At eight o'clock the next night, the much-anticipated Starlight Carnival began.

Lu Chen sat in the VIP seat arranged by Wendy, feeling the cheers in the rear, to be honest, he still underestimated the popularity of this concert.

The entire venue is full of tens of thousands of people, and the black pressure can only see the starry glow sticks, which is particularly exaggerated.

And this is still the popularity after the temporary change of venue - because of the explosion in the parking lot near the venue yesterday, in order to avoid the fire hazard, the organizers changed the performance venue.


The cheers of the fans behind him were so shocking that he couldn't even hear Ah Ying's voice clearly, but after years of tacit understanding with her, he could still tell what she was saying from his lip shape.

"Where are Ray and Wendy?"

The audience's voice was too loud, and Lu Chen could only lean next to Ying's ear, "Wendy has a performance today, by the way, I went backstage to see Barbara, Wei is still worried about the remnants of the Demon God, patrolling around the venue."

Feeling the warm breath of his approach, the shadow turned her face sideways to him, "Fish on patrol? Haven't you already checked around? "

No way, occupational disease." Lu Chen was helpless.

Wei was very concerned about the Demon God Remnants, and he had been tracking clues nearby all day, but as Lu Chen thought, there was no progress.

The Abyss Sect must have been wary, so it stopped all activities.

Moreover, the two worlds are isolated from each other, unless you can return to the world of Tivat and directly catch the group of Abyss Sects that are engaged in things, it is useless to do anything here.

"He's very conscientious." Shadow said.

Lu Chen nodded, although the tens of thousands of people here did not belong to Liyue Port, Wei still subconsciously felt that the matter of the Demon God Remnant was his obligation and wanted to protect the people here.

"That guy said he didn't like the Sea Lantern Festival, and now I finally realized it..." Lu

Chen was not as relaxed as he appeared, he had been observing the carnival scene to prevent the appearance of the Abyss Sect, so that he hadn't enjoyed a song until now, and it was not even clear how many guests appeared.

What is happening now is very similar to Haipang.

Every year during the Hai Lantern Festival, behind the laughter of people, the fish will also fight all night that night, and he can't stop for a moment, it can be said that every festival is the most serious time for him to work overtime.

"What about Qiqi?"

"Seventy-seven, seven-seven housekeeper."

Afraid that something big would happen tonight, Lu Chen didn't dare to take Qiqi out, anyway, that kid didn't like this occasion.


After saying to her, Lu Chen did not leave Ying's ear.

The warm breath seemed to rub the shadow's earlobe, making her feel a little itchy.

Lu Chen looked at her.

The flickering light on the stage fell on Ying's impeccable cheeks, and her eyes flickered, such a shadow was beautiful with an illusory feeling.

Lu Chen was not interested in the show, but he was fascinated by watching A Ying.

Lu Chen also saw that her crystal earlobe moved, which was particularly cute, so he mischievously leaned in and blew down.

The shadow touched his ears and pretended to continue watching the show without distraction.

So Lu Chen continued to get closer.

Finally, taking advantage of her unpreparedness, he gently took a bite of her small and delicate earlobe.

The taste is really sweet.



Shadow was stunned, she looked left and right, and then pushed Lu Chen back to his seat with some anger.

Lu Chen smirked twice, and then he was mocked by the god son on the other side.


"It's still a VIP seat, don't you know how to be ashamed!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen looked around.

It is said that there are many celebrity guests around him, but he does not know any of them, and everyone is watching the show, it is dark, and no one notices him at all.

"Lie to me again." Lu Chen glanced at her.

Miko held the oily tofu that Lu Chen made for her from the RV kitchen, and while eating small bites, she enjoyed the heart-rending singing of a certain singer on the stage.

The VIP area is a group of rich and famous audiences, and there is no one as casual as her, eating and watching.

But no one said anything, Lu Chen's group of three temperament is here, even if Shenzi drinks beer and strokes the skewers, it is quite elegant and good-looking.

"What is shame? My generation does not know. "Lu Chen's face is quite thick, just now the shadow is so alluring, wouldn't it be a loss not to tease?

The Son of God gave him a look of disgust and disdain.

Then she held out her hand and made a "come and I'll tell you" gesture.

"Huh?" Lu Chen blinked.

Miko continued to make that "hurry up" gesture, his expression gradually becoming impatient.

Lu Chen leaned his face over, wanting to hear what she was going to say.

"Lu ~ Chen ~ ah ~ "

Shenzi approached slightly, and his eyes flowed, which was a charming brilliance.

She stopped very close to Lu Chen, almost sticking to it, and Lu Chen felt that the fluff on his face stood up.

The warm breath slapped on his face.

"The slave family wants to ~

" "Want..." This

ambiguous and provocative tone immediately made Lu Chen's head up, his ears were crispy and numb, and his brain was buzzing.

He hissed, covered his ears and bounced back into his seat like lightning.

It has always been his part to tease others, but I didn't expect that being anti-guest would be like this....

Secretly glanced at A Ying and saw that she didn't react, Lu Chen continued to watch the performance as he sat squarely.

The singer closed his eyes, the whole person knelt in the center of the stage, the treble was quite good, but the song was not good.

"Do you know what shame is?"

Lu Chen turned his head and saw Shenzi holding his arm, and his expression had returned to the disgust at the beginning.

"Got it..."

It's still the Son of God, even he was shy just now.

For some reason, during this time, he always felt that the godson was getting bolder and more bold, and Lu Chen glanced at her quietly again.

Miko was covering his mouth and snickering, and the fox's ears were about to be exposed.

I really have time to educate this fox.


The high-pitched male singer just now seemed to have a lot of fans, and he cheered for a long time after he left the scene.

However, when the host called out the next performer, there was little response, because almost no audience had heard of the group.

"Huh? School idol? Shadow leaned over curiously, "Is it Barbara them?"

Lu Chen quickly nodded, "That's right.

Finally, it was Barbara's turn to perform, and Lu Chen retracted some of his leisure and stared intently at the stage.

This should be a quiet song, and the colorful lights on the stage are all gone, leaving only a clean beam of light coming down from above, which makes Barbara holy like an angel on stage.

"This is Miss Barbara's first big performance, and if she makes a successful debut on this occasion, she will definitely explode next."

I don't know when, Tony of Starlight Company came from the aisle holding his mobile phone, and he was sitting not far from Lu Chen.

Lu Chen greeted him, and Tony continued to bury his head in observing the trend on the hot search.

"Don't be nervous, Barbara..." Tony was still a little worried, although Wendy, who accompanied her, would not drop the chain, Barbara had never seen such a big stage.

"It will definitely succeed!" Lu Chen said very decisively.

Even though he said that, he couldn't help but feel nervous for Barbara, and his palms were sweaty.

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