In the Hall of Relics, under Lu Chen's coercion, that Abyss Apostle finally turned on the equipment again.

Lu Chen looked to the left and right, the Divine Son and the shadow were located on either side of the fish, and his own Sky Blade was against the neck of the Abyss Apostle, as long as he made any wrong move, Lu Chen would not hesitate to move, even if it terminated this rare opportunity.

A moment later, the Abyss Apostle's mouth began to mumble, chanting obscure incantations, and using the power from the Abyss to drive the operation of the equipment.

In an instant, the core of the device floating in the air erupted with a strange burst of light.

At the same time, the ready-to-be fish suddenly let out a muffled snort.

He closed his eyes tightly, sweat ran down his forehead, and his usual calm expression was completely gone, leaving only pain... As well as forcible patience.

Subsequently, the karma on the fish's body emanated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continued to spread around.

For a while, the black mist spread throughout the hall, and Lu Chen felt a strong evil aura.

Filth, hatred, resentment... The immortal consciousness brought by the dead demon god has always been destroying the body and spirit of the fish, like some kind of vicious curse.

But today, Lu Chen saw an opportunity to end all this.

Lu Chen saw that those black mist gradually twisted, and after falling to the ground, they quickly turned into the form of various hateful monsters, and the Demon God Remnants were really activated.

"Aying, Miko, it's out!"

The shadow's face was serious, and she had once again clenched the "Dream One Heart" in her hand.

The Son of God no longer had the careless expression of the past, and a string of purple magic weapons like bells appeared in her hand.

Those hideous pitch-black monsters are the karmic embodiments accumulated over thousands of years, they are stimulated in the form of embodiment, and there are more and more of them, and a large area of black pressure is completely invisible.

Shadow took the lead, and "Dream One Heart" slashed forward at the speed of an afterimage, and then, the entire ruins hall shook violently, and the upside-down ruins tower was cut abruptly by her.

All the evil spirits along the way were all killed by her sword, turned into black ashes, and disappeared into the air.

Of course, the ruins hall was also destroyed by her, and a ravine two people wide appeared at her feet.

"Ah Ying, you move a little less..." Lu Chen was afraid that she would directly cut down this tower, he and Shenzi could escape, but Wei was now in a very weak state, and he couldn't stand it.

"Got it."

As soon as the video voice fell, it was another knife.

This knife obviously converged a little strength, but it still overturned all the southern walls of the ruins, and a large piece of evil was cut away by her, and there was not even ash left.

Feeling the violent shaking of the ruins, Lu Chen looked at the ruins around him, and couldn't help but feel sluggish.

This building... Even the world-destroying war between the First Throne and the Second Throne in the year of the funeral fire could be avoided, but it could not avoid Ah Ying's two random swords...

He remembers that there is a plot behind this place, it seems that history is going to be rewritten... One day, the Prince of the Abyss led a group of younger brothers back to see his secret base, but found that they were all demolished, and they didn't know how to feel.

On the other hand, Yae Miko, who has rarely shot since coming to the real world, also took action.

In the black mist-filled environment, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then several huge fox tails appeared.

"True pupils appear! "

The heavenly fox-like thunder descended from the sky, and in an instant, it wiped out a large black evil in front of him.

Of course, it also makes the already unsustainable ruins even worse.

The ground shook violently, and Lu Chen almost went limp, but he couldn't care about himself, but immediately picked up the shaky fish.

The face of the fish was pale, with almost no trace of blood, and Lu Chen had never seen the Protector Yasha in such a weak state.

Those evil spirits are all coming at him, and Lu Chen needs to keep an eye on the Abyss Apostle to prevent him from making small moves, and also become the protector of the Protector Yasha to protect the safety of the fish.

"I don't care..." said the fish through gritted teeth even though he was so weak.

"If you can't stand it, be sure to talk to me!" Lu Chen said quickly.

"Good." Rays nodded with difficulty.

Looking back at the battle situation again, when he was helping the fish just now, several fish that slipped through the net came from the left and right, looking at these hateful looking monsters, Lu Chen frowned irritably, because they were the culprits that caused the fish to suffer.

The voice of the Abyss Apostle chanting the mantra was also getting slower and slower at this time, and he looked left and right, not knowing whether he was worried about the situation of being besieged at this time, or trying to find a way to delay.

Lu Chen raised the Sky Blade, not giving him this kind of opportunity to think.

All ten or so evil spirits were all killed by Lu Chen, and the speed was so fast that people couldn't tell whether he had made one sword or many knives.

"Be honest and focus on your own business!" Lu Chen gave him another kick.

The Abyss Apostle continued to bury his head in the equipment.

At this time, Kage and Miko no longer knew how many waves of evil had been eliminated, and the evil manifested by this thousand-year karma seemed to be endless, emptying an area, and immediately aroused many new evils.

Time passes in a constant killing....

Lu Chen saw that Shenzi's eyes were a little tired, and he was a little worried about her state.

"Miko, if it doesn't work, you and I will change, let me do

it..." "Don't worry about the main palace division..." The interval between Miko's battles glanced at Lu Chen, "Compared to me and Ying, your duties are the most important, and the fate of the fish is in your hands..."

Before Lu Chen could say anything, the Miko changed his expression again.

"Besides, don't underestimate Honguji! In the five hundred years since you disappeared, I am much more powerful~"

Saying that, several more heavenly fox-like thunders fell from the sky.

Although the momentum was still the same, Lu Chen could see that the thunder she summoned had obviously become less.

Shenzi must be in a very tired state by casting too many spells now, but when she and Lu Chen spoke, she still pretended to have the same careless demeanor as before.

"Hard work..." Lu Chen smiled bitterly.

However, when he was still worried about her, his eyes suddenly caught a few fox tails looming behind her.


Lu Chen first snorted, and then his expression suddenly realized.

I thought to myself:

'I said where is your tail, it is hidden here, can it only be revealed when fighting...

'" The tail of the Son of God really hasn't been seen for a long time. Shenzi

didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking, but he was quite serious just now, but suddenly his eyes became strange.

Following his gaze, it turned out that this guy was actually staring at the tail behind him.

"What do you see!?"

Shenzi looked at Lu Chen in disgust, and several fluffy-looking tails disappeared instantly.

"Don't..." Lu Chen felt a little disappointed in his heart.

He used to like this big furry tail, it was very comfortable to sleep on the pillow, and it felt good to grab it....

Miko glanced at him and knew at once what he was thinking.

"Hmph, pervert!"

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