymore.

But if you shouldn't fight, some people will come to you every day to challenge, which is even more annoying.

So, you came up with a way to kill two birds with one stone.

You make a rule that before the Zephyr Knights challenge you, you make a bet that if they are defeated by you, they will pay you 100,000 Mora.

In this way, not only can you reduce the number of people who want to come to the challenge, but you can also earn Mora, killing two birds with one stone. 【

Week 12: You continue to learn dance and Zephyr swordsmanship with Youra.】 】


[Week 20: Finally, you and Yura learned the ritual dance and the West Wind sword technique, and successfully became a master. 【

On this day, you go out hunting, intending to make a big meal with game to celebrate your departure.】

After the hunt, you saw that it was late, so you did not return to Mondstadt, but directly set up camp in the wild to make a fire.

In the moonlight, the two of you finished your meal and sat by the fire to chat.

At this time, Eura intends to give you a gift.

She looked at your somewhat crimson face set off by the campfire, hesitated, and then said

, "Zhu Xia, today is a memorable day..."

said Yura, taking something out from behind her.

"Send you a special bone whistle and learn how to play with me."

"Bone whistle? Send me? "You're a little surprised.

"Well, when I take revenge on you, you can try, use this bone whistle to interfere with me, delay time, and struggle more interesting."

She gave you a sly smile and handed you the bone whistle.

"Well, thank you Yura, I will learn from you with my heart!"

The moment you take the bone whistle, you have an unspeakable emotion.

Joy with excitement, anticipation and other complex emotions are intertwined, elusive.

You heard Yura say that this bone whistle has followed her for many years and is something she cherishes, but now it is given to herself....

It seems that she really sees herself as a good friend.

Thinking of this, a smile rises at the corner of your mouth.

"It's rare that the moonlight is so beautiful today, do you want to come and dance together?"

Under the light of the moon, Yura said softly.

"Okay." You promised.

So, you follow in her footsteps and start spinning.

The moonlight pours and the sky is full of stars.

Under the night sky, the two danced and cooperated extremely tacitly.

This night is destined to be a romantic night. [

Week 21: For several weeks, you have been challenged by many Zephyr knights.

Among these Zephyr knights, there are elite and incompetent noble children.

They all want to challenge you and prove their strength in order to gain the approval of the Knights of the Zephyr and the people of Mond.

But unfortunately, they were all defeated by you without exception.

Some were even seriously injured and are still in bed to recuperate.

And you also earned a lot of Mora, almost three million.

With this Mora, you can finally carry out your plan for revenge. [

Week 22: You rent a shop diagonally opposite the Deer Hunter's Restaurant and are ready to go for a big fight.

Week 23: You plan to open a fast food restaurant and compete with deer hunters.

So, with the memory of your past life, you specially developed several dishes for this restaurant.

The first is a crunchy chicken thigh burger made with fluffy bread sandwiched with crispy lamb steaks and fresh vegetables.

The second is made by mixing the ingredients into batter, wrapped in poultry meat and fried at high temperature, and the big gold sucking finger chicken.

The third is fries made by peeling and washing potatoes, cutting them into long strips, boiling them to dry, and then frying them at high temperature.

You're sure the people of Mond will love these fast foods, so you take these three as your main dishes, pair them with some regular dishes, and you're ready to open.

You gave your fast food restaurant a resounding name called Mondkey. 【

Week 24: Since the merchants in Mond are not willing to sell you ingredients, you have to go to the merchants in Liyue to buy ingredients.

Although these ingredients are a little more expensive, the quality is much better than that of Mond. Week

25: Your fast food restaurant opens on time.

You call Eura over to help and get ready to welcome your guests.

But what Ling Youra didn't expect was that your fast food restaurant had just opened and drank the northwest wind...].

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