Lu Chen roared angrily.

Even though all he saw was some kind of image, and he couldn't even determine the real and unreal, he still rushed towards the boundless darkness with his sword.

He wants to rescue the submerged Son of God.

In the air, there was a wistful sigh.

It seems to be sympathy, it seems to be disappointment....

The scene in front of him finally disappeared, Lu Chen's gaze once again changed to the heavenly dome of Tivat, and the continent under his feet that alternated day and night, Meru's position was already bright.

But his body trembled uncontrollably, and it did not calm down for a long time.

Perhaps seeing Lu Chen who was so gaffe, that voice was quiet for a long time and did not appear again.

Until Lu Chen re-clenched the long sword in his hand.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the sky, almost popping a word out of between his teeth.

"Is this what you want me to see?"

The voice reappeared.


"You're trying to lie to me!?" Lu Chen never believed that this was something that would happen in the future, "You are deceiving me with false images, what is your purpose!?"

The voice sighed leisurely, again.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Because the dead are your important people?"

"You've let me down a little... You are too uncalm, can your performance at this time really shoulder the responsibility of saving the two worlds..."

Lu Chen raised a nameless anger, "It's not yours who dies..."

Lu Chen sneered, "You're lying to me, don't you know the Gate of Tivat?

"If that's the case, wouldn't I open the door and escape over here?" How could you wait for death over there?

The voice chuckled, and then said faintly,

"As far as I know... You haven't fully mastered this magical door, or you wouldn't be rushing back and forth between the two worlds.

"You know that?" Lu Chen's eyes widened.

He looked at the empty sky, and his uncontrollable emotions because of the nightmarish image finally eased a little.

'Calm, I want to be calm

...''I can't just see the death of the Son of God...

' After calming down, Lu Chen's brain was running rapidly, now think back, since this voice appeared, almost all his thoughts were taken away, and this guy easily controlled his emotions.

He looked at the empty position lightly, "This ability to control time, is it possible that you are Istalu?"

The voice didn't answer.

Lu Chen continued: "The reason I can't believe the authenticity of that picture is - why do you, as the time god of the Tivat world, know the future of another world? "

For this reason... Actually, I don't really know..."

Lu Chen sneered, wanting to see how she would explain.

The voice threw the question back, "I think so, and it seems that this reason is due to you." "


"That's right, since you appeared, the two worlds have shown signs of interfering and merging with each other, since the elemental force can penetrate to the other side, why can't Tivat's law be extended?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, what she said made a little sense, but what happened after the Abyss invasion was still difficult for him to accept.

He had always been wary of the abyss, so he made a lot of preparations.

For example, the God Enhancement Plus version of the blessing of faith power, such as the Yuan Energy Mechanical Army.

During this time, Kage had been immersed in the large library of Meru, and the first version of the assembly group had been developed, and when he returned to the coastal city, Lu Chen would immediately expand production.

With the system, he has nearly infinite resources and storage space, and when the Abyss army attacks, he will summon an equivalent mechanical army.

But in that doomsday scene, what he saw was almost one-sided destruction.

Is the real abyss force really so terrifying? So that there is no possibility of winning at all? Isn't my previous planning a useless effort?

Lu Chen fell into bitter thought.

His original idea was to "use the tendency of unstable borders and the threat from the abyss to strike some balance with heavenly reason", and the last task of the system was to push himself to the throne and replace it.

If he solves the so-called "loom of destiny" plan of the Order, he will obtain the Ark technology to build the border, what Fañez can't do now, he can do it, Sky Island will definitely not despise himself.

But - today's events gave him a merciless blow, the abyss is not so simple.

He even felt that there was a possibility that the Abyss Sect had escaped, and they were simply unable to control the natural disasters they unleashed.

As if knowing what Lu Chen was pondering, the voice said again:

"This time, you are not only facing members of the Abyss Sect, but also those huge number of monsters."

"The Abyss Order is just an organization created by the remnants of Canrea, using the power of the Abyss to restore the country like the Dragon King, and the monsters are only living on the border, and the strange creatures lurking in the dark void are just the vanguard."

"The real 'abyss' is far beyond your imagination."

"There, human courage is worthless, and the elite warriors who use the Eye of God to urge elemental power, and even the powerful technology of your world, are all helpless."

"The abyss is undetectable, indescribable, extremely polluting, see those crazy people, the human body is so weak that it will destroy the mind in an instant

..." She said seriously: "Lu Chen, you are facing an unprecedented, most difficult war..." "

You don't need to worry about my position, I want to protect this world and the homeland we built with our own hands."

Lu Chen suddenly felt a little powerless, "Do you want me to prevent all this from happening... So what do you want me to do?

As if hearing Lu Chen's tone, the female voice said very seriously: "The root cause of all the tragedies in this world is only due to the lack of strength of the parties. "

Brace yourself."

"You don't want your family, your loved ones, to face that ending."

"Of course!" As soon as he thought of the scene of the Son of God and everyone being overwhelmed by pitch black, Lu Chen's fist crunched.

"Tell me, tell me all!"

There was a reassuring smile from the ethereal female voice.

"It's not enough to have the power of the Light Realm."

"Let me tell you a secret, in fact, Fañez, who is omnipotent in your eyes, was far from being as powerful as you thought at first."

"It's been a long time... Let me think about it, he sometimes jokes, sympathizes with the people on the ground, and is helpless against the erosion of the abyss force, in fact, he is a very living person..."

Lu Chen was surprised in her heart, she didn't expect that the creation god of the human world was such an image in her eyes.

In the ancient texts, in everyone's mouth, the image of the creation god is more divine, it seems to be a perfect and divine image without desire, without any shortcomings and flaws, but in her mouth, Fañez is a very interesting "person".

"Before the arrival of Fañez, this world only had the realm of light and the realm of nothingness, and the realm of light can also be called the realm of dragons and lizards, and the power of the realm of light is the purest and primitive elemental force, where the native life of this world lives, that is, dragons and all kinds of elemental creatures."

"And the Void Realm is the abyss you know, the two forces are mutually exclusive, and they have been fighting against each other for countless years long before the birth of the human

realm..." "When the original man arrived, he single-handedly opened up the third realm, the human realm."

"From this time on, there was a situation where the three realms were entangled..."

"You should know these stories, but what I want to say is, why can the human world gain a foothold in such a dangerous environment?" Have you ever thought about this? "

What you want to say is..." Lu Chen thought thoughtfully, "Human realm power?"

"That's right." The female voice laughed, "In fact, your previous layout, your efforts are not empty bamboo baskets."

"You mean?" Lu Chen didn't know if she was talking about the mechanical tide or the gods plus version.

The female voice did not answer directly, but said: "Sometimes, people's wishes and dreams are also shining, and they may shine with unexpected power at a certain moment."

"You also said before that human courage is worthless." Lu Chen said suspiciously: "Now I say that people's wishes are very important..."

She continued: "To give you another hint, the World Tree is the data center of the human world, go ask Nasida and let her teach you how to use the World Tree, but you have to remember that this practice can only change the temporary memory, but it cannot change the real history, you need to use it properly."

Lu Chen understood a little, and he muttered to himself, "Do you want me to project the belief of defeating the abyss into everyone's hearts... Isn't this very similar to my Power of Faith plan."

Speaking of this, Lu Chen secretly thought, I don't know how the game progress of Big Viagra is, since you can use the beliefs of people in the Teyvat world, then the other world should also be the same....

When the beliefs of the two worlds come together, they may burst out with unimaginable power.

Shouldering the life and death of the two worlds, Lu Chen suddenly felt heavy in his heart, and he thought alone in the air for a long time before looking in the direction of that voice again.

"Xie..." "


The ethereal female voice just now never responded to him again.

Lu Chen could not sense her presence, thin clouds flowed under his feet, and the sky returned to the silence at the beginning.

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