While waiting in the practice room, Wendy went to Tony first.

Lu Chen boredly accompanied Barbara to watch the training of the trainees, who were rehearsing a group dance program under the leadership of the dance teacher.

Although their movements are far less skilled than professional dancers, they are very hard, and their clothes are wet with sweat.

Barbara looked at the girls who were singing and dancing and training hard, and her eyes showed longing.

Lu Chen remembered that Barbara's idea of becoming an idol began with that Alice witch.

The great adventurer who travels from world to world / very bad, very bad big devil / The ultimate bliss man who blew up the Wind Dragon ruins brought Barbara an "idol magazine" out of nowhere.

Even coaxing Barbara has been fascinated by the profession of "idol" since then.

It is said that Alice also has to find a whole "Teyvat Idol Group", and even Kamisato Ayaka has been found by her I don't know how many times....

But in the end, only the simple-minded Barbara was fooled, the idol group went bankrupt, and Barbara "debuted solo" in Mondmond...

"Now that you have met a real idol, do you still like this profession?" Lu Chen looked at those longing blue eyes and couldn't help asking.

Wendy took the two to visit Starlight Company, whether they debuted or not, big and small idols saw a bunch of them.

"Loved it." Barbara nodded, "Lord Alice said that the job of idols is to try to make people love, and I can also heal people's hearts through singing, and I like this profession."

"Why do you have to like it?" Lu Chen was quite puzzled.

Barbara seemed to do exactly what she said.

In Mondstadt, whether it is healing people or healing people's hearts with song, she strives to be liked by everyone.

"Because I also want to be like my sister~" Barbara smiled, "I want to help the people in Mondstadt, and I want to be recognized by everyone!"

Lu Chen nodded silently, sure enough, in the face of an excellent sister, no matter how hard Barbara tried, she could not become a family pride like Qin.

So she chased her sister's back, and gradually found another way that suits herself, and the obsession of "wanting to be recognized by others" has made Barbara what she is today.

While the two were chatting, the training in the practice room was over, and the sweaty trainees held towels and happily shared each other's experiences.

The dance practice room became noisy, and Lu Chen saw Barbara sitting on the chair, a little unfinished.

"Don't worry, if you can join Starlight, there will be more days of practice in the future..."

Lu Chen said helplessly, it seems that Barbara really wants to become an idol.

But this is also good, the system task of [becoming an idol] was imposed on her, and Lu Chen thought that she was reluctant at first.

"Hmm..." Barbara nodded expectantly.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and a tall girl with a beautiful appearance walked in.

It should also be the star of Starlight, when she came in, many trainees greeted her, with respectful and flattering attitudes.

"Hello Sister Nana!"

"Sister Nana, you are here too! Did you come to practice dancing?

However, this female star called "Sister Nana" had a straight face, looked like she was in a bad mood, and responded lukewarmly.

After everyone greeted her, "Sister Nana" subconsciously looked at Lu Chen and Barbara who were sitting on the side, and then fixed her gaze on Barbara.

It was a gaze full of gaze, and Barbara was a little uncomfortable staring, but still smiled gently and gently at the strange girl.


Barbara knew she was asking herself, so she nodded.


"Sister Nana" stared at Barbara, who was obviously much higher in appearance than everyone, and frowned slightly.

"Huh, are the newcomers so rude now?"

"Ah..." Barbara didn't know where to offend her, and looked at Lu Chen a little dumbfounded.

Lu Chen glanced at that "Sister Nana", and the good mood of chatting with Barbara just now was all ruined.

"Sister Nana" saw that Barbara still didn't react, glared at her with some dissatisfaction, and then looked at the others coldly.

"Why is this still so many people? How? Don't see the schedule?

She walked straight to the center of the studio, and the trainees got out of the way.

As soon as she said this, everyone in the dance studio was a little embarrassed, as if they were indeed too excited to practice and exceeded the time.

Someone started whispering.

And Lu Chen's hearing is very good.

"Let's go, let's go, the dance studio is going to be used by their group..."

She's alone, and she has to use an entire dance studio?

"Let's go, why do you still want to offend her?"

Seeing that "Sister Nana" was holding her arm, her eyes were getting worse and worse, everyone in the dance practice room dispersed in a burst of whispers, changed their clothes one by one, and left the room.

The dance practice room began to become empty, and "Sister Nana" did not change her clothes, she just looked at Lu Chen and Barbara, who were sitting on the side without moving, and her expression became colder and colder.

"It's just a matter of seeing seniors not saying hello, what else is it that is in the way there? Not fast yet? "

Ahhh... I..." Barbara heard and stood up.

As a result, he was pulled back by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at the female star with a smile, "You opened this dance practice room?" Do you want me to go? "

Sister Nana" The gaze that had been staring at Barbara finally moved to Lu Chen, and when she saw the face of the smiling young man, she was shook for a second, but after detecting the hostility of the other party, she still raised her eyebrows, and her face was even more unkind.

"Which regiment are you from? Haven't seen you?

"I'm from the Tivat Adventures." Lu Chen said.


"What... Regiment? The

female star seemed to flip through in her mind whether there was a boy group with this strange name in the company, but after seeing Lu Chen's funny smile that was not smiling, she immediately reacted.


She walked over directly, "What do you mean you? Do you know who I am? Are today's newcomers so uneyed?

As she got closer and closer, Lu Chen's expression finally became solemn.

He looked at the somewhat arrogant female star, pointed at her, and his eyes widened more and more.


..." "You..." The

teenager's expression seemed to satisfy the female star, "Recognized? If you recognize it, hurry up..." Lu

Chen pointed to the female star, "Who are you?" The

female star's expression was still stuck in the previous moment's pride, she didn't expect that this person solemnly pointed for a long time, and it was actually this reaction.

Still playing with her!

"What do you mean!" She put away her smile and immediately became angry.

"Lu Chen..." Barbara gently pulled Lu Chen's sleeves, and there was some embarrassment in her azure eyes.


She wanted to dissuade Lu Chen from clashing with the starlight female star, after all, this matter was not much big.

Lu Chen shook his head slightly, and then looked at Barbara with a serious face.

Barbara's temperament is still too mild, others are provoking to the head, and they still want to calm people.

If she joins the company, there will be more of this kind of thing in the future, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, stay away from garbage people, and stand firm at the beginning.

Just when Lu Chen was still thinking about what kind of words to use to tease the little star, a warm voice suddenly came from the door.

"Tony, where's the seedling, where are the good seedlings you are looking for?"

Upon hearing that voice, "Sister Nana" suddenly changed her expression and looked there with a particularly green and lovely smile.

"Yay! It's Mr. Zhao!

"And Director Wang!"

She greeted her like a flower butterfly.

Lu Chen and Barbara turned their heads and saw Tony, Wendy, and a tall and thin middle-aged man walking in.

"It's Nana." The middle-aged man called Mr. Zhao nodded, and his voice became much smoother.

"Mr. Zhao and Director Wang came to see my rehearsal! Great, this Starlight Carnival I..."

Halfway through her words, her smile froze.

Because after greeting lukewarmly, these people went straight to the seat against the wall.

Wendy squeezed his eyebrows at Lu Chen, and Tony smiled apologetically at Lu Chen.

"I'm sorry that the two of you have waited for a long time, let me introduce you to you, this is the general manager in charge of the starlight singing business, Zhao Xinghua, Zhao Zong."

Lu Chen smiled and shook hands with Zhao Xinghua, and Barbara stood aside with some restraint.

Zhao Xinghua glanced at Barbara, and then said to Tony with a smile: "It's the same as you said, the image is excellent, but this musical talent..."

Tony patted his chest repeatedly, "That timbre, that resonance, it's very transparent." "

Than V.T..." Zhao Xinghua looked at Wendy on the side, but perhaps thinking that there were outsiders present, he subconsciously withdrew his gaze.

"More powerful than V.T?" He continued to ask in a low voice.

Tony Wang immediately looked at "Nana" who became transparent on the side, and seemed to feel a little in the way.

Although "Nana" looked at the discussion of this group with some amazement and confusion, she still reacted quickly, she quickly nodded her head, and quickly left the dance practice room.

"President Zhao, Director Wang, you talk first, I'll go out first."

After the words fell, there was the sound of gently closing the door.

Lu Chen never looked at her again from beginning to end, he was just curious about what she called Tony.

"Okay, you! Promoted?

Lu Chen remembered that he was only a music producer before, and although he was old and famous, he had not yet reached the position of director in the company.

He remembered Wendy saying that above the directors was the general manager, so Tony must have been promoted.

When Tony faced Lu Chen, he smiled a little modestly, "Hmm... Although Gu Cheng is gone, Seon has lost his horse..."

He looked at the great hero who brought the starlight singing career back to life.

Wendy smiled and scratched her hair.

Tony also laughed, "When I fell into the storm of public opinion before, there were two senior old people who turned to Jiashi Entertainment, and now the sky is falling, and I am only one tall, and I can't help it if I don't go up..."

Zhao Xinghua smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Thanks to you, a Bole who can understand thousands of horses, otherwise there would be no current situation."

He smiled sincerely, and when he looked at Lu Chen and Barbara again, he urged: "Let's go, go to the studio to talk about specific things, I have to witness the second musical genius Tony said that he showed his singing voice." "

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