After taking the pair of celadon cups at a reasonable price.

Lu Chen followed Old Master Zhong and used his eyesight to start sweeping on various stalls.

Hetian jade strings, Ming and Qing vases, calligraphy and painting, ancient coins... Unconsciously, the box Lu Chen was holding became heavier and heavier.

The trio began to gain attention in the crowd.

I haven't seen anyone buy antiques like this, as if they came to buy them....

"You guys bought a lot of things!"

When the three converged with Wendy, they found that he was also carrying a lot of things in his hand.

Wendy had just finished her happy pitching game and had quite a few things in her hands.

However, the value of the things in Lu Chen's hands is much lower, they are all handicrafts with local characteristics, a few pieces of more than a dozen dollars.

Wendy explained with a smile: "The boss threw me out and stuffed me with a few prizes when I left, so that I could go to another house to play."

Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "If you continue to play, all the prizes will let you win..."

From a distance, the jugglers had dispersed, and Miko dragged the shadow to linger in the lively snack stalls.

Lu Chen put the box full of old things back into the RV and joined everyone.

When I went back, I saw five people sitting around a particularly simple small bench, Miko and Kage each holding a few bunches of tofu in their hands, talking and laughing.

Seeing Lu Chen coming, Ying's gaze immediately moved over.

Miko narrowed his smile, leaving only a shallow smile on his lips.

"It can't be stinky tofu!" Lu Chen casually pulled out a small bench and huddled with everyone.

"Stinky tofu that doesn't stink." Ying handed the food in his hand to Lu Chen a string.

Lu Chen looked at the fried tofu in front of him, then moved his gaze to Ying's face and opened his mouth.

"Eat it yourself!" Shadow said.

"No... My hands were so tired of moving things that they broke.

Lu Chen laughed scoundrelly, and he just wanted her to feed himself.

Everyone looked over with interest.

The flawless and beautiful face raised a layer of redness, and then stuffed the string of fried tofu into Lu Chen's hand.

"It's not crippled again, what an old person, and someone needs to feed..."

She glanced at herself angrily, her small face tense to hide her slightly shy expression.

Lu Chen felt funny when he saw her bulging appearance, like an angry kitten, which made people can't help but want to tease her.

"Okay, okay..." Lu

Chen picked up the string of stinky tofu that didn't smell and sent it to his mouth.

The taste is a little soft, but the skin is crispy and a little spicy.

Lu Chen chewed twice and commented vaguely: "Stinky tofu that does not smell is soulless." "

It's that people don't want to eat stinky things~" Miko ambiguously grabbed Ying's waist, and looked over with a narrow face.

"Why?" Lu Chen was puzzled.

"Of course it's because of kissing—hmm... Hmm..." Before

the old driver Shenzi's words were finished, he was choked by the shadow food.

"Just talk to you!" Kage held down Miko, looking fierce and wanted her to eat all the remaining tofu.

"I... I'm not done yet... Hey, you're shy! After

Miko finally got rid of the grip of the shadow, he immediately stretched out his white and tender claws and began to counterattack, attacking his chest and tickling.

"Ah! Son of God! And

the means of Shadow counterattack is - Rua ears.

"Shadow, how can you rub my ears too! Don't touch my ears!

Lu Chen supported his chin, and the two girlfriends fought intimately for a while, and they all became blushing, which was very eye-catching.

It seems that the godson does not have the kind of mustard as yesterday, and after the fox eyes searched for a circle, they locked onto Lu Chen, who was watching the battle.

"Why does Ying like to rub my ears now? Did you teach her! "

Huh?" Lu Chen was very innocent, "Everyone knows that your weakness is your ears!"

The miko was panting, the fox's eyes narrowed, and his expression was very sinister.

"Huh? What do you think I do? As

soon as Lu Chen saw such a godson, he knew that she was thinking about how to trick people again.

Sure enough, Miko's face quietly came over and asked urgently, "Tell me, where is the weakness of the shadow?" I'm not to blame! "

Shadow's weakness—"

Lu Chen took another bite of fried tofu, feeling that it was not as delicious as what he made.

"Lu Chen!!" Shadow immediately couldn't sit still.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" The fox eyes seemed to be glowing, and Miko dragged the shadow, "Tell me quickly!" "


Shadow actually has weaknesses, of course, this weakness is only known to each other by two intimate people.

Lu Chen looked at Ying, her cheeks were even redder, brighter than the morning sunset when night fell.

Of course, a chill followed, and Lu Chen had no doubt that the moment he said it, the shadow would strike immediately.

And then, 'Blade Husband!'

Lu Chen looked at the nearby Shenzi and blinked mysteriously.

"Don't tell you."

"Cut!" Miko sat back and hugged his arm, "I know it's like this, it's the same as yesterday!" Sick of it!

Shadow finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Chen looked to the other side amusedly, Wendy Zhongli was studying the menu.

Qiqi held the milk tea that Ying had just bought for her and drank it in small sips.

Although the roadside snacks are not as exquisite and hearty as those in the hotel, they also have the characteristics of a seaside city.

Each person ordered a bowl of the famous local beef soup, scooped the hot and fragrant soup, and then soaked it on the fire, and the hungry Lu Chen dried the bowl in less than a while.

Lu Chen ate quickly, and after eating, he looked up and found that Ying had not even eaten half of it.

"Don't like it?"

"Huh?" Shadow shook his head suspiciously, "No.

"What do you know?" Shenzi elegantly wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and his eyes glanced at Lu Chen, "How can Ying eat so vulgarly like you!" Cut!

Lu Chen sighed, and that snarky Yae Miyaji finally returned.

To be honest, he still misses it a little.

"What are you laughing at?" The divine son glared at Lu Chen.

"Eh..." Lu Chen sighed, looking indignant.

"You pampered people do not understand the difficulties of our rural villagers, and you will have to work in the fields for a while, how can you not eat quickly?"

"What a mess." Miko felt inexplicable.

Lu Chen looked at the shadow of taking small sips of elegant scooping soup, and suddenly had a playful mind.

"Ah Ying, learn from me, it's fun to eat like this!"

Lu Chen sat cross-legged on the chair, held the bottom of the bowl, pretended to take a big bite of dry rice, and wiped his mouth with his sleeve after drinking.

"Ah, Shutan~"

Shadow's expression froze, and after some thought, she tried to learn Lu Chen's appearance and dragged the bottom of the bowl.

"Is that so... But Achen, it's a little hot.

"I'll blow it for you." Lu Chen moved the stool and sat next to Ying.

Ying Nuo moved the stool to make room for Lu Chen.

As a result, Miko was pushed aside.

Shenzi saw the two look at each other and smile, and Lu Chen's gentle and considerate appearance towards Ying suddenly felt a little dazzling.

She pursed the corners of her mouth and looked to the other side in silence.


After eating, the group of six continued to wander around the temple fair.

To be precise, a group of three people....

Lu Chen looked at the shadow and the godson on the right, and then at Wendy and them who had gone nowhere.

His expression gradually became puzzled.

When he saw Wendy secretly looking back from time to time, Lu Chen was finally sure that this servant was intentional!

You should want to create a dating space for yourself, after all, it is rare to go far away with the shadow...

However, Lu Chen glanced at the shadow holding his hand.

He glanced at the godson who was holding the shadow on the other side.

Isn't there something wrong with this date?


The three people walked forward along the route demarcated by the scenic area.

Shenzi pulled the shadow to take pictures everywhere, beautiful crafts should be photographed, the carved beams and arches of ancient buildings should be photographed, and all kinds of snacks on the roadside should also be photographed.

Of course, the main thing is to shoot herself.

Just like her WeChat avatar, Miko is a very good photographer and a fashionista who is particularly good at dressing.

In order to go shopping, she changed into a chiffon shirt with seven-sleeved sleeves today, embellished with a contrasting geometric print, and the lower body was a khaki high-waisted short skirt, or a very trendy asymmetrical design, Lu Chen didn't know what this skirt was called.

Miko turned the phone into a front-facing camera, pulling the reluctant shadow along the way to pat.

And of course, buy, buy, buy.

Unconsciously, Lu Chen had been left behind, and he helplessly carried the big bag and small bag they had just bought.

How does it feel....

Is it a bit like a poor male compatriot in the city who goes to the mall with his girlfriend?

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