In an open-air garden outside Meru Castle, the fresh breeze blows in your face and the smell of flowers blooming.

The place where the five gods negotiated was chosen in such a beautiful place.

However, although the garden is quiet and pleasant, the atmosphere outside the garden is serious and tense to the extreme.

The acting sage Elheisen personally came to the scene to maintain order, the garden was full of elite mercenaries patrolling everywhere, and on the Winter Kingdom, not only the Empress guards protected the venue, but also four mysterious Fool Executive Officers.

Between the fools' previous actions that harmed Meru, every Meru looked at them with anger in their eyes, and the two sides repeatedly clashed, and there was an atmosphere of water and fire.

Just now, the two sides quarreled over trivial matters.

Al Heisen looked at this scene with a little headache, he didn't want to be an acting sage, he only felt that all this was extremely troublesome.

With the relationship between those three gods and Kusanagami-sama, the safety of this place is beyond doubt, but with the arrival of the Empress of Solstice, the huge city of Meru has poured into many foolish spies.

But it didn't stop for him, because of his identity, he also had to deal with the four foolish executives, except for the son Dadalia, who was still good to talk to, and everyone else was a guy with a bad personality.

"When this month is over, let's submit your resignation to the grass god..." Elheisen rubbed his temples.


In the garden, Wendy smiled and filled the long table with good wine.

Zhongli looked at the beautiful flowers blooming in the garden, his eyes thinking, and he seemed to be pondering the glazed lilies that had frozen to death in front of his house.

Ying sat silently beside Lu Chen, and since the arrival of the Ice God, he had not said a word.

Nasita sat at the head of the long table, her emerald green eyes constantly looking at the Ice Empress she had never seen before.

The quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time.

"That..." Lu Chen coughed, finally breaking the silence in the garden.

The woman with long white hair like snow and a face like frost looked towards her.

"It's good to talk about something, you came all the way here, you won't come to accompany us in a daze, right?"

"Then let's drink something first." Wendy laughed, his hand flickering, and the glass full of wine streaked across the long table and stopped in front of the ice god.

The Ice God slowly raised the wine glass, but did not drink it.

Her eyes swept over the several gods present, and said lightly: "I feel that your power seems to be stronger than five hundred years ago?" "

Oh? Is it? Wendy pretended to be confused, "Maybe touching fish is good for the body and mind, or you can try it too?"

"Barbatos, you're still that humorous." The Ice God seemed to be very obsessed with this question, and she said: "There has never been such a saying, even if you do not hold faith and rights for a long time, and are outside the power, can there be such changes?"

"It's thanks to him." Zhong Li shifted his gaze from the flowers to Lu Chen.

The Ice God looked at Lu Chen, his eyes revealing the meaning of exploration.

Lu Chen smiled and drank the fine wine handed by Wendy, "Well, it's a long story."

He turned to another thought, "But if you join us, I can tell you the secret to becoming stronger." The

Ice God shook his head, "I didn't ask this out of selfish thoughts, if you guys become stronger, it's something I'm happy to see." After

she said that, she looked straight at Zhongli.

"Morax, does the 'contract that ends all covenants' that you and I have made still count?"

The three gods of wind, Iwa, and Thunder gather in Meru Castle and disrupt her plans, which is an unexpected situation, so she has a skeptical view of Iwami's original agreement.

"Those who eat their words shall be punished by eating rocks." Zhong Li bowed his head slightly, "I will keep my agreement."

"But you're going overboard." Nasida couldn't hold her breath, remembering what the fools had done in the realms of various countries, even if they had fearless and noble intentions, it was difficult for her to accept.

Speaking of this, Kage recalled Inazuma's chaos some time ago, and she frowned and looked at the ice god, "The fools infiltrated the other six countries, bringing all kinds of disasters and chaos everywhere they went, people were displaced and miserable, is this what you want to see?"

"I know, I know..." The Ice God's eyes finally fluctuated.

She looked at everyone and was a little emotional.

"Everything has a price, if you are gentle with everyone, then you will definitely go to the most ruthless end for everyone, and it is precisely because of the dream of peace that you have declared war on the whole world!"

Lu Chen seemed to see the burning flame from those cold eyes, it was a flame that burned the entire old world.

"The kingdom that runs with all its might attracts the attention of the gods, who, like weeds, are uprooted from the gardens of the gods."

Her tone became stronger, "Before the era of the demon god, countless rounds of civilization flourished and perished, in this world, all joy and throbbing, in the end, there is only one ending, everyone cannot avoid it, if they can, they don't even need wisdom, they just want a group of pathetic animals wrapped in an ecological sphere that can be fed."

"But we are living people, not animals in captivity, we have emotions, love and hate..."

"The so-called 'life' cherished by heaven is really sad."

"Since it is impossible to get rid of the established destiny, what is the point of such an existence?"

After she finished speaking, on both sides of the long table, everyone's atmosphere became silent again.

The Ice Queen's attitude was already obvious, she was pressuring everyone in an excited way, and she hoped that everyone in the room would be able to board her warship.

Lu Chen silently looked at the Ice God, this is the leader of the Solstice Kingdom and all the fools, her words and deeds are consistent, and people follow her fanatically, precisely because they believe that she will one day raise the banner of rebellion to Tianli and get rid of the established fate of the entire Solstice and even the entire Tivat.

"I understand your original intention, and being here also represents our tendency." Lu Chen broke the silence again.

"Except for the nearest water country under Sky Island, and the fire god who cannot be contacted, all the gods who have the same idea are already here, and we are generally the same in terms of goals, except for the contradiction in the way we execute."

"That's fine." The Ice God resumed her initial expression, and she looked at Lu Chen lightly, "For this, I express my sincere gratitude to you, it is you who have united these four gods, and your role has been greatly contributed." "

Thanks for the compliment."

"But-" Lu Chen pulled a long voice.

He looked at the Ice God, "Your strength is not enough, although you have the courage to resist, but if you don't have a higher level of strength, you don't even have the qualifications to challenge." "

Even if the Winter Kingdom has the most advanced technology of the Seven Kingdoms, the factories that work day and night, the most loyal advocates, the war machine that is on the verge of being launched....

But in Lu Chen's opinion, it is not enough, she hopes to use blood and fire to raise the flag, and the final outcome may be no different from Canrea, and it will only be more tragic.

"You're putting everyone on a chariot of destruction." Wendy took a leisurely sip of wine, he had been waiting to see what happened before, he didn't want his people to end up like that.

"But always try, don't even dare to take the first step, how can you resist?" The Ice God asked rhetorically.

"Maybe there's another way." Lu Chen said with a light smile.

"Another way?" The Ice God's eyes lit with a hint of doubt.

Lu Chen remembered what he really told him, and revealed some of the situation above the heavens to everyone present.

"Remember the great battle in the year of the funeral?"

"Remember." The Ice God nodded.

Lu Chen continued: "The Dragon King Nibelung has obtained the power of the abyss from outside the world, and after he returned to Tivat, he brought a war where the sky collapsed and almost destroyed, the borders of the world became weaker and weaker, the abyss power continued to erode, and the sky island had no time to take care of much. "

I know that." The Ice God said, "So this is the best opportunity for human beings in countless reincarnations.

"They are more afraid of the abyss force than the challengers under their feet." Lu Chen prompted her.

"Could it be..."

the Ice God looked at Lu Chen with some surprise, "Do you want to lead the water to the east?" Are you crazy? This is not a good plan, you have seen the disaster of Canrea five hundred years ago, everything outside the world is extremely dangerous!

"How can I be so crazy..." said Lu Chen helplessly.

"So what do you mean?"

Lu Chen's eyes looked at everyone, but he was actually looking at the system light curtain in front of him.

This is most likely the last task of the [Realistic Tivat System].

[Plane Mission: Boundary Guardian]

[Please thwart the Abyss Order's "Loom of Destiny" plan, resist the invasion of the Abyss Force, and help repair the increasingly damaged border

] [Reward after completing the mission: Ark Technology Energy Protection Shield Blueprint

] [Current Demon God Mission Completion: 96%] [

In order to maintain the normal operation of the Gate of Teyvat, you have become a new candidate for the throne, and make efforts for peace between the two worlds—— Message from the system a long time ago].

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