After eating the barbecue, night fell unconsciously, and everyone returned to the RV to prepare for camping on the spot.

In the dark mountains at night, there are no lights except for the RV, even the moon is hidden in the clouds, and the whole world is dark.

The wind rustled the trees, giving the black silhouette a feeling of teeth and claws, and Lu Chen closed the window, thinking that this was a real wilderness, and people who did not have the guts to come here at night were expected to be scared to death.

But inside the RV is a different vibe.

Warm lights lingered around everyone, some people bragging and playing cards, others enjoying dessert after dinner.

Qiqi held the remote control and kept switching intermittent network programs because of poor signal.

Miko leaned against the single chair by the window, her fingers sliding gently across the slab.

It seems that she is reading novels, not the light novels she usually collects, because those novels of hers are all paper books.

Lu Chen took a closer look, and it turned out to be his "Liyue Floating World Thousand Rocks".

Finding that it was Lu Chen, Shenzi raised his head.

"I said, your readers are scolding you, why aren't you moved at all?"

"Huh?" Lu Chen picked up her tablet and glanced at it casually.

"Oh..." Because

he had been out playing with everyone, he had been off for two days, and the irascible old buddies in the book review area had already begun to spit lotus flowers.

In the past two days, because of the disappearance of the author, the editor couldn't hold his breath, probably when eating barbecue in the afternoon, five text messages came in a row.

Lu Chen just replied with three words.


Without daring to answer the call from the follow-up editor, Lu Chen turned to mute.

He didn't lie, he was really Calvin, so he didn't have fun with everyone and forgot the codeword.

Lu Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at the data, the reading volume of "Liyue Floating World Thousand Rocks" is still rising in an orderly manner, almost reaching 200w+.

No wonder the editors are so anxious, the year-end year-end award still depends on this book, the author said that if you don't write, how can you not write?

However, Lu Chen understood the bitterness of those irritable book friends, because the plot line has now come to the most anxious time.

In the originally prosperous Return, the war began first, and in an instant, the dust filled the sky, thousands of stones were shattered, and the demon gods, immortals, and people fought together in blood.

In that long demon god war, there were many stories to sing and cry.

The soldiers who initially followed the Emperor of Yanwang spontaneously formed the Thousand Rock Army, and they used the banner of Yanshen and Liyue to advance and retreat together without abandonment.

"Thousand Rocks are firm, heavy and unwavering"

The soldiers of Qianyan all abide by this teaching, use themselves as a shield, and although they die without regret, they have always protected the homeland behind them.

In Morax's battle with the rival demon god, the immortal leader Tianzhen saw that the demon god destroyed Tianheng Mountain, and the rocks were shattered, and in order to prevent the mountain from toppling and destroying the port at the foot of the mountain, he used the cut antlers to support the Tianheng Mountain that was about to collapse.

After that, he continued to fight to the death until he lost his last drop of blood.

Today, Tianheng Mountain is still standing, and the blood shed by the immortals has turned into today's Bishui River.

But even so, the war is still difficult.

Under the urging of this group of irascible old buddies, Lu Chen sat on the sofa, and finally planned to start the next chapter.

He sighed slightly, because it was finally the day of parting.

The Son of God came behind him unknowingly.

"The demons and gods seek the throne, and chaos arises, although the immortals fight hard to protect it, but the war is chaotic

" "Return to the original and suffer from the melee, and the dust god will eventually

die in the field of glazed lilies."

Before leaving, she entrusted her people to the Rock King Emperor.

'Those little people are as small and fragile as dust. '

'Because it is small, I don't know when I will die in natural and man-made disasters.'' So always afraid. '

'Because I was afraid, I always tried and wanted to be smarter. I, ah, understand. So

I thought, since the gap between strength and yours is too great, let's use technology and wisdom." '

'Having your power at the same time with the words of my mind... The city is going to be amazing. '

'It seems that I still can't go down with you.'' The lock thing, forget about it.

She smiled a little lonely at the end, and slowly turned into an incomparably fine dust.

Morax stopped in the open field, stunned.

He remembered the solemn and joyful appearance of the girl in the coat when she presented the token when they first met.

This is the token of the covenant and my challenge to you.

''All my wisdom is hidden in this stone lock. Typing

the last word, Lu Chen put down the tablet and his thoughts were empty for a long time.

Until the voice of the Son of God came from behind him.

"After you post this, those irascible readers may be even more cranky."

Lu Chen turned around, met her gaze, and smiled bitterly.

"It should... Yes. The

editor-in-chief of Yae, who was the first to finish reading the manuscript before all the book friends, nodded with satisfaction, as if he had imagined the big scene in the next book review area.

"But..." she thought and looked at Zhongli, "It turns out that I gave the rock god a lock in the end, is this lock still there?"

Lu Chen took the tablet back from her hand, "How about you ask?" "

Forget it..." the object of Shenzi's ridicule rarely included Zhong Li, "After all, it is a sad thing for people, so don't go over and sprinkle salt on the wound..."

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, the Morax in the book and the real Morax are two people.

The old man Zhong in front of him, who was pulled by Wendy to play poker, was as strong as a rock in his heart.

"What are you talking about?" Kage also walked over, and she handed the two of them a cup of black tea.

"Talking about the gossip story of the Emperor of Yan." Miko gracefully blew the hot air rising from the teacup.

"Oh?" Shenzi sat next to Lu Chen and looked at him with an expression of 'I want to hear it too'.

At this time, Zhong Li's gaze finally shifted.

"Look, I've been caught!" Lu Chen strongly wanted to end this topic and avoided Zhong Li's silent gaze.

Unexpectedly, Zhongli was still looking at himself, and that look in his eyes became more and more strange.

Lu Chen said silently: "Mr. Emperor, I really didn't say bad things about you in the novel, don't look at me like that..."

Zhong Li shook his head, "It's not this thing."

"Which thing is that?" Lu Chen couldn't think of anything else he had offended him.

Zhongli slowly stood up from his seat, he looked around, and then looked out the car window.

"Do you feel a strange disturbance deep underground?"

"Strange disturbances?"

Everyone was surprised, Ying and Lu Chen looked at each other, and Lu Chen immediately got up and opened the window.

This window made many mosquitoes run in, Lu Chen quickly waved his hand, and he looked at the Elder Mountain in the dead of night.

"The voice deep underground, I didn't hear it..." Lu Chen said slowly, after all, he was not as sensitive as the rock god in this regard.

"However, I did hear movement outside, and..."

Kageya frowned, "getting closer." "

————————————I'm the dividing line ————————————

Comes with a small fan

(you can't open a separate chapter, you can only post it here)

Isn't it true that Ah Ying can't cook?

Lu Chen is actually a person who does not believe in evil, complex things can't be done, it's always okay to cook a noodles, right?

One day, after a huge inner struggle, he finally gave the full control of the kitchen to Shadow.

The shadow picked up the spoon blankly and looked at everyone ten meters away from him.

Even Lu Chen hid behind the sofa.

Without the guidance of the cooking book, without Lu Chen's assistance, all the processes had to pass through Ying's hands, which was her first time cooking.

"Wait first!"

Wendy opened the crack in the door and whispered, "I'll add a wind field to her first!" So

, a wind field slowly wrapped around the kitchen.

"Please wait a little longer."

Zhongli also spoke, and after he finished speaking, a circle of golden stone flowing shields surrounded the outside of the kitchen.

Lu Chen also thought about it, and prepared all the medical suits and girl sets, which can rescue the wounded when the kitchen explodes in a while.

The god son pulled away the curious onlookers, and the whole audience entered a state of first-level alert.

Shadow's trembling hand finally touched the kitchenware.

Pour water.


The following bar.


Time passed minute by minute, Lu Chen wiped a cold sweat, feeling as if there was a time bomb stuck in his heart.

Finally, a steaming bowl of noodles came out of the pot.

Ying's trembling hand also held the noodles to the trembling Lu Chen.

"Ah Chen, it's time to eat..."

"Oh, okay, I'll try it first."

Before tasting the noodles, Lu Chen glanced back at everyone.

Wendy saw determination in that gaze, and a trace of nostalgia for life.

"We will miss you."

"Me too."

Lu Chen ate the first bite of noodles under Ying's expectant gaze.


"Not bad." Lu Chen turned around and said.

"Really?" Wendy swooped out.

"I can't believe it! She actually succeeded! Everyone

had a look of relief on their faces.

"Really!" Lu Chen served the noodles to Wendy.

"I'll try!" Wendy couldn't wait to hold it.

Lu Chen silently came to the bathroom and closed the door.

The expression in the mirror, completely different from the light wind of the cloud just now, had begun to become distorted.

Outside the living room, there was a sudden shout of bitterness and unwillingness.

"You Lu Chen! Calculate me again!! "


"Huh? Wendy breathed fire? "

[Attainment of Achievement: Born to Die].

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