Two hours ago, the first detachment of the "Special Operations Squad for Anomaly Phenomena" received a tricky task.

Five huge black monsters were found on the outskirts of City A, destroying buildings and attacking all humans in sight.

The 13th detachment closest to the incident was the first to arrive, but these five monsters were completely different from the elemental creatures they had dealt with before, they were more powerful, which led to the almost complete destruction of the 13th detachment that hastily put out the fire, and the surviving team members could only hide and wait in place for the most experienced first detachment.

A large number of armed convoys were driving on the mountain road, and the detachment leader Wang Qi's brows furrowed deeper and deeper after seeing the video transmitted from the front.

Just by looking at it, he knew how tricky it was for this new batch of monsters.

They have a huge body tens of meters long, and the appearance is indescribable, they have a twisted and amorphous body, and constantly emit black corrosive gases, everywhere they go, plants wither in large areas, life withers, like the real god of death.

"The surviving team members are on standby, but keep a safe distance and wait for support."

"A detachment pay attention to the fact that the target will emit corrosive gases, and the whole will change their protective clothing."

After issuing the command, Wang Qi looked at the armored car in the rearview mirror, which was equipped with a newly developed "applicable large-caliber elemental weapon", and wondered if it would work against this monster.

As the distance to the scene of the incident became closer, the air around became particularly unpleasant, and the whispering team members quieted down, and everyone had a serious expression.

Wang Qi looked at the withering world outside the window, and there were many thoughts in his heart.

The world is really getting less and less peaceful, I don't know if it's an illusion, he always has a sign that disaster is coming.

Just two months ago, plants and crops in various places have withered one after another, which has caused a wave of crises, and in recent weeks, there have been black monster invasions.

Those monsters have dog-like beast heads, the whole body is dark, and the wave of monsters they are preparing to deal with is obviously from the same place, but compared to this time, the previous sporadic monsters are undoubtedly much weaker, more like an advance team-like existence.

After driving for a while, the squad finally arrived at the scene of the incident, and all the team members saw the black monsters.

Even though they were mentally prepared, the players were shocked.

"That was... What is that thing? "

The appearance of that kind of thing is so strange, there is no appearance of life at all, as if it is a mixture of chaotic matter.

Wang Qi immediately shouted through the walkie-talkie: "Heavy fire cover!" Expand the formation! Don't get any closer than a hundred meters! As

soon as the battle broke out, the new weapons that Wang Qi attached great importance to finally appeared, and shells mixed with elemental power roared out in the chamber, and the fire exploded a hundred meters away, leaving a spectacular shock wave in the scorched black sea.

At the same time, helicopters roared past, covering the approaching area of the battlefield covered by fire.

After a round of firepower, the center of the battlefield was quiet for a long time, and the black mist continued to spread outward, making it difficult to distinguish the situation inside.

"It's over?"

"Wait a minute..." Before

the smoke cleared, there was a chilling strange movement in the huge cannon crater that was faintly visible.

"They're alive!"

"Not good!" Wang Qi realized that something was wrong and immediately wanted to alert the air power.

But it was too late, and in the thick smoke, the four ugly monsters suddenly expanded several times, and they began to change shape, like four black sea urchins, tentacles without stable forms opening their teeth and dancing in the sky.

The two helicopters had climbed enough height, but they were easily slapped down by the tentacles, and after quickly crashing to the ground, two explosions sounded in succession.

Wang Qi looked at this scene in shock.

"What the hell are these guys?"

"Is the rule of mutual restraint of elemental forces invalid?"

"They... Where exactly did it come from?

At the same time that everyone was afraid and retreated, the four monsters let out a strange roar, and everyone's brains suddenly felt a spiritual impact, and their eardrums were bleeding and they were in a trance.

"Retreat... Fall back! Wang Qi almost gritted his teeth and shouted out this sentence.

But just as he was about to retreat, the four monsters teleported in front of him at an extremely fast speed, and the black corrosive aura came one after another.

The chemical protection suit melted and decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Wang Qi spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, and his eyes were already covered with blood.

And the attack at the spiritual level made him unable to even use the strength to escape.

He lifted his head with difficulty, and a huge black shadow enveloped him.


when Wang Qi thought that death was coming, the unpleasant gas in the air suddenly disappeared.

He looked up suspiciously.

As a result, I saw an even more shocking scene.

A mysterious man floated in midair, he didn't know what way to use, just hooked his hand, and those behemoths were dragged by a force and pulled abruptly.

Then, a white light suddenly lit up, and there was a burst of explosions in the air, and the four monsters neatly made a sound similar to a wail.

The man who stopped high in the air didn't even move, and the strange creatures that resembled black sea urchins burst one after another, and a black rain fell in the sky.

When everything was over, a warm light pierced the clouds and enveloped the earth again.

Wang Qi sat on the ground, unable to sigh that his great difficulty would not die, his gaze always chased the figure that looked like a god high in the sky.

This person, he actually felt a little familiar.

"Are you..."

"Don't recognize me?"

Lu Chen slowly landed in front of Wang Qi, and after a while, the hot-blooded young adventurer had transformed into a detachment leader of the official force.

Through the system to identify his level, even if he can't use elemental power, he can already be comparable to those elite warriors in the continent of Tivat, and this guy has grown very fast.

"Senior, is that you??"

Wang Qi's eyes widened in surprise, "Do you remember me?" You saved me on a snowy mountain! I have achieved what I am now, thanks to your tips!

Lu Chen nodded, slowly stretched out a hand, and tried to use the human realm power he had just mastered to purify the filth on his body.

Wang Qi magically felt a soft and light force wrapped around him, and the residual pollution that impacted reason in his brain quickly disappeared.

"Abyssal forces are difficult to perceive, indescribable, extremely polluting, and cannot be fought against in ordinary ways."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he walked to the location of Ying and Nasida, the two of them were studying the remaining corpses on the ground, and around the battlefield, many injured action team members collapsed in twos and threes.

Wang Qi stumbled after him.

"What is the Abyss Force? What do you know senior?

Wang Qi couldn't wait to ask, this mysterious master seemed to know the details of those monsters very well, and he couldn't let this person leave.

"The Abyss Force is the enemy that you and I will face next, the enemy that will sweep the entire world."

"What?" Wang Qi's eyes widened in shock, "Will there be more monsters like this about to invade?"

"That's right." Lu Chen glanced at him, "There are less than three months to go, and I need all of you to cooperate with me to prepare for the end of the world." "

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