After completely solving that wind mecha, Lu Chen's current enemy was only the young doctor.

Nasida and the skirmishers had not returned after entering the World Tree, and for a while the ruins of the God-making workshop became much quieter.

After witnessing Lu Chen's terrifying strength, the young doctor seemed to be deeply shocked and completely gave up the attack.

The barrage attack in the sky was over, and he turned to use the endless energy of the Divine Heart to try to maintain the layer of jade shield that was difficult to shake.

"It's useless, sooner or later your energy will run out." Lu Chen sneered.

The Great Sword of Light in his hand continued to slash at the shield, each sword dimming the shield's glow.

With his own offensive now, perhaps the doctor will not be able to hold out at the moment when the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Although the attribute of the rock system is known for defense, the light realm force is a higher level of existence that integrates the seven elements, even if he only masters the six elements now, each attack can still slowly penetrate into the seemingly indestructible body.

The newly branded artificial gods have now become scarred, and every piece of transmission structure is rattling, like a mud truck about to be scrapped.

Looking at the young doctor who was still trapped in the battle of beasts, Lu Chen smiled and asked, "What are you waiting for?" Don't tell me you're waiting for outside support?

His perception continued to expand, and he saw that Akira had fought with the Doctor and the captain from the east of Meru City to the west of Meru City, and the place he passed was full of earth-shaking thunderstorms.

It is worthy of being a shadow, and it seems to be at ease with one enemy and two, and does not fall behind.

No, wait....

Lu Chen only found out that it was only Ah Ying who was fighting, where did Wendy and the old man go?

Continuing to spread his perception, he found that Zhong Li was holding up a golden shield wall like a canopy, encircling the venue where the three of them fought like a martial arts training ground.

In this way, the troops brought by the captain were all blocked by him, and the people could also be avoided when the immortals fought.

"Hmm... It's also a way to help. Lu Chen wanted to see what Wendy was doing.

Perception continued to search, and he finally found Wendy.

Wendy was sitting on a bench watching a play, and there were bottles of wine on the bench...

"Lean!" Lu Chen was suddenly speechless, when is it, you are helping!

But upon closer inspection, he felt that he had misunderstood Wendy, because next to the bench, there was an old man with a big tie tied on the ground, and judging by his attire, it should be the Great Sage of the Ordinance, Azhar.

After the Great Sage was taken, many people in the Holy House and the Thirty-Man Group were trying to rescue him, but they were drawn from it.

"Forget it..." Lu Chen sighed, it seemed that the two gods of Feng Yan were unwilling to do too much, which was also in line with their consistent position.

Looking back at the temperless young doctor who was beaten, his Jade Zhang shield finally revealed a crack under Lu Chen's attack.

The core of the mech flickered constantly, and the Doctor tried to mend the gap in a panic.

Lu Chen would not give him this opportunity, he took advantage of the time to slow down, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, he got into the Yuzhang shield.

The doctor's reaction was also very fast, he actually canceled the shield directly, the energy core penetrated the ceiling, and a huge celestial star covering the entire field of vision appeared.

If this heavenly star falls, it will not only be Lu Chen who will be hit, but also the doctor himself.

It's a near-self-destructive madness driven to a cliff.

The young doctor looked at the aggressive enemy in front of him and showed a weird smile.

"Die, die together! Since my plan failed, don't try to survive!

Lu Chen looked up at the sky and asked rhetorically, "Do you have a bad memory?" "

What?" The Doctor's eyes widened suddenly.

Because Lu Chen's figure disappeared, the entire God-Maker Workshop was left with only a golden ball of light that was becoming more and more dazzling above his head.

The ability of the gap in time and space is not only stealth and hiding, Lu Chen's body directly came to another dimension that does not belong to the world of Tivat, which is a special ability brought by the reality Tivat system.

Because of this ability, he can live leisurely in that beach villa, without any organization, any organization can find traces of his secret actions.

"Stop, stop..." The

doctor's original intention was to die with Lu Chen, but now it has simply become a unilateral suicide...

The energy core gradually dimmed, and the golden ball of light in the sky became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

The young doctor seemed to have lost any fighting spirit at this moment, no matter what means he used, the enemy's incomprehensible ability could be perfectly restrained, he had never seen such a human being.

"What the hell are you... "

Why do you always sabotage my plans?"

Lu Chen's laughter appeared in the air, and he appeared in front of the mecha again, "Blame me?" He

didn't want to fight against these paranoid and difficult guys like the Fools, but wherever he went, there were them everywhere, no way, the Fools and the Abyss Order were the "villains" in this world.

The dragon chant in the box that had killed the young doctor stabbed into the cockpit, and Lu Chen was ready to give this slice the same death method.

The blade broke through the cabin, and the young doctor's bloodshot red eyes appeared in front of him, and his own body was too consumed in order to control this artificial god.

But just before the blade was about to pierce the chest, there was a twist in the air.

Lu Chen originally thought that the doctor's helper came to the rescue, but what appeared next to him was the figure of a skirmisher.

"You..." "

Let me come!!" The skirmishers' voices were almost furious.

Lu Chen looked at him stunned, the state of the skirmishers was even more exaggerated than the young doctor who was overdrawn with vitality, his hair was scattered, his face was fiercely twisted together, and his purple eyes stared at the doctor in the cockpit, as if with a great hatred.

"How's the World Tree going... What happened to you?

Lu Chen had never seen such an emotional outward appearance of skirmishers, and even in the Castle Tower, he had not shown such monstrous hatred.

"Kill you!!"

The skirmishers gritted their teeth and rushed into the cockpit with their swords, and the young doctor looked at the figure getting closer and closer, and his gaze finally changed from trepidation to mockery.

He hooked the corners of his mouth and chuckled, "You got it? "


As the words came to life, the long sword pierced into the Doctor's chest, and the skirmishers stirred frantically inside him, and scarlet blood splashed everywhere.

A steaming, hot heart was dug out alive by him.

Then he smashed it with one foot and turned into blood droplets.


came Nasita's voice from below.

Lu Chen looked at her, "What exactly did you see inside?" What happened to him skirmishers? After

the Doctor died, the huge mecha crashed to the ground, and the Divine Heart that exuded golden light slowly fell into Lu Chen's hands.

The skirmishers fell with Lu Chen, and Lu Chen saw a flame in the young man's eyes, which was a cheerful flame that represented revenge.

Nasida was also in a bad state, she had just cried, and there were two dry tear marks faintly on her immature face.

"What the hell is wrong with you..." Lu Chen looked at them worriedly, really wondering what was happening in the World Tree.

"Let's not talk about me." Nasida shook her head and also looked at the skirmishers who were staring at the wreckage of the mech.

"In the World Tree, all the information of the world of Tivat is stored, where he saw the truth about the disaster in the Tamara Sand of the year."

She said in a low voice: "It turns out that the disaster of stepping on the sand back then was caused by the doctor, and Niwa, who 'absconded in fear of crime', actually did not betray the skirmishers... Like those craftsmen, he was also killed by the doctor, and he was saddled with hundreds of years of crimes and misunderstandings

..." "So it is..." Lu Chen fell silent, and many things gradually became clear.

In the years since, skirmishers join the fools under the trick of the Doctor, and skirmishers have committed many evil deeds in order to fake revenge, causing the swordsmith family Raiden Wuchuan to be almost cut off.

As a result, he is now told that everything is wrong, very wrong!

Such a thing, if you change to yourself, I am afraid that you will also be so gaffe, so angry....

The skirmish suddenly laughed, and he laughed maniacally.

"Dortore? Hahaha... Dortore!! "

I was for a fake lie... Step by step, he has done so many things that he thinks are right..."

Lu Chen looked at the skirmishers who were laughing maniacally, and there was an unconcealable pathos in his laughter.

"My friend, Niwa... He has never betrayed me

..." "Then what is the meaning of what I have done..."

"What is the meaning of my existence?"

He bowed his head deeply, like a lifeless puppet, and slumped on the ground.

Lu Chen sighed helplessly, for a moment, he felt that the skirmishers had lost the motivation to live.

After a long time, the God Creation Hall was still silent.

He looked at the motionless skirmishers and suddenly said

, "Although you have been deceived and launched a wrong revenge on innocent people, you must know that your real enemy who caused all this is still alive."

"That's right." The skirmish slowly raised his head, and a hint of brilliance finally appeared in his purple eyes.


"No matter how many slices he has! No matter the end of the world! I'm going to kill him completely!"

Nasida looked at such skirmishers and shook her head helplessly, and revenge became his driving force again.

Lu Chen shrugged at her, and now it could only be like this.

He slowly walked to the skirmisher and said with a smile: "I heard Nasida say that you have always wanted to defeat me, so whether it is to kill the doctor or kill me, your current state is not enough!"

Lu Chen stretched out his hand towards him, "You are like this now, I'm afraid I can pinch you to death with one hand." The

skirmish looked at the palm that was close at hand, and did not hold it, but stared at Lu Chen's eyes.

Lu Chen smiled again and said: "Don't think too much, I'm not caring about you, but if you have something wrong, I don't think either Aying or Nasida will be willing, right?"


The skirmish evoked a mocking smile, "You also have times of duplicity?

Then, he grabbed Lu Chen's wrist tightly and stood up again.

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