"Can you stop worrying about your plan to assassinate the Raiden General..." Lu Chen looked at Ying with a helpless expression.

"Huh?" Ying wondered, "But this is the best way so far, in the unfavorable situation on the battlefield, we can only come up with this strategy, for this we have colluded with the defenders in the city..."

"Yes." Ying believed Lu Chen in all directions, so much so that he couldn't think of the possibility that he would stand on the other side, "It took us a lot of effort to buy a few people, and on the day of the assassination, we will be promised convenience, and... In fact, Goro and they have all sneaked in and left a mark on the message board of Inazuma Castle..."

Is the defense of Inazuma City so collapsed now..." Lu Chen looked back at the shadow.

The shadow frowned slightly, his expression was a little gloomy, it seemed that he did not expect that his own territory could allow the enemy to come and go so freely....

"It seems that this Inazuma City really needs a big blood change now..." muttered Lu Chen.

"What do they do!" Ying smiled and said, "The decay of the shogunate army is our advantage!" "

Hmm..." Lu Chen nodded slightly, "That's right."

Ying continued to talk about their battle plan, "If we succeed in infiltration, we will be able to meet in Inazuma Castle

, and then this and that..." Lu Chen looked at Ying who had been talking endlessly about his assassination plan in front of the enemy leader, and only felt that this scene was particularly magical....

After speaking, Ying raised his head and looked at Lu Chen and said, "How is it?" "

Very good plan." Shadow said.

Lu Chen coughed twice in embarrassment, "It's a good plan, it's very well arranged..."

Ying looked at Lu Chen and his two "new travel companions".

Surprisingly, Kage actually agreed, "We will definitely be there on the day of the assassination." Lu

Chen looked at her suspiciously and gave a 'What do you want to do?' of eyes.

Shadow didn't react.

"Great!" Ying said happily: "Then it was decided!" You must be tired from the long journey, settle down here first, and I'll arrange accommodation and food for you..."

Lu Chen didn't come here to experience life, time was limited, and he still had many important things lined up, "You take me to find Goro and Xinhai first."

"Both of them?" Ying shook his head, "Xinhai should still be on Kaiji Island, and Goro is leading the team to the snake bone mine cave, and he has not yet returned." "

Snake bone cave?"

"That's right." Ying frowned and said, "In the recent period, the gods on the island, that is, the remnants of the Demon God, have been making trouble, and General Goro took a team of elite sergeants to explore there, and he set out from the day before yesterday, but there has been no news..."

Lu Chen still remembered the matter of the Evil Eye Factory, and I wanted to think about it, it should be the location on Yasai Island.

After saying this, Ying wanted to leave the military tent and go to help Lu Chen settle his residence, but Zheping suddenly hurried in.

"Captain Ying, it's not good! General Goro, they are trapped deep in the cave to the southwest!

"What!" Ying looked at Teppei in surprise.

Because of the critical situation, Teppei ran very quickly and kept panting, so Ying quickly asked him to slow down before speaking.

Tetsuhira held his heaving chest, and it took a few seconds before he finally calmed down.

"The soldier who returned to deliver the letter reported that General Goro had found an unusual cave in the south of the snake bone cave, which had an extremely strong aura of mystery, and he was fine before entering the cave, but this morning there was a sudden violent vibration inside. The entrance to the cave has all collapsed, there is no other exit at present, our people are digging hard, the matter is urgent, so I quickly came to inform you!

"How so!?" Paimon circled in mid-air worriedly, "Not only is it dark inside, but there is no food, how terrifying that is!"

"Paimon, you know how to eat!" Ying gave her a blank look, and then said to Zheping: "Take me with you!" "Good


At this time, Lu Chen suddenly said: "Take us over too."

"But you've just been here..." Ying hesitated, "You better rest more, I'm here in a position, so this matter concerns me."

"However, we are good at the Demon God Remnant!" Lu Chen smiled, and then took out a bladeless sword that was infused with [Yuan Energy] out of thin air.

Ying didn't know why he suddenly took out the same kind of bladeless sword as himself, but subconsciously said: "But..."

Lu Chen waved his big hand, and his expression had no room for refusal.

"Oh..." Ying knew Lu Chen's temper, although he always smiled gently, but as soon as this expression appeared, there was no way to refuse.


Three hours later.

With his squad, Ying followed Teppei quickly to the place he had mentioned.

Lu Chen, Ying and Nasida also followed the team.

A hole blocked by many large stones appeared in front of you, and you would not find it if you didn't look closely, and at this time, many soldiers were digging desperately outside.

"General Goro has been inside for two whole days..." Tetsuhira was worried.

Lu Chen observed the topography here, if he remembered correctly, inside the cave was the Evil Eye Factory secretly built by the fools, but he didn't expect that Goro was the first to discover here.

It seems that because of myself and the system, the original plot has been greatly shifted, and it may be that the more the world line is changed, the more unrecognizable.

He looked at the way the soldiers were digging, and his brows furrowed slightly, "When will it be dug up like this?" When Goro is not in danger and starves to death inside, you let them stop, or I will come!

Ying still remembered the skills that Lu Chen had displayed in the camp before, and she immediately commanded the soldiers.

After the soldiers all stopped in confusion and slowly retreated, Lu Chen stepped forward.

I saw that he waved his hand gently, and half of the mountain began to shake, which made everyone's eyes widen.

The stones blocking the entrance of the cave contained countless rock elements, Lu Chen manipulated the invisible rock elements in this way, so that the dust, gravel, and rock formations all moved to the sides, and with a wave of his hand, the mouth of the cave seemed to be cut open by a huge axe, quickly splitting in two, revealing the depths of the black hole inside.

"Lu Chen, is he so powerful now..." Ying

felt that he still underestimated Lu Chen now, and now the power he showed was similar to that of the gods....

"The breath inside is so gloomy..." Paimon floated behind Ying a little timidly.

Because after the mouth of the cave was cleared, from the depths of the cave, there was a chilling, evil and filthy breath.

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