After the arrival of late autumn, as the weather became colder day by day, Lu Chen's plans were also steadily advancing.

Every day, he would go out against the early morning chill, fly to various places to deal with the crisis of the dead domain on the bright side, pay attention to the new developments in the laboratory when he came back, and finally urge Xia Ling to look for Big Viagra in All Demons....

I didn't expect to be so busy when I came back....

But he could not slack off at all, because he always felt that the instability of the "boundary" was directly related to the erosion of the abyss force.

The group of guys from the Abyss Sect must be secretly tinkering with some big conspiracy again.

Lu Chen, who had dealt with the death domain that day, had just returned home to drink saliva when Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a dazzling blue light erupting from the villa next door.

Along with it, there was Nasida's excited scream.

"What's the situation?"

Lu Chen and Wendy, who was slumped on the sofa, looked at each other.

He thought that something had gone wrong over there in the lab, but how could Nasida smile so happily?

Prompted by curiosity, Lu Chen and Wendy knocked on the door of the villa next door.

Then he saw a scene that surprised him: a Gundam was flying in the sky!

I saw that the rear wing and soles of the Gundam erupted several clusters of blue fireworks, deftly performing various movements in the villa hall, not to mention how cool the shape was.

"Huh?" Wendy held the wine bottle and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, "Isn't that your gift to Nasida?"

"Really." Lu Chen felt familiar as soon as she entered the door, and upon closer inspection, it was indeed the Gundam toy that Nasida bought for her in the supermarket when she first came over, because it was the first time she received a gift, and she also got an achievement...

However, the Gundam in front of Lu Chen is not the real size, otherwise the villa would have exploded long ago, and the Gundam flying in the air to do various shapes is just a toy about twenty centimeters tall.

Seeing Lu Chen appear, Naxi Daji said with joy: "I didn't expect it, this cool robot can actually move!" "

I didn't expect it..." Lu Chen looked at Ying.

Shadow took off his goggles and took off his white overalls.

She explained for Lu Chen: "I have tested the Yuan Energy Bladeless Sword before, but I think that just instilling it into a cold weapon cannot reflect the value of Yuan Energy, so I did an experiment with Naxida's toys."

"The experiment was successful!" Lu Chen said in surprise, "In the future, if the abyss dares to attack, it will be good to go directly to the robot, saving me from making a move." "

To be able to create a robot of this level, this is not Tivat Industry 2.0, but directly soared to the era of cybertechnology!"

The blue flame Gundam slowly landed in front of Shadow's test bench, and Shadow knew Lu Chen's thoughts and shook his head with a smile.

"Don't think so exaggeratedly, I just made this toy more dexterous based on the technology used to make the doll, it still has no intelligence."


"And." Shadow said: "This robot is not currently loaded with a combat system, but it can do this simple air show, but fortunately, the utilization rate of Yuan Energy is very exaggerated, and it has almost unlimited endurance."

"Sister Ying is amazing!" Nasida's eyes smiled into a crescent, "This level of mechanical device is almost close to the Red King Technology of the past, and now we only need to develop the Yuan Energy weapon from a cold weapon to a thermal energy weapon, and we have a powerful combat tool." Lu

Chen's mind flashed a scene of mechanical swarms sweeping across Tivat.

If he can achieve it, his hole cards will be more and more, and in the future, he will already have the confidence to compete with the sky and the abyss.

Because of the breakthrough in the experiment, Lu Chen was very happy, so today's dinner was exceptionally rich.

Rigetsu, Inazuma, and his newly studied Meru cuisine come together, and a large family gathers in a lively and lively gathering.

However, there were still no skirmishers.

Lu Chen frowned and moved his perception to his room.

It was completely different from the lively atmosphere outside, and the skirmishers sat alone in the deserted room reading a book, quietly, like an autistic child....

"I'll go call him out." Nasita, who was sensitive in her mind, said.

After she went upstairs, Wendy looked at Ying and Lu Chen curiously, "Do dolls also eat?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Let's not talk about this, it's not good to always be like this, otherwise it looks like we squeezed him out."

Everyone whispered, and then Hu Tao suddenly said: "This new guest of ours doesn't like to talk, Bidiluc doesn't like to talk!" These days, I can count him on one hand when he speaks.

Shenzi laughed when he heard this, "And the few opportunities to speak are all with Lu Chen."

Lu Chen laughed helplessly, in the eyes of the skirmishers, he must be a hateful and angry evildoer, and he can't beat himself, so he can get away with it.

Under everyone's expectant gaze, after a long time, Nasida finally came to the dinner table with silent skirmishers.

The skirmishers looked around wordlessly, and then sat silently in a corner at the end of the dining table, still silent.

Influenced by him, the originally lively atmosphere has also become much more embarrassing.

"Hey! Don't be so raw! Wendy began to enthusiastically promote his drink, "Come and drink a little, we are all friends here~"

The skirmish coldly refused, "No." "

Wendy remains enthusiastic and wants to impress him with a welcoming attitude.

The skirmish finally showed an impatient expression, he glanced at Wendy, who was drinking, and mocked:

"I know that Mond's wind god loves to drink, at first I just thought it was a anecdote of the gods, but I didn't expect you to be such an unorthodox drunkard, no wonder Mond is full of drunkards who don't do their business today, I think this atmosphere is driven by you."

"If you don't drink it, don't drink it..." Wendy retracted the wine glass ruefully, and showed a helpless look to Lu Chen, which obviously said: "It's better for you to take care of it!"

Lu Chen didn't say anything, but chatted with everyone about his busy affairs during this time.

He said that he wanted to build a game company, and Xia Ling had helped him find many senior game producers in China, but so far, he was not satisfied.

Those few people opened their mouths and closed their revenues, which was completely inconsistent with his imagination of a maker who was dedicated to studying games, and he now needed a producer who loved the entire Tivat universe in his heart.

You must know that in another world, before a certain point in time, there are almost no high-quality masterpieces in the country, and the big Viagra and his little partners can be said to have single-handedly let the "darkness fall" and opened up cultural products such as "Genshin" that are popular all over the world.

Therefore, the project "Genshin" still needs this kind of big Viagra who is full of enthusiasm for games and quadratics in his heart to control it.

But the good news is that under his money-throwing search regardless of the cost, Xia Ling really helped him find a man surnamed Liu, and it was extremely consistent with Lu Chen's description.

But at this time, the man surnamed Liu had just failed to start a business, had not a penny left in his pocket, was frustrated with the game industry, and even decided to go to the school gate to sell sweet potatoes for small business....

It's really miserable to listen to this description....

"Can't even a high-paying hire impress?" Miko was very concerned about this matter, "Didn't he fail to start a business because he made games?" Now that you have angel investment, shouldn't you be excited to get back to your old business?

"I don't know what he went through..." Lu Chen was also strange, could it be that this man surnamed Liu was not a real big Viagra?

But he has seen the photos, so he is sure that the man surnamed Liu is indeed the big Viagra, but at this time he is still very young.

"Since the soft one can't work, come the hard one!" Hall Master Hu has always been simple and direct, she finished pulling the rice in the bowl and said directly: "Since you need this person so much, let's just tie him up directly!" "

Farewell..." Lu Chen said, even if you want to PUA big Viagra, you have to fool him over....

After getting on the thief's boat, he tossed Big Viagra as much as he wanted, but before that, he still had to show sincerity, and if Xia Ling's persuasion didn't work, he was ready to visit in person.

Everyone said a word, all kinds of brain holes burst out on the dinner table, Lu Chen had many new ideas, and the atmosphere of the dinner became lively again.

The skirmishers, who were incompatible with the atmosphere, looked at everyone who was like a family, and lowered his eyes slightly, making it impossible to see his emotions at the moment.

The sharp-minded Nasida saw everything in her eyes, and an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She knew that no matter how mean and impatient the skirmisher's mouth was, in fact, he still yearned for this kind of family-like atmosphere.

Now he is just a hindrance to his face and stubbornness.

When the dinner came to an end, everyone dispersed, leaving only Ying and Lu Chen on their seats.

And of course skirmishers.

"Since I'm done eating, then I'll go back." He said lightly.

Unexpectedly, a delicate piece of crimson cherry cake flew into his bowl.

"Don't tell me that you don't eat any human food when you step on the sand?"

"I eat or not, I want you..." The skirmishers subconsciously wanted to refuse, but saw that Lu Chen and Ying had already left.

"Aying, can that Gundam of yours fit and deform?"

"Huh? Deformation... Good idea..."

Hurry up, I can't wait..." The

skirmish glanced at the departing backs of the two and snorted.


He once again turned his gaze to the crimson cherry cake in front of him, this delicate and elegant Inazuma confectionery, which he had seen Niwa eat before, and at this time, a faint fragrance of cherry blossoms lingered on the tip of his nose.

The skirmishers slowly looked to the left and right, and on both sides of the empty dining table, only themselves were left.

A certain impulse suddenly appeared in his heart, so he slowly moved his chopsticks.

"Hmm..." After

tasting it, he still smiled mockingly.

"Unexpectedly, that guy's craft is really interesting..."

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