In the next few days, Lu Chen paid attention to the development of the outside world while helping Barbara go through the enrollment procedures.

Life still has to go on, the task should be done and has to be done, and the sudden pressure of the two worlds was put in the bottom of Lu Chen's heart.

In the height of summer, the temperature in the second class classroom becomes hotter and drier.

The sound of the slow fan overhead was irritating, and Lu Chen exited the news interface, closed the book and covered the phone.

The next class is the homeroom teacher's English class, and the classroom between classes is noisy, and many people are discussing the new transfer students.

"I heard that the new transfer student is a girl again, do you say that she will be a big beauty like Lei?"

Zhou Yang supported his chin with his hand and looked at the door of the class expectantly.

The lesbian table cast a disdainful gaze at Zhou Yang, "Will the beauty only turn to our class?" Is our class the center of the world?

Zhou Yang smiled, "What do you understand? According to the plot in the anime, the new transfer student must be a particularly good-looking girl... And then with the male protagonist who is not valued by the window seat but has a strong heart... There was a fateful encounter..." The

lesbian glanced at him up and down, and then pointed to Lu Chen, who was sitting in the front row, "Do you mean him?"

"You mean me! Me! Zhou Yang was indignant, "I'm also a window seat, okay... And how come the guy in front is not taken seriously, you look at the two of them!! The

lesbian table and Zhou Yang looked ahead together.

Lu Chen and classmate Lei were lying face to face on the table and chatting about something, Lu Chen frowned, classmate Lei seemed to be softly comforting, but no matter what they were talking about, in short, Zhou Yang's dog food was almost enough.

Zhou Yang lay on the table sadly, "Where is my encounter..." The

lesbian table couldn't stand his nagging, so she put on headphones.

"Eh, what are you listening to? Is it a new song again? Give me a listen too? "

Don't give!"

"Huh?" Zhou Yang looked at his head suspiciously and glanced at the same table on the other side, not knowing how to make her angry.


The recess time passed quickly, listening to the footsteps of the head teacher in the corridor, Lu Chen looked at the door.

After arriving in the classroom, the head teacher walked up to the podium and knocked on the blackboard.

"Okay, quiet down, before class, I'll introduce you to the new students who just turned over."

All the students looked at the podium, and a girl wearing a Haizhou summer school uniform stood next to the class teacher, greeting everyone with a playful voice.

"Great, hello everyone!"

The noisy classroom suddenly fell silent.

Barbara, who looks beautiful and cute, attracts the attention of all students, especially male students, and many people's eyes are dumbfounded.

After a moment of silence, the classroom suddenly boiled.

"Wow, whoa, whoa—it looks good!"

"Look what I said! The new classmate must be a beauty!

"It's so cute~

" "It's just so happy, what kind of immortal class is this..."

The head teacher reluctantly knocked on the blackboard again, and the whole classroom finally quieted down.

Barbara was a little frightened when she saw the enthusiastic and excited students, and her eyes for help found Lu Chen and Ying in the classroom.

Lu Chen smiled and blinked.

Seeing the reaction of her classmates, Ying was a little worried, "Everyone is so enthusiastic, will Barbara adapt to this environment?"

After Barbara introduced himself and was arranged by the teacher in the empty seat opposite the shadow, Lu Chen said in a low voice: "There is no way, if you want to become an idol, this is just a small battle..." The

idol admirers will only increase, and after Barbara becomes famous, this situation will only be more or less.

Compared to the fanatical idol fans, these young students can really only be regarded as small scenes....

This whole English class, Barbara was particularly helpless, because all kinds of eyes are intentionally or unintentionally looking here.

After class, Barbara's surroundings were even more crowded.

"Classmate Ba, if there is anything you don't understand in this lesson, I can help you review it."

"Huh? Ba classmate, your name is so strange, is it a custom in your house?

"Sister, your skin is so good! Have you ever used skincare products? Can you recommend it?

Lu Chen turned around and saw Barbara very helplessly dealing with the overenthusiastic male and female students, and half of the entire class gathered around.

When Ah Ying first entered the class, he was not so exaggerated....

Lu Chen and Ying looked at each other, it may be because of personality, ordinary people dare not stay in Ying's cold gaze for three seconds, but Barbara's personality is different, even if these students are asked one by one, she is not angry, and there is always a gentle and gentle smile on her mouth.

"Think of a way," Shadow saw Barbara overwhelmed, "It's not a solution either."

Lu Chen nodded, and just about to stand up and walk over, he saw Zhang Zikai, who was busy tidying up his hairstyle and was about to squeeze in to talk to him.

"You wait!"

Zhang Zikai originally wanted to say hello to the little goddess, but was caught by Lu Chen.

The anger on his face dissipated the moment he saw Lu Chen, and Zhang Zikai showed a bright smile, "Master? Are you looking for me?

"Why are you going?"

"I, I'll go say hello, what's wrong..."

Zhang Zikai was a little inexplicable, he looked at the new classmates who were surrounded in the crowd, and then looked at Lu Chen and Ying's unkind expressions.

After reaction, he suddenly realized.

"Ah—she's yours too... People over there?

He always knew that Lu Chen was surrounded by a group of "relatives" who were extraordinary in appearance and skill, and as soon as Lu Chen explained this, he immediately understood.

"It's Master, your little cousin!!"

Lu Chen nodded slightly, pointed to Barbara's location, and pointed to those classmates, "Help me keep an eye on the point, if anyone is in trouble with her, you can solve it directly, and if you can't solve it, come to me." "

Ah! Understood!

Zhang Zikai, who had been promoted to Lu Chen's number one horse boy and chief disciple, nodded repeatedly, although he regretted that he could not talk to the new little goddess, but he had to listen to what the master said.

"Don't worry! Leave it to me, I'll see which one doesn't dare to look long..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lu Chen and Ying walking over together.

Lu Chen was okay, as soon as Ying walked over, it seemed that a chilling cold air followed, and after seeing her eyes full of killing intent, the students who were originally overzealous suddenly returned to their seats.

Then there were all kinds of whispers in the classroom, basically complaints.

The film's gaze swept across the entire classroom again, and the classroom between classes suddenly fell silent.


.... Lu Chen burst out laughing, what did Ying do in school... How do you feel like becoming a female star....

Barbara looked at Shadow gratefully, wanting to say something, but Shadow looked directly at her tablemate.

The male gay stared blankly at the shadow, not understanding what she was going to do.

Second lesson.

Lu Chen and Ying Group changed seats, and the two of them sandwiched Barbara in the middle.

Since there were four seats in the middle row, Lu Chen's right side was empty, so the number one disciple of the loyal horse boy got his wish and could finally sit with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen covered his mouth and forced a smile.

What a nice and calm Monday....

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